林语堂作品自译策略研究 英语学专业 开题报告_第1页
林语堂作品自译策略研究 英语学专业 开题报告_第2页
林语堂作品自译策略研究 英语学专业 开题报告_第3页
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1、开题报告书 (Title) Research on Lin Yutangs Self-translationStrategies林语堂作品自译策略研究Thesis Statement: The thesis takes Lin Yutangs self-translation strategies as the subject matter with the methods of descriptive studies. The results of the thesis suggest that Lin Yutang ingeniously applied two self-translat

2、ion strategies when self-translating: domestication and foreignization with a tendency for domestication. This tendency accords with his translation views featured by three translation criteria: faithfulness, fluency and beauty. Besides, this inclination also reflects his belief on the essence of tr

3、anslation, i.e. “Translation is an art” and his fervent readers awareness. Aims and Significance of the Research: Aims: The purposes of the research are to summarize Lin Yutangs self-translation strategies and its tendency, by specifically analyzing the translation techniques used in his self-transl

4、ations, and further examines the factors affecting this inclination. Significance: As a special category in the field of translation, self-translation has not gained enough attention compared with others. Therefore, the thesis concentrating on Lin Yutangs self-translation strategies enriches and dee

5、pens the understanding of self-translation. Meanwhile, it is beneficial to improve our translating abilities by learning from Lin Yutangs translation thoughts and his extraordinary bilingual competence.Literature Review: Studies on Self-translation in China:In China, researches on self-translation s

6、tarted late, and most of the dissertations concerning this field were published after the year 2000 (Huang Yanqun , 2012). The domestic studies of self-translation so far can be summed up mainly in three categories below: (1) the exploration of concept and classification of self-translation: In “自译初

7、探”(Ren Xiaomei and Li Ruixia, 2010), by virtue of studying various interpretations and definitions of self-translations in China and abroad from the perspectives of subject, timing and content of self-translation, the authors define it as “the process or corresponding result of a writer rendering hi

8、s published work or the work completed into another language independently or by cooperating with others. Self-translation can be detailedly categorized into self-translation by a self-translator or by cooperation, immediate or non-immediate self-translation, literary or non-literary self-translatio

9、n”. (2) history of self-translation and of self-translation studies: typical studies of this type include “西方翻译史上的文学自译研究”(Zhang Xiaoling, 2014 ), “我国文学自译十年回眸(2001-2011)”(Huang Yanqun, 2012). In the first article, Zhang Xiaoling (2014) puts emphasis on reviewing the history of literary self-translati

10、on in western countries and two influential monographs: The Bilingual Text: History and Theory of Literary Self-Translation and Self-Translation: Brokering Originality in Hybrid Culture. In the second article, Huang Yanqun (2012) makes a statistical analysis of researches on literary self-translatio

11、n in Chinese academia from 2001 to 2011, pointing out that progress has been made in the areas of book reviews, theories, and case studies of self-translation, nevertheless, these studies are still in a superficial and unsystematic level. (3) case studies of self-translation from different perspecti

12、ves: Skopos theory, Manipulation theory, Adaptation theory, Relevance theory, Hermeneutics, Reception Aesthetics, Dialogism, Intertextuality, Eco-translatology, and Translation Ethics. Self-translators that Chinese scholars focus on to conduct their researches mostly are Chinese writers with outstan

13、ding bilingual competence such as Lin Yutang , Eileen Chang, Xiao Qian, Bai Xianyong, Bian Zhilin, Mu Dan and Yu Kwang-chung, meanwhile with some researchers centering on foreign self-translators, for instance, Vladimir Nabokov and Tagore Rabindranath. In“关联理论视角下林语堂自译研究以小评论:林语堂双语文集为例”, Hu Lisha(2015

14、)concludes that self-translators enjoy higher subjectivity thus adopting more flexible translation strategies than conventional translators, such as “deletion”, “addition”, “annotation”, “conversion” and “replacement” . In“谈本位论观照之下的金锁记自译”, Chen Jirong (2007) manifests the unique features in Eileen C

15、hangs self-translation of The Golden Cangue, namely the firm adherence to Chinese culture, authors authority, and feminist gender standpoints from the angle of ontological self-translation.In“哲学阐释学视域下的文学自译标准策略考察”, Li Changbao (2012) points out that the criteria most self-translators observe are cate

16、ring for readers perspective and achieving functional equivalence. Besides, he holds that self-translators often utilize domestication-oriented translation strategies, for example, preempting, palimpsesting and paratextulizing.Studies on Self-translation Abroad:The practice of self-translation has a

17、 long history abroad. The renowned overseas self-translators include Robindranath Tagore, Joseph Brodsky, Samuel Beckett, and Vladmir Nabokov. Two influential monographs abroad regarding self-translation are The Bilingual Text: History and Theory of Literary Self-Translation (BTHTLS) co-authored by

18、Jan Hokenson and Marcella Munson and Self-Translation: Brokering Originality in Hybrid Culture (STBOHC) edited by Anthony Cordingley. In BTHTLS, the authors provide a comprehensive account of western literary self-translation and divide the development of self-translation in the west into three stag

