



1、Period 4 Section B(1a-1d)Unit 1 Whats the matter?12345kneesresthitmedicinenosebleedcut yourself; wash; withfelt sick; fell downput; down; press both sideshad a fever; should take hishurt her back; get an X-ray678910小试牛刀基础练答 案 呈 现温馨提示:点击 进入讲评答 案 呈 现融会贯通提升练1617181920Though/Althoughwhatitsuchof111213Im

2、 not feeling wellDo you have a feverMaybe youve just had a coldYoud better go to see a doctorCould you please go with me1415一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1. The boy sat on his mothers both _ (膝盖) and began to eat. 2. You should have a good _ (休息) when you catch a cold. 3. In the accident, several people got _ (击中)

3、 on the head. kneesresthit4. The doctor asked my son to take the _ (药) three times a day. 5. If you have a _ (鼻出血), you should put your head down. medicinenosebleed二、根据汉语意思完成句子6. 如果你划伤了自己, 就先用冷水冲洗一下伤口。If you _ _, _ the cut _ the cold water first. cut yourself wash with7. 他感到难受, 然后从自行车上摔了下来。He _ _ an

4、d _ _ from his bike. felt sick fell down8. 我们告诉那个女孩低下头, 然后按压鼻子的两边。We told the girl to _ her head _ and then _ _ _ of her nose. put downpress both sides9. 汤姆发烧了, 他 应该先量一下体温。Tom _ _ _ and he _ _ _ temperature first. had a fever shouldtake his10. 玛丽在体育课上伤到了背, 医生建议她做个X光检查。Mary _ _ _ in PE class, and the

5、 doctor advised her to _ _ _. hurt her back get an X-ray三、补全对话根据下面的对话情景, 在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子, 使对话的意思连贯、完整。Jerry: Hello, Alice. You look very upset. Whats the matter? Alice: _11. Ive had a cough, a running nose and a sore throat. You know that the virus is still scary now. I am afraid that I have already

6、. Im not feeling wellJerry: Dont be afraid. A fever is the common symptom(症状)of the disease. _ 12? Alice: No, I dont. I have just taken my temperature. Its normal. Jerry: If so, dont worry. _ 13. Its been cold these days, and you should take care of yourself. Do you have a feverMaybe youve just had

7、a coldAlice: Youre right. Sometimes Im too careless. Jerry: _ 14. You can get some advice from the doctor. Alice: Good idea! _ 15? Jerry: Sure! Lets go now. Youd better go to see a doctorCould you please go with me四、语篇填空阅读短文, 根据语篇要求填空, 使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。Last weekend I went to visit my grandma. _16 h

8、er house is far from mine, I still decided to walk there. It was very sunny, so I didnt take my umbrella. However, on the way it began to rain hard. Though/AlthoughAnd soon I was all wet. When I was thinking about _17 to do next, there came a taxi. I went into _18 quickly. When I arrived at my grandmas home, she was very surprised to see me. “Why dont you take a bus here?” she asked. “Because I want to take more exercise,” I answered. whatit“Why do you come on _19 a rainy day?” “I come to tell you a piece _20 good news. I won the


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