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1、2021届高考英语二轮复习增分强化练九阅读理解+完形填空含解析2021届高考英语二轮复习增分强化练九阅读理解+完形填空含解析PAGE 2021届高考英语二轮复习增分强化练九阅读理解+完形填空含解析增分强化练(九)阅读理解2完形填空(限时30分钟)。阅读理解ALocal 10 Third EARTH Day Art ContestOpen only to Florida schools within the Monroe, Miami.Dade and Broward County viewing area.Local 10 is inviting South Florida art teach

2、ers and students, from grades K12, to participate in its third annual EARTH Day Art Contest.In the last two years, the popular, environmentally。centered contest has recognized two schools, Air Base K8 in Homestead and Lawton Chiles Middle School in Hialeah, for their winning entries and awarded a to

3、tal of 9,000 to the schools art programs.As part of a class project, art students are encouraged to create a work of art with an environmental theme.The entry must be novel and unique.To enter the class project into the contest, the art teacher representing their students and schools must go to , cl

4、ick on the contest link to enter and submit a photo of the classs innovative EARTH Day work of art。The art teacher must fill out an entry form, giving school name, teacher name and class, address, email address and phone number。Only paintings and sculptures are eligible。Special consideration will be

5、 given to works of art featuring materials taken from nature。Local 10 will determine the ten finalists。The final winner will be chosen from among the finalists by viewer votes on the Internet。Photos and entry forms may be submitted online from February 3, until 11:59 pm.March 9.The voting period is

6、from March 23, through April 13。Only timely submitted entries will be eligible to win。The winning school will be announced on EARTH Day, Wednesday, April 22 and will receive $4,500 in art supplies for their schools art department.For more information, click here。The Local 10 EARTH Day Art Contest is

7、 proudly sponsored by Publix, where every day is EARTH Day. 语篇解读本文是一篇应用文.文章讲述了Local 10第三届地球日艺术比赛的参赛事宜。1According to the rule, the entry must be_。AattractiveBoriginalCclassic Dportable解析:细节理解题。由倒数第三段中的“The entry must be novel and unique.(参赛作品必须新颖独特)”可知,参赛作品必须具有独特创新性。故选B项。答案:B2What is the art teacher

8、expected to do?ATo complete an entry form。BTo create a work of art。CTo submit his/her photo。DTo offer kids art supplies.解析:细节理解题。由倒数第三段中的“The art teacher must fill out an entry form, giving school name, teacher name and class, address, email address and phone number。(美术教师必须填写一份参赛报名表,注明学校名称、教师姓名和班级、地

9、址、电子邮件地址和电话号码)”可知,美术教师要填参赛报名表.故选A项.答案:A3How will the final winner be determined?ABy Local 10。 BBy art teachers.CBy the sponsor。 DBy online voting.解析:细节理解题.由倒数第二段中的“The final winner will be chosen from among the finalists by viewer votes on the Internet。(最终的获胜者将通过互联网上的观众投票从入围者中选出)”可知,最终的获胜者将通过网络投票决定。

10、故选D项。答案:DBBefore my daughter, Evelyn, was born, I eagerly expected her first year of life。I imagined celebrating every milestonebonding with her as a newborn, seeing her smile for the first time, hearing her say her first word。I didnt think of feeding tubes, long hospital stays or an organ transplan

11、t (移植)For Evelyn, the first year included all and more。Evelyn came into this world at just 34 weeks, weighing less than 3 pounds。Genetic testing revealed she had Alagille syndrome, a genetic disorder that can damage the liver (肝脏),heart and other organs.Soon, we received the news that baby Evelyn ne

12、eded a liver transplant。Our family moved nearer to UPMC Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh so that we were closer if a liver was available for Evelyn。When Evelyn was added to the organ donation wait list, I was under the liver allocation policy in place at that time, which was mapbased。This policy lac

13、ks any special consideration for transplant candidates.We were told it would likely take three months.Just then, a new policy for liver allocation was tried out.Under the new system, the sickest child patients get first priority (优先)The new policy was only in effect for a little over a week, but in

