天津专用高一英语课件:Module4 Sandstorms in Asia 1(外研版必修3)_第1页
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1、Period 1Module 4 Sandstorms in AsiaIntroduction Reading & VocabularyIntroduction-1. Vocabulary (5m) Use the words in Activity 1, Page 31 to fill the blank. This is a_. It has_for ten hours and was very_. The wind is_the sand high around the house. People are _ in the sandstorm. Sometimes the sand ca

2、n_the whole building.sandstormlastedfrighteningblowingfrightenedburyIntroduction-2. Answering (5m) Answer the questions with the help from Activity 2, Page31.1.Where do sandstorms begin?2. What causes deserts? 3. How does the sandstorm affect different places?4. What differences between sandstorms i

3、n different areas?Sandstorms begin in desert areas.Deserts are created by climate changes. And it is also because people cut down trees and dig up grass.Sandstorms from Asia have blown across the Pacific Ocean to America. The inland region has more sandstorms than the one near the sea.Reading & Voca

4、bulary-1.Pre-reading (5m) Look at the photo. Answer the questions.Answers:There is a sandstorm blowing.Theyve wearing hoods, masks and glasses to protect themselves.It moves very slowly. Because it is not clear to see everything on the road and people must take great care.4. Stay at home.Reading & V

5、ocabulary -2.Intensive-reading(8m) read the passage , and get the main ideas of each part.Sandstorms have been a major disaster for many Asia countries for a long time.The winds in sandstorm can sometimes be strong enough to move and dunes; When Ren Jiabao was in Inner Mongolia he experience a terri

6、ble sandstorm in desert. zxxk zxxk zxxk zxxk zxxk Sandstorm in China appear to have increased in resent years as a result of “desertification” Cutting down trees and digging up grass can cause the climate to change make the land become desert.Traffic moved very slowly as the thick dust makes it diff

7、icult to see. What the government do to prevent the desert coming near.Reading & Vocabulary -3.Exercise (5m) Finish the exercise at Activity 2, Page 33.Answers:_cycle (v)expert processcitizen dust survive forecast situation Reading & Vocabulary 4.Exercise (5m) Finish the exercise at Activity 3, Page

8、 33.Answers:_BBAAReading & Vocabulary 5. Exercise (6m) Finish the the exercise at Activity 4, Page13.Answers:prevent you (from) seeing the sun / strong enough to move sand dunes.2. he experienced a terrible sandstorm.3. because of desertification.4. cause deserts and sand-storms to increase.5. the t

9、hick dust makes it difficult to see / the drivers cannot see clearly.6. prevent the desert coming nearer.Homework Collect more information on Internet about one of the problems that caused by sandstorm.Period 2Module 4 Sandstorms in AsiaGrammar 1Culture cornerGrammar 1 -1. Observation(3m) Im glad to

10、 meet you.She invited me to attend the meeting.The boy is old enough to go to school. to + 动词原形表示主动 Grammar 1 - 2. Observation (3m) There was nothing to be done.Id like to be told whats going on.Nothing is allowed to be taken out of the reading room. to be +动词的过去分词表示被动。 不定式一般式所表示的动作通常与谓语 所表示的动作或状态同时

11、发生,或在它 之后发生。Grammar 1 - 3. Observation (3m)To be cycling in a sandstorm is frightening.They pretended to be working hard when their boss passed them. to be + 动词ing; 不定式进行式表示动作正在进行,与谓语动词 表示的动作同时发生。Grammar 1 -4. Observation (3m) Im the only person in my family to have been in a sandstorm. 2. He is not

12、 likely to have got my letter. to have + 动词的过去分词Grammar 1 -5. Observation(3m)To have been caught in a sandstorm is a terrible experience.2. The room was said to have been cleaned. to + have been + 过去分词; 不定式完成式所表示的动作在谓语动词所 表示的动作之前发生。Grammar 1 -6.Exercise (5m) finish the exercise at Activity 2, Page 3

13、4.Answers:It is dangerous to be traveling during a sandstorm.Experts hope to learn more about the movement of thunderstorms.We were told not to leave the house.The work on the house needs to be completed (the work) by the end of the week.Most houses seem to have been destroyed by the storm.Grammar 1

14、 -7.Exercise (5m) Finish the exercise at Activity 3, P24.Answers:It is frightening to be working in the road in a sandstorm. I hope I reach home soon.Experts hope to learn more about the movement of sandstorms.Id like to be told about the situation before now.The work needs to be completed by the en

