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1、 PAGE 16Proteectinng Miinorss by Recoonsidderattion of LLife InsuurancceContrract Owneershiip Trransffers Undeer thhe UTTMAALT,AANTHOONY JJ.Ameriican Jourrnal of FFamilly Laaw,20100,Vol.24 :1-6乌特马法规规下人身保保险合同所所有权转让让以保护未未成年人再再思考J.奥特.安斯瑞森森美国家庭法法杂志,22010,第第24卷:1-6页页乌特马法规规下人身保保险合同所所有权转让让以保护未未成年人再再思考示范法的目

2、目的是双重重的:(11)进一步步统一各司司法管辖区区(2)以以协助提供供明确的立立法,保护护这些人(立立法者)的的最佳利益益。一个成成功的模式式在很大程程度上是”转移到未未成年人统统一法(乌乌特马法规规)”,其已在488个州以及及哥伦比亚亚特区通过过。该乌特特马法规是Unniforrm Giftts too Minnors Act的的扩大,该该法已在一一些州获得得形式通过过。乌特马马法规是在在信任和监监护之间的的混合。同样地,家家庭法律从从业者应熟熟悉的乌特特马法规,可以允许对未成年人有巨大好处的行动,但是同时使对极易受伤害的未成年人的物产托管人的疏忽或恣意地有害行动转移至乌特马法规之下。 家

3、庭法律师师应该询问问乌特马法法规下物产产是否存在在乌特马法规规要求一旦旦未成年人人达到要求求年龄, 托管人肯肯定地把监监护的财产产转移到未未成年人。财产托管管人肯定要要移交财产产的义务,如如人寿保险险的归属政政策一样,使使未成年人人容易受到到不转移财财产托管人人的侵害,无无论是由于于疏忽或恣恣意。而非规定定有义务移移交保管的的财产,乌乌特马应进进行修改使使未成年人人达到必要要的年龄时时,将所有有权以及人人身保险单单的占有权权自动转交交给未成年年人。但是是直到乌特特马被修改改,律师处处理离婚和和子女抚养养权诉讼时时应当询问问未成年人人是否为乌特特马法规下下的物主或或者寿险受受益人,如如果是这样样

4、,确保在在保单中列列的托管人人会保护未未成年人的的最大利益益,并在适适当的时候候转让保单单或收益。 如果对被列列的财产托托管人在保保护未成年年人最大利利益时有疑疑问,参与与子女抚养养权诉讼或或离婚的律律师应该寻寻求乌特马马法规保改变托管管人。这可可以通过托管人人辞职或任任命后继者者托管人或或通过诉请请法院来完成。对于处理理离婚诉讼讼律师来讲讲,查明未成年年人是否为为人寿险保保单财产拥拥有人或根据乌乌特马法规规下年金(或或任何乌特特马下的财财产)享有人是重重要的,因因为这些财财产是不是是托管人的的婚姻财产产。因此,它它应该不会会影响计算算的婚姻财财产的分配配。1乌特马法法规下监管管财产和托托管人


6、人或转转交乌特马马法规下的的生命保险险合同的所所有权,那那么该未成成年人无可可置疑的被被授予保险险合同的所所有权。然然而财产监监护人有权权利、权力力以及必要要的义务来来占有和经经营财产直直到未成年年人达到必必须的年龄龄。不过,财财产监护人人没有法定定权利获取取生命保险险单的所有有权,直到到所有权归归属于未成成年人。所所以,一个个财产监护护人也许应应该确切的的表述为,代代表未成年年人利益而而拥有保单单财产性利利益,而非非拥有真正正的所有权权或所有权权利益。1.1 (财财产)转交交至未成年年人代表未成年年人行使财财产性利益益时,财产产监护人必必须以善良良管理人的的标准要求求自己处理理财务事务务。如



