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1、U1live【v】居住;生活;生存【adj】活的;实况的【词组】live off 依靠,依赖同义词:survivesurvivalresideresidence inhabitant dwell onsettlementdwellsettle【例句】1996 Text 3The “shareholders” ach had no knowledgeof the lives, thoughts or needs of the workmen employed by the company in which he held shares, andhis influence on the relat

2、ions of capital and labor was not good.参考译文:这种股东不了解他们所持股的公司里工人们的生活、极的影响。和需求,他们对劳资关系也不会产生积【例句】1997 Text 3We live a society in which the medicinal and sol use of substan(drugs) is pervasive: an aspiroquiet a headache, some wine to be soble, coffee to get going in the morning, a cigarette for thenerves

3、.参考译文:一个物质(药物)在医疗和社交方面使用广泛的社会里:用来缓解头痛的阿斯匹林,用来应酬的酒,早晨用来提神的咖啡,还有定神用的香烟。【例句】2003 翻译Furthermore, humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live, thuother life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies.bjecting all参考译文:此外,人类具有改变他们生活环境的能力,从而,使其他的生命形态都服从于人类自己独特的想法和想象力。【例句】2011 Tex

4、t1Devoted concertgoers who replypo .t recordings are no substitute for live performance are missing the参考译文:那些忠实的音乐会迷们声称唱片并不能代替现场演出,但是他们却没有抓住问题的关键。There recordings are cheap, available everywhere, and very often much higher in artistic qualityntodays live performanchoosing.; moreover, they can be “c

5、onsumed” at a time and place of the listeners参考译文:这些唱片价格便宜,哪里都能买到,而且比现在的许多现场音乐会的艺术质量高。进一步讲,听众能的选择听唱片的时间和地点。【形近词】alive 【adj】活着的【例句】1999 完型2live出现次数39v.17n.16adj.6形近词alive, liveliness,deliver,delivery,outlive,livelihoodCompanies with low accident rates plan their safety programs, work hard toworking t

6、o keep them alive and active.anize them, and continue参考译文:事故发生率低的公司制定自己的安全计划,努力付诸实施,并且不断使之发挥持久效力。【形近词】liveline】【例句】2005Text4Equally, in poetry, the highlyliveliness.al, performative genre is the only formt could claim real参考译文:同样,在诗歌中,高度个性化和富有表现力的创作风格是唯一真正有The word “talking” (Line 6, paragraph 3) de

7、notes .的形式。A modesty Bality C liveliness D informality参考译文:“talking”这个单词(第三段第六行)意思是:A谦逊B个性D不拘礼节C【形近词】deliver【v】给接生,传送delivery 【n】分娩;投递;方式【例句】2002Text1Include a few casual and apparently off-the-cuff remarks which you can deliver in a relaxed and unforcedmanner. Often its the delivery which causes th

8、e audience to s, so speak slowly and rememberta raised eyebrow or an unbe ving look may help to showt you are making a light-hearted remark.参考译文:你可以用轻松的、不做作的方式说一些很随便的、看上去是即兴的话。使听众发笑的往往是你说话的方式,因此正在说笑话。慢一点,并且记住扬扬眉毛或者做出一种不相信的表情,这些都是会向人们显示你【例句】2002 Text 1To achieve the desired result, humorous stories s

9、hould be delivered .A in well-worded languageas awkwardly asin exaggerated sas casually assible ementssible参考译文:想要达到预期的效果,应该讲幽默的故事。A用精心组织的语言 C用夸张的表述【形近词】outlive 【v】比活得长B尽可能的蹩脚D尽可能的随意【例句】2006 Text3The extinction of large prehistoric animals is noted to suggestA large animal were vulnerable to the cha

10、nging environmentt .B small speciervived as large animals disappearedlarge sea animals may face the same threat todayslow-growing fish outlive fast-growing ones参考译文:提及大型史前动物的是为了说明A 大型动物容易受到环境变化的影响。B 当大型动物的时候,小型物种存活了下来。C 大型海洋动物今天相同的。D 生长缓慢的鱼要比成长快速的鱼活得长。【例句】2007 Text3Steelworkers, airline employees, a

