广东鸿业码头B港区总平面规划与集装箱码头结构设计(1000DWT) 毕业设计_第1页
广东鸿业码头B港区总平面规划与集装箱码头结构设计(1000DWT) 毕业设计_第2页
广东鸿业码头B港区总平面规划与集装箱码头结构设计(1000DWT) 毕业设计_第3页
广东鸿业码头B港区总平面规划与集装箱码头结构设计(1000DWT) 毕业设计_第4页
广东鸿业码头B港区总平面规划与集装箱码头结构设计(1000DWT) 毕业设计_第5页
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1、毕 业 设 计 任 务 书一、毕业设计的目的通过对广东鸿业码头B港区总平面布置与高桩码头结构设计,了解码头规划布置与码头结构设计基本程序,掌握重力式码头与高桩码头结构计算方法,熟悉码头细部构造设计内容与处理方法。通过绘制毕业设计图纸,与整理撰写毕业设计说明书,熟练掌握采用CAD绘制工程设计图纸的方法,熟悉工程设计说明书基本内容与撰写方法。二、主要设计内容及基本要求(一)主要设计内容随着珠三角地区经济的快速发展,珠三角地区货物运输量急增。小虎岛位于珠三角地区的中心地带,在该地区进行货物中转、仓储有着比较好的区位优势,也是适应珠三角地区发展的大趋势。在该地区建设码头是适应当地集疏运,促进经济发展的


3、物结构尺寸、结构方案比选4、结构计算、面板计算、纵梁计算、横向排架计算5、配筋计算面板配筋计算、轨道梁配筋计算、深受弯构件的正常使用极限状态(二) 基本要求 1、提交一份外文文献的中译文2、码头总平面布置3、装卸工艺流程设计及主要技术经济指标4、码头结构形式的选择,方案比选5、码头作用荷载的确定,断面尺寸的确定6、结构稳定性验算,构件计算7、计算机、手工绘图三、重点研究内容本次毕业设计的重点研究内容是:码头规划布置与码头结构设计基本程序、重力式码头与高桩码头结构方案设计与结构计算方法、码头细部构造设计内容与地基处理方法等。四、主要技术路线了解规划任务、分析原始资料,并在规定时间内写出开题报告。

4、在此基础上,根据设计任务依次进行资料整理与分析、码头布置、结构方案设计、结构计算和绘制图纸,编制设计说明书等项内容。主要技术路线如下:(一) 资料分析首先熟悉设计资料,分析其特点,了解各项资料的来源、用途和码头设计的关系,在此基础上,确定码头设计的有关数据。具体为:1、分析水文资料,确定设计水位,校核水位和施工水位,这里的施工水位可在具体结构方案设计后确定。2、分析地质资料,绘制码头纵向和横向地质剖面图,由此了解个土层的纵横向变化情况,再根据钻探和土工试验分析各土层的性质,包括压缩性、硬度和承载力等,确定拟建码头的硬卧土层。初步确定码头结构方案。3、分析地形资料,绘制地形断面图,以确定岸坡坡度

5、及码头宽度。4、分析营运资料,为船舶装卸机械、码头轮廓尺寸和码头设计荷载作准备。(二) 码头布置1、根据货钟、货运量等确定码头装卸机械,并确定其工艺流程。2、根据装卸机械确定船时效率,并计算码头泊位数,验算泊位利用率是否符合要求。3、码头平面布置和断面型式确定。 4、绘制码头工艺流程图,码头断面图及平面布置图。(三) 结构方案设计1、根据荷载、水文、地质条件等选择合适的结构型式(按规范应选两种以上),并加以论证。2、根据选定的方案拟定断面方案。3、对选定的断面方案进行初步计算。4、对选定的断面除了进行内力计算外,还应验算踢腿稳定、稳定性和整体稳定性计算。(四) 结构计算对码头结构的计算,在确定

6、码头结构型式的基础上,根据时间和进度指定部分构件施工设计,结构计算包括:1、根据设计荷载和结构型式确定结构计算图式及有关参数。2、进行内力计算,并绘制相应的内力包络图。3、进行配筋计算,并画出构件的配筋图。4、有关结构细部构件图及构件连接处理大样图。(五) 绘制图纸设计图必须按港口工程制图标准进行绘制。本设计一般应有:1、码头平面布置图、装卸流程图;2、码头结构平面、立面、断面图;3、绘制主体构件的配筋图;4、有关构件的细部构造图。(六)编制设计说明书,计算书五、 毕业设计进度初步安排1、资料分析、总平面布置 2周2、装卸工艺设计 2周3、码头结构方案设计 2周4、结构计算 2周5、绘图 2周