15、d of the week.My father was out of the city when the sandstorm came. He was very glad to have missed it.The building has to be finished by the end of the year.To see a real sandstorm was very frightening.Grammar 1 -8.Correction (5m) Correct the mistakes in these sentences. There are still a lot to h

16、ave be done about traffic.We should to recycle rubbish , not burn it.We need develop better public transport in cities.The wind is strong enough blow the sand across the Pacific Ocean.5. Some counties are trying save the forests.tototoCulture corner-1.Reading(8m) Read the passage ,then answer the fo

17、llowing questions.1. How do countries in Europe try to improve the environment?2. What does The Green Movement do?3. What else shall we do to improve the environment?Homework Exchange your idea about the grammar we have learnt today.Finish the related exercises on WB.Period 3Module 4 Sandstorms in A

18、sia Listening & VocabularyGrammar 2 Everyday EnglishListening & Vocabulary 1. Vocabulary (5m) Look at the pictures , and see what words you will think of? _ _ _pollution environmentatmosphereListening & Vocabulary2. Exercise (3m) Finish the exercise at Activity 1, Page 35.Answers:_ atmosphere damage

19、 chemical environment melt recycle carbon dioxide the Poles garbage pollutionListening & Vocabulary 3.Numbering (4m) Listen to the tape and finish Activity 2. Then talk about the relationship between them. Answers:EDCBAListening & Vocabulary - 4. Answering (3m) Listen to the tape , then finish the e

20、xercise at Activity 3, Page 35. Answers:The climateNew York and Shanghai.Because pollution is stopping the suns heat leaving the atmosphere.Carbon dioxide from cars.There is less oxygen and more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.6. Optimistic.Listening & Vocabulary 5. Extra-exercises (15m) Listen to

21、the tape, then fill the blank.Int:David, what do you see as the main problems with the _?D.U:Well, _, the most _ problem of all is the _. The worlds climate seems to be getting warmer.Int:Weve seen _ of that, havent we? _ summers, _ winters, that kind of thing.environmentin a nutshellurgentclimatea

22、lot of evidenceHotterwarmerListening & Vocabulary 5. Extra-exercises (15m) Listen to the tape, then fill the blank.D.U: Yes, we have. Also, scientists have found that the ice at the Poles is beginning to _.Int:Weve heard that too. Is that really happening?D.U:Yes, Im afraid it is. Ad _ in the future

23、, the ice may melt _. Then its possible that the sea could rise and _ like New York and Shanghai could disappear under water.meltat sometimecompletelycoastal citiesListening & Vocabulary 5. Extra-exercises Listen to the tape, then fill the blank.John: It sounds very _.D.U: I couldnt agree with you m

24、ore. Its _!Int: Can you explain why the climates getting warmer?D.U: Well, Ill do my best! Its _ thats the problem. Gases from cars enter the _ and _ the suns heat from _ the atmosphere. And factories _ chemicals that do the same thing. So _, the climate is getting warmer.frighteningscarypollutionat

25、mospherestopleavinggive outas a resultListening & Vocabulary 5. Extra-exercises Listen to the tape, then fill the blank.John: Int:From _, carbon dioxide from cars is a major problem.D.U: Youre absolutely right. Carbon dioxide is the gas that does most _ to the atmosphere. But we have a problem with

26、trees too. what I understanddamageListening & Vocabulary 5. Extra-exercisesListen to the tape, then fill the blank. You see, trees _ oxygen and _ carbon dioxide. So theyre very useful because they _ the carbon dioxide.Int:I know what youre going to say. Were _ _ all the trees.D.U: Yes, we cut them d

27、own because we need the land and because we use the wood for paper and _. That leaves more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.give outtake inuse upcutting downfurnitureListening & Vocabulary 5. Extra-exercisesListen to the tape, then fill the blank.Int: Its a terrible _.D.U: Yes, and another problem i

28、s _ that we produce. We burn a lot of garbage, and once again, the gases pollute the atmosphere. That situation couldnt be worse, really.situationall the garbageListening & Vocabulary 5. Extra-exercises Listen to the tape, then fill the blank.Int:We should _ garbage, not burn it.D.U:Of course we sho

