已阅读5页,还剩39页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 1 I can touch it ,Teaching aims and demands:normal 1. 使同学明白和把握 I can touch it 的句型;2. 使同学能听懂指令并跟着做动作;3. 使同学学会字母 Qq 及所给单词的读音; 4. 使同学能朗读第 6 部分所给的句子;,Key points: 句型:Let s stand here and make a letter Qq. I can touch the window. 词汇:nose, ear, toe, neck, leg, heel, elbow, face, train, bus, bike, etc

2、,Difficulty points: 把握I can touch it 的句型,听懂指令;,Teaching aids: 兔子的挂图,如干动物玩具,如干剪好的胡萝卜图形 ,Teaching procedure: The 1st period Step 1 Preparation 1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song 3. Free talking Step 2 Lead in T: Now everybody stand up. Do it as I do. Say it after me. Nose, ear, toe, neck, leg, heel, elbow,

3、face. S: Do and say T: Now, let s play a game. I say ” Touch your nose. ” You quickly touch your nose. The slower ones should be out. Ok, now let tell me who is slower. Ready. Let s do it. Touch your nose S: Act it in pairs Step 3 Practices s stand in two lines, face to face. You can 1. Game: Touch

4、the picture or word quickly. T: Now, we have many pictures words on the blackboard. We divide our class into two groups. You two please come to the front. I say “ Touch the TV”, you touch it quickly. Let s see who is the first one, ready. Now, touch the chair 2. Work in pairs 3. Listen and do Part 2

5、 4. Say it Show the sentencesListen to the tape. I can touch my mouth. I can touch my leg. Clap the hands/desks and say it. I can touch my nose. I can touch my toes. Jump up and say it . Ask somebody to say it. 1第 1 页,共 38 页The 2nd period Step 1 Preparation 1. Listen and do actions 2. Say the Part 3

6、 Step 2 Learning 1. Game: Feed the rabbit 出示兔子的挂图 Feed the rabbit T: The rabbit is hungry. She wants to eat carrots. Please feed the rabbit with a carrot. Who can come here and feed the carrots. T: Good, now the rabbit is thirsty. He wants to drink some water. Who can give her some water. Listen and

7、 say Part 4 Say it to your friend Step 3 Practices 1. Say Part 4 together 2. Ask somebody to say it 3. Sing a song. Part 5 The 3rd period Step 1 Preparation 1. Sing a song 2. Say these sentences. Part 4 Step 2 Learning 1. Do it T: Hi. This is the letter Qq. Let 2. Say it Listen and read Read it in p

8、airs. s stand here and make a letter Qq. 3. Learn the words about the letter Qq. 4. Copy the letter Qq The 4th period Step 1. Preparation 1. Sing a song 2. Review the new words and the sentences. Step 2. Listen and touch Step 3. Do it 2第 2 页,共 38 页1. Listen and do. 2. Work in Pairs. 3. Join the numb

9、ers and colour it Step 4. Homework Listen to Part 1, 2, 3 and 4 and do actions with the tape. 设计:黄华 吴泳声涂开生黄红蒋霞 Unit 2 I can feel it ,Teaching aims and demands: 1. 使同学明白和把握 I can feel it. 的句型; 2. 使同学学会本单元中简洁的问答方式;3. 使同学学会字母 Rr 及所给单词的读音;4. 使同学能朗读第 7 部分所给的句子;,Key points: 句型:I can seeI can touch I can f

10、eel it. 词汇:eraser, pencil, ruler, pencil-box, book, apple, pen, pear ,Difficulty points: 把握I can feel it 的句型,并能做简洁问答;,Teaching aids: 铅笔盒,钢笔,橡皮,铅笔,书尺子,梨,苹果,布口袋,图片,录音机,音乐带,Teaching procedure: The 1st period Step 1 Preparation 1. Greetings. 2. Listen and sing a song. 3. Review these wordsStep 2 Learnin

11、g 1. Lead in is a pencil 换拿铅笔. And this is a pencil-box 换T: Now, look. This is a pen. And this 拿铅笔盒. This is a book. S: A pen, a pencil-box, a book. 换拿书. Who can come here and say it. T: Ok, please put your pens, pencils , pencil-box, and books on the desk. Say it to your friend in pairs.S: Work in

12、pairs 2. Learn the other words A ruler, an eraser, a pear, an apple 3. Listen to the tape, point and say. 4. Game: Listen and touch it quickly 3第 3 页,共 38 页Step 3 Practices 1. Game1: Feel and guess T: Look. I have a bag. It s empty. I put something inside. And you feel it and tell me what it is. 伴动作