7、6、整理、汇总设计说明书 2周六、补充说明由于本次毕业设计内容多,工作量大,同时受毕业设计时间的限制,因此,在保证每位同学设计工作量饱满的前提下,将设计任务进行了相应分配。设计任务经分配后,每位同学的设计任务以副标题的形式反映其侧重部分的内容。毕业设计开题报告 2009年2月19日学生姓名边韶峰学号200502105专业港口航道与海岸工程题目名称广东鸿业码头B港区1000DWT钢铁高桩码头结构设计课题来源广东鸿业码头B港区建设项目主要内容 2000DWT级集装箱码头设计总平面布置(拟定所有泊位装卸船工艺、泊位数计算,确定水、陆域的有关尺寸和位置);确定装卸工艺流程和主要技术经济指标;拟定码头结

8、构方案;拟定构件尺寸和结构断面并进行结构稳定性验算;码头结构方案初步设计概算;技术经济比较选择推荐方案;结构方案的结构计算(构件内力计算、主要构件配筋)。采取的主要技术路线或方法(一) 资料分析1、分析水文资料,确定设计水位,校核水位和施工水位,这里的施工水位可在具体结构方案设计后确定。2、分析地质资料,绘制码头纵向和横向地质剖面图,由此了解个土层的纵横向变化情况,再根据钻探和土工试验分析各土层的性质,包括压缩性、硬度和承载力等,确定拟建码头的硬卧土层。初步确定码头结构方案。3、分析地形资料,绘制地形断面图,以确定岸坡坡度及码头宽度。4、分析营运资料,为船舶装卸机械、码头轮廓尺寸和码头设计荷载

9、作准备。(二) 码头布置1、根据货钟、货运量等确定码头装卸机械,并确定其工艺流程。2、根据装卸机械确定船时效率,并计算码头泊位数,验算泊位利用率是否符合要求。3、码头平面布置和断面型式确定。 4、绘制码头工艺流程图,码头断面图及平面布置图。(三) 结构方案设计1、根据荷载、水文、地质条件等选择合适的结构型式(按规范选两种以上),并加以论证。2、根据选定的方案拟定断面方案。3、对选定的断面方案进行初步计算。4、对选定的断面除了进行内力计算外,还应验算踢腿稳定、稳定性和整体稳定性计算。(四) 结构计算对码头结构的计算,在确定码头结构型式的基础上,根据时间和进度指定部分构件施工设计,结构计算包括:1

10、、根据设计荷载和结构型式确定结构计算图式及有关参数。2、进行内力计算,并绘制相应的内力包络图。3、进行配筋计算,并画出构件的配筋图。4、有关结构细部构件图及构件连接处理大样图。(五) 绘制图纸设计图必须按港口工程制图标准进行绘制。本设计一般应有:1、码头平面布置图、装卸流程图;2、码头结构平面、立面、断面图;3、绘制主体构件的配筋图;4、有关构件的细部构造图。(七) 编制设计说明书、计算书。预期的成果及形式1、码头平面布置图、装卸流程图;2、码头结构平面、立面、断面图;3、绘制主体构件的配筋图;4、有关构件的细部构造图。 5、设计说明书、计算书。时间安排1、资料分析、总平面布置 2周2、装卸工

11、艺设计 2周3、码头结构方案设计 2周4、结构计算 2周5、绘图 2周6、整理、汇总设计说明书 2周指导教师意见签 名:年 月 日摘要本设计是对广东鸿业码头B港区总平面布置与高桩码头的结构设计,在该地区建设码头是鸿业公司为了实现自身发展的需要,适应不断增加的吞吐量的要求,拟建集装箱专用泊位及港口配套的进港铁路,道路,库场加油站等设施。在设计中首先通过对荷载,水文,地质条件等因素的分析,考虑本工程地基为比较坚硬的风化岩,具有很高的承载力,适合建造高桩的码头,不宜采用重力式结构或板桩结构。最后通过对各种重力式码头形式的筛选,确定选用沉箱结构。本设计分成五个部分,包括码头总平面布置,装卸工艺,码头结

