



1、第 PAGE5 页 共 NUMPAGES5 页2023年最新的单词indeed的中文是什么意思单词indeed的用法是比较特别的,我们应该要知道它具体的中文意思。下面我们就来看看英语单词indeed所包含的中文意思以及相关例句。 indeed的中文意思 英 n di:d 美 n did indeed 基本解释 副词 甚至; 的确,确实,实在; 实际上,真正地; 真的,真是 相关例句 1. I was indeed very glad to hear the news. 我听到这消息的确很高兴。 2. He is indeed young, but he is competent. 他固然年轻,

2、但他很称职。 3. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交才是真正的朋友。 4. I am hungry; indeed, I am almost starving. 我饿了;我简直要饿死了。 5. Did he say that 真的!他是那么说的吗 indeed的词典解释 1. 确实;的确 You use indeed to confirm or agree with something that has just been said. e.g. Later, he admitted that the payments had indeed be

3、en made. 后来,他承认确实付过款了。 e.g. He did indeed keep important documents inside his hat. 他确实把重要文件放在了他的帽子里。 2. (表示语气的递进)实际上,其实,确切说来 You use indeed to introduce a further comment or statement which strengthens the point you have already made. e.g. We have nothing against diversity; indeed, we want more of i

4、t. 我们一点都不抵触多样化;实际上,我们需要多样性更丰富一些。 e.g. When we asked to see more we were refused. Indeed we were escorted away by men with guns. 当我们要求进一步参观时却被拒绝了。实际上,我们是被一些带枪的人护送离开的。 3. (位于句末修饰very或强调某词)确实,实在 You use indeed at the end of a clause to give extra force to the word very , or to emphasize a particular wo

5、rd. e.g. The engine began to sound very loud indeed. 发动机开始发出极大的声响。 e.g. The wine was very good indeed. 红酒确实非常好。 4. (重复问题以作强调,尤用于答案未知时)到底,究竟 You can use indeed as a way of repeating a question in order to emphasize it, especially when you do not know the answer. e.g. Now where are the real villains W

6、here indeed . 那么那些真正的恶棍在哪里 是啊,到底在哪里 e.g. And what do we do here What, indeed 我们在这里做什么呢 是啊,到底做什么 indeed的双语例句 1. Indeed, after the fall of Byzantium, the Hagia Sophia was converted into an Ottoman mosque. 事实上,自拜占庭帝国衰落后,圣索非亚大教堂已转变成了供奉阿拉的土耳其清真寺。 2. Your handmaid is, indeed, a God-fearing woman, serving

7、the God of heaven night and day. 你的婢女原是敬畏天主的人,日夜都要服侍天上的大主。 3. 3 And Laban said to him, You are indeed my flesh and blood. 拉班对他说: 你实在是我的骨肉。 4. Indeed, from the direction of the railway station no one was coming save a single gentleman. 实际上,从火车站方向朝这边走过来的,除了一位孤零零的先生外,就再也没有别人了。 5. People always have the wrong time to step, but one wrong step in life is indee


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