13、 Understand. Ok, close your eyes. 老师快速将一件预备好的东西放进口袋. Open your eyes. Who can come here and feel it. S: It s a 2. Game2: Pass and say T: Now, please come and stand in a circle 手势. There are many things in this bag. You pass it and feel it and guess. “ What s in the box.” ” It s a pen. ” Then you pass

14、 it to the next pupil. Then the pupil feels it and guesses again. It s a Step 4. Chant it Show the sentences Listen to the tape. Clap the hands/desks and say it. What s in the box. What s in the box. A pen in the box. A ruler in the box. Jump up and say it . Ask somebody to say it. 5 Chat it togethe

15、r The 2nd period Step 1 Preparation 1. Listen and point. 2. Chant it. Step 2 Learning 1. Lead in s a book 伴动作. There T: Everybody, please look here. What s in the bag. There s a pencil-box and there s a pen. 依次拿出物品给同学看. T: What s in your bag.S: There s a book. There s a pencil in my bag. 2. Work in

16、pairs. 3. Act it out. Step 3 Practices 1. 上课时,老师将一个书包放在某行的最终一个同学那 T: Now my bag is on Li Ming s desk. There are many things in my bag. Li Ming, please pass me a pencil. 李明从书包里找出铅笔,然后一个一个往前传 .Pass me a book S: Pass and say 2. Group competition pupil ” T: Nowlet s practice this in groups. Here are som

17、e pictures. You say to the next Pass this to Wan Nan, please. ” Do you understand. Let s start. 3. Pass these flowers to everyone. The 3rd period 4第 4 页,共 38 页Step 1 Preparation 1. Chant the Part 4 2. Listen and do. Part 6 Step 2 Learning 1. Ask and answer (老师出示鱼和草的图片)T: Are you a fish. S: No, I m n

18、ot. Are you a fish. T: Yes, I am. 2. Work in pairs. 3. Chant it 1 Listen and read 2 Chant it by oneself 4. Learn the words about the letter Rr A car, a farm, a garden 5. Write the letter Rr The 4th period Step 1. Preparation 1. Chant it 2. Review the new words. Step 2. Listen and tick 1. Look and re

19、ad the questions Listen to the tape and tick. 2. Step 3.Read and match it 1. Listen and read 2. Match it by oneself Step 4. Homework Look for something to bring to classroom and let your friends guess next time 设计:黄华 黄红吴泳声涂开生蒋霞 5第 5 页,共 38 页Unit 3 Move things ,Teaching aims and demands: 1. 让同学在课堂上能依

20、据指令搬东西;2. 使同学把握本单元中动词 put 和take 的用法;3. 使同学学会字母 Ss 及所给单词的读音;4. 使同学能朗读第 4 部分所给的句子. ,Key points: 句型:Put the ball down. Take the book. Hop inside the house.Look at those. They look like snakes. 词汇:ball, chair, pear, hop, inside, house ,Difficulty points: 把握本单元中动词 put 和take 的用法,Teaching aids: 苹果,梨,盒子,球,书

21、,书包等实物,单词图片及房子的图片,Teaching procedure: The 1st period Step 1 Preparation 1. Greetings. 2. Free talking T: Wang Jun, please take your chair and put it behind the door.Zhao Xin, take your bag and put it under the chair. Zhu Jun, take the chair and the bag and put them back. Step 2 Practices 1. 老师事先设计好路

22、线,预备玩耍 . 2. T: Now, let s play a game. Listen to me and do the action. Take the ball here and put the ball down on the table and take the book. Put the book in the box and take an apple. Put the apple on the table and take the ball and put it back. 3. Practices in groups 4. Ask somebody to act it ou

23、t. The 2nd period Step 1 Preparation 老师预备好三部分词卡:(1)put; 2 已学过词语,如book, pencil; (3)介词短语,如behind the door, under the table 等. Step 2 Learning 1. 老师把put 贴在黑板上,剩余两部分扣在讲台桌上2. Play a game : Words-touching T: Now, I need two pupils come here. One picks a word from here. One picks a word from here. The othe

24、r picks another in this part. Then we ll find another pupil to stand there 6第 6 页,共 38 页and wait. You two, 指同学 pick up and hold it like this. The other pupil does the action quickly according to the word meanings. If he is right, he ll get a point. 3. Practices in groups Step 3 Practices 1. Listen a