12、构方案设计比选,结构计算,边坡稳定性计算。其中总平面布置包括布置原则,泊位数的选定,总平面布置及水域和路域的布置;装卸工艺包括工艺设计原则,设计参数及码头人员确定;在码头结构方案的设计比选中包含了码头结构形式的选择原则及码头个部分拟定尺寸的拟定及验算;结构计算中主要包括面板;纵梁横向排架等的计算以及力荷载作用下的计算和配筋计算 ,为了验证码头的安全性及本设计的可行性分别对码头进行了边坡稳定性计算。以上就是本设计的基本内容,广东鸿业码头B港区总平面布置与高桩码头的结构设计对当地集输运和经济的发展起到不可忽视的作用,也适应了珠江三角洲地区的快速发展。关键词:高桩 集装箱 布置 设计 计算Abstr

13、act The design of the Guangdong Hongye Terminal B and the general layout of the structure of high-pile pier design, construction of terminals in the region is Hongye companies in order to achieve their own development needs, to adapt to the ever-increasing throughput requirements, the proposed conta

14、iner berths and ports in Hong Kong in supporting the railway, roads, gas stations and other facilities in the Treasury market. First of all, in the design of loading, hydrological, geological conditions and other factors of the analysis, considered the foundation of this project to compare the weath

15、ering of hard rock, with a high capacity, high-pile for the construction of the pier, not the use of gravity or a sheet pile structure. Finally, through various forms of gravity wharf screening, selection caisson structure. The design is divided into five parts, including the general layout of termi

16、nals, loading and unloading process, the terminal structure of the design selection, structural calculation, calculation of slope stability. General layout of which include the layout of the principle of selection of the number of berths, general layout and waters and the way the layout domain; hand

17、ling process, including process design principles, design parameters and terminal personnel to determine; in the terminal structure of the design contains more than selected the choice of terminal structures of the principles and the development of terminal parts of the development of size and compl

18、eteness; structure calculations include panel; longeron horizontal bent, such as the calculation of the power load calculation and reinforcement calculation, in order to verify the security of Terminal and the feasibility of this design were carried out on the terminal slope stability calculation. T

19、hese are the basic elements of the design, Guangdong Hongye Port Terminal B with a high general layout of the structural design of pile piers set on the local transport and economic development has played the role can not be ignored, but also the Pearl River Delta region to adapt to the rapid progre

20、ss.Key words: high-pile layout container design calculation目录TOC o 1-3 h u HYPERLINK l _Toc230447718 摘要 PAGEREF _Toc230447718 h VII HYPERLINK l _Toc230447719 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc230447719 h VIII HYPERLINK l _Toc230447720 资料 PAGEREF _Toc230447720 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447721 自然条件 PAGEREF _Toc23044772

21、1 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447722 1 地理位置 PAGEREF _Toc230447722 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447723 2 气象资料 PAGEREF _Toc230447723 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447724 3 水文资料 PAGEREF _Toc230447724 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447725 4 泥沙运动 PAGEREF _Toc230447725 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447726 5 地质条件 PAGEREF _Toc230447726 h HYPERLINK l

22、 _Toc230447727 营运资料 PAGEREF _Toc230447727 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447728 吞吐量预测 PAGEREF _Toc230447728 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447729 船型 PAGEREF _Toc230447729 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447730 1 总平面设计 PAGEREF _Toc230447730 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447731 1.1 平面布置的一般规定 PAGEREF _Toc230447731 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447732

23、 1.2 泊位数的确定 PAGEREF _Toc230447732 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447733 1. 泊位数目的计算 PAGEREF _Toc230447733 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447734 1.3 码头水域布置。 PAGEREF _Toc230447734 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447735 1码头岸线长度 PAGEREF _Toc230447735 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447736 2 码头前沿设计水深 PAGEREF _Toc230447736 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447

24、737 3 码头设计高程: PAGEREF _Toc230447737 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447738 4码头前水域的宽度 PAGEREF _Toc230447738 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447739 5锚地 PAGEREF _Toc230447739 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447740 6回旋水域 PAGEREF _Toc230447740 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447741 7航道宽度 PAGEREF _Toc230447741 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447742 1.4 陆域平面布置