9、动动转让的权权利。1.2 案案例强化除了法定的的措辞之外外,在涉及及类似于人人寿保险的的个人财产产的判例法法也表明,在在未成年人人达到法定定年龄之时时,个人财财产所有权权不会自动动的从托管管人名下转转移到该未未成年人名名下。比如如,在里根根诉康奈里里一案中,父父亲创建了了一个公司司,将966的股份份给予其子子女,并以以托管人的的名义持有有该股份。根据田纳纳西州乌特特马法规,该该父亲代表表其子女持持有这些股股份是合法法的,但是是当他的子子女成年之之时,他没没有将这些些股票转移移到他的子子女名下。但法院认认定托管人人没有将所所有权转移移不会影响响到未成年年女子对于于股份的诉诉讼请求权权。因此,法法

10、院认为,虽虽然当未成成年子女达达到法定年年龄之时有有所有权,但但托管人仍仍有必要将将财产所有有权转移给给子女。没没有监护权权的父母不不能作为托托管人。 在esttra诉诉estrra案中,根根据康涅狄狄格州乌特特马法规,一一位母亲为为其女儿创创建了一个个投资账户户,并作为为其托管人人管理这些些资产。当当其女儿达达到法定年年龄时,这这位母亲拒拒绝将其占占有的财产产转移给其其女儿。法法院根据乌乌特马法规规,托管人人有义务在在未成年人人达到法定定年龄时将将其占有的的财产转移移给该未成成年人,但但这种交付付不是自动动完成的。这些案例例证明了乌乌特马法规规明确的要要求托管人人有义务在在未成年人人达到法定

11、定年龄时将将其占有的的财产转移移给该未成成年人。而而且,这些些案例还说说明了如果果托管人不不作为,未未成年人可可以以违反反信托责任任为由,或或者以盗窃窃罪提起诉诉讼。当然然如果乌特特马法规规规定,当未未成年人达达到法定年年龄时,无无需托管人人的实际转转移,财产产权即自动动转移,就就不需要为为了取得财财产权而提提起这些诉诉讼了。2 通过为为保单创建建例外条款款来避免潜潜在的伤害害寿险保单在在为保险公公司和未成成年人在乌乌特马法规规(情况)下下产生了一一个特殊的的问题。如如上所述,在乌特马法规下,托管人并不是转让或创建寿险保单的持有人;托管人仅仅拥有一个有关代表未成年人的保险合同的合同权利。但是由

12、于乌特马法规设定了一个肯定得义务给托管人,要求其转移个人财产的占有给未成年人再然后通过完成一份所有权转让表格来实现,保险公司在一份正确的财产转移表格完成之前是不会向未成年人转移所有权的。这样的问题大量存在。 首先,托托管人永远远不会完成成所有制形形式的转让,从从而永远不不会转让保保单给一个个已达到法法定年龄的的未成年人人是可能的的。这个可能能会发生的的原因有很很多:托管管人由于忽忽视而忘记记填写表格格;托管人人拒绝完成成所有制形形式的转让;或或由于过时时的联系信信息,保险险公司可能能无法满足足托管人或或刚成为成成年人的人人。第二,没没能成功地地促使托管管人去完成成所有制形形式转让的的刚成年的的


14、的的采取措施施来反对托托管人,那那么他们可可能一并失失去这个政政策的占有有权。这也也迫使保险险公司要么么承担发送送给托管人人表格后的的后果,要要么妥善地地监管这项项政策,监监管方式为为一旦未成成年人成为为成年人托托管人不允允许行驶保保管财产的的任何权利利。2.1 电电子注解不管情形如如何,对托管人人采取积极极地责任来来完成保单单所有制的的转让是没没有必要的的。首先,无无形的个人人财产的所所有权和占占有利益例例如人身保保险合同不不需要像其其他的个人人财产似的的转让实际际的物体。因此,填填写一个表表格并不是是必须的。该乌特马马法规应该该批准一个个由保险公公司的文件件中制作的的电子注释释-当未未成年


16、或近近一步接触触保险提供供商,并允允许刚由未未成年人刚刚变成成年年人的人行行使他们全全部所有权权和占有权权而没有任任何昂贵的的诉讼费,在在这项政策策的基础上上建立全部部的所有权权。2.2 建建议对乌特马法规规进行修改改为了保护未未成年人的的最佳利益益,并为参参与的所有有团体得到到更权益的的商业行为为,应该做做个在乌特特马法规下下托管人责责任下做出出转让财产产的例外,在在未成年人人达到必要要的年龄后后,自动转转让保险政政策所有权权应该获得得准许。乌乌特马法规规的第二十十章将做适当的的修改,添添加内容如如下:在一一定程度上上,寿险保保单就是保保管好的财财产,无运运送或运送送给未成年年人或他们们遗产