25、nd tick it 备课随想1 Listen and read these sentences 2 Think and tick it 2. Listen and colour it The 3rd period Step 1 Preparation Sing a song Step 2 Learning 1. 2. 3. Say it 1 T: 出示字母卡片 Look at those. S: They look like snake. T: Yes , you re right. They look like snake. 2 3 Listen and repeat Say it in

26、pairs. Chant it Learn the words about the letter Ss Snake,snail ,spider Step 3 Writng Copy the letter Ss The 4th period Step 1. Preparation 1. Chant it 2. Review the new words and the sentences. Step 2 Practices 1. Try it More three pencils and make it 3 squares. or cross 2. Do it Tick 1 Look at the

27、 picture carefully 2 Read the sentences 3 Think and do it Step 3. Homework Play Part 1 of Unit 3 at home. 设计:黄华 吴泳声涂开生黄红蒋霞 7第 7 页,共 38 页Unit 4 This is my favourite ,Teaching aims and demands: 1. 使同学能较娴熟地说出自己宠爱吃的食物;2. 让同学进一步巩固和学习有关食物的单词;3. 使同学学会字母 Tt 及所给单词的读音;4. 使同学能朗读第 7 部分所给的句子. ,Key points: 句型:Wha

28、ts your favourite food. My favourite food is hamburgers. What s the girl s favourite animal. What s the boy s favourite picture. 词汇:cake ,ice cream ,pizza ,burger ,rice hamburgers ,Difficulty points: 把握有关食物的单词,Teaching aids: 有关食物的图片,一张有关统计同学们喜好某种食物的表格,Teaching procedure: The 1st period Step 1 Prepar

29、ation 1. Greetings. 2. Listen to a song talking Step 2 Lead in 1. Learn the about food words T: This is a cake. I like cakes. Do you like cakes. t. S: Yes, I do /No, I don T: What s this. This is an ice cream. Do you like ice cream. 2. Play a game: Word-touching 3. Act it T: What s your favourite fo

30、od. S: I like ice cream. 5. Work in pairs Step 3 Practices 1. Think and tick ,noodles ,hot dog ,sandwich T: What s your favourite food, rice, cake, pizza or sandwiches. Everyone, please come here and tick your favourite food. Tick only one food. Let s see which is our favourite food. Ok , let s star

31、t. 老师统计 2. Chant it Show the wordsListen to the tape. Cakes, rice, pizza, noodles, burgers Sandwiches, hot dogs, ice cream 8第 8 页,共 38 页 Clap the hands/desks and chant it. Jump up and chant it . Ask somebody to chant it. 3. Draw your favourite food The 2nd period Step 1 Preparation 1. Review these w

32、ords and sentences 2. Chant it Step 2 Learning 1. Read it 1 Listen to the tape and repeat 2 Read it in pairs 3 Ask somebody to read Part 4 2. Sing a song Step 3 Practices Read and match: my book, your book, his book and her book The 3rd period Step 1 Preparation 1. Sing a song 2. Read Part 4Step 2 L

33、earning 1. Chant it 1 Listen to the tape and repeat 2 Clap the hands/desks and chant it. 3 Jump up and chant it . 4 Ask somebody to chant it. 2. Learn the letter Tt 3. Learn the words about the letter Tt table, taxi, tea Step 3 Practices 1. Game: Pick and say 复习已学单词2. Write the letter Tt The 4th per

34、iod Step 1. Preparation 1. Sing a song 2. Review the new words and the sentences. 3. Chant it 9第 9 页,共 38 页Step 2 Practices 1. Listen and tick 1 Look at the picture carefully 2 Read the questions 3 Listen to the tape, think and tick. 2. Match it 1 Review these words 2 Match it quicklyStep 4. Homewor

35、k Please bring your own animal toys to our next class. 设计:黄华 吴泳声涂开生黄红蒋霞 Unit 5 I love animals 1. Teaching aims and demands 1使同学进一步学习和熟识动物的名称2使同学很快地数出各种动物的数量3使同学学会字母及所给单词的读音4使同学能朗读第六部分所给的句子2. Key points 句型:I love animals. What animals are they.How many dogs. 词汇:dog, cat, horse, hen, duck, pig, sheep,

36、 cow 3. Difficulty points 能用英语说出所宠爱的动物的名称;4. Teaching aids 动物的图片或事物,有关动物叫声的单词卡;5. Teaching procedure The 1st period Step 1 preparation 1. Greetings. 2. Free talking. 10 第 10 页,共 38 页Step2 say the animals name. T: Look. I ve got a nice dog. Has anybody brought any dogs here. Show them to me, and put

