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1、In this unit, you will learnhow to use professional expressions to describe different types of metro tickets and ticket machines;Shanghai Metro ticketing system;to talk about buying metro tickets in different ways;new technologies in the subway ticketing system;how to be a ticket conductor;how to wr

2、ite a job application letter.TicketingUnit TwoTicketingUnit TwoPart 1Lead-inPart 2Profession Zoom InPart 3Career Zoom InPart 4Real-Life PracticeLead-inWork in pairs. Look at the following tickets of urban rail transit. Discuss them with your partner and match them with the names in the box.Task 1Par

3、t 1Part 2Part 3Part 4a. New York City Subwayb. Moscow Metroc. Beijing Subwaye. Hangzhou Metrof. Shanghai Metrog. Shenzhen Metro_ebLead-inWork in pairs. Look at the following tickets of urban rail transit. Discuss them with your partner and match them with the names in the box.Task 1Part 1Part 2Part

4、3Part 4a. New York City Subwayb. Moscow Metroc. Beijing Subwaye. Hangzhou Metrof. Shanghai Metrog. Shenzhen Metro_dfLead-inWork in pairs. Look at the following tickets of urban rail transit. Discuss them with your partner and match them with the names in the box.Task 1Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4a. New

5、York City Subwayb. Moscow Metroc. Beijing Subwaye. Hangzhou Metrof. Shanghai Metrog. Shenzhen Metro_caTask 2Lead-inTranslate each of the following ticket machine or equipment into Chinese with the help of your smartphone or the Internet .Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4123456Ticket Vending MachineBooking Of

6、fice MachineAdd-Value MachinePortable Fare Adjustment DeviceAutomatic Gate MachineTicket Checking Machine自动售票机半自动售票机充值机便携式补票装置自动检票机自动查询机Profession Zoom InFive Types of Metro TicketsShanghai metro adopts the following five types of tickets:Single Journey Ticket, Shanghai Public Transportation Card, S

7、ouvenir Ticket, One-day Pass and Three-day Pass.Single Journey Ticket is a thin IC card which is endowed with a certain sum of money depending on the destination you choose. It can be bought at a ticket dispenser or from a ticket office. It can be used only one time on the day when you buy it within

8、 the subway lines and stations you choose. It should be returned at your destination station and recycled in the ticket system.Shanghai Public Transportation Card is convenient to pay the metro fare. It can be used not only on the metro, but also on some public buses, ferryboats and even taxis. Subw

9、ay riders are allowed to charge and recharge their cards for various trips. It should have a 20-yuan deposit. The card can be used repeatedly and you can deposit more money in it at designated metro stations, bus stations, banks or stores.A souvenir ticket is a good choice for visitors. It is valid

10、for one year and can be bought at several designated subway stations. You can only take the train once on certain lines. When getting out of the station, it will be returned to you as a souvenir. One-day Pass has been introduced for Shanghai subway since Expo 2010. The pass is sold 18 yuan and could

11、 be purchased at any ticket offices. With this pass, a passenger could take all the citys metro lines without limit in 24 hours after the first use. This pass is not required to be returned after use so the passenger could keep it as a souvenir. ReadingListeningSpeakingPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Shangh

12、ai Metro TicketsProfession Zoom InThree-day Pass has been used since March, 2012. The pass is sold CNY45 and could be purchased at any ticket offices. With this pass, a passenger could take all the metro lines without limit in 72 hours after the first use. This pass is not a required to be returned

13、after use so the passenger could keep it as a souvenir.Buying Metro TicketsWhen traveling around Shanghai by foot or car, you are bound to see signs clearly marking entrances to the subway stations. After entering the station, you can follow the guide signs to find the ticket office or ticket vendin

14、g machines. Three different choices of tickets are available for purchase. Riders can buy a single journey ticket, pay for or load up on their Shanghai Public Transportation Card or purchase a souvenir ticket.Usually, there are two ways to buy tickets. First, you can buy tickets at the ticket office

15、 after looking up the fare on the stations signboard or asking the ticket issuing clerk for the fare. Secondly, you can do self- service ticketing at a multifunctional ticket machine. Here offers the method for using the machine: Click the number of the subway line you want to take on the screen and