14、that period, Evelyn received her liver transplant.Had_it_been_just_one_week_earlier_or_later,_we_would_not_have_received_the_call.As Evelyn recovers from her transplant, we are grateful for the change.I am also sad, because the new policy was short。lived.That means another mom like me might not rece

15、ive that phone call with good news.Other children should have the same opportunity as Evelyn to live healthy, happy lives.When it comes to liver transplant policy, we can and must do better for children。 语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文.文章讲述了新生儿Evelyn患了肝衰竭并幸运收到新政策的帮助的故事。4What probably happened to Evelyn shortly after s

16、he was born?AShe failed to give a smile。BShe had a serious liver failure。CShe said her first word quickly。DShe suffered from a heart attack.解析:细节理解题.根据第二段“Genetic testing revealed she had Alagille syndrome, a genetic disorder that can damage the liver,heart and other organs.”可知,作者的女儿根据基因测试,显示她得了一种遗传

17、疾病,会损害肝脏,心脏和其他器官,因此推测她患了严重的肝衰竭.故选B项。答案:B5Why did the authors family move nearer to the hospital?ATo save time.BTo have money。CTo see a doctor。DTo get first priority。解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Our family moved nearer to UPMC Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh so that we were closer if a liver was available for Eve

18、lyn。”可知,作者一家搬到了离匹兹堡的UPMC儿童医院更近的地方,这样如果Evelyn有可获取移植的肝脏,就能更近一些以节约时间。故选择A项。答案:A6What does the author mean by the underlined sentence?AEvelyn is healthy now。BThey waited too long.CThey were one week earlier。DHer daughter is fortunate.解析:句意猜测题。画线句的意思是“如果只是一周或更晚,我们就不会接到电话了,根据上文“The new policy was only in

19、effect for a little over a week, but in that period, Evelyn received her liver transplant.”可知,该政策只持续很短的时间,但是Evelyn赶上了这次机会做移植手术,所以Evelyn很幸运。故选D项。答案:D7What does the author want to express in the last paragraph?AWe must guarantee kids have healthy livers。BKids should have chances of a liver transplant。

20、CThe sickest kids should get liver transplants first.DThe old policy lacks special consideration for kids.解析:推理判断题.最后一段作者认为其他孩子应该有和Evelyn一样的机会过健康快乐的生活,当谈到肝移植政策时,我们可以而且必须为儿童做得更好。然后根据倒数第二段作者希望每个像Evelyn病重的孩子都可以获得治疗的机会,所以推测作者希望病情最严重的孩子应该首先接受肝脏移植.故选C项。答案:C。完形填空We had a tornado (龙卷风) touch down near the s

21、chool, and as expected, we went into our emergency tornado procedures。It was a day we never wanted to happen, but _1_ prepared for throughout the school year.I wasnt even in the _2_ when it happened.I had taken a student with me to the workroom to help _3_items for a project.When the alarm stared _4

22、_,I immediately took my students hand and _5_ as fast as I could back to the classroom.Never did I imagine needing to put our tornado_6_ to use。I never imagined actually needing to _7_ my students up against the wall, have them crouch (蹲) down with their knees and heads_8_ the ground, hands on the b

23、acks of their heads。Their hearts were_9_ so fast that they couldnt catch their breath,and the _10_ filled their eyes looking up at me as they asked if their families and _11_ were going to be okay.In the midst of the very _12_and dangerous situation, my students _13_ themselves with the attitudes an

24、d mindset of children much _14_ than them。Never in my life have I seen my students _15_directions so quickly, and without hesitation.Even though some tears _16_ down, and some hearts were beating fast, my students were brave。They had such a firm _17_ in my assistant and me that they were able to be

25、100 _18_。They were brave beyond their _19_ today and for that, I am very grateful。Right now, I _20_ the day and am thankful for our safety, courage, and bravery. 语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。龙卷风在作者学校附近登陆,他们进入了紧急避险程序。虽然学生们都很害怕,但是都表现得比他们大的孩子还要勇敢和冷静.作者回顾那一天,对他们的安全、勇气和勇敢而心存感激。1A.hardly BcontinuallyCsafely Dsuddenly解析:句

