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1、2021届高考英语二轮复习备考专项冲刺专题18阅读理解三含解析2021届高考英语二轮复习备考专项冲刺专题18阅读理解三含解析2021届高考英语二轮复习备考专项冲刺专题18阅读理解三含解析专题18 【阅读理解】解题指导触类旁通寻方法,求策略,掌握“套路”三提炼加工 明主旨主旨大意题阅读理解【主旨大意题】满分攻略命题规律命题趋势主旨大意题在阅读理解中比重不高,但属于每年必考的题型,设题1-2题考查内容考查考生对文章整体或局部主旨大意的理解和概括。正确选项特点不含细节信息和绝对意义的词恰当概括内容干扰项特点 以偏概全 断章取义 主题扩大 似是而非 张冠李戴答题技巧点拨题型题干标志词浏览全文,寻找主题

2、词或主题句;归纳文章主要内容归纳标题title 标题标准精语言精炼准准确定位作者观点的内涵和外延统统领细节新新颖有吸引力概括文章大意或者段落大意titletopicthemechieflymainlymain ideasubjectin chiefsummarizetry to express等标志词 找主题词根据文体略读从文章或段落中寻找高频词根据对文章或段落的理解,用主题词概括大意找主题句主题句特 点结构特点标志词及解题思路主题句在文首或段首主题句 支撑句在文首或段首的主题句后面的标志词有:first, next, also, to begin with, one。.the other,f

3、or example等主题句在文尾或段尾细节描述 归纳要点 概括主题在文尾或段尾引出结论的标志词有:clearly, so, thus, consequence,therefore, in conclusion,in short等主题句在文中或段中细节描述 归纳主题 进一步解释当段落中出现表示转折的词语however, but, in fact, actually等标志词时,该句很可能是主题句。没 有主题句没有明显的主题句,暗示性地体现主题。根据事实、线索综合分析,概括大意。不能以偏概全,也不能过于宽泛。考点突破针对提能明考点,攻重难,有效提升熟记高频词 突破阅读理解词汇障碍高考英语考前必背5

4、70个高频词第 十 三 组第 十 四 组351. semester n。 学期;半年352. semiconductor n. 半导体353. seminar n。 研讨会354. terminal adj。 末端的;极限的 n. 终点355。 territory n. 领土356。 approximate adj.大概的;大约v. 近似357。 arbitrary adj. 随意的;未断的358. architect n。 建筑师359。 architecture n. 建筑学360。 biology n. 生物学361. geography n。 地理(学)362。 geology n。

5、地质学363. geometry n. 几何(学)364。 arithmetic n。 算术365。 algebra n. 代数366. entertainment n。 娱乐;招待;款待367. enthusiasm n。 热情;热心368. entry n.进入;入口处;参赛的人(或物)369. environment n。 环境370。 episode n。 插曲;片段371。 equation n. 方程式372. restrain vt. 阻止;抑制373。 restraint n。 抑制;限制374. resume v. 中断后重新开始375. severe adj。 严重的376

6、. sexual adj. 性别的377. simplicity n. 简单;朴素378。 slender adj. 苗条的;修长的379。 sorrow n。 悲哀;悲痛380。 stuff n。 原料;材料 vt。 填进;塞满381. temporary adj. 暂时的;临时的382。 temptation n. 诱惑;引诱383. terror n。 恐怖384。 thrust v. 挤;推;插385. treaty n. 条约;协定386。 arise vi。 产生;出现;发生;起身387. arouse vt. 引起;激起;唤醒388. burden n。 重担;负荷389. bu

7、reau n。 局;办事处390 marvelous adj. 奇迹般的;惊人的391. massive adj。 大的;大量的;大块的392。 mature adj。 成熟的393。 maximum adj。 最高的;最大的394. minimum adj。 最低的;最小的395。 nonsense n. 胡说;冒失的行动396。 nuclear adj。 核子的;核能的397. nucleus n。 核398. retail n。/v./adv. 零售399。 retain vt. 保留;保持400。 restrict vt。 限制;约束401. sponsor n.主办者 vt。发起,主

