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1、2020_2021学年高中英语单元加餐练4Unit4Wildlifeprotection含解析新人教版必修22020_2021学年高中英语单元加餐练4Unit4Wildlifeprotection含解析新人教版必修22020_2021学年高中英语单元加餐练4Unit4Wildlifeprotection含解析新人教版必修2Unit 4 Wildlife protection单元加餐练.完形填空The Japanese have always loved fresh fish。 But the _1_ close to Japan doesnt hold many fish。 So to _2_

2、 the Japanese population, fishing boats got _3_ and went farther than ever. The farther the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring in the fish. If the boats _4_ after several days, the fish were not _5_. The Japanese did not like the _6_.To solve this problem, fishing companies fixed freezers o

3、n their boats。 They would catch the fish and _7_ them at sea。 Freezers _8_ the boats to go farther and stay longer. _9_, the Japanese could taste the difference _10_ fresh and frozen fish and they did not like frozen fish.The frozen fish brought a lower _11_. Then fishing companies fixed fish tanks

4、(大缸). The fish would be kept in the tanks, fin (鳍) to fin。 After a little swimming around, the fish stopped moving。 They were tired in the _12_ tanks, but alive。 _13_, the Japanese could still taste the difference。 Because the fish did not move for days, they lost their fresh.fish taste。 The Japanes

5、e _14_ fresh fish, not sluggish (迟钝的) fish。So _15_ did Japanese fishing companies get freshtasting fish to Japan?To keep the fish fresh, the Japanese fishing companies _16_ put the fish in the tanks。 But they _17_ a small shark to each tank。 The shark eats a few fish, but most of the fish _18_ livel

6、y。 The fish are challenged (挑战)So it is with humans. Some of us are also living in a pond but most of the time _19_, so we need a _20_ in our life to keep us active。本文是夹叙夹议文。日本人爱吃新鲜的鱼。远航捕鱼的渔船为了保持鱼的鲜味会在鱼缸里放入一条小鲨鱼来保证鱼的鲜活。人类也如此,枯燥乏味的生活中也需要这样一条“鲨鱼”来让我们时刻保持活力.1A。land Bwater Cforest Dspace答案:B解析:因为周边水域中的鱼

7、不多,所以渔船才会远航捕鱼。2A。support Bhelp Cfeed Dsave答案:C解析:为了有足够的鱼养活日本人,渔船造得越来越大,也走得越来越远。3A.bigger Bhigher Cfaster Dlonger答案:A解析:参见上题解析.4A.left Breturned Cbroke Dtravelled答案:B解析:渔船走得越远,返回需要的时间就会越久。5A。clean Bnatural Chealthy Dfresh答案:D解析:渔船捕到鱼后返回的时间稍长,鱼就不新鲜了。6A.taste Bsmell Csight Dtouch答案:A解析:日本人不喜欢那种不新鲜的味道。7

8、A.kill Bcook Cfreeze Dpack答案:C解析:为了解决这个问题,渔业公司在渔船上装上了冰箱,将捕的鱼冰冻保存。8A.required Bforced Cexpected Dallowed答案:D解析:冰箱使得渔船能够走得更远,在海上待的时间更长。9A。Besides BHowever CInstead DIndeed答案:B解析:但是,日本人能够吃出新鲜的鱼和冷冻鱼的差别。他们不喜欢吃冷冻鱼。10A.between Bbeyond Cwithin Dwith答案:A解析:参见上题解析。11A。use Bcost Cprice Dspeed答案:C解析:日本人不喜欢吃冷冻鱼,

9、买的人少了,自然价格就变低了。12A。special Bdeep Cdark Dcrowded答案:D解析:渔业公司不得不另想办法。他们在渔船上装上了大鱼缸。鱼被放在鱼缸里,一条紧挨着一条。在这种拥挤的状态下,鱼很快就累得游不动了。13A.Finally BUnluckily CStrangely DThankfully答案:B解析:虽然鱼不怎么游动了,但是还活着。不幸的是,日本人仍然能吃出这种鱼和新鲜的鱼的区别。14A.preferred Bknew Cshared Dserved答案:A解析:日本人更爱吃的是新鲜的鱼,不是迟钝的鱼。15A.where Bwhy Chow Dwhen答案:C

10、解析:那么,日本的渔业公司该如何给日本人带去新鲜的鱼呢?16A。seldom Bonly Cnever Dstill答案:D解析:最后,他们想到了一个办法。他们仍然将鱼放在鱼缸里,但是他们在鱼缸里加入了一条小鲨鱼。17A。show Badd Cdevote Dintroduce答案:B解析:参见上题解析.18A.arrive Bfinish Cpass Descape答案:A解析:鲨鱼会捕食其他鱼,这导致其他鱼游来游去躲避鲨鱼的捕杀,这样就保证了大部分鱼在到达时仍然充满活力,新鲜十足。19A。weak Bsick Csad Dtired答案:D解析:人类也是如此。我们中有些人在一成不变的生活中

11、变得乏累,失去活力.这时,我们也需要这样一条“鲨鱼”来让我们时刻保持活力。20A.freezer Btank Cshark Dfish答案:C解析:参见上题解析。阅读理解After the heavy rain passes, a man at a company that lies on the riverbank arrives for work。 At the waters edge, he notices a baby beaver (海狸) balls up on the ground。 Realizing that the animal needs help, the man pi