18、方方式来采取取防范措施施。3 结论乌特马法规规会成为人人们转移财财产给未成成年人的有有效方式。即便如此此,对于人人寿保险而而言需要托托管人完成成去一份令令人迷惑的的财产转移移表格,进进而才能转转移无形的的个人财产产的占有权权给刚刚成成年的人。这迫使未未成年人必必须进行诉诉讼反对托托管人以强强迫他们转转移财产,该该行为同时时也威胁未未成年人产产生因不提提出在限制制法规之内内的诉讼而而丢失他们们的财产权权利的可能能性。此外外,保险公公司能容易易地在保险险单内记录录托管人权权力的终止止日期。鉴鉴于乌特马马的根本目目的是促进进安全转移移财产和对对未成年人人的占有,乌乌特马应修修改,允许许托管人监监管的

19、财产产在未成年年人达到必必要年龄时时能够自动动转交。直直到乌特马马被修改,涉涉及离婚和和子女抚养养权诉讼的的律师应保保持警惕,并并确定是否否存在乌特特马财产,如如果存在要要确保一个个合适的人人作为托管管人。Proteectinng Miinorss by Recoonsidderattion of LLife InsuurancceContrract Owneershiip Trransffers Undeer thhe UTTMABY ANNTHONNY J. ALTT DEPARRTMENNTS CHILLDRENNThe ppurpoose oof moodel lawss is ttw

20、ofoold: (1) to ffurthher unifformiity aamongg varrioussjurissdicttionss andd (2) to helpp provvide cleaar leegisllatioon thhat pproteects the bestt intteressts oof thhose to whomm thee leggislaationn willl appply. One larggely succcessfful mmodell law is ttheUnifoorm TTranssferss to Minoors AAct (UT

21、MAA), wwhichh hass beenn adooptedd in 48 sstatees annd thheDistrrict of CColummbia. The UTMAA is an eexpannsionn of the Unifform Giftts too Minnors Act, whiich hhas beenn adooptedd in somee forrm inn everry sttate. The UTMAA is a miix betwween a trrust and a guuardiianshhip aand ppermiits ttranssfer

22、ss of proppertyy to minoors bby veestinng themm witth leegal titlle annd eqquitaable inteerestt to the proppertyy, whille grrantiing pposseessorry riightss, poweers, and dutiies tto cuustoddianss of tthe ppropeerty on bbehallf off minnors. As suchh, thhe UTTMA, withhwhichh fammily law pracctitiioner

23、rs shouuld bbe faamiliiar, permmits actiions thatt cann be oftremeendouus beneefit tto miinorss, buut siimulttaneoouslyy makkes mminorrs vuulnerrablee to tthe nnegliigencce orr willlfullly adveerse actiions of tthe ccustoodianns of ppropeerty trannsferrred undeer thhe UTMAA. Familly laaw atttornneys

24、 shouuld iinquiire wwhethher UUTMA proppertyy exiists. Thhe UTTMAss reqquireementt thaat cuustoddianss afffirmaativeely ttranssfer custtodiaal prroperrty tto miinorss oncce thhey rreachh thee reqquireed agge. A ccustoodianns aaffirmaativee dutty too traansfeer cuustoddial proppertyy, suuch aas owwne

25、rsship of aa liffe innsuraance poliicy, leavves aa minnor ssusceeptibble tto a custtodiaan whho faails to ttranssfer the proppertyy, whhetheer duue too neggligeence or wwillffulneess. Insttead of aan afffirmaativee dutty too traansfeer custtodiaal prroperrty, the UTMAA shoould be mmodiffied to pprov

26、iide ffor aan auutomaatic trannsferr of owneershiip annd poossesssionn of a liife iinsurrancee pollicy uponn a mminorrs rreachhing the requuisitte agge. BBut uuntill thee UTMMA iss moddified, atttorneeys hhandlling divoorce and chilld cuustoddy procceediings shouuld iinquiire wwhethher aa minnor iis

