蒙大英语国家-英国概况教案07 British history_第1页
蒙大英语国家-英国概况教案07 British history_第2页
蒙大英语国家-英国概况教案07 British history_第3页
蒙大英语国家-英国概况教案07 British history_第4页




1、Lecture TenBritish HistoryI Before the Middle-ages The Four ConquestsThe main nations: E, S, W, I; The early inhabitants: the Britons, were a tribe of Celts, a primitive people no written language, but with words and sounds; civilizationstone hedge The Celtic language was partly preserved and assimi

2、lated into the English language. 1. The Roman ConquestIn 55B.C, Julius Cesar drove the native Celts to mountainous Scotland and Wales Towns, temples, theatres, fine buildings; roads and castles were built In 410 A.D., Romans retreated, ended their occupation in Britain.2. The Anglo-Saxon ConquestIn

3、the 5th century, Angles, Saxons and Jutes from Northern Europe invaded Britain. Three kingdoms were set up: Wessex, Essex, Sussex By the 7th century, the three kingdoms were united as England, their language Anglo-Saxon is the old EnglishAnglo-Saxon InfluenceTransition from tribal society into feuda

4、l societyInfluence of Northern mythology on the English languageMonasteries and written books3. The Viking and Danish InvasionsAfter the death of Alfred, his successors recaptured the Danelaw. Danes resumed their attacks. King Ethelred wanted to pay to Danes for their leave, but in vain.4. The Norma

5、n Conquest8the to 9th Century, Danes began to settle, King Alfred the Great (849-901) 1066, French-speaking Normans conquered England under William, the Conqueror. Feudalism was established in England, main classes: landlords and peasants Ruling class: nobleman, knights, bishops, archbishops; French

6、 civilization and Middle EnglishII The Middle AgesThe CrusadesThe power of the Church“Eternal damnation” and “excommunicating”The Magna CartaKing JohnThe One Hundred Years War with FranceJoan of ArcIII The 16th CenturyThe Wars of the RosesThe Changing EuropeHenry VIIIThe Protestant ChurchBloody Mary

7、The Reign of Queen Elizabeth ILiteratureAdventure on the sea (Sir Francis Drake)The Gunpowder Plot (Guy Fawkes)IV The 17th CenturyThe Civil WarKing Charles I & “Divine Right”“Roundheads” & “Cavaliers”The RestorationKing Charles IIKing James IIThe Glorious RevolutionV The 18th CenturyVictory over Fra

8、nceThe Battle of WaterlooThe Battle of TrafalgarThe Industrial RevolutionInvention of the steam engineFactories and coal-mines multiplied with big towns spring upConflicts between labor and capitalLoss of American coloniesThe “Pilgrim Fathers” and the ship MayflowerDeclaration of IndependenceVI The

9、19th CenturyReformation in BritainTo overcome social problemsTo make Parliament more representativeTo improve local government and social servicesProgress in communicationsRailway network and steamship, telegraphy and electric telephone, electric lighting, electric trams, the Penny PostVictorian Age

10、 the monarch from 1837 to 1901VII The 20th CenturyA century of disturbance, riot, decline, and disgraceful failureWaking of the working classesThe “suffragette” movementTrouble in IrelandThe First World War The once solid British Empire collapsedThe multi-lateral British Commonwealth of NationsThe e

11、conomic depression in the 1930sThe Second World WarThe Battle of BritainIndependence of most of the colonies“second fiddle”The United Nations and the “three worlds”The “Cold War” between Russia and the WestNew discoveries and new techniquesMotor-car, the wireless, the airplane, nuclear war, space ro

12、ckets, men on the moon, entertainment like gramophone, cinema, radio and television, etc.The “Welfare State” and the new “permissive society”Cultural NotesThe Black Death : The modern name given to the deadly bubonic plague, an epidemic disease spread by rat fleas. The disease spread through Europe

13、in the 14th century, particularly in 13471350. It swept through England in the summer of 1348. It killed one half and one third of the population of England.Whigs: a derogatory name for cattle drivers and refers to those in Glorious Revolution who opposed absolute monarchy and supported right to religious freedom for nonconformists.Tories: an Irish word meaning thugs and refers to those who supported hereditary monarchyAssi


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