To Teachers:Thinking For A Change 思维方式的改变_第1页
To Teachers:Thinking For A Change 思维方式的改变_第2页
To Teachers:Thinking For A Change 思维方式的改变_第3页
To Teachers:Thinking For A Change 思维方式的改变_第4页
To Teachers:Thinking For A Change 思维方式的改变_第5页




1、To Teachers:Thinking For A Change思维方式的改变I am excited to share with you a book I read recently that can help you a lot in your schooling and career.It is called,Thinking For A Change, by John Maxwell.It deals with ways to improve our thinking skills and develop creativity.The book is broken into two

2、parts.The first part deals with general principles preparing the reader for the second part.The second part goes into detail the eleven skills that can help us the most in developing creative thinking skills.Now a little bit from the first part.We need to understand the value of good thinking.I can

3、control my thoughts.My feelings come from my thoughts.Conclusion:I control my feelings by controlling my thoughts.We need to realize the impact that changed thinking can have on our lives.If we want to accomplish better and different results, we must change what we do.In order to get better results,

4、 we must change our thinking.Changed thinking is not automatic, rather it is difficult.However, it is worth the effort and will be rewarded.Here is the impact:changed thinking changes our beliefs.Changed beliefs change our expectations.Changed expectations change our attitude.Changed attitude change

5、 our behavior.Changed behavior changes our performance.Changed performance changes our life.Tell yourself that:Change is personal I need to change.Change is possible I am able to change.Change is profitable I will be rewarded by change.We need to get involved in the process of intentional thinking.F

6、ind a place to think.Do you realize that one new idea a day will give you at least 250 ideas or more per year?!Most ideas are not fully developed when we first think them.Therefore shape them like you would creating a piece of pottery.Then stretch them by sharing with others; landing them by seeing

7、if they work; the fly your ideas by putting them into practice.Here is a formula for getting better results:right thoughts plus right people in the right environment at the right time for the right reason = the right result.People change when they hurt enough that they are willing to change; learn e

8、nough that they want to change; receive enough that they are able to change.How do we become good thinkers?1) Expose ourselves to good input; 2) expose ourselves to good thinkers; 3) think good and positive thoughts; 4) act on our thoughts; 5) allow our emotions to create another good thought; 6) re

9、peat the process.Now for part two with the eleven skills on thinking and they are as follows:Portrait of a good thinker:1) Seeing the wisdom of big-picture thinking2) Unleashing the potential of focused thinking3) Discover the joy of creative thinking4)Recognizing the importance of realistic thinkin

10、g5)Releasing the power of strategic thinking6)Feeling the energy of possibility thinking7)Embracing the lessons of reflective thinking8)Questioning the acceptance of popular thinking9)Encouraging the participation of shared thinking10)Experiencing the satisfaction of unselfish thinking11)Enjoying th

11、e return of bottom-line thinkingSELF EVALUATIONRate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest._ Understand the value of good thinking:Do I believe that good thinking can change my life?_ Realize the impact of changed thinking:Is my desire for success and to improve my life strong eno

12、ugh to prompt me to change my thinking?_ Master the process of intentional thinking:Am I willing to pay the price to cultivate the habit of giving birth to, nurturing, and developing great thoughts ever day?_ Acquire the wisdom of big-picture thinking:Am I thinking beyond myself and my world so that

13、 I process ideas with a holistic perspective?_ Unleash the potential of focused thinking:Am I dedicated to removing distractions and mental clutter so that I can concentrate with clarity on the real issue?_ Discover the joy of creative thinking:Am I working to break out of my “box” of limitations so

14、 that I explore ideas and options that will enable me to experience creative breakthroughs?_ Recognize the importance of realistic thinking:Am I building a solid mental foundation on facts so that I can think with certainty?_ Release the power of strategic thinking:Am I implementing strategic plans

15、that give me direction for today and increase my potential for tomorrow?_ Feel the energy of possibility thinking:Am I unleashing the enthusiasm of possibility thinking to find solutions even for situations that seem impossible?_ Embrace the lessons of reflective thinking:Am I regularly revisiting t

16、he past to gain a true perspective and think with understanding?_ Encourage the participation of shared thinking:Am I consistently including the heads of others to think “over my head” and attain compounding results?_ Experience the satisfaction of unselfish thinking:Am I continually considering oth

17、ers and their journey in collaborating with them in my thinking?_ Enjoy the return of bottom-line thinking:Am I staying focused on results in order to gain the maximum return and reap the full potential of my thinking?Since no one can be expected to master every kind of thinking, the following advice will be helpful.On each kind of thinking, if you score .


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