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1、33/33数据库备份方案作者:Oracle Consulting Services文档创建日期:createdate MMMM d, yyyyAug 1, 2000最近变更日期:createdate MMMM d, yyyyMar 5 , 2001文档引用: 版本号:v1.0Title, Subject, Last Updated Date, Reference Number, and Version are marked by a Word Bookmark so that they can be easily reproduced in the header and footer of d

2、ocuments. When you change any of these values, be careful not to accidentally delete the bookmark. You can make bookmarks visible by selecting Tools-OptionsView and checking the Bookmarks option in the Show region.审批:To add additional approval lines, Press Tab from the last cell in the table above.

3、AUTOTEXT PIC Oracle Logo * MERGEFORMAT Copy Number_You can delete any elements of this cover page that you do not need for your document. For example, Copy Number is only required if this is a controlled document and you need to track each copy that you distribute.文档操纵变更记录 SECTION日期作者版本号变更参考文件批阅姓名职位

4、发行拷贝号姓名地址The copy numbers referenced above should be written into the Copy Number space on the cover of each distributed copy. If the document is not controlled, you can delete this table and the Copy Number label from the cover page.目录 TOC o 1-3 文档操纵 PAGEREF _Toc512933348 h 2RMAN备份概述 PAGEREF _Toc51

5、2933349 h 4在线热备份 PAGEREF _Toc512933350 h 4多级增量备份 PAGEREF _Toc512933351 h 4并行备份,恢复 PAGEREF _Toc512933352 h 5减少所需要的备份数据量 PAGEREF _Toc512933353 h 5使用简单 PAGEREF _Toc512933354 h 5配置RMAN PAGEREF _Toc512933355 h 6CATALOG数据库 PAGEREF _Toc512933356 h 6磁带接口 PAGEREF _Toc512933357 h 7多级备份策略 PAGEREF _Toc512933358

6、 h 7维护RMAN PAGEREF _Toc512933359 h 12检查RMAN备份信息 PAGEREF _Toc512933360 h 12RMAN信息同步 PAGEREF _Toc512933361 h 12使用RMAN进行恢复 PAGEREF _Toc512933362 h 13恢复整个数据库 PAGEREF _Toc512933363 h 13恢复单个表空间 PAGEREF _Toc512933364 h 13其他 PAGEREF _Toc512933365 h 15archive 方式 PAGEREF _Toc512933366 h 15To update the table

7、of contents, put the cursor anywhere in the table and press F9. To change the number of levels displayed, select the menu option InsertIndex and Tables, make sure the Table of Contents tab is active, and change the Number of Levels to a new value.RMAN备份概述采纳数据库提供的RMAN备份工具有以下的优点:支持在线热备份支持多级增量备份支持并行备份,



10、R进程来进行备份和恢复,在同一个SERVER进程内还支持多个BACKUPSET(备份集)的同时产生。要紧是通过设置多个通道及filesperset参数来达到并行的目的。分配多个通道的语句(以下语句分配两个通道)Allocate channel dev_1 type disk;Allocate channel dev_2 type disk;设置在一个通道同时打开的备份文件语句(以下语句设置在一个通道下同时打开3个文件)backup filesperset 3。减少所需要的备份数据量因为RMAN是工作在数据快一级,因此能够只备份分配的数据快,如此就大大地减少了所需要的备份的数据量,特不是关于预先

11、分配空间的数据库而言。使用简单RMAN的使用特不简单,在进行备份和恢复时都不需要指定需要备份或需要恢复的数据文件,RMAN会自动地把备份或恢复所需要的数据文件进行备份或进行恢复。减少了人为操作可能产生的错误。如以下是备份整个数据库的语句backup full tag basicdb format /bak/bak/basic/basic%u_%p_%c database ;以下是备份一个表空间的语句backup tag tsusers format /bak/bak/basic/basic%u_%p_%c tablespace users ;以下是备份归档文件的语句backup filespe

12、rset 3 archivelog all delete input;归档文件会在备份后自动删除。配置RMAN配置RMAN包括配置CATALOG数据库,配置数据库与媒体治理软件的接口,制定RMAN的多级备份方案,写RMAN备份脚本CATALOG数据库因为RMAN自动维护备份和恢复所需要的各种信息,因此RMAN必须把这些以某种形式保存。RMAN支持两种形式保存这些信息,数据库的操纵文件或创建一个单独的数据库来保存RMAN的信息。 当选择把RMAN的信息存储在操纵文件时,操纵文件的丢失时将导致备份将不能进行恢复。因此若采纳RMAN做备份,推举一定采纳RMAN CATALOG数据库来单独存放备份信息

13、。那个单独的数据库(称为CATALOG数据库)只需要专门小的空间,既能够和被备份的数据库(E10K)放在同一主机上,也能够单独放在另一台主机上(假如条件同意,推举放在一台单独的主机上来确保最大的可恢复性)。备份CATALOG数据库:因为CATALOG数据库包含了所有的备份信息,因此该数据库本身也是需要通过某种方法进行备份,但因为该数据库专门小(一年内可能才增加十几二十兆),因此既能够对它进行冷备份,也能够进行逻辑的输出(EXPORT)。配置CATALOG数据库:用dbassist创建数据库。创建表空间create tablespace ts_rmandatafile=d:oratestrman

14、.dbfsize=100M;在该数据库创建RMAN数据库用户:create user rman identified by rman default tablespace ts_rman temporary tablespace temp;grant connect ,resource , RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER to rman.连接到目标数据库和CATALOG数据库rman target HYPERLINK mailto:system/managertarget_tnsname system/managertarget_tnsname rcvcat HYPERLINK