37、them on the table. 老师让全部带狗的同学把狗放在前面的讲台上 T:Now let s see. Ah, this is a cat .Has anybody got any cat. Put the cats here. 就这样直到八种动物都放在桌子上,紧接着老师任凭拿起一种动物,问: Whatthis. How many ?Step 3 Mime the sound T: OK, let s have a guessing game. I have many animal pictures here. I ll ask one person to come here and

38、 look at the first picture on the top and mime the sound of that animal. For example, miao , (老师学猫叫)you say it s a cat. Do you understand. Let s do it. Who wants to try first. 等全部的词被猜出以后老师告知大家在英语中动物有确定的叫法,比如,a dog, woof, woof; a cat, meow, meow Step 4 Draw animals 1. 2. Draw two pictures by yourself

39、. Let s see who draw the best. The 2nd period Step 1 preparation Step 2 Guess the animalsT: Now, let s play a guessing game. I have many animal pictures here. I ll ask one pupil to come here. This pupil will look at the first picture and mime the animal. You guess what animal it is. Remember. Dont l

40、et other pupils see this picture. The first person whoguesses right will get a point. OK. Who wants to be the first. Step 3 Count the animals 1. How many dogs. 6. How many cats. 2. How many hens.7. How many horses. 3. How many pigs.8. How many ducks. 4. How many sheep. 9. How many eggs. 5. How many

41、cows. 10. How many windows. The 3rd period Step 1. Preparation. Step 2 Chant it U is a mountain, the mountain is U. Up in the plane I can see you. Mountain after mountain, tree after tree. Here I am, there I am flying to greet to you. 1. Chant it with tape. 2. Chant it together. Step 3 Learn the wor

42、ds. Step 4 Copy it 1. Look at teacher how to write it. 2. Write it by yourself. 11 第 11 页,共 38 页The 4th period Step 1 Preparation Step 2 Do it Look at pictures and do the exercises by yourself. Step 3 Chant it Dog, Dog, a big brown dog.Cat, cat, a small black cat. Horse, horse, a tall white horse. H

43、en, hen, a short yellow hen. 1. Chant it with the tape. 2. Chant it together. Step 4 Homework Find some animals pictures and cut them down and put them on a piece of paper and write their names down. (设计:吴泳声 黄红蒋霞黄华涂开生)Unit 6 Let s play “ Bus Traveling ” . 1. Teaching aims and demands 1 让同学初步学会一些上车和下

44、车的用语;2 使同学能听懂指令并跟着做动作;3 使同学学会字母 Vv 及所给的单词的读音;4 使同学能朗读第七部分所给的句子;2. Key points 句型: Let s play “ Bus traveling ” . Let s go. Get on the bus. Get off the bus. Where are you going. I m going to Tian Anmen. 词汇: car, plane, train, bus 3. Difficulty points 听懂指令并跟着做上车和下车的动作;4. Teaching aids. 教学图片和实物,站牌如干个,汽车

45、方向盘一个(用硬纸做)5. Teaching procedure The 1st period Step 1 Preparation 1. Play a Simon Says game. Boys and girls, let s play Bus 2. Free talking. Step 2 Let s play “ Bus traveling ” . T:(老师第一将几个有地点名称的站牌分别放在教室的某处)12 第 12 页,共 38 页traveling. Please take your chairs and put them in lines and sit down. Let s

46、 all say, go, go, go, go, let s go. (带领同学一起说)T: Get on, get on, get on the bus. Get off, get off, get off the bus. T: Where are you going. S: I am going to T:OK, get on, get on, get on the bus. Here it is. Please get off, get off, get off, get off the bus. Step 3 Learn it (带领同学一起说)T: Look, I ve got

47、some pictures for you. Now, what s this. (老师拿一张小汽车图片)Do you know. Say following me. Car, car, get on the car. 老师用同样的方法教学train ,plane ,bus 等单词;The 2nd period Step 1 Preparation 1. Say the sentences. Go, go, go, go, let s go. Get on, get on, get on the bus. Get off, get off, get off the bus. Step 2 Co

48、lor it 1. Color it by yourself. 2. Show it to your teacher. Step 3 Fill in the missing letters. 1. Fill in the missing letters by yourself. 2. Say the missing letters together. The 3rd period Step 1 preparation 1. Play a Simon Says game. Step 2 Ask and answer. 1. T: Can you see letter Vv. S: Yes, I