11、nd now thosehe auto industry are joining millions omi s who3must worry abouterest rates, stock market fluctuation, and the harsh realityretirement money.t they may outlive their参考译文:钢铁工人,航空雇员以及现在从事汽车行业的人都在加入数百万这样的家庭中,他们不得不为利率,波动以及退休金不够养老的现实而担心。【形近词】livelihood【n】生计【例句】1999 Text 2Rather, we have a cer

12、tain conception of the American citizen, a character who isplete if he cannotcompetently assess how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself.参考译文:而是,对公民有这样一种概念:如果他不能准确地判断自身的生活及如何受外界影响,他就是一个不完善的公民。【词组】live off 依赖生活【例句】2006 Text2And there are the townsfolk who largely liv

13、e off the tourists who come, not to see the plays, but to look atAnne Haways Cottage, Shakespeares birthplace and the other sights.参考译文:另一方则是当地的居民,他们很大程度上依赖那些不是来看戏而是来参观出生地以及其他景点的游客而生活。的小屋、large 【adj】大的; 广大的【n】一般,大体上【形近词】enlarge 【v】扩大;放大;详述【例句】2001 Text 4I be vet the most important forbehind the mass

14、iveM&A wave are the samet underthe globalization pros:falling transpor ion and communication costs, lower trade and investment barriers and enlargedmarketst require enlarged operations capable of meeting customers demands.参考译文:我认为,推动这次巨大的并购浪潮的最主要的力量,也是推动全球化进程的力量,就是与通讯费用的降低,贸易与投资的减少,以及市场的扩大和为满足市场需求的生

15、产的扩大。【形近词】largely 【adv】主要地;大部分;大量地【例句】2000 Text 4Ten years ago young people were hardworking and saw their jobs as their primary reason for being, butnow Japan has largely fulfilled its economic needs, and young peoplenext.t know where they should go参考译文:10 年前,年轻人工作勤奋,将工作视为他们存在的主要理由,但现在的经济需求已经大体上得到了

16、满足,因此年轻人不知道他们下一步何去何从。【词组】arge 一般;大体上【例句】1996 词汇【n】;无拘束The discuswas so prolonged and exhaustingt the speakers stopped for refreshments.Aarge B atervalsC at easeD at random参考译文:讲座会开得那么冗长使人精疲力尽,致使发言的人不时停下来喝点饮料。mark【v】做标记;标明4large出现次数46adj44n2形近词largelyenlarge【n】痕迹,斑点;记号,符号;(等)分数【例句】1998 完型Spelists in

17、history and economics, have shown twothings:t the period from 1650 to 1750 was marked bygreat poverty, andt industrialization certainly did notworsen and may have actually improved the conditions forthe majority of the populace.参考译文:历史和经济学已两件事情:一是 1650 至 1750以显著的贫困为特征;二是工业革命不但没有加重这种贫困,反而使绝大多数人的生活得到了

18、改善。【例句】2010 Text4Americas new plan to buy up toxic assets will not work unless bfind attractive.s mark assets to levels which buyers参考译文:收购不良资产的新计划不会起作用,除非把资产表明到买家认为有的水平。【形近词】market 【n】市场,行情 【v】出售【例句】2011 Text3The rough guide to marketing sucs used to bet you got what you paid for.参考译文:过去,市场的成功秘诀就是“

19、一分耕耘,一分收获。”【形近词】remark【v】评论【例句】2001 完型Up to 19 witnesses were 48 to have received payments forling their stories tD told。sprs.A s edB remarked C said参考译文:据说多达十九个证人因向报社讲述他们的经历而获得【例句】2003 Text4The authors attitude toward Richard Lamms remark is one of .A strong disapprovalBconsentslight contemptenthus

20、iastic support参考译文:作者对的所持的态度是B 有保留的赞同。D 热烈支持。AC 略有蔑视。【形近词】remarkable【adj】卓越的,非凡的,辉煌的【例句】1996 Text2 【adj】卓越的,非凡的,辉煌的It is a remarkable record, stretching back over 70 years - yet the BBCs future is now in doubt.参考译文:延续七十多年,BBC 可谓历程辉煌,然而现在,BBC 的未来却令人疑虑。【形近词】landmark【n】地标【例句】1998 翻译What the researchers