25、 PAGEREF _Toc230447742 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447743 1集装箱码头堆场所需容量及地面箱位数: PAGEREF _Toc230447743 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447744 2 集装箱拆装箱库所需容量: PAGEREF _Toc230447744 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447745 3 铁路、道路的确定 PAGEREF _Toc230447745 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447746 2装卸工艺 PAGEREF _Toc230447746 h HYPERLINK l _Toc2304477

26、47 2.1 集装箱码头装卸机械 PAGEREF _Toc230447747 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447748 1集装箱装卸桥 PAGEREF _Toc230447748 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447749 2 集装箱牵引车 PAGEREF _Toc230447749 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447750 3 集装箱半挂车 PAGEREF _Toc230447750 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447751 4 轮胎式龙门起重机 PAGEREF _Toc230447751 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447

27、752 5 拆装箱库内低架叉车 PAGEREF _Toc230447752 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447753 PAGEREF _Toc230447753 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447754 1司机人数 PAGEREF _Toc230447754 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447755 2 装卸工人数 PAGEREF _Toc230447755 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447756 3 码头结构方案设计比选 PAGEREF _Toc230447756 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447757 3.1 设计原

28、则 PAGEREF _Toc230447757 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447758 结构选型中的“三因素” PAGEREF _Toc230447758 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447759 1 使用要求与结构型式的关系 PAGEREF _Toc230447759 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447760 2 自然条件与结构型式的关系 PAGEREF _Toc230447760 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447761 3 施工条件与码头结构型式的关系 PAGEREF _Toc230447761 h HYPERLINK l _To

29、c230447762 3.3 结构方案设计 PAGEREF _Toc230447762 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447763 1 设计船型 PAGEREF _Toc230447763 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447764 2 结构安全等级 PAGEREF _Toc230447764 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447765 3 自然条件 PAGEREF _Toc230447765 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447766 4 码头面荷载 PAGEREF _Toc230447766 h HYPERLINK l _Toc2304477

30、67 结构尺寸拟定及验算 PAGEREF _Toc230447767 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447768 1断面结构尺寸初步拟定 PAGEREF _Toc230447768 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447769 2结构尺寸验算公式 PAGEREF _Toc230447769 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447770 4 结构计算 PAGEREF _Toc230447770 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447771 4.1 面板计算 PAGEREF _Toc230447771 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447772

31、 1 计算跨度 PAGEREF _Toc230447772 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447773 2计算原则 PAGEREF _Toc230447773 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447774 3面板作用 PAGEREF _Toc230447774 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447775 4荷载计算 PAGEREF _Toc230447775 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447776 5 各种情况的作用效应的组合 PAGEREF _Toc230447776 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447777 4.2 纵梁计算

32、PAGEREF _Toc230447777 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447778 1 计算原则 PAGEREF _Toc230447778 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447779 2 计算跨度 PAGEREF _Toc230447779 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447780 3荷载计算 PAGEREF _Toc230447780 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447781 4 作用效应组合 PAGEREF _Toc230447781 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447782 4.3 横向排架计算 PAGEREF _T

33、oc230447782 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447783 1 横梁的结构型式,见图6-6。 PAGEREF _Toc230447783 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447784 2 断面的特征、支撑系数 PAGEREF _Toc230447784 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447785 3 计算原则 PAGEREF _Toc230447785 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447786 4 计算跨度 PAGEREF _Toc230447786 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447787 5荷载作用 PAGEREF _T

34、oc230447787 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447788 6 施工期横梁各部分的内力计算 PAGEREF _Toc230447788 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447789 7使用期荷载的计算 PAGEREF _Toc230447789 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447790 力荷载作用下的内力计算 PAGEREF _Toc230447790 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447791 1计算公式 PAGEREF _Toc230447791 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447792 4.5 结构配筋计算 PAGER

35、EF _Toc230447792 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447793 1面板配筋计算 PAGEREF _Toc230447793 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447794 2 裂缝验算 PAGEREF _Toc230447794 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447795 3 装卸桥梁配筋计算 PAGEREF _Toc230447795 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447796 小结 PAGEREF _Toc230447796 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447797 主要参考文献 PAGEREF _Toc2304477