19、es, viz. “Medieval and Renaissance Conditions(1100-1600), Early Modern Conditions(1600-1800), Romantic, Modern and Contemporary Conditions(1800-2000).” In STBOHC, the writer makes an interdisciplinary analysis of self-translators and their self-translations. Questions, Theory, Methodology and Perspe

20、ctive of the Research: Questions:1. What self-translation strategies are employed in Lin Yutangs self-translation works and what is the tendency? 2. How do these translation strategies reflect Lin Yutangs translation thoughts? 3. What factors influence the tendency?Theory: textual analysis, Lin Yuta

21、ngs translation thoughtsMethodology:The thesis is a descriptive research on Lin Yutangs self-translation strategies. The author of the thesis first undertakes to make close textual reading and analysis of Lins English essays and their corresponding Chinese translations in The Little Critic: The Bili

22、ngual Essays of Lin Yutang (Qian Suoqiao, 2012), and then selects 19 exemplars from 12 renditions falling into six categories of translating methods further to conclude Lin Yutangs self-translation strategies and its tendency, as well as its affecting factors. Perspective: textual analysis, Lin Yuta

23、ngs translation thoughtsMain Point and Difficulties:Main Point: The thesis takes Lin Yutangs self-translation strategies as the subject matter with the methods of descriptive studies. The results of the thesis suggest that Lin Yutang ingeniously applied two self-translation strategies when self-tran

24、slating: domestication and foreignization with a tendency for domestication. This tendency accords with his translation views featured by three translation criteria: faithfulness, fluency and beauty. Besides, this inclination also reflects his belief on the essence of translation, i.e. “Translation

25、is an art” and his fervent readers awareness. Difficulties:The author of the dissertation has encountered several problems during this research. First, in Lin Yutangs English-to-Chinese self-translated works, many of which are filled with political background and classical Chinese(wenyan) thus incre

26、asing the difficulties in thoroughly understanding the motif of the works. Second is the confusion over some terminological confusion in translation field, for example, translation strategy and translation method. Detailed Outline: Contents TOC o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc448338315 Acknowledgements

27、PAGEREF _Toc448338315 h iii HYPERLINK l _Toc448338316 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc448338316 h iv HYPERLINK l _Toc448338317 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc448338317 h vi HYPERLINK l _Toc448338318 1.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc448338318 h 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc448338319 1.1 Significance and Aims of the Research PAGEREF _Toc448338

28、319 h 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc448338320 1.2 Thesis Organization PAGEREF _Toc448338320 h 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc448338321 1.3 Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc448338321 h 21.3.1 Definitions of Self-translation 1.3.2 Studies on Self-translation in China1.3.3 Studies on Self-translation Abroad HYPERLINK l _Toc448338

29、322 2.Research Method PAGEREF _Toc448338322 h 2 HYPERLINK l _Toc448338327 3.Analysis of Lin Yutangs Self-translation Strategies PAGEREF _Toc448338327 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc448338329 3.1 An Introduction to Lin Yutang PAGEREF _Toc448338329 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc448338330 3.1.1 Lin Yutangs Life Experience

30、PAGEREF _Toc448338330 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc448338331 3.1.2 Lin Yutangs Translation Theory PAGEREF _Toc448338331 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc448338332 3.2 Self-translation Techniques Employed in Lin Yutangs Self-translated Essays PAGEREF _Toc448338332 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc448338333 3.2.1 Annotation PAGEREF _

31、Toc448338333 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc448338334 3.2.2 Substitution PAGEREF _Toc448338334 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc448338335 3.2.3Concretization 3.2.4 Motification PAGEREF _Toc448338335 h 163.2.5 Paraphrasing 3.2.6 Transliteration HYPERLINK l _Toc448338336 3.3 Self-translation Strategies in Lin Yutangs Self-

32、translated Essays and Affecting Factors PAGEREF _Toc448338336 h 17 HYPERLINK l _Toc448338337 3.3.1 Inclination Towards Domestication PAGEREF _Toc448338337 h 17 HYPERLINK l _Toc448338338 3.3.2 Factors Affecting the Inclination for Domestication PAGEREF _Toc448338338 h Lin Yutangs Translatio

33、n Thoughts and His Audience Awareness Bilingual Competence HYPERLINK l _Toc448338339 4.Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc448338339 h 194.1 Major findings4.2 Limitations HYPERLINK l _Toc448338340 References PAGEREF _Toc448338340 h 21Schedule:2016/9/30-10/7 The main direction of study has been determined

34、and consult with supervisor.2016/10/8-10/31 The title of study has been made and began to search the data to finish the proposal.2016/11/1-11/15FinishChapter One and Chapter Two 2016/11/16-12/16 Finish Chapter Three 2016/12/17-12/20 Finish Chapter Four2016/12/31 Hand in the first draftReferences:1 H

35、eydel M. Self-translation: brokering originality in hybrid culture J. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2015, 23(2): 329-331.2 Jarniewicz J. Brodsky translating Brodsky: poetry in self-translation J. Translation Studies, 2016, 9(1): 114-123. 3 Sarang V. Self-translators J. Journal of South Asian Literature, 1981, 16(2): 33-39. 4 Vansina J. A note on self-translation J. History in Africa, 2004, 31: 483-490. 5 Whyte C. Against self-translation J. Translation and Literature, 2002, 11(1): 64-71.6 陈思


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