16、 click your destination station. The machine then shows you the single trip price. Please click the number of the tickets you want (no more than 9 at a time) and then the total price appears on the screen. Now you need to put a certain sum of notes or coins according to the total price into the slot

17、 on the machine. Well, you can take the change and tickets. Fares typically average anywhere from 3 to 9 yuan, depending on the distance traveled.ReadingListeningSpeakingPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Shanghai Metro TicketsProfession Zoom InUsing Metro Tickets When Entering or Exiting the Turnstile“Right H

18、and Principle” is adopted when entering the turnstile. Please hold your ticket in the right hand and hold it slightly above the round intelligent card reader on the panel of the turnstile controller on your right. After a few seconds of inspection and validation, the screen on the panel of the contr

19、oller will show the value of the ticket (except the souvenir ticket, which will have “please go” in Chinese on the screen) and then you can get through the turnstile.After getting off the train, you have to go through the ticket inspection formality at the turnstiles at the exit of the platform area

20、.“Right Hand Principle” is also used. Please have the ticket in your right hand.Shanghai Public Transportation Card users can do as you enter the turnstile in your starting station hold the card over the round card reader on the turnstile controller and then the screen on the panel of the controller

21、 will show the balance of your card. You can get out then.The passenger who holds a single journey ticket should insert the ticket into the slot on the turnstile controller and exit the turnstile then.If you hold a souvenir ticket, please insert the ticket just as the single journey ticket users do.

22、 However, the ticket will be returned to you after inspection. You can take it on the top of the controller and exit the turnstile.ReadingListeningSpeakingPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Shanghai Metro TicketsProfession Zoom InBackPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Text Understanding Hints1Single Journey Ticket is a t

23、hin IC card which is endowed with a certain sum of money depending on the destination you choose.单程票是一张薄的IC 卡,根据您选择的目的地,卡里有一定的金额。2Please hold your ticket in the right hand and hold it slightly above the round intelligent card reader on the panel of the turnstile controller on your right.请右手拿票,并将票略高于

24、右侧的闸机控制器面板上的圆形智能读卡器。Profession Zoom InBackPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Text Understanding Hints3After a few seconds of inspection and validation, the screen on the panel of the controller will show the value of the ticket (except the souvenir ticket, which will have “please go” in Chinese on the screen)

25、and then you can get through the turnstile.经过几秒钟的检查和验证,控制器面板上的屏幕会显示票价(纪念票除外纪念票通过时屏幕上有“请走”的中文),然后你便可以通过闸机了。Profession Zoom InReadingListeningSpeakingPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Vocabularyadopt /dpt/ v. 采用,采取endow /nda/ v. 赋予,给予destination /destnen/ n. 目的地,终点dispenser /dspens(r)/ n. 分配者,自动售货机recycle /risa

26、kl/ v. 使再循环,重复利用fare /fe(r)/ n. 车费ferryboat /ferbt/ n. 渡船recharge /ritad/ v. 充电,充值deposit /dpzt/ n. 存款,押金designate /dezgnet/ v. 指定,标明Expo /eksp/ n. 展览会,博览会signboard /sanbd/ n. 布告板issue /u/ v. 发行,发表self-service /self svs/ a. 自选的,顾客自理的Profession Zoom InReadingListeningSpeakingPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4V

27、ocabularymultifunctional /mltfknl/ a. 多功能的slot /slt/ n. 狭缝,槽typically /tpkli/ ad. 典型地,一般average /vrd/ v. 平均为,取平均值turnstile /tnstal/ n.闸机,十字转门principle /prnspl/ n. 原则intelligent /nteldnt/ a. 聪明的,智能的panel /pnl/ n. 面板,嵌板inspection /nspekn/ n. 检查validation /vlden/ n. 确认,批准,生效formality /fmlti/ n. 手续,程序ba

28、lance /blns/ n. 余额insert /nst/ v. 插入Profession Zoom InReadingListeningSpeakingPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Phrases & Expressionsticket office 售票处be bound to 一定,必定guide sign 标识牌ticket vending machine 自动售票机load up on 充值,加载card reader 读卡器,读卡机turnstile controller 闸机控制器Profession Zoom InReadingListeningSpeaki

29、ngPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Proper NamesSingle Journey Ticket: 单程票Shanghai Public Transportation Card: 上海公共交通卡Souvenir Ticket: 纪念票One-day Pass: 一日票Three-day Pass: 三日票Profession Zoom InReadingListeningSpeakingPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4ExercisesMatch the words on the left with their meanings on the right.

