



1、安徽省蚌埠市固镇县新马桥中学2023年高一英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. 参考答案:AADBC略2. Rock-climbing is a breathtaking sport, _ courage plays an important role.A. which B. whose C. where D. when参考答案:C3. The teacher stressed that the students should not _ any important details while retelling the story.A. put out B. let out C. lea

2、ve out D. work out参考答案:C4. Dr. Smith, together with his wife and daughters, _ visit Beijing this summer. A. is going to B. are going to C. was going to D. were going to参考答案:A5. It was _ that they all went swimming in the river.A. such a hot weatherB. such hot weatherC. so hot weatherD. so hot a weat

3、her参考答案:B6. If you are caught cheating in the exam, youll never it.A. get down toB. get throughC. get away withD. get along with参考答案:C【详解】考查动词词组。句意:如果你考试作弊被抓住,你将永远无法逃脱惩罚。A. get down to着手处理;B. get through通过,完成;C. get away with侥幸成功;D. get along with与-和睦相处。故选C。7. Mr. Smith had a headache that was killi

4、ng him, so he _ his doctor to find the cause. A. consulted B. chargedC. allowed D. admired参考答案:A8. At that time, he was _ young to look after himself.A. too B. so C. very D. that参考答案:A略9. Which is your best-selling car?Here are three types of cars for you to choose from, all _ well this year.A. of w

5、hich sellB. of them sellC. of which are soldD. of that are sold参考答案:A【详解】考查非限制性定语从句。分析句子知,cars为先行词,为物,故用of which。sth sell well为固定结构,意为“卖的好”。故选A项。10. How old are you, madam?If you _ know, I am twice my sons age.A. would B. must C. can D. should参考答案:B11. Thank you very much for helping me out of troub

6、le, Bob._.A. With pleasure B. My pleasure C. Thats right D. I hope so参考答案:B12. He is always helping people without expecting anything_.A. in charge B. in turn C. in trouble D. in return参考答案:D13. No dessert for me, please. Im on _ diet. Why not just take one bite of _cheese cake? Im sure you will lov

7、e it. A. a; a B. /; the C. a; the D. /; a参考答案:C14. With so many noises from the busy traffic in the street, I couldnt _ and do my research work. A. put down B. settle down C. cut down D. set down参考答案:B15. Only _ people can have a good understanding of the lecture given by the scientist.A. concerned

8、B. educated C. devoted D. excited参考答案:B16. In the near future, more measures _to prevent food pollution. A. are making B. are taken C. will be made D. will be taken参考答案:D17. 20% of the students of Nan Shan Senior High the school color1 ful clubs so far.Ahas joined Bhas been joined Chave joined Dhave

9、 been joined参考答案:D18. The box in the corner of the room _ a lot of things, some medical equipment _.A. contained; including B. contained; includedC. including; contained D. included; containing参考答案:B二、 短文改错19. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符

10、号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Mobile payment is serving for people widely in China. The cashless trend had never been more popular. With the widespread use of mobile payment, WeChat and Alipay are two of the most convenient and

11、 safe ways to pay. People rarely need to carry a wallet and cash at all. They are used to paying by scan QR codes. When consuming, as result, people will never worry about the consequence which they may get fake notes. Besides, people can often get discounts if we make mobile payments. Mobile paymen

12、t is winning over plenty of consumer with its convenience. So far mobile payment has great changed peoples life in China.参考答案:Mobile payment is serving for people widely in China. The cashless trend had 去掉 has never been more popular. With the widespread use of mobile payment, WeChat and Alipay are

13、two of the most convenient and safe ways to pay. People rarely need to carry safesta wallet and cash at all. They are used to paying by scan QR codes. When consuming, or scanningas result, people will never worry about the consequence which they may get fake a that notes. Besides, people can often g

14、et discounts if we make mobile payments. Mobile theypayment is winning over plenty of consumer with its convenience. So far mobile payment consumershas great changed peoples life in China.greatly【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了手机支付在我们日常生活中的广泛应用,使我们的生活更加便捷。【详解】1.考查介词。句意:在中国,移动手机支付正广泛服务于人们。serve为及物动词,可以直接跟宾语,故去掉介词fo

15、r。2.考查动词时态。句意:无现金的潮流从未像现在这样流行。此处强调过去发生的动作持续到现在,应用现在完成时,且主语为单数,故had改为has。3.考查形容词最高级。句意:微信和支付宝是两种最方便、最安全的支付方式。此处由and连词连接,应与上文形容词最高级一致,故也用形容词最高级safest。4.考查连词。句意:人们几乎不需要携带钱包或现金。由barely可知,本句为否定句,and用于肯定句,故and改为or。5.考查非谓语动词。by为介词,后跟动名词作宾语,故改为scanning。6.考查冠词。固定短语as a result“结果”,故中间需要添加冠词a。7.考查连接词。句意:人们永远不会

16、担心他们可能会收到假钞。本句中they may get fake notes是consequence的同位语,解释说明consequence的内容,故只能用that。8.考查人称代词。句意:此外,如果他们使用移动支付,人们经常可以得到折扣。此处people为第三人称复数,下文与之保持一致,故也应用第三人称复数形式的人称代词they。9.考查名词的数。consumer为可数名词,由plenty of“许多”修饰,故用复数形式consumers。10.考查副词。change为动词,需用副词修饰,故great改为greatly。三、 阅读理解20. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D

17、)中,选出最佳选项。In earliest times, men considered lightning to be one of the great mysteries(神秘之物) of nature. Some ancient people believed that lightning and thunder were the weapons(武器)of the gods. In reality, lightning is a flow of electricity formed high above the earth .A single flash of lightning 1.6

18、 kilometers long has enough electricity to light one million light bulbs. The American scientist and statesman, Benjamin Franklin, was the first to show the connection between electricity and lightning in 1752.In the same year he also built the first lightning rod(避雷针). This device protects building

19、s from being damaged by lightning. Modern science has discovered that one stroke of lightning has a voltage(电压)of more than 15 million volts(伏特).A flash of lightning between a cloud and the earth may be as long as 13 kilometers, and travel at a speed of 30 million meters per second . Scientists judg

20、e that there are about 2, 000 million flashes of lightning per year. Lightning hits the Empire State Building in New York City 30 to 48 times a year. In the United States alone it kills an average of one person every day. The safest place to be in case of an electrical storm is in a closed car.Outside, one should go to low ground and not get under trees.Also, one should stay out of water and away from metal fences.Inside a house, people should avoid open doorways and windows and not touch wires or metal things. With


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