49、can. T: Where s the boy. S: He s between the goats. 2. Work in pairs. Step 3 Let s chant. V is for van. V is for vase. V is for vest. V is for village.V is for video. V is for vine. V is for volleyball. V is for violin. 1. Chant it with the tape. 13 第 13 页,共 38 页2. Chant it together. Step 4 Learn th

50、e words. Van, vest, video, volleyballStep 5 Copy the letter Vv. 1. Look at the teacher how to write it. 2. Write it by yourself. The 4th period Step 1 Preparation. 1. Review the words: plane, car, train. Step 2 Listen and tick. Step 3 Say and touch it. 1. Work in pairs. Step 4 Homework Ask your moth

51、er and father “Where are you going. ” in English. (设计:涂开生黄红蒋霞黄华吴泳声)Unit 7 Who is lucky. Teaching aims and demands 让同学进一步熟识和把握有关颜色的单词能按要求涂画出颜色;帮忙同学选择最宠爱的颜色;使同学能听懂如何问颜色的句子;使同学学会字母 Ww 及所给单词的读使同学能朗读第六部分所给的句子;音;Key points 句型:What color do you like. Which color do you want.Who is lucky. What color is that

52、 tree. 词汇:green, red, blue, yellow, white, black, brownDifficulty points 说出并能指认各种颜色;Teaching aids一个转盘,各种颜色的制剂带有颜色的图片,如,树,苹果,香蕉及白马等;Teaching procedure :The 1st period Step 1 Preparation 1. Color song 14 第 14 页,共 38 页Step 2 Learn the words of color T: (上课伊始,老师拿出一张颜色特别丰富的图型,把每个颜色纸剪成圆圈,挂在一根绳子上;教师说,Look,

53、 I ve got many colors here. Say after me: This is red, this is yellow, and this is green 说完之后马上问同学:What color is this. And this. 并教给同学正确的发音;T:What color do you like. Which color do you want. S: I like I want T: Now, we ll practice it in pairs. You can ask your friends, Which color do you want. OK ?S

54、tart. T: Step 3 Who is lucky. “ What color do you like. T: Now let s play a game . First you choose a color .Which color do you want. 选好后,老师说OK, I have a color wheel I ll ask somebody to spin the wheel. If it sports at red color, and you have red. I ll give you a sticker. We ll do it three times tod

55、ay. Let s see who is lucky. The 2nd period Step 1 Preparation 1. Play a Simon Says game. Step 2 Ask and answer. 1. T: What color is this tree. S: It s green. T: What color is this big apple. S: It s red. T: What color is this banana.S: It s yellow. T: What color is this horse.S: It s white. T: What

56、color is2Work it in pairs. Step 3 Say it. The 3rd period Step 1 Listen and repeat 1. listen to tape and repeat the sentences. Ww, Ww, I like you. You are nice, you are new. Step 2 Ask and answer. 1. T: What are they doing. S: They are skate-boarding.T: Are they having fun. S: Yes, they are. 2. Work

57、it in pairs. Step 3 Learn the words 15 第 15 页,共 38 页whale, wood, waterfall Step 4 Copy the letter Ww 1. Look at the teacher how to write it. 2. Write it by yourself. The 4th period Step 1Preparation 1. Review the words of colors. Step 2 Color it 1. Color it by yourself. Show it to your teacher. 2. S

58、tep 3 Read, draw and color it Step 4 Homework Draw a picture with ten colors and bring it to the class next time. Unit 8 Let (设计:吴泳声蒋霞黄红涂开生黄华)s play hopscotch Teaching aims and demands 使同学明白和把握跳格子玩耍的规章;使同学能听懂指令并跟着做动作使同学学会字母 X 及所给的单词的读音;使同学能朗读第六部分所给的句子;Key points 句型: Turn around. Let Let s play. s pl

59、ay hopscotch. Hop, here, and pick up a pen and hop back. 词汇: hop, stop, pick, relayDifficulty points 听懂指令,说出指令并能跟着做动作;Teaching aids一个用布做的沙 包,彩色粉笔;Teaching procedure The 1st period Step 1 Preparation 1. Free talking. Step 2 Hop first. 1. 上课时,老师对全体同学说,16 Now let s have a game. Now following me. Everyb

60、ody, stand 第 16 页,共 38 页up. Stand on one leg. Now hop, hop, hop. Now you can stand with both feet. Then hop again. Hop, turn around, hop and bend the body and pick. Hop , hop, hop. Do you understand. 2. Let s do it. Group one and four, stand up please. Now you do it first. Other groupscan watch them


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