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1、雅思写作报告类写作方法资料仅供参考雅思写作:报告类范文例文Cause and suggestIn cities and towns all over the world the high volume of traffic is a problem. What are the causes of this and what actions can be taken to solve this problem?开头段 It is undoubtedly the case that urban areas around the world increasingly suffer from cong

2、estion. In this essay, I examine the reasons for this trend and suggest some practical policies the authorities could implement to reduce the level of traffic in our cities主体段 1 The first step is to understand why traffic has increased in towns and cities. Broadly speaking, there are three main reas

3、ons for this. One is that cars have become more affordable for the average consumer and they are no longer a luxury item, but something that most families expect to own. A second reason is that public transport has become increasingly unreliable in recent years, not least because many bus and train

4、services have been reduced because of the difficulty in funding them. The third reason is that society has资料仅供参考in general become more mobile and this means more people are prepared to commute to work by car than they were before.主体段 2 There is almost certainly no one solution to this problem given

5、the complexity of its causes. However, one option has to be to improve the reliability of public transport to encourage people to take the bus or the train rather than get in the car. It would also be possible to discourage people from driving to work by introducing special tariffs for using the roa

6、ds, especially during peak periods. A successful example of this is the congestion charge scheme in London which has certainly reduced the level of traffic in inner-city areas.结尾段 In conclusion, there are a variety of different factors that have led to rising levels of traffic in urban areas. While

7、it may not be possible to find a complete solution, any action should probably involve encouraging greater use of public transport and making it more expensive for the motorist to drive in urban areas.资料仅供参考题目特征:调查某件事情的 原因,后果”以及 解决方案(就像写一个调查报告的感觉)注:提问来会涉及以上三个因素的任意两个,不会三个都问报告类中会用到的高频词汇:原因:Reason; Cau

8、se; Trigger 措施:Measure; Method; Approach采取:Take; Adopt; Work out题目: Many young people nowadays leave schools with negative attitude towards learning. Why does this happen?( 原因)What do you think would encourage young people to have a positive attitude?( 解决 方案)(纸质版见讲义P32页)开头段1). In present-day society

9、, there seems to be a worrying trend that young students hold a negative attitude towards study after graduation.(第一个句子描述事件,作为背景句;由于报告类题目中一定会描述资料仅供参考事件,只需改造题目即可,方法同辩论类一样 )2). The focus of thisessay is to provide some of the most common causes and suggest possible solutions (这个句子过于模版,最好不好;即,只写第一句做报告类

10、开头段即可)主体第一段:(本题第一个提问是问原因,本段就写两个原因) 1). A wide range of causes are responsible for this phenomenon (这个 句子表明本段要阐述题目所给事件的原因;也可不写这个句子)2).The root cause is excessive stress of study (题目所给事件的第个原 因)3).To be specific, students in school nowadays have to do a large amount of homework after school, which redu

11、ces their interest in study and even makes them tired of learning (第个原因的扩展, 用的 是因果论证,和辩论类扩展方式完全相同)4). Another trigger is that they may face unemployment after graduation 5). Since there are far less job opportunities available, the competition for jobs becomes increasingly fierce and students are le

12、ss likely to find a decent job. Inevitably, some of them may have the feeling that learning is useless. (第二个原因的扩展,也用的是因果论证)主体第二段:(本题第二个提问是问原因,本段就写两个解决方案 ) (注:原因和解决方案应该是配套的。如:雅思没考好的原因一为词汇量不够”,原因二为 语法不好”,那么解决方案相对应就应该是 扩资料仅供参考大词汇量”和补习语法”)1).According to the above mentioned, various approaches should be

13、 adopted to deal with this problem.(这个句子表明本段要阐述题目所 给事件的解决方案,这个句子要写)2). First of all, reducing study load is the most effective method (对应上一段的第一个原因,找到第一个 解决方案) 3). For example, cutting the amount of homework will give students more leisure hours, making them find a balance between study and rest.(第一个

14、解决方案的扩展,用的是举例论证,和辩论类 扩展方式也完全相同 ) 4). In addition, the government should play a more positive role in creating jobs (对应上一段的第二个原因,找到第 二个解决方案).5). For instance, laws should be made to impel businesses to recruit students fresh out of school. This will help them build confidence in school education (第二个

15、解决方案的扩展,也用的 是举例论证)结尾段(结尾段写两句话,分别总结主体两段即可)1). To sum up, this unpleasant phenomenon can be attributed to ( 可被 归因于)several factors, including study stress and unemployment第 一句话:总结主体第一段,本题中为原因段。本句可完全照背,但不 一定要像划线部分那样再次提到主体段的两个原因)2). Relevant methods should be worked out to resolve this problem before th

16、ings资料仅供参考get worse (第二句话:总结主体第二段,本题中为解决方案段。本句 也可完全照背)注意:报告类不一定都在问某个事件的 原因”,和解决方案工如果 某个提问是问该事件的 后果”,那么主体两段中的某一段(一般按照 提问顺序安排段落)就写成结果段影响段(即后果段)基本结构:(结果可写一好一坏)1). There are a series of effects stemming from this trend.(这个句子表明本段要阐述题目所给事件的结果,这个句子可不写)2). On thepositive side,(题目所给事件的第一个结果,好结果)3).扩展(同辩 论类)4). On the other hand,(题目所给事件的第二个结果,坏结果) 5).扩展(同辩论类)总结: Relevant methods should be worked


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