8、办,资助402。 spur n./vt。 刺激;激励403. triumph n. 胜利;成功404. tuition n。 学费第 十 五 组第 十 六 组405. twist vt. 使缠绕;转动;扭歪406. undergraduate n. 大学肄业生407. universal adj。 普遍的;通用的;宇宙的408. universe n. 宇宙409. via prep。 经由;经过;通过410. vibrate v. 振动;摇摆411。 virus n. 病毒412. voluntary adj。 自愿的413。 volunteer n. 志愿者 v。 自愿(做)414. vo

9、te v。 选举 n。 选票415. wagon n。 四轮马车;铁路货车416. appoint vt. 任命;委派417。 approach v. 靠近;接近 n。 途径,方式418。 appropriate adj. 适当的419。 bunch n。 群;伙;束;串420. bundle n. 捆;包;束 vt. 收集;归拢421。 conquer vt. 征服422。 chaos n。 混乱;紊乱423。 discount n。 (价格)折扣424。 display n。/vt. 陈列;展览425。 equivalent adj. 相等的 adj. 相等物426. erect adj.

10、 竖直的 v. 建造,竖立427. fax n。/vt. 传真428。 fertile adj。 肥沃的;多产的429。 fertilizer n。 肥料430. hardware n. 五金器具431。 horror n。 恐怖432. horrible adj. 可怕的433。 Internet n. 国际互联网;因特网434. interpret v。 翻译;解释435。 interpretation n。 解释;说明436. leak v. 漏;渗出437. lean vi。 倾斜;倚;靠438. leap vi。 跳跃439 modify vt. 修改440. nylon n。 尼龙

11、441。 onion n。 洋葱442。 powder n. 粉末443。 applicable adj。 可应用的;适当的444. applicant n. 申请人445. breadth n. 宽度446。 conservation n。 保存;保护447。 conservative adj。 保守的448。 parallel n。 平行线;可相比拟的事物449. passion n. 激情;热情450. passive adj. 被动的;消极的451. pat v。/n. 轻拍;轻打452。 peak n. 山峰;顶点453. phenomenon n. 现象454。 reluctant

12、 adj. 不情愿的;勉强的455。 rely vi. (on ,upon)依赖;指望456。 relevant adj. 有关的;切题的457。 reliable adj。 可靠的458。 relief n. 轻松;宽慰;减轻459。 reputation n。 名气;声誉460。 rescue vt./n. 营救2021年高考英语【阅读理解】题型强化训练三解析版跟踪检测迁移应用练模拟,练规范,夯基提能 Test 1Author Walter Dean Myers died at the age of 76 after a brief illness。 Walter Dean Myers w

13、as the author of more than 100 books for children and young adults and received many top awards。The prolific author was loved for his vivid description of the lives of African American children, and for writing books for young people that covered different subjects。 “Myers has written about all thos

14、e subjects with deep understanding and a hard。won, qualified sense of hope,” said Leonard S。 Marcus in 2008。He was born in 1937 and was adopted by Florence Dean and Herbert after his mother died while giving birth to his younger sister. They loved him very much and his mother read to him from a very

15、 young age. Reading pushed him to discover worlds beyond his landscape。He began writing at an early age。 He wrote well in high school and an English teacher recognized this and advised him to keep on writing no matter what happened to him。 “Its what you do,” she said.He dropped out of high school at

16、 17 and joined the army。 After finishing his service, he entered a dark period in his life. Myers began writing at night to pull himself through that miserable time。In an essay published in The New York Times earlier this year, Myers described how a short story by James Arthur Baldwin helped change

17、the course of his life. “I didnt love the story, but I was lifted by it,” he wrote, “for it took place in Harlem, and it was a story concerned with black people like those I knew. By humanizing the people who were like me, Baldwins story also humanized me. The story gave me a permission that I didnt

18、 know I needed, the permission to write about my own landscape, my own map.”“I write books for the troubled boy I once was,” he wrote, “and for the boy who lives within me still。”1What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?AHow popular Myers was.BHow Myers became successful.CWhat makes Myers w

19、orks popular.DWhat people think of Myers works。2Who discovered Myers writing talent?AJames Arthur Baldwin.BHis mother。CLeonard S. Marcus.DOne of his teachers。3What does the underlined word “prolific” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?AProductive。BUnfortunate。CConservative。 DHumorous.4Why was the short st