12、cks him up and drives to a nearby animal hospital. From there the beaver is sent to the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society (CWRS), where he will begin his recovery。Vets check the beavernow named Birch-for wounds or broken bones. Luckily they find no injuries. “But hes a real little animalonly t

13、hree and a half pounds, says Andrea Hunt, a worker at the rehab center。 According to his weight, they think that Birch is about eight weeks old。 “Baby beavers stay with their families for one to two years, Hunt says. “Hes not ready to care for himself. If he hadnt been saved, he almost certainly wou

14、ldnt have survived。To keep Birch from getting lonely, Hunt pairs him with another baby beaver named Aspen. At first theyre fed a milky cereal. A few weeks later, Birch and Aspen begin a diet (饮食) of solid food that includes leafy kale and collard greens。 Wood is also on the menu. For exercise, each

15、beaver receives its own pool to swim in。About a year later, Birch weighs 27 pounds. “Not only is he healthy, but hes also learned good survival skills,” Hunt says。 “Its time to let him go.” Early one morning the beaver is driven into a Canadian forest to be set free。 Birch is carried in a cage (笼子)

16、to the bank of a lake。 When the door opens, he carefully steps out, then jumps into the water and swims away. “Well miss Birch, Hunt says. “But nothing feels better than putting an animal back where it should be.本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了一只小海狸遇险获救并最终被放归大自然的故事。1On his way to work, the man _。Agets caught in heavy

17、 rain Bsaves a little young animalCis driven to a hospital Dsends a beaver home答案:B解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的“the man picks him up and drives to a nearby animal hospital”和第二段中的“If he hadnt been saved, he almost certainly wouldnt have survived.”可知,那位男子在上班途中救了小海狸一命,故选B项。2According to Paragraph 2, Birch _.Amoves

18、to the rehab center with HuntBloses his parents when he is bornCis too young to care for himselfDbreaks his bones in an accident答案:C解析:细节理解题.由该段中的“they think that Birch is about eight weeks old.Hes not ready to care for himself”可知,Birch太小还不会照顾自己,故选C项.3Which of the following may Andrea Hunt agree wit

19、h?AIf you love him, stay with him forever.BIt is dangerous to get close to animals。CJust keep a beaver as your pet.DSave animals, save the world。答案:D解析:推理判断题。由Andrea Hunt帮助小海狸康复并将其放归大自然的故事及她在最后一段所说的“But nothing feels。.should be。可知,Andrea Hunt会同意D项说法。4What would be the best title for the text?ABirch:

20、 a lucky beaverBAspen: a special friendCAndrea Hunt: a skilled workerDThe CWRS: home to injured animals答案:A解析:标题归纳题。总览全文可知,文章主要讲述了一只小海狸遇险获救并最终被放归大自然的故事,故用A项作为标题最恰当.。短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画

21、一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词.注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Mum and Dad,Were having a wonderful time in Australia。There is so much to see that it is impossible for me to tell you everything。During past three days,weve travelled a lot around Sydney.We went to the zoo,on where we saw many animal

22、s that can only be found in Australia.We spent some time relaxing in the sunshine on the beach,but we went to Pitt Street and wander around for a bit while we did some shopping.Though I would like to spend more time here,the locally guide told us that we will fly to Cairns tomorrow.Its said that wor

23、d cannot describe the beauty of the ocean near Cairns。Now everybody is busy packed so that we will not lose time when we set off.This time tomorrow we will be enjoying the ocean near Cairns。I cant wait!Because I have much more to tell you,I must go to bed now so that I can get up early and get to th

24、e airport on time.Please send my best wishes to Granny and tell she that I am coming back soon.Love,Robert答案与解析1第三句:During后加the。考查冠词。past three days意为“近三天”,表示特指,故加上定冠词the。2第四句:去掉on。考查定语从句。the zoo为先行词,其后为定语从句,且关系词在从句中作状语表示地点,意为“在动物园中”,故用关系副词where引导从句。如果用“介词关系词”引导从句,应用in which。3第五句:butand。考查连词。We spen

25、t。.we went to。.均为“我们”三天中做的事情,表示并列关系,故把but改为and。4第五句:wanderwandered。考查动词时态。此处与前面的went to为并列动作,时态应一致。故把wander改为wandered.5第六句:locallylocal。考查形容词。guide为名词,意为“导游”,所以其前用形容词作定语。故把locally改为local。6第六句:willwould。考查时态。由本句谓语动词told可知,主句谓语用一般过去时,其宾语从句要用过去的某种时态。故把will改为would。7第七句:wordwords。考查名词。由本句谓语动词describe可知,可

26、以“描述”事物的应该是“语言、话语或文字”,故此处word为可数名词,根据语境可知应用其复数形式。8第八句:packedpacking。考查非谓语动词。be busy doing sth.意为“忙于做某事,故把packed改为packing。9第十一句:BecauseThough/Although。考查连词。根据语境可知,此句两部分之间是让步关系,故此处应用连词引导让步状语从句,故把Because改为Though/Although。10第十二句:sheher.考查代词.动词tell后为宾语,用代词的宾格形式。故把she改为her。.实战演练假如你叫李华,你从报纸上得知有六种熊由于人类活动而面临灭绝的危险。请根据以下要点,给世界野生生物基金会(WWF)写信反映这一情况,呼吁采取措施保护熊。主要内容包括:1写信目的:呼吁WWF采取措施保护熊。2濒危的原因:熊的某些身体部


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