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1、 小作文词汇大全HumanSupermanAnimal动词数据显示了the figure shows/describesthe graph givenillustrates/indicates, it provides dataon,the chart compares(thepercentage of 饼图),a glance at the graphprovided/suppliedreveals, given are two figures providing a comparison of ,上升increase (v, n)rise (v, n), climb (v, n),grow

2、(v)-growth (n),surge (v, n), jump (v, n), soar (v),rocket to下降decrease (v, n),fall (v, n),drop (v, n),decline (v, n), slip to (v, n),骤然下降plummet to保持.stay at (v)remain stable at(v)maintain the same level到达顶峰reach a peak of peak at 数据到达谷底reach the bottom atbottom out at波动fluctuate betwee. and.超过excee

3、dovertakesurpass在一上面/卜面more/less thanover/under, below相似的趋势followed a very similar trendwere comparable到达多少数量reacharrive at ; amount to占据,at percenof ,accounting forpercentofmake up ; constituteA比B多more thanoutnumber排在第二 .was second whenit came to was second in terms of Second in terms ofwas 是的倍数thr

4、eetimesas(much) as.threefold (adv), double, triple,发生happen (v)Take place (v)occur (v)不值得,It is also worth notingthat Also noteworthy is the factthat ,预测It is reasonable to surmisethat equally predictable is the factthat ,需要,包括involve (v)entail (v)至于.,变化很 大mentioned in the tableareverydifferent inte

5、rmsof mentioned vary greatlywithregard to With regard tomentioned in the tablevary greatly.分开divide (v)separate (v)形容词、副词程度显著的(形)sharp (a),suddendramatic (a),rapid(a),considerable(a),notable(a),marked (a), significant (a),显著地(副)sharply (adv),dramatically (adv),rapidly(adv),considerably(adv),exponen

6、tially(adv),markedly(adv),significantly (adv),明显的clear (adj),obvious(adj),significant(adj),apparent (adj), evident (adj),明显下降fall sharplydecrease dramaticallyslide away, plunge to a lowof (v),惊人的surprising (adj)striking (adj) 轻微地a little (adv),slightly (adv),marginally (adv),仅仅,just (adv),only (adv)

7、,a negligible, a mere,逐渐的gradual (adj),steady (adj),逐渐地gradually (adv),steadily (adv),持续日勺sustained (adj),大约about (adv),almostaround (adv), some,approximately (adv),相当+比较级much+ 比较级far+比较级Considerably+ 比较级显然,clearly, it is evident that 许多种类的several differentvarious (adj),时间然后,.ThenAfter this ; after+

8、 时间点;Next,subsequently, , followed by a;from that moment on在 刖before,until,prior to, (there be专用)在之后的时间里overthefollowing hours/days/weeks/ months/yearsoverthesubsequent hours/days/weeks/months/year从到.Fromtobetween and During(over) the periodfrom -to 十年前10 years before10-year perioda decade earlier,开

9、始(上升)start to语气根据数据显示,according to the figures,这两个数据是关 于。These two figures areThetwofiguresgivenconcern Given are two figuresconcerning 就来说as forIn terms ofwith regard to与此同时Meanwhile, at the same time,likewise (adv), similarly (adv),另一方面On the other hand, however, by contrast, conversely,In stark c

10、ontrast, however,相对地relatively(adv),rather (adv),comparatively (adv),实际上,actuallyIn fact,As a matter of fact,有趣的是,interestinglyIt is interesting to note that关于about (prep) ,on (prep),concerning (prep),总的来说,overall (adj),general (adj),总体来说In general (adv),overall (adv), generally,各自相应的respectively仅仅,

11、唯一的exclusively (adv),名词数据number; figure; amount; data; information;details的比例the percentage ofthe proportion of阶段partstagephase比率rate水平level (high/low )种类kind, type,form分类classificationa breakdown (分类)of different types of组groupcategory转变changeshift趋势trend(upward; downward) 轻微地a little (adv),slightl

12、y (adv),marginally (adv),仅仅,just (adv),only (adv),a negligible, a mere,逐渐的gradual (adj),steady (adj),逐渐地gradually (adv),steadily (adv),持续日勺sustained (adj),大约about (adv),almostaround (adv), some,approximately (adv),相当+比较级much+比较级far+比较级Considerably+ 比较级显然,clearly, it is evident that 许多种类的several diff

13、erentvarious (adj),时间然后,.Then 一;After this ; after+ 时间点;Next, ;- subsequently, , followed by a;from that moment on在 刖before,until,prior to, (there be专用)在之后的时间里overthefollowing hours/days/weeks/ months/yearsoverthesubsequent hours/days/weeks/months/year从到.Fromtobetween and During(over) the periodfrom

14、 -to 十年前10 years before10-year perioda decade earlier,开始(上升)start to语气根据数据显示,according to the figures,这两个数据是关 于。These two figures areThetwofiguresgivenconcern Given are two figuresconcerning 就来说as forIn terms ofwith regard to与此同时Meanwhile,at thesame time,likewise (adv), similarly (adv),另一方面On the ot

15、her hand, however, by contrast, conversely,In stark contrast, however,相对地relatively(adv),rather (adv),comparatively (adv),实际上,actuallyIn fact,As a matter of fact,有趣的是,Interestingly ;It is interesting to note that;关于about (prep) ,on (prep),concerning (prep),总的来说,overall (adj),general (adj),总体来说In general (adv),overall (adv), generally,各自相应的respectively仅仅,唯一的exclusively (adv),名词数据number;


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