21、 found was at once bomazing and expected; the US National Aeronautics andSpace Administrations Cosmic Background Explorer sa lite - Cobe - had discovered landmark5mark出现次数4v4形近词market remark marketerremarkable markedly marketplacelandmarkevidencet the universe did in fact begin with the primeval exp

22、lose known as theBig Bang (the theoryt the universe originated in an explofrom a single mass of energy).参考译文:研究所发现的宇宙云既令人惊讶,又在人们的意料之国国家航空航天局的 Cobe 号(宇宙背景探测器)已经发现了划时代的,表明宇宙确实)。于最早的一次,人们称之为大(此理论认为宇宙于一大块能量的【形近词】marketplace 【n】市集,商场,市场【例句】2002 Text3“Do we really want railroads to be the arbiters of who

23、wins and who losesMartin Bercovici, a Washington lawyer who frequently represents shipper.he marketplace?” asks参考译文:.“真的想让铁路成为市场上输赢的主宰吗?”MartinBercovici,一个来自的典型性的商家代表,这样问道。【形近词】marked 【adj】显著的,明显的;有记号的【例句】2009 翻译There is a marked difference betn the education which everyone gets from living with oth

24、ers, and the deliberate educating of the young.参考译文:直接与他人交往受到的教育与对年轻人的刻意教育是明显不同的。【形近词】marketer 【n】市场商人,市场【例句】2011 Text3Paid and owned media are controlled by marketers promoting their own products. For earned media ,suarketers act as the initiator for users responses. But in some cases, one marketer

25、s ownedmediae another marketers paid media for instance, when anmerce retailer sells adspace on its Web site.参考译文:通过控制媒介和自有媒介来推销自己的产品。对于赢得媒介而言,就像媒介。是激发用户响应的牵头人。但是,在某些情况下,一个者的自有媒介会变成另一个者的比如,当某电子商务零售商出售其上的位时。line 【n】线,绳;路线,航线;线路,电线;界线,边线【v】排队;加衬,做里子【词组】in line with 与.一致同义词 row pro【例句】1996 Text5Rumorha

26、sittmoren20booksoncreationism/evolution arehe publishers pipe lines.参考译文:有传言说,有 20 多本关于创世论与进化论之争6line出现次数9n9形近词guidelinedecline disciplineon-lineoff-linelinen loneliness incline underline deadlinebaselineairlineheadlineoutlinelineage friendliness coastline的书即将。【例句】1997 Text 4Levin would not comment

27、on the debaastk, but there were signst the chairman was backingoff his hardline stand,east to some extent.参考译文:列文不愿对上周的辩论做任何评论,但有迹象表明,这位董事长至少在某种程度上放弃了自己强硬的立场。【例句】 2001 Text3In other words, there is a conventional story linehe newsroom culturet provides a backbone and aready-made narrative structure

28、for otherwise confusing news.参考译文:换言之,在的采编室文化中存在着一套约定俗成的写作模式,为纷繁复杂的提供了一个主干框架和一个现成的故事叙述套路。【例句】2003Text3If railroads charged all customers the same average rate, they argue, shippers who have the option ofswitching to trucks or other forms of transpor ion would do so, leaving remaining customers to sh

29、oulderthe cost of keng up the line.参考译文:他们认为,如果铁路公司向所有客户收取同样的平均价格的话,那么那些可以使用公路或其他交通工具的客户将会转移,使剩下的客户来承担铁路正常的开销。【例句】2004Text1Some use them to keep a close watch on the demand for their line of workcompensation to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise.ather information on参考译文:有些人利用搜索有成竹。密切地观察对于本行

30、业的需求或搜集有关加薪的信息,以备增薪谈判时胸【形近词】underline 【v】在下划线;强调;突出【例句】2005 翻译This alone demonstratest theevibusiness is not an easy world to survive in, a fact underlinedby s istics1989.t showt out of eighty Europeanevinetworks no lessn 50% took a loss in参考译文:仅此一点就表明,要在电视行业存活并非易事。统计数字尤其说明了这一事实。统计数字表明在 80 个欧洲电视网中,多

