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1、monkey绿色圃中小学教育网 tiger绿色圃中小学教育网 elephantbird绿色圃中小学教育网 Its apig.thinLook at the pig and the monkey.What do they look like? (它们长什么样子?)fatIts a mo nkey.Its so smallLook at this boyHe is so youngLook at this bear Wow ! Its so shortLookatH_e_s s_o _.绿色圃中小学教育网 Look at Tutu.Hes so _s_h_o_r_t.Look at the era

2、ser Wow ! Its soLook at thsehruolerrt, Its so longWhatis it?Its an ostrich ( 鸵鸟 ).Wow! It has a small head.small小的Its a big body.big大的短的长的It has a short tail.Look at the elephant. What does it lo ok like?It hasa big body. small eyes. big ears. big legs.a long nose. a short tail.Its so big .2.Its has

3、 a longtail.4.He has a bighead.3.He has a smallhead.1.It has shortlegs.(谜语 )Guess:Its so big.It has a long nose, small eyes,two big ears,and a short tail. What is it?What is it?It has a small nose. It has a long tail.It has small eyes and small ears. It has long arms and long legs.monkeyRiddleIt has

4、 big ears.Its a dog.It has a long tail.Its a monkey.It has a short tail.It has a short tail and a big mo uth.Its a duck.It has big eyes and short legs.Its a pig.It has small ears and a small nose.Its a panda.最近几年,一所动物园至少有 13 只动物做过手术,包括麋鹿、梅花鹿等,其主要原因就是吃了游客乱扔的食品和塑料袋,造 成消化不良。其中 1 只梅花鹿还因为误食游客扔的食品导致死亡。动物园

5、工作人员介绍,一些游客扔香蕉皮等捉弄动物。更为 恶劣的是,部分游客故意把包着食品的塑料袋甩向动物,以看动 物急着吃食的样子为乐。这样捉弄动物,不仅对它们身体造成极 大危害,也影响它们正常的Th活环境,还有可能造成动物向游客 发威的情况。因此,该园向社会发出善待动物的呼吁,不要向动物乱扔食品。Dont feed the animals! Loveour wild animals!绿色圃中小学教育网 Look at the picture:Look at Amys father,heis.A.tallB.shortC.longThey are Amy and Am ys father.Look at Amy, she isB,AThe mouse is C _.The cat is A.A.bigB.shortC.smallHomework1. Describeyour


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