36、97 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447798 Translation information PAGEREF _Toc230447798 h HYPERLINK l _Toc230447799 翻译资料 PAGEREF _Toc230447799 h 资料自然条件1 地理位置拟建鸿业的码头工程位于广州市南沙区,码头所在的板沙尾河段宽约800m,两岸筑有堤围。码头所在的番顺联围堤防防洪标准为50年一遇,堤顶高程4.24.5m。工程河段属感潮河段,同时受上游来水和下游出海口潮汐影响,水文情势复杂。地理坐标1133343E,225024N。拟建工程地理位置见图2-1。图2-1 拟建工

37、程地理位置示意图2 气象资料采用东莞气象台(东经11345, 北纬2302, 海拔高度) 1957年1997年的气象观测资料统计得:2.1 气温多年平均气温:22.0极端最高气温:38.21994年7月2日极端最低气温:-0.51957年2月11日历年平均35的日数:天2.2 降水多年平均降水量: 历年最大降水量:历年最小降水量:最长连续降水量:日最大降水量:多年日降水10mm的天数:天多年日降水25mm的天数:天多年日降水50mm的天数:天多年日降水100mm的天数:天雨季月份:49月降水日数占全年的百分比:40.8%2.3 雾多年平均雾日数(能见度 As=1988mm2 满足要求。(3)下

38、部纵筋:9D20(2827mm2 =0.28%) As=2730mm2 满足要求。(4)箍筋:d8230四肢(874mm2/m sv=0.12%) Asv/s=840mm2/m 截面满足要求。(5)腰筋:10D16(2011mm2 =0.19%) Asn=1988mm2 满足要求。(6)裂缝宽度:Wmax= Wlim=, 满足。小结 本次毕业设计我做的是1000DWT集装箱高桩码头,通过本次设计将我在大学4年中学到的知识进行系统运用,尤其是港口建筑物,钢筋混凝土及三大力学等学科的综合运用,这也是我第一次将所学的书本知识运用到实践中去,我发现了我在学习专业课程中的薄弱环节,也知道了书本知识在实际

39、运用中需要注意的问题,以及在设计过程中哪些是比较重要的环节。此外,我在设计的过程中还认识到在做高桩码头设计中需要注意的很多问题,如:面板的荷载计算,横梁的结构形式,配筋中的裂缝验算等等。 另外,做毕业设计的时间比较短,整个过程比较仓促,因此不可能做到像正规设计那样规范和严谨,所以还请给位老师和同学多多指点和探讨。最后,感谢给我耐心指导的老师,给我帮助和支持的同学们。主要参考文献1 港口航道与海岸工程专业毕业设计指南.中国水利水电出版社.2000.2 港口工程技术规范(新版).人民交通出版社.3 韩理安.港口水工建筑物(1).人民交通出版社.2006.4 韩理安.港口水工建筑物(2).人民交通出

40、版社.2007.56 港口工程混凝土结构设计规范.人民交通出版社.2000.7 港口工程结构设计算例第一航务工程勘察设计院.人民交通出版社.1999.8 水工钢筋混凝土结构学.中国水利水电出版社.19969 海港工程设计手册.人民交通出版社.199911 周福田、张贤明.水运工程施工. 人民交通出版社.2004.12海港水文规范人民交通出版社.13 卢廷浩.土力学.河海大学出版社.2002;14海港工程总平面布置规范.人民交通出版社.199815 龙驭球. 结构力学.高等教育出版社.199916海港工程总平面布置规范.人民交通出版社.1998 Translation informationMe

41、thodologyThe methodology employed in this study involves uncoupled descriptions of the direct and indirect effects of a dredged pit on the shoreline in its lee. The direct effect results from cross-shore sediment transport into the pit, which appears as a net loss of sand from the dry beach (Fig. 1)

42、. The indirect effect arises from project-induced wave transformation that alters breaking wave heights and directions, and thus changes longshore sediment Fig. 2. Plan view schematic illustrating indirect effect of dredged pit: wave transformation induced by bathymetric disturbance results in shore

43、line change. Actual shoreline change pattern will vary depending on wave conditions, pit location, and geometry transport rates, longshore gradients of longshore sediment transport, and therefore shoreline position (Fig. 2). In the figure the accretion in the lee of the pit is due to wave sheltering