31、达一半在亏损。【例句】2010 Text 3【v】在下划线Theunderlined phrase these people in paragraph 4 refers to the ones who .参考译文:第四段中标有下划线的短语“these people”指代的是的人。【形近词】guideline【n】指导方针【例句】1999 Text1At the same time, the American Law Institute - a group of judges, lawyers, and academics whosemendations carry substantial we

32、ight - ied new guidelines for tort law s ingt companiesneed not warn customers of obvious dangers or bombard them wilengthy list ofsible ones.参考译文:与此同时,法学会一群说话举足轻重的、学者发布了新的法指导原则,宣布公司不必警示顾客那些显而易见的,或者给顾客列出一份冗长的可能遇到的的。【形近词】decline【v/n】下降;倾斜;谢绝【例句】1997 Text 47No company likes to be told it is contributi

33、ng to the moral decline of a nation.参考译文:没有一家公司乐意听到别人说自己引起了社会的道德败坏。【形近词】 discipline 【n】纪律;学科;训练;惩罚【例句】 1999 翻译erest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as anellectual discipline and more fromernal quarrels among historians themselves.参考译文:人们之所以

34、关注为历史是一门学问。【形近词】on-line【adj】的方法论,主要是因为史学界意见不一,其次是因为外界并不认的【例句】1999 Text 2Some companies are limiting the risk by conducting online tranions only with established businesspartners who are given acs to the companys privateranet.参考译文:有些公司为了降低风险,只与固定的贸易伙伴进行的权利。【形近词】off-line【adj】离线的贸易,给予这些伙伴进入本公司局域网【例句】20

35、05Text3Now researcherswhile the brain is “off-line.”参考译文:目前,研究进行规整。t dreams are part of the minds emotional thermos , regulating moods猜想梦是大脑情感自动调节系统的组成部分,当大脑处于“掉线”状态时对情绪【形近词】loneliness 【n】孤独,寂寞【例句】1997 Text 2Dullness and loneliness were common problems of the fami s who generally lived distant from

36、oneanother. Strangers and travelers wereworld.e sourof diver, and brought news of the outside参考译文:无聊、孤独是一般相互之间距离很远的家庭普遍存在的注意力,他们还带来了外面世界的消息。【形近词】friendline】亲切;友谊;亲密。陌生人和旅行者不仅转折了人们【例句】1997 Text 2The casual friendliness of many Americans should bebut as the result of a historically developed cultural

37、tradition.reted neither aperfil nor as artifil,参考译文:很多发展结果。人不经意表现的友好不应被看作是表面或虚应酬,而应该看成是文化传统的历史【形近词】coastline【n】海岸线【例句】1998 Text 5The complementary coastlines and certain geological featuresreminders of where the two continents were once joined.t seem to span the ocean are参考译文:互相吻合的海岸线和某些似乎【形近词】deadl

38、ine【n】截止日期海洋的地质特征会使人想到这两个大陆曾经是连在一起的。【例句】2001 Text5Nothing could persuade me to return to the kind of life Kelsey used to advocate and I once enjoyed:12-hour working days, prea parent on “quality time”.red deadlines, the fearful strain of office politics and the limi ions of being参考译文:什么也说服不了我回到过去那种凯

39、尔茜所宣扬的、我也曾自得其乐的生活中去:每天 12 小时8的工作日,压得人喘不母受到限制。来的最后期限,可怕而紧张的里的争权夺利,以及在“最佳时期”做父【形近词】 linen【n】亚麻布,亚麻线;亚麻制品【adj】亚麻的;亚麻布制的【形近词】incline【v】倾斜;倾向;易于【例句】2005 Text 1Female capuchonkeys were chosen for the researost probably because they are .more inclined to weigh what they getattentive to researchers instruct

40、ionsC nice in boppearance and temperamentD more generousn their male companions参考译文:选择雌性卷尾猴作为实验的对象最有可能是因为更倾向于权衡自己的所得。注意听从研究者的指令。外表和性情都非常好。D 比雄性卷尾猴更。【形近词】baseline【n】基线,【例句】2006Text3Dr. Myers and Dr. Worm arguemust takeo account.t their work gives a correct baseline, which future management efforts参考译