20、ory by James Arthur Baldwin so important for Myers?AIt helped him survive the dark period.BIt inspired him to pursue his writing career。CHe learned many writing techniques from it。DThe author of the story permitted him to write。【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文,主要介绍了美国著名作家Walter Dean Myers的生平。1C解析:段落大意题.通读该段可知,该段首句“Th

21、e prolific author.。covered different subjects。”为该段主题句,结合该段其他内容可知,这位多产的作家因其对非裔美国儿童生活的生动描述,以及为年轻人写的涉及不同话题的书籍而深受喜爱.由此可知,该段主要介绍了他的作品受欢迎的原因,故C项正确.2D解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“He wrote well in high school and an English teacher recognized this and advised him to keep on writing no matter what happened to him.”可知,他

22、在高中时写作就很好,一位英语老师认识到这一点并建议他无论发生什么事都要坚持写下去.据此可知,他的写作天赋是他的一位老师发现的,故D项正确。3A解析:词义猜测题。根据第一段第二句“Walter Dean Myers was the author of more than 100 books for children and young adults and received many top awards。”可知,Walter Dean Myers 写了100多本儿童和年轻人读物,并获得了许多最高奖项.由此可推知,他是一位多产的作家.productive意为“多产的”,故A项正确。B项意为“不幸

23、的”,C项意为“守旧的”,D项意为“幽默的,都与语境不符。4B解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第一句中的“how a short story.the course of his life”以及最后一句“The story gave me a permission that I didnt know I needed, the permission to write about my own landscape, my own map.”可知,Baldwin写的故事鼓励了Myers追求他自己的写作事业,故B项正确。Test 2Whore happier, men or women? Resear

24、ch shows its a complex question and that asking whether males or females are happier isnt really that helpful, because basically, happiness is different for women and men。Womens happiness has been declining for the past 30 years, according to recent statistics。 And research shows that women are twic

25、e as likely to experience depression compared with men。 Gender(性别) differences in depression are well confirmed and studies have found that biological, psychological and social factors contribute to the difference.Early studies on gender and happiness found men and women were socialized to express d

26、ifferent feelings。 Women are more likely to express happiness, warmth and fear, which help with social bonding and appear more consistent with the traditional role as a primary caregiver, while men display more anger, pride and disrespect, which are more consistent with a protector and provider role

27、.Recent research suggests that these differences are not just socially, but also genetically related. Studies have looked into these findings further and discovered that females use more areas of the brain containing mirror neurons (镜像神经元) than males when they process feelings. Mirror neurons allow

28、us to experience the world from other peoples view, to understand their actions and intentions。 This may explain why women can experience deeper sadness. Women tend to experience more negative feelings, such as more guilt, shame and to a lesser degree, embarrassment.Psychologically it seems men and

29、women differ in the way they process and express feelings. With the exception of anger, women experience feelings more strongly and share their feelings more openly with others. Studies have found in particular that women express more appreciationwhich has been linked to greater happiness. This supp

30、orts the theory that womens happiness is more dependent on relationships than mens.1Which feeling are men more likely to show compared with women?AWarmth.BDepression.CHappiness. DDisrespect.2What factors cause women to share feelings more openly?APsychological factors。 BBiological factors。CEducation

31、al factors. DSocial factors.3One can probably read the text from_Aa science fiction Ba culture brochureCa nursery guide Da health magazine4What is the text mainly about?AMen and women differ in biology and psychology。BMen and women experience happiness differently.CSocial roles have a great effect o

32、n men and women.DWomens happiness has declined in the past years。【解题导语】本文从社会、生理和心理三个方面介绍了男性和女性在幸福感上的差异。1D解析:细节理解题.根据第三段最后一句中的“while men display more anger, pride and disrespect”可知,男性表现更多的是生气、骄傲和无礼,故选D。2A解析:细节理解题.根据最后一段的内容可知,本段从心理方面介绍了男性和女性在处理和表达感情方面的不同:与男性相比,女性更加公开地表露自己内心的情感.3D解析:文章出处题。根据本文内容可知,本文主要