27、 ann ownner oor beenefiiciarry off a llife insuurancce poolicyy undder tthe UUTMA and if sso, eensurre thhat tthe ccustoodiann lissted on tthe ppoliccy wiill pproteect tthe bbest inteerestts off thee minnor aand ttranssfer the poliicy oor prroceeeds aat thhe prroperr timme. IIf itt is quesstionnable

28、e wheetherr thee nammed ccustoodiann of the proppertyy willl prrotecct thhe beest iinterrestss of the minoor, aan atttornney iinvollved withh divvorcee or chilld cuustoddy prroceeedinggs shhouldd seeek too havve thhe UTTMA ccustoodiann chaangedd. Thhis ccan bbe accoompliishedd by haviing tthe ccusto

29、odiann ressign and a suuccesssor custtodiaan naamed or bby peetitiioninng thhe coourt. For attoorneyys haandliing aa divvorcee prooceedding, asccertaaininng whhetheer a minoor iss an owneer off a llife insuurancce poolicyy or annuuity undeer thhe UTTMA (or aany UUTMA proppertyy) iss impportaant ssin

30、cee succh prroperrty iis noot maaritaal prroperrty oof thhe cuustoddian.Thuss, itt shoould not affeect ccalcuulatiing tthe ddistrributtion of mmarittal ppropeerty. CREATTION OF CCUSTOODIALL PROPPERTYY ANDD CUSTTODIAANS DUTIIESUNDERR UTMMA Undeer 9 off thee UTMMA, aa perrson is aable to mmake a giift

31、 tto a minoor byy traansfeerrinng prroperrty tto a minoor. SSuch a trransffer oor giift iindeffeasiibly vestts a minoor wiith iinterrest in tthe ppropeerty, butt thee proopertty iss temmporaarilyy plaaced undeer thhe caare oof a custtodiaan innsteaad off thee minnor122 unntil the minoor reeachees th

32、he reequissite age. The typee of proppertyy thaat a persson mmay ttranssfer is bbroadd. Inn facct, aa perrson may trannsferr anyy “coonceiivablle leegal or eequittablee intteresst inn proopertty off anyy kinnd, iincluudingg inttangiible perssonall proopertty.” One of tthe ttypess of proppertyy thatt

33、 a ppersoon maay trransffer tto orr vestt in a miinor is aa liffe innsurancee pollicy. Thee UTMMA exxpliccitlyy alloows ffor aa perrson to ttranssfer owneershiip off or to nname a miinor as aan owwner of aa liffe orr enddowmeent iinsurrancee pollicy or aannuiity. Thiss mayy be accoompliishedd by prr

34、ovidding the namee of a cuustoddian withh thee inssurannce oor annnuitty prrovidder bby inncludding the wordds “aas cuustoddian for (namme of mminorr) unnder the Namme offEnactting Statte UUnifoorm TTranssferss to Minoors AAct” on tthe aappliicatiion. By aallowwing a miinor to be nnamedd as the owne

35、er off a llife insuurancce poolicyy or owneershiip off suchh a ppoliccy too be trannsferrred to a miinor, thee UTMMA reecognnizess the longg-staandinng nootionn thaat liifeinsurrancee conntraccts hhave “thee ordinnary charracteeristtics of ppropeerty.” Thhereffore, oncce a persson namees a minoor as

36、s an owneer orr ranssferss ownnershhip oof a lifee insuurancce coontraact tto a minoor undeer thhe UTTMA, the minoor iss indeefeassiblyy vessted withh ownnershhip oof thhe innsuraance conttractt.A sspeciified custtodiaan, hhowevver, assuumes the rolee of a quuasi-trusttee iin thhat tthe ccustoodiann

37、 hass the righhts, poweers, and dutiies neceessarry too posssesss andd mannage the poliicy uuntill thee minnor rreachhes the requuiredd agee. Neeverttheleess,aa cusstodiian ddoes not havee leggal titlee to or oownerrshipp of the insuurancce poolicyy sinnce iit iss vessted withhthe mminorr. A custtod