41、文:在内的。博士和博士认为他们的工作给出了准确的基准,它是未来的管理工作必须要考虑【形近词】airline【n】航线【例句】2007Text3Steelworkers, airline employees, and now thosehe auto industry are joining millions omi s whomust worry abouterest rates, stock market fluctuation, and the harsh realityretirement money.t they may outlive their参考译文:钢铁工人,航空雇员以及现在从

42、事汽车行业的人都在加入数百万这样的家庭中,他们不得不为利率,波动以及退休金不够养老的现实而担心。【形近词】headline【n】大标题;内容提要;栏外标题;头版头条【例句】2007Text4Just asses and boards have finally sorted out their worst accounting and compliance troubles,andimproved their feeble corporationernance,a new problem threatens to earn them- espelly inAmerica-the sort of

43、nasty headlinest inevitably lead to heads rolling in the executive suite: datainsecurity. Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of data-richindustries such as bing,s and air travel, information protection is now high on thessagenda in businesses of ever

44、y variety.参考译文:当们和董事会们最终解决了最糟糕的财务和运营规则问题并加强了企业管理力度后,一个新数据安全问题正在着他们。尤其在,这种烦人的头条会让管理层大伤脑筋。数据安全过去只是由临时的、底层的去,并且被认为是诸如金融、电信、航空等数据丰富的行业所独有,而如今却成为各行业的首要议事日程。【形近词】outline【n】轮廓;大纲;概要;略图9【例句】2008 新题型Be flexible. Youroutline should smoothly conduct you from one poto the next, butot permit it torailroad you. I

45、f a relevant and important idea occurs to you now, work ito the draft.参考译文:要灵活,写作提纲应当自然地指引你从一个论点过渡到下一个论点,但是不能让它迫使你仓促行事。当你忽然想到一个与文章相关的重要论点,马上写入你的草稿。【形近词】lineage【n】血统;家系,世系【例句】 2009 Text2Yet most antry testing only considers a singlelineage, either the Y chromosome inherited throughmen in a fathers li

46、ne or mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down only from mothers.参考译文:但是多数寻根鉴定只一个单一的世系,要么是从父亲的谱系中继承 Y,要么是只有从母亲那里继承的线粒体 DNA。【词组】in line with 与一致【例句】1997 词汇The wealth of a country should be measured the heal the material goods it can produce.A in line withnd happiness of its people as well asBerms ofin

47、 regard withby means of参考译文:一个国家的量。应该通过该国人民的健康状态和度以及它所能生产的所有的物资商品来衡U2value 【n】价格;价值;实用性;重要性【v】评价,估计;尊重,重视【例句】1996 Text3The cruel discipline of the strike and lockout taught the two parties to respect each others strengndunderstand the valueoir negotiation.惩罚使双方学会了互相尊重对方的力量,理解公正谈判的含义。参考译文:和封厂的【例句】199

48、7 Text2Yet, being friendly is a virtue strangers.参考译文:不过,友好是很多t many Americans value highly and expect from both neighbors and人推崇的美德,也是希望从邻居和陌生人那得到的。【例句】2004 Text 410value出现次数36n30v6形近词devalueovervalueAmericans today参考译文:今天的t place a very high value onellect.人不很看重才智。【形近词】overvalue【v】对.估价过高, 过分重视It w

49、as bst were on the wrong planet, wiccountst vastly overvalued assets.参考译文:恰恰是脱离实际,他们过高地估计了资产的账目。【形近词】 devalue【v】使贬值;降低的价值【例句】2000Text3Few Americans attribute this solely to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar or the turning of thebusiness cycle.参考译文:很少有人将此仅仅归因于贬值或经济的周期循环这些显而易见的原因。anize【v】组织,编组同

50、义词 arrange【例句】1997 词汇【v】组织,编组When workers areanizedrade unions, employers find ird to lay themoff.参考译文:当工会把工人们组织起来,雇主就很难解雇工人了。【形近词】 disanize 【v】扰乱; 使;【例句】2002 Text1If you are talking to a group of managers, you may refer to the disanized methods of their secretaries;alternatively if you are addressi