30、Task 11. recycle2. deposit3. self-service4. fare5. validationa. a sum of money that is given as the first part of a larger paymentb. the act of proving that something is true or correctc. to treat things that have already been used so that they can be used againd. in a way that shows the usual quali

31、ties or features of a particular type of person, thing, or groupe. the system in which customers serve themselves and then pay for the goods in a shop/store, restaurant, etc.6. typicallyf. the money that you pay to travel by bus, plane, taxi, etc.Profession Zoom InReadingListeningSpeakingPart 1Part

32、2Part 3Part 4ExercisesComplete the following sentences with the phrases in the box. Change the form if necessary.Task 2be endowed with depend on get throughbe bound to insertinto load up on1. His hand shook slightly as he _ the key _ the lock.2. The stones are believed to _ magical power.3. I finall

33、y managed to _ my driving test.4. Youve done so much work you _ pass the exam.5. Many people _ the sport for their livelihood.6. People are _ bottled water.insertedintobe endowed withget throughare bound todepend onare loading up onProfession Zoom InReadingListeningSpeakingPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Ex

34、ercisesDecide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F) according to the passage.Task 31. A souvenir ticket can be used again in the metro network within some time.2. One-day Pass and Three-day Pass are suitable for visitors and locals.3. Both One-day Pass and Three-day Pass will be

35、 recycled in the ticket system when someone is exiting the turnstile.4. It is easy for people to operate Ticket Vending Machines. The key to operating the machine is to choose the subway line, your destination and the number of tickets.5.“Right Hand Principle” is applied to enter and exit the turnst

36、ile.FFFTT6.The main function of a card reader is to check the balance of your transportation card.FProfession Zoom InPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4ReadingListeningSpeakingListen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks with what you have heard.(A passenger doesnt know how to buy a ticket. The station operat

37、or helps him with it.)Passenger: Excuse me, can you tell me how to buy a ticket?Station Operator:Sure. There are two ways to buy a ticket. You can buy a ticket at the _ or through the _.Passenger: Thank you. But I dont know how to _. Can you help me?Station Operator:OK. Let me show you the steps to

38、buy a ticket. This way, please.Passenger: Thank you.Station Operator: This is Ticket Vending Machine. First, you should _ and _, and then _ . Second, you should wait until the fare is showed on the screen and then _ that can be identified by the machine. Finally, you can _.ticket officeTicket Vendin

39、g Machineoperate the machinechoose the metro lineyour destinationpress the button to choose the ticket numberinsert the coins or notesget your ticket and change at the coin-returnProfession Zoom InPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4ReadingListeningSpeakingListen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks with what

40、 you have heard.Passenger: Oh, I see. Thank you. By the way, how should I use the ticket?Station Operator: Here is AGM. _ and the gate will open after a “beep” sound. And then _ to enter the station. Remember to _ and it will be returned at your destination station.Passenger: Thanks a lot.Station Op

41、erator:Its my pleasure.Please put the ticket in AGM with your right handpass through the gate quicklyput away your ticketProfession Zoom InPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4ReadingListeningSpeakingMake up a similar dialogue based on the listening material above with the help of the useful expressions given be

42、low.Useful expressions you may use:Would you please tell me how I can buy a ticket with the machine?I dont know how to operate the machine.Where is the Ticket Vending Machine?Let me show you the steps to buy a ticket.You should choose the metro line first.You can press your destination on the route

43、map.Please insert the coins or notes into the machine.How should I use the ticket?Please go through as soon as the gate opens.Career Zoom InMobile PaymentsAlibaba Group and Alipay-operator Ant Financial on Dec. 5, 2017 signed a strategic collaboration agreement with Shanghai Shentong Metro Group, op

44、erator of the Shanghai Metro, to improve the experience of subway commuters in Shanghai through artificial intelligence (AI) technology.Per the agreement, Shanghai Metros mobile app, METRO, which provides passengers with subway-related news updates and route suggestions, will include an Alipay payme