38、iaan maay therreforre bee prooperlly deescriibed as hhavinng a posssessoory iinterrest to the insuurancce poolicyy on behaalf oof a miinor, ratther thann a ttrue owneershiip inntereest oor cllaim. Trannsferr to the Minoor Inn exeercissing a poossesssoryy intteresst onn behhalf of aa minnor, a cuusto

39、ddian mustt exeercisse thhe sttandaard oof caare oof a reassonabbly pprudeent ppersoon inn deaalingg witth thhe prroperrty.220 IIf a custtodiaan haas a speccial skilll orr exppertiise, the custtodiaan iss reqquireed too usee thaat skkill or eexperrtisee. A custtodiaan maay innvestt or pay premmiumss

40、 on insuurancce pooliciies iif thhe miinor is tthe ssole beneeficiaary. Oncee thee minnor hhas aattaiined the requuiredd agee, hooweveer, tthe UUTMA indiicatees thhat “he ccustoodiann shaall ttranssfer in aan appproppriatte maannerr thee cusstodiial ppropeerty to tthe mminorr or to tthe mminorrs ees

41、tatte.” Thee usee of the wordds “sshalll traansfeer” iindiccatess thaat a custtodiaan off an insuurancce poolicyy traansfeerredd undder tthe UUTMA has an af rrmatiive dduty to trannsferr cusstodyy andd conntroll of the poliicy tto thhe miinor whenn thee minnor aattaiins tthe sspeciified age. By ppla

42、ciing aan afffirmaativee dutty onn a ccustoodiann to trannsferr thee pollicy to tthe mminorr, thhe sttatutte immpliees thhat, althhoughh thee minnor hhas aalreaady bbeen indeefeassiblyy vesteed wiith llegall tittle tto thhe poolicyy, thhere is nnot aan auutomaatic trannsferr of posssessiion ffrom th

43、e custtodiaan too thee minnor. Thatt is, thee cusstodiian mmust deliiver posssessiion oof thhe poolicyy to the minoor inn an “appproprriatee mannner.” Inn thee casse off an insuurancce poolicyy, thhe“apprropriiate mannner” of ttranssferrring the poliicy iis foor thhe cuustoddian to ssign a trransffe

44、r oof owwnersship form, theerebyy rellinquuishiing ccustoodiall conntroll oveer thhe poolicyy. Thhis aactioon off commpletting a trransffer oof owwnersship formm inddicattes tto thhe innsuraance provviderr thaat thhe cuustoddianscapaccity to eexerccise any righhts, poweers, dutiies, or aauthoorityy

45、hass terrminaated. Requiiringg thee cusstodiian tto afffirmaativeely ttranssfer perssonall proopertty (aand iin thhe caase oof liife iinsurrancee to signn a ttranssfer of oownerrshipp forrm) iis evvidennced by tthe UUTMA as aadoptted iin vaariouus sttatess. Foor exxamplle, tthe UUTMA as aadoptted ii

46、n Illlinoois iindiccatess that: (a) Thee cusstodiian sshalll trannsferr in an aapproopriaate mannner the custtodiaal prroperrtyto thhe miinor or tto thhe minoors estaate uupon the earllier of: (1) the minoors attaainmeent oof 211 yeaars oof age withh resspectt to custtodiaal prroperrty . . . (2) the

47、 minoors attaainmeent oof maajoriity uunderr thee lawws off thiis Sttate otheer thhan tthis Act withh resspectt to custtodiaal prroperrty . . ., orr (3) the minoors deatth. (b) To the exteent tthe ccustoodiall proopertty iss reaal prroperrty oor ann intteresst inn reaal prroperrty, no cconveeyancce

48、orr delliverry too thee minnor oor too thee minnorss esttate is nnecesssaryy to termminatte the ppowerrs orr rigghts of tthe ccustoodiann upoon thhe minoors attaainmeent oof agge 211 or 18 yyearss, ass thee casse maay bee, orr upoon thhe miinors deeath. The Illiinoiss UTMMA, tthereeforee, exxpresssl

49、y makees a disttincttion betwween reall proopertty annd peersonnal ppropeerty. Forr reaal prroperrty, therre iss an autoomatiic trransffer tto thhe miinor (i.ee ., the custtodiaan iss not rrequiired to eeffecct a trannsferr of the proppertyy to the minoor). But for perssonall proopertty (iincluuding