33、从社会、生理和心理三个方面分析了男性和女性在幸福感上的差异。由此可推知,本文有可能摘自一本健康杂志,故选D项。4B解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文从社会、生理和心理三个方面分析了男性和女性在幸福感上的差异,故B项最符合文意。Test 3A study of 500,000 songs released (发行) in the UK between 1985 and 2015 showed that pop music had decreased in happiness and increased in sadness.In a report published in the journa

34、l Royal Society Open Science, researchers at the University of California examined hundreds of thousands of songs and classified them by their mood. “Happiness is going down, sadness is going up, and at the same time, the songs are becoming more danceable and more party.like,” co.author Natalia LKom

35、arova told The Associated Press。The study found songs in 2014 like Stay with Me by Sam Smith, Whispers by Passenger and Unmissable by Gorgon City have a “low happiness” trend。 However, tracks from 1984 like Glory Days by Bruce Springsteen, Would I Lie to You? by Eurythmics and Freedom by Wham! had a

36、 “high happiness” trend. “The public seems to prefer happier songs, even though more and more unhappy songs are being released each year, the researchers wrote。Apart from the emotional trends, researchers discovered that dances and pop were the most successful styles of music and that there was a “c

37、lear downward” trend, with the popularity of rock beginning in the early 2000s. “So it looks like, while the overall mood is becoming less happy, people seem to want to forget it all and dance,” Komarova wrote in an email.It was also found that the “maleness” of songs-the frequency of male singers i

38、n popular musichad decreased during the last 30 years. “Successful songs are characterised by a larger percentage of female artists compared to all songs,” they wrote。This discovery appears at a time when the conversation around sex equality in the music industry is at its height, with more male art

39、ists and songwriters.1The researchers examined lots of songs to _Afind songs for dances and partiesBchoose songs for a journalCrelease more songsDknow better about songs2Whose music style tends to bring you more happiness?ANatalia LKomarovas.BSam Smiths.CGorgon Citys。DBruce Springsteens.3What do we

40、know about songs over the past three decades?ARock became popular in the early 2000s。BFewer unhappy songs came to light every year.CMale singers were better at performing pop music。DFemale artists were less skilled in writing songs。4What can be a suitable title for the text?APop Music Is Getting Sad

41、derBMusic Calls for Sex EqualityCPop Music Has a Long HistoryDMusic Industry Is Going Down【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了流行音乐表达的情绪的变化趋势.1D解析:推理判断题。本文第二段介绍了加州大学的研究者们调查了成千上万的歌曲并把它们按情绪分类,紧接着得出歌曲分类的结果,可见他们调查歌曲的目的是想对歌曲有更多的了解,故选D。A、C两项曲解文意;B项无中生有.2D解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“However, tracks from 1984 like Glory Days by Bruce

42、Springsteen。.had a high happiness trend.可知D项正确。Natalia LKomarova为报道的合著者,而非歌手;Sam Smith、Gorgon City所演唱的歌曲有让人开心感降低的趋势,故排除。3A解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“with the popularity of rock beginning in the early 2000s”可知,摇滚乐在21世纪初开始流行,故A项正确.其余三个选项的内容均与文意不符.4A解析:标题归纳题。根据本文首段总述及后续段落的描述可知,全文重点介绍了流行音乐正变得越来越伤感,故选A项.B项仅是本文中提到的

43、一个细节;C项不是本文的重点;D项扩大外延,属过度概括,故排除。Test 4As evolution tends to remove waste, how come we evolved such large, energy.consuming brains? The dominant hypothesis(假设) suggests that tough social interactions are the driving force。 But our new study done in an unusual way shows that human brain expansion is l

44、ikely driven by ecology(生态)Scientists have tested the ecological and social hypotheses before。 The common approach is to look at many species and investigate whether large brains are associated with specific problems. For example, do primates or other animals with large brains have a diet that is ch

45、allenging to find but nutritionally rewarding? This would indicate an ecological origin。 Or do they live in large groups where they face lots of social problems?While many studies have found such associations, there is a problem。 It cannot tell whether large brains evolved to solve the difficult pro

46、blems or whether they evolved for other reasons and then enabled their bearers to deal with the hard problems.To find out the causes of brain expansion, we recreated the scenarios(可能出现的情况) of the two hypotheses using a mathematical model。 We found that a combination of ecological and social challeng