44、 created by the pit. However, either erosion or accretion may occur behind the pit depending on the pit and wave configurations. The direct effect will be addressed first. The depth of closure for cross-shore sediment transport is a widely used parameter to describe the depth to which seasonal varia

45、tions in beach profile shape are evident (e.g., Dean 1977). Its value will depend on wave conditions, sediment characteristics, and the time period under consideration. Hallermeier (1980) used the Shields parameter to define a cut depth, as a function of the near-bed orbital velocity for motion of s

46、ediment under waves (1) where =amplitude of the wave orbital velocity at the bed; s=sediment specific gravity; and g=acceleration of gravity. The cut depth is defined such that beach profile changes at greater depths are insignificant (although sediment will still be mobilized at times). This will b

47、e assumed equivalent to the depth of closure. The orbital velocity at the bed, per linear wave theory, is (2)where v=wave angular frequency; h=water depth; H=wave height; and k=wave number. Thus for any depth, wave height, wave period, and sediment size, it is possible to determine a critical orbita

48、l velocity required for sediment movement. Alternatively, given sediment size, wave height, and wave period, the critical depth beyond which the beach profile does not change may be determined.Every site will have a unique joint probability distribution describing the likelihood of any particular co

49、mbination of wave height and period. Fig. 3 (dashed lines) shows the joint probability density function (JPDF) for wave height and period for a site near Kilyos on the Turkish Black Sea coast just north of Istanbul (the data are derived from a wave hindcast; Cavaleri et al. 1999a,b). Superimposed on

50、 the JPDF are contours indicating the corresponding closure depth, per Eqs. (1) and (2)(solid lines).Fig. 3. Joint probability density function for wave height and period(dashed lines) at Kilyos on Turkish Black Sea coast (from Eurowaves hindcast data, site located at 41N 30, 29E 00). Solid lines in

51、dicate closure depth (in meters), as function of significant wave height and periodSince wave height and period are statistical quantities, with a known joint probability distribution, and it is known how closure depth varies with these parameters, it is possible to determine the percentage exceeden

52、ce associated with any closure depth at any site. This is shown in Fig. 4 (dots) for the Kilyos site. To relate percentages to return periods more information is required. Nicholls et al. (1996) proposed an approximation for the solution of Eqs.(1) and(2): (3)where t=given time span of interest; =cl

53、osure depth; and and =wave height and wave period, respectively, exceeded 12 h in time t. Critical depth is given as a function of time by relating percentages with time. Equation (3) is plotted in Fig. 4 as a solid line using the individual probability distributions defining H and T for the site co

54、nsidered here. The dashed line in Fig. 4 also represents Eq. (3), calculated using lognormal fits to the probability distributions for wave height and period instead of the observed percentages themselves. The three lines, which coincide for large percentages, begin to deviate at low probabilities.

55、This is due both to the inability of the lognormal fit to represent the real data and the scarcity of data for lower probabilities. If it is assumed that the cross-shore profile of the beach has some arbitrary equilibrium shape, a dredged hole placed at a depth shallower than the closure depth will

56、be filled, yielding shoreline erosion (Fig. 1). The amount of shoreline erosion Dy may be calculated from simple geometric considerations as (4)where V=cross sectional area of the filled region (volume perunit length )and B=berm height. However, since it is known that closure depth is a function of

57、time it may be replaced with , water depth above the dredged hole giving (5)where =maximum potential net shoreline erosion due to cross-shore sediment transport. As the dredging depth increases, the time span required for the closure depth to reach the dredging depth increases logarithmically.The pr

58、esence of a dredged pit creates various mechanisms that alter the wave field. Some of the incoming wave energy reflects from the hole, leading to partial standing waves on the offshore side. Reflection leads to reduced wave heights in the lee of the hole, creating gradients of wave energy in the lon

59、gshore direction. Diffractional bands of increased and decreased wave height form in the lee of the pit, particularly for the case of vertical sidewalls (e.g., Williams 1990). McDougal et al. (1996) showed that diffraction effects decay with decreasing pit depth to water depth ratio. The dredged pit

60、s considered here assume side walls with mild slopes (less than 1:10), with pit depth to water depth ratios on the order of 0.1, compared to ratios on the order of one in the papers discussed above. Thus reflectional and diffractional effects are reduced. Refraction causes waves to bend away from th


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