29、uld.Int:Its strange, we know all this, and yet we do _it. I cant help but feel very _.D.U:Yes, well, it is _. But governments are beginning to do something about it. I dont think its too late.recyclenothing but talk aboutconcernedworrying Grammar2 1.Exercises (4m) Finish the exercisesat Activity 1,

30、Page 36.AB and Cthe infinitive without “to” Answers: Grammar 22.Observation (3m) Finish the following exercises1. I was watching an interesting TV program about how to make dinners last night when electricity was out, and I couldnt _ to the bed. A. but goingB. help but to go C. help goingD. choose b

31、ut go2. _ in a heavy rain, Robert fell ill and couldnt but _ for a leave. A. Caught, to askB. Catching, ask C. Catching, to askD. Caught, askcannot but + V.(动词原形); do but + V. (动词原形)cannot help / choose but + V. ( 动词原形)Grammar 2 3.Observation(3m) Finish the following exercises1. He does nothing but

32、_(talk).2. The man could do nothing but _ (wait).3. We have no choice but _ (wait).4. They want nothing but _ (succeed). How did you spend your weekend, Joe? I didnt find anything interesting for me _ some washing instead of my mother. A. but didB. but do C. but doingD. but to dotalkwaitto waitto su

33、cceed如果主动词是do的任一形式的话,but 后面就省略to(有DO就没TO)Everyday English 1.Exercise(5m) BABAAAnswers:Homework Go to the library or surf the Internet to find some information about the environmental we are facing today. Then make a presentation tomorrow. Period 4Module 4 Sandstorms in AsiaFunction SpeakingWriting F

34、unction-1.Matching (5m) agreementsdisagreementsI couldnt agree with you more.I think youre absolutely right.I disagree with you all.I am afraid I cannot agree with you.I dont think so.Function - 2. Exercise (4m) Fill the blank with the phrases we learnt just now. A: We need to plant more trees. B: _

35、 _2. _The traffic in this city just doesnt move.3. A: People dont care enough about the environment. B: _ _4. _I cant see anything. Theres sand everywhere.I couldnt agree with you more./ I think youre absolutely right.It couldnt be worse. / Its absolutely hopeless.I couldnt agree with you more. / I

36、think youre absolutely right.It couldnt be worse. / Its absolutely hopeless.Speaking 1 - 1. Description (6m)How do you describe a terrible experience? Some people must put on a mask and cycled to work in the sandstorm, what do they see and how do they feel about the sandstorm.Ren Jiabao: terrible, b

37、e caught in, nothing to be done, survive, disappearBeijing citizens : wake up to, strong winds, cover the city in a thick, brown-yellow dust, move slowlyHuang Xiaowei: cycling in a sandstorm, frightening, strong winds, difficult to breathe, make me ill, wear a mask Speaking 1 - 2. Role-play (5m) Two

38、 reporters: (1) Ask citizens questions about their experience and feelings. (2) Ask experts about the cause, the danger and the measures.Group One: Citizens. Experience and feelings.Group Two: Experts. Cause, danger and measures.Note: More interesting questions are welcome.Speaking 2 1. Discussion (

39、5ms) Do you know they can pollute the environment?What solutions will you take if you are the chairman of the Green Movement?Way IWay II.Think of ten things we need to do to improve the environment and say WHY. Write them down. Use these structures: We need to do sth We must do sth We should do sthe

40、.g. We need to plant more trees.Writing -1. Discussion (5m) If you are to write the article describing one environmental problem, how many parts will you include in it? What will you write in each part?introductioncauses & resultspeoplesattitudemeasuresconclusionWriting-2. Peer checking and rewritin

41、g (15m) Read your writing to your partner. Check and rewrite your writing according to the following. Then share it with the whole class.Are you clear what happen(4Wand H)Do you know the writers attitude and emotion?Are there any good connecting words or phrases?Are there any good phrases or sentenc

42、es?Are there any spelling mistakes? Home work Working in group, try to make a postcard that encourages people to protect the environment.Language Date BankLanguage points for Reading Language Date BankSandstorms have been a major disaster for many Asian countries for centuries.major:主要的,重大的minor: 次要

43、的majority: 多数,大部分(n.)minority: 少数民族I dont think that is a major problem.Mary plays a major role in the game.I majors in English in the University. (vi主修,专攻)Language Date Bank2. A mass campaign has been started to help solve it.a mass campaign :大规模的运动campaign: 运动an anti-smoking campaignan advertising campaign我们准备开展一场反对污染环境的运动。We are going


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