51、ng secretaries, you may want to comment on their disanizedses.参考译文:如果你在和一群经理谈话,你就可以评论他们的工作方法缺乏条理;相反,如果你在和一群谈话,你就可以评论她们的工作方法缺乏条理。product【n】产品,产物;乘积【例句】1999 Text2heyear or so of Web business, most of the action hasrevolved around efforts to tap the consumer market. More recently, as the Web proved to

52、be moren a fashion,companies have started to buy and sell products andserviwith one another.参考译文:网上商务开始的第一年左右,大部分活动都围绕着开拓消费者市场而进行。最近,随着网络被证实不仅仅是一种时尚,公司便开始(在网上)相互交易产品和服务。【形近词】 productive【adj】生产的,多产的; 肥沃的【例句】1997 Text5Economists have been particularly surprised by favorable inflation figures in Britai

53、n and the United S es,since conventional measures suggestproductive slack.t both economies, and espelly Americas, have little参考译文:对英美两国有利的通胀率特别感到诧异,因为传统的计量方法表明两国经济,特别是经济几乎没有出现生产。【形近词】production 【n】生产,产量;产品,作品;出示,提供11product出现次数11n11形近词Productive Productivityproductionanize出现次数5v5形近词disanize【If a例句】2

54、000 完型farmer wishes to succeed, he must try to keep a wide gap betn his consumption and hisproduction.参考译文:一个农民要想成功,就必须在消费和生产之间努力保持着较大的差距。【形近词】productivity【n】生产力【例句】2000 Text1 【n】生产力“It makes me proud to be an American just to see how our businesses are improving their productivity,”says Stephen Moo

55、re of the Cato Institute, a think-in Washington, DC.也说:“参考译文:特区的卡托的的企业正在提高生产率,作为一个人,我感到自豪。”economic【adj】经济(上)的,经济学的同义词 finanl fiscal monetary【例句】2000 翻译【adj】经济(上)的,经济学的ernments throughout the world act on theamptiont the welfare of their people depends largely on the economic strengnd wealth of thec

56、ommunity.参考译文:世界各国富。的行为都基于一个假设,即,本国人民的福利主要依赖于该国经济实力和社会财【形近词】uneconomic【adj】不经济的【例句】2000 词汇【adj】不经济的The capitalended to broaden the export base and secureefficiency gains fromernational trade waschanneled insteadouneconomic import substitution.参考译文:本打算用来扩大出口口贸易中去了。从而有效地从国际贸易中获得效益的却用到了没有经济效益的进【形近词】 ec

57、onomics 【n】经济【例句】2003 新题型【n】经济Sol science disciplines include geography, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology.Each of these sol scienanthropology.has a subfield or spelization whichs particularly close to参考译文:社会科学包括地理学、经济学、政治学、心理学和社会学等学科。社会学的每一学科都包含一门与人类学密切相关的副学科或专业。【形近词】socioecon

58、omic【adj】社会经济的【例句】2003 完型【adj】社会经济的Theories focusing on the role of society suggestt children commit crimes in response to their failure torise above their socioeconomic s us, or as a rejection of middle-class values.12economic出现次数39adj39形近词uneconomiceconomicssocioeconomic economically参考译调社会的理论认为儿童的

59、行为是因为他们未能如愿地提高自己的社会经济地位,或者是因为排斥中产的价值观。【形近词】economically【adv】 节约地, 节俭地; 在经济上; 节省地【例句】2007 年完型【adv】 节约地, 节俭地; 在经济上; 节省地Bornhe crisis of the old regime and Iberian Colonialism, many of the leaders of independence theideals of represen iveernment, careers to talent, freedom of commerce and trade, the .t

60、o privateproperty, and a be fhe individual as the basis of society. There was a be ft the new nationsshould be sovereign and independent s a set of laws.参考译文:这些国家的许多独立运动es, large enough to be economically viable andegrated by都出生于旧体制和伊比利亚殖义的之中,他们怀有共同的治国理念:创建代表制、向开放的职业、商业贸易、尊重私有所以及坚持“个体是社会基础”的信念。当时,普遍


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