



1、大学英语(四)在线平时作业1-00001试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 100 分)1.3. With low buildings the variety of possible shapes is much _ than with taller buildings.A.greatestB.less greatC.greaterD.great答案:C2.117. This article _ more attention to the problem of cultural interference in foreign language teaching a

2、nd learning.A.calls forB.applies forC.cares forD.allows for答案:A3.111. The older New England villages have changed relatively little _ a gas station or two in recent decades.A.exceptB.besidesC.in addition toD.except for答案:D4.56. You cannot _ it, for I saw you in the very act of doing it.A.denyB.rejec

3、tC.withdrawD.avoid答案:A5.65. On arriving at Singapore, we telephoned to _ our mothers uneasiness.A.cutB.relieveC.subtractD.decrease答案:B6.7. Miss Evans knows that Arthur and I cant be _ the same committee. We are not compatible.A.atB.onC.byD.to答案:B7.17. We have not seen our next-door neighbors for wee

4、ks. They _ somewhere for holiday.A.should have goneB.need have goneC.ought to have goneD.must have gone答案:D8.75. The president could not go to the meeting, so Mr. Smith _ him.A.recordedB.renewedC.representedD.recalled答案:C9.49. The teacher wrote his _ in the margin of the composition.A.statementsB.co

5、mmentsC.accountsD.definition答案:B10.90. Mr. Smith said that he did not want to _ any further responsibilities.A.take onB.get onC.put upD.look up答案:A11.53. Two problems seem to _ if we take this line of persuasion with school boards and parents.A.establishB.enterC.representD.emerge答案:D12.47. They are

6、pleased to switch it off when they do not like the programme or change to the other _.A.channelB.titleC.volumeD.version答案:C13.27. Several families of birds feed primarily _ flying insects and have developed long wings and wide-opening mouths.A.onB.toC.withD.up答案:A14.63. This is confidential. Dont _

7、a word of this to anyone.A.letB.utterC.leakD.expose答案:B15.13. It _ that the best applicants will be employed.A.remains doubtfulB.goes without sayingC.hasnt been clearD.doubts答案:B16.8. The scheme would be very expensive _.A.to carry outB.to be carried onC.to carry overD.carry out答案:A17.78. Nylon fibers last longer and are stronger than natural fibers _ silk or cotton.A.such asB.as regardsC.as well asD.as such答案:A18.73. The great fire _ the forest to a few tress.A.shiftedB.switchedC.reducedD.decreased答案:C19.69. His family _ great hardship during the war.A.enduredB.toleratedC.s


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