15、mailto:rman/rmancatalog_tnsname rman/rmancatalog_tnsname 创建CATALOG用户的表:rmancreate catalog登记目标数据库:rmanregister database如此就能够利用该RMAN数据库来备份目标数据库了。解除登记数据库启动rman并连接到目标数据库。% rman target sys/change_on_installprod1 nocatalog RMAN-06005: connected to target database: RMAN (DBID=1231209694) List the copies an

16、d backup sets recorded in the control file and then issue change . delete statements to delete them from the O/S. See Generating Lists and Deleting Backups and Copies and Updating Their Status in the RMAN Metadata. Use SQL*Plus to connect to your recovery catalog database and execute the following q

17、uery in the recovery catalog to find the correct row of the DB table, setting DB_ID equal to the value you obtained from step 1. For example, enter: SQL SELECT db_key, db_id FROM db WHERE db_id = 1231209694; This query should return exactly one row. DB_KEY DB_ID 1 1237603294 1 row selected. While st

18、ill connected to the recovery catalog, enter the following, where DB_KEY and DB_ID are the corresponding columns from the row you got from the query in step 2: SQL EXECUTE dbms_rcvcat.unregisterdatabase(db_key, db_id) For example, enter: SQL EXECUTE dbms_rcvcat.unregisterdatabase(1 , 1237603294)磁带接口

19、当使用专用的磁带治理工具时,必须配置数据库与磁带的接口,一般是治理工具提供一个动态连接库与数据库进行连接。以下是一个测试的RMAN脚本:run allocate channel dev1 type diskresync catalog;backup format /archive/ctl%u_%p_%c current controlfile;release channel dev1;多级备份策略采纳多级备份是为了减少了恢复所需要的时刻和减少每天备份所需要的时刻,而又保证系统有专门好的恢复性。然而在恢复时刻和备份时刻要有一个权衡。比如只要开始的一个全备份和备份所有产生的归档文件就能够保证把数据

20、库恢复到最新的状态,然而一般来讲实际上并可不能这么进行(因为在恢复时将需要专门长专门长的时刻),多级备份确实是为了解决如此的问题。以下是一种建议的方案。每半年做一个数据库的全备份(包含只读表空间)每个月做一次零级备份(不包含只读表空间)每个星期做一次一级备份每天做一个二级备份任何表空间改成只读状态后做一个该表空间的备份。当需要时(如四个小时归档文件系统就要接近满了)备份归档文件数据库全备份脚本:run allocate channel dev1 type disk ;allocate channel dev2 type disk ;allocate channel dev3 type disk

21、 ;backup full tag dbfull format /o9i/testrman/full%u_%p_%c database ;sql alter system archive log current ;backup filesperset 3 archivelog all delete input;release channel dev1;release channel dev2;release channel dev3;零级备份脚本(只读表空间除外)run allocate channel dev1 type disk ;allocate channel dev2 type di

22、sk ;allocate channel dev3 type disk ;backup incremental level 0 tag dbL0 format /o9i/testrman/basic%u_%p_%c database skip readonly;sql alter system archive log current ;backup filesperset 3 archivelog all delete input;release channel dev1;release channel dev2;release channel dev3;一级备份脚本run allocate

23、channel dev1 type disk ;allocate channel dev2 type disk ;allocate channel dev3 type disk ;backup incremental level 1 tag dbL1 format /o9i/testrman/basic%u_%p_%c ddatabase skip readonly;sql alter system archive log current ;backup filesperset 3 archivelog all delete input;release channel dev1;release

24、 channel dev2;release channel dev3;二级备份脚本run allocate channel dev1 type disk ;allocate channel dev2 type disk ;allocate channel dev3 type disk ;backup incremental level 2 tag dbL2 format /o9i/testrman/basic%u_%p_%c ddatabase skip readonly;sql alter system archive log current ;backup filesperset 3 ar

25、chivelog all delete input;release channel dev1;release channel dev2;release channel dev3;表空间备份脚本(以users表空间为例)run allocate channel dev1 type disk ;allocate channel dev2 type disk ;allocate channel dev3 type disk ;backup tag tsusers format /o9i/testrman/basic%u_%p_%c tablespace users;sql alter system

26、archive log current ;backup filesperset 3 archivelog all delete input;release channel dev1;release channel dev2;release channel dev3;归档文件备份脚本run allocate channel dev1 type disk ;allocate channel dev2 type disk ;allocate channel dev3 type disk ;backup filesperset 3 archivelog all delete input;release

27、 channel dev1;release channel dev2;release channel dev3;则每天所需要备份的数据量只有一天的改变量。而做恢复时最多只要恢复当月的一个零级备份+三个一级备份+6个二级备份+当天的归档文件。假如不能同意如此的恢复时刻,就只能够减少零级备份之间的时刻间隔(如能够每个星期做一个零级备份,如此恢复时最多只需要恢复一个星期的数据量)。备份CATALOG数据库(数据库逻辑输出)exp pafile=exp.dat其中exp.dat如下userid=rman/rmanfile=rmanexp.dmp维护RMANRMAN的维护工作要紧是:查看备份信息因为手工

28、删除了备份文件或归档文件需要把RMAN CATALOG数据库的信息与手工删除的信息同步。检查RMAN备份信息列出差不多过时的备份:RMANreport obsolete删除过时的备份信息RMAN allocate channel for maintenance type disk;RMAN change backupset id delete;RMAN release channel;RMAN信息同步当手工删除了数据库的归档文件后,要执行以下脚本进行同步:RMAN allocate channel for maintenance type disk;RMAN change archivelog a


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