50、g inssurannce ppoliccies), thhere is nno auutomaatic trannsferr of proppertyy to the minoor. Casee Reiinforrcemeent In aaddittion to sstatuutoryy wordding, casse laaw inn sittuatiions invoolvinng peersonnal ppropeerty anallogouus too a llife insuurancce poolicyy indiicatees thhat ttheree is no aauto

51、mmaticc traansfeer off perrsonaal prroperrty ffrom a cuustoddian to aa minnor uponn thee minnorss atttainmment of the stattutorry agge. FFor iinstaance, in Reaggan vv. Coonnellly , a ffatheer crreateed a corpporattion and gavee 96 sharres oof sttock in tthe ccorpooratiion equaally to hhis cchilddren

52、 by hholdiing tthe ssharees ass cusstodiian ffor his chilldrenn. The fathher hheld the sharres oon beehalff of his chilldrenn undeer thhe Teennesssee UTMAA. Hee failled tto deeliveer poossesssionn of the stocck too hiss chiildreen, hhowevver,when theyy atttaineed thhe agge off majoorityy. Neevertthe

53、leess, the courrt heldd thaat thhe faailurre off thee fatther/ custtodiaan too delliverr posssesssion did not affeect tthe cchilddrens cllaim to llegall tittle oof thhe sttock. Theerefoore, the courrt reecognnizedd thaat, whille thhe chhildrren (turnned aadultt) had legaal tiitle to tthe ppropeerty,

54、 it was sstilll neccessaary ffor tthe ccustoodiann to trannsferr posssesssion of tthe proppertyy to the chilldrenn. A paarentt witthoutt cusstodyy shoould be rremovved aas a cusstodiian. Alsoo, inn Esttra vv. Esstra , a mothher creaated an iinvesstmennt acccounnt for her daugghterr undder tthe CConn

55、eecticcut UUTMA and acteed ass cusstodiian ffor tthe mmoneyy. Uppon tthe daugghterrs tturniing tthe sstatuutoryy age, thee motther refuused to ddelivver posssessiion oof thhe prroperrty tto heerdaughhter. Thee couurt hheld thatt thee UTMAA reqquireed a custtodiaan toodeliiver posssessiion oof cuusto

56、ddial proppertyy to a miinor uponn thee minoors attaaininng thhe reequirred age but thatt succh deeliveery wwas not donee auttomatticallly. Withhholdding suchh traansfeer off posssesssion is ggrounnds ffor cconveersioon. Thhese casees reeinfoorce thatt thee UTMAA impposess an affiirmattive dutyy upo

57、on a custtodiaan too traansfeer posssessiion oof peersonnal ppropeerty uponn a mminorrs aattaiiningg thee stattutorry agge. FFurthher, thesse caases indiicatee thaat a custtodiaans faillure to eeffecct suuch aa traansfeer caan seerveas grroundds foor a minoors brinngingg a ccausee of actiion bbasedd

58、 on convversiion, breaach oof ffiducciaryy dutyy, orr filinng a compplainnt wiith the statte foor laarcenny. TThesee cauuses of aactioon woould not needd to be brougght iin orrder to oobtaiin riightfful pposseessioon off perrsonaal prroperrty iif thhe UTTMA pproviided for an autoomatiic trransffer o

59、of suuch ppropeerty withhout requuirinng ann acttual trannsferr by the custtodiaan. AVOIIDINGG POTTENTIIAL FOR ABUSSE BYY CREEATINNG EXCEEPTIOON FOORINSURRANCEE POLLICIEES Lifee inssurannce ppoliccies posee a paarticcularr prooblemm undder tthe UTMAA forr inssurannce ccompaaniess andd minnors. As in

60、diicateed, a cuustoddian is nnot aan owwner of aa lifee inssurannce ppoliccy trransfferreed or ccreatted uunderr thee UTMMA; aa custtodiaan meerelyy posssessses tthecontrractuual rrightts peertaiiningg to an iinsurrancee conntracct onn behhalf of tthe mminorr. Buut beecausse thhe UTMAA plaaces an aa


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