47、es do produce the brain size we see in humans. But it was ecological challenges that expanded brains。 In contrast to the dominant view and our own expectation, we found that social challenges contributed by decreasing brain size. But you need both factors to get the brain size we see todayif there w

48、ere no social challenges our brains would have been even larger but likely poorly suited to social life. Bigger isnt necessarily better.But many animals face hard ecological problems. Why dont they all have large brains? We found that ecological problems only lead to human.sized brains when individu

49、als can keep learning hard skills as they grow。 So our results and those of others suggest that hard ecology and the accumulation of cultural knowledge could act together to produce a human.sized brain。Will the human brain expand further? The complexity of the systems involved makes it impossible to

50、 say much with certainty at present.1In most peoples view, what makes human evolve large brains?ASocial challenges.BSocial and ecological challenges.CEcological challenges。DCompetition with other large animals.2Whats the problem of the common approach?AIts model is not reliable enough。BIt doesnt tel

51、l the cause and effect clearly.CIts hypothesis cannot be proved effectively.DIt doesnt find brain size is connected with problems。3Why dont many animals have large brains?AThey dont learn from each other.BThey dont face hard ecological problems。CThey dont need to cooperate with each other。DThey dont

52、 keep learning tough skills as they grow.4Which of the following do the researchers find most surprising?AAnimals dont have large brains。BSocial challenges decrease brain size。CEcological challenges increase brain size。DIts unclear whether human brains will expand further。【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。科学研究发现,人类大脑的

53、大小是由生态环境和文化知识积累的共同作用决定的;大脑并非越大越好,如果大脑过大,则人类将无法适应社交活动.1A解析:细节理解题.根据第一段第二句“The dominant hypothesis(假设)suggests that tough social interactions are the driving force.”并结合第一段内容可知,大部分人认为棘手的社交活动是人类大脑进化的动力,故A项正确。2B解析:细节理解题.根据第三段第二句“It cannot tell whether large brains evolved to solve the difficult problems

54、or whether they evolved for other reasons and then enabled their bearers to deal with the hard problems。”可知,传统的研究方法无法解释清楚大脑进化的原因和影响,故B项正确。3D解析:推理判断题。根据第五段第二、三句“Why dont they all have large brains? We found that ecological problems only lead to human.sized brains when individuals can keep learning ha

55、rd skills as they grow。”可知,只有当个体在成长过程中不断学习艰难的技能时,生态环境才会影响人类特定大小的大脑。据此可推知,动物在成长过程中并没有持续学习艰难的技能,所以动物没有大的大脑,故D项正确.4B解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第四句“In contrast to the dominant view and our own expectation, we found that social challenges contributed by decreasing brain size。可知,与主流观点及我们自己的预期相反,我们发现社会挑战导致大脑变小。据此可知,社会挑

56、战导致大脑变小是令人惊讶的发现,故B项正确.Test 5Traveling to a foreign country can make you frightened if you dont know the local language. Mr. Thibault has a number of tips to help travelers manage in a destination when they dont speak the native tongue, based on his own experience。 Here are a few of them.Download a L

57、anguage Translation AppMr。 Thibault tends to rely on Google Translate and suggests that travelers find an app that works for them。 Ideally, find one that specializes in the language you need to translate especially if the language uses a character set youre not familiar with, or have difficulty pron

58、ouncing。Speak with Your Hands and HeadPointing with your hands and nodding or shaking your head, Mr. Thibault said, are easy ways to communicate with locals in the country youre in. “Gestures are all universally understood,” he said.Learn a Few Key WordsKnowing basic words and phrases like “hello”,

59、“thank you” and “Im sorry. I dont speak your language。 Do you speak English? is a must, Mr. Thibault said. Showing that you care enough to learn some of the language before you go, and at least enough to acknowledge that you dont know more, is a form of respect and will go a long way to be liked by

60、locals。Work with a Local Travel AgentIf you feel particularly uncomfortable in the country youre headed to, and you have to go anyway, relying on a local travel agent who knows both your and your destinations languages can be incredibly useful.Hire a Local Tour GuideA tour guide can help you get a b


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