26、意:这是我们绝对不想发生的一天,但我们整个学年都在不断地准备着.hardly几乎不;continually不断地;safely安全地;suddenly突然。根据下文“prepared for throughout the school year”可知,作者他们整个学年都在不断地(continually)为龙卷风发生的情况进行准备。故选B。答案:B2A.classroom BschoolCworkroom Dlaboratory解析:句意:事情发生的时候我甚至不在教室里.classroom教室;school学校;workroom工作室;laboratory实验室。根据下文“as fast as

27、I could back to the classroom”可知作者当时不在教室里.故选A。答案:A3A.buy BdeliverCgather Dswap解析:句意:我曾带一个学生去工作室帮忙为一个项目收集物品。buy买;deliver递送;gather收集,聚集;swap交换。结合下文items for a project可知,作者当时在带一个学生去工作室帮忙为一个项目收集物品。故选C。答案:C4A。coming about Bblowing awayCsending up Dgoing off解析:句意:当警报开始响起时,我立刻抓住我的学生的手,以最快的速度跑回教室.coming abo

28、ut发生;blowing away吹走;sending up提出;going off走开,响起.根据上文the alarm started可知,此处指警报开始响起。故选D.答案:D5A。called BranCdrove Dstepped解析:句意见上题解析。called打电话;ran奔跑;drove驾驶;stepped行走.结合下文“as fast as I could back to the classroom可知,龙卷风发生了,作者是以最快速度跑回教室的。故选B。答案:B6A。drills BwarningsCevents Ddetails解析:句意:我从来没有想过真的需要使用我们对龙卷

29、风的演练。drills演习,操练;warnings警告;events事件;details细节。结合上文“prepared for throughout the school year”可知,作者的学校一直在为龙卷风做准备,因此这次他们用上了之前学到的对龙卷风的演练。故选A.答案:A7A.get BputCline Dset解析:句意:我从来没有想过真的需要让我的学生靠墙排成一排,让他们蹲下,膝盖着地,头着地,手放在后脑勺上。get得到;put放置;line排列;set设置。根据下文“my students up against the wall”可知,作者学生靠墙排成一排。line up表示“

30、排列起”。故选C.答案:C8A.kicking BhittingCscratching Dtouching解析:句意见上题解析。kicking踢;hitting碰撞;scratching擦伤;touching触碰。根据上文“have them crouch down with their knees and heads”可知,学生们蹲下,膝盖着地,头着地,手放在后脑勺上。这样可以避免在龙卷风袭击时受到更多的伤害.故选D。答案:D9A.beating BjumpingCtrembling Dstriking解析:句意:他们的心跳如此之快,以至于无法呼吸,当他们问家人和朋友是否会好起来时,他们抬头

31、看着我,恐惧充满了他们的眼睛.beating 跳动;jumping跳跃;trembling颤抖;striking罢工。根据下文“some hearts were beating fast”可知,是指心跳的很快。故选A。答案:A10A。courage BfearChope Ddisaster解析:句意见上题解析。courage勇气;fear恐惧;hope希望;disaster灾难。龙卷风来袭,灾难面前学生们肯定都是很恐惧害怕的.故选B.答案:B11A.brothers BclassmatesCteachers Dfriends解析:句意见上题解析。brothers兄弟;classmates同学;

32、teachers老师;friends朋友。结合上文their families and可知,是询问家人和朋友的情况.故选D。答案:D12A。vivid BuniqueCscary Dpractical解析:句意:在非常恐怖和危险的情况下,我的学生们以比他们大很多的孩子的态度和心智去面对.vivid生动的;unique独特的;scary 恐怖的,吓人的;practical实际的。结合下文and dangerous situation可知是指恐怖和危险的情况。故选C.答案:C13A。enjoyed BhandledCprovided Dinjured解析:句意见上题解析。enjoyed欣赏;handled处理;对付(某人或某事);provided提供;injured伤害.学生们拥有超出他们年龄的态度和心智来应对这种危险的情形,故选B。答案:B14A。older BsmarterChealthier Dluckier解析:句意见12题解析。older更年长的,更年老的;smarter更聪明的;healthier更健康的;luckier更幸运的。根据下文tha


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