45、nt option to access all of its stations in the city, starting early next year.Once the new form of payment goes online, there will be no need for commuters to bring change to buy tickets or even carry subway cards. They will be able to walk in and out of subway gates with a simple swipe of their sma

46、rtphone. Alipay would support payment without Internet connection, and if passengers forget to top up their accounts, it also allows users to enter stations first and pay after their trips.However, passengers in Hangzhou no longer need a ticket to take the subway now. They can just swipe their smart

47、phones and then board the metro train, making Hangzhou to realize mobile payments on its subway. Starting from Dec. 27, users of Alipay, a mobile payment app, will get a QR code on their phones, which they can use to enter the electric gates at all 72 subway stations in the city. The price will be d

48、educted from their Alipay account after they swipe to exit the subway. Similar services have also been opened by UnionPay. With its quick pass installed in smartphones, passengers can also take the subway without a ticket.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4ReadingListeningSpeakingNew Technologies in the Subway

49、 Ticketing SystemCareer Zoom InThe ubiquitous app enables people to use the system regardless of the phones they use, according to Hangzhou metro group. Cities like Beijing, Shenzhen and Hefei begun allowing mobile payment in subways earlier this year, but the system used in Beijing subways for exam

50、ple does not work with Apple phones.The Hangzhou metro company said mobile payment saves passengerstime and will help shorten queues at rush hours. Passing through the ticketing gate is now 2.5 times faster.Voice-recognition TechnologyAt the signing at Shanghai Shentong Metro Groups headquarters, Al

51、ibaba engineers demonstrated an AI-powered ticketing machine that combines Ant Financials payment system, mapping technology from the Alibaba-owned navigation firm AutoNavi with far-field voice-recognition technology.The far-field voice technology can pick up sound input from a user speaking to the

52、system several meters away, even in noisy environments.Already accounting for nearly 53 percent of all the public transportation in the Chinese metropolis of 24 million people, the ever- growing Metro network features 4,000 trains serving 17 lines and 367 stations. For passengers unfamiliar with Sha

53、nghais subway system, pinpointing the specific station on the map to buy tickets can be a complicated ordeal.The new ticketing system Alibaba is developing can be automatically activated when a person comes near. The person can tell the machine its desired destination, saying, for example,“I want to

54、 go to the Pearl Tower.”The system will suggest the closest stop, and customers can instantly pay via Alipay.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4ReadingListeningSpeakingNew Technologies in the Subway Ticketing SystemCareer Zoom In“Traditional voice-interaction technology has been applied to quiet environments i

55、n the home or in cars, but our voice-recognition ticketing machine is the first of its kind to realize far-field voice interaction in noisy public spaces like a subway station, with accuracy,” said Zhijie Yan, director of intelligent speech recognition.The demo of Alibabas voice-recognition ticketin

56、g technology can pick up commands from a distance, even in noisy environments such as subway stations.“Through combining signal-processing and computer-vision technology, we are able to better identify sound sources and solve the problem of intense noise disturbance,” and the machine automatically i

57、nitiates interaction once users step near, so they wont have to “wake up the machine,” said Yan.Facial-scanning TechnologyApart from using voice- recognition technology to make the ticket-buying experience smoother, Alibaba also has plans to help Shanghai Metro optimize its existing traffic- managem

58、ent system and enable better predictions of when and where congestion is likely to occur. Another plan is to help employ facial-scanning technologies at subway gates, reducing the time required to enter and exit terminals.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4ReadingListeningSpeakingNew Technologies in the Subway

59、 Ticketing SystemCareer Zoom InBackPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Text Understanding Hints1Per the agreement, Shanghai Metros mobile app, METRO, which provides passengers with subway-related news updates and route suggestions, will include an Alipay payment option to access all of its stations in the city,

60、 starting early next year.根据协议,上海地铁手机应用软件METRO 为乘客提供最新地铁相关新闻和线路建议,该软件将包含支付宝支付选项,并从明年初开始全市所有地铁车站可选用支付宝扫码进站。2At the signing at Shanghai Shentong Metro Groups headquarters, Alibaba engineers demonstrated an AI-powered ticketing machine that combines Ant Financials payment system, mapping technology fro


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