1、ytic Writing: 0-6, avg: 2.930 30 ( VQyze an Ieyze an Argumentive Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning)QV Q VQVQ Vor有效算分 section 是 2Q + 2V有一个 section 是加试,无法判断是哪个 sectionVerbalSection ISectio单空3, (4, 5)(4, 5), 67, 89 111, 23, 4, 567, 89 121, 2单空双空 三空 短阅读长阅读双空三空 短阅读长阅读(假)13 16 六选二12 15 六选二1617, 181718 20短阅读(逻辑)
2、长阅读(假)短阅读(逻辑)短阅读19, 20短阅读每个题目难度系数区间:1 5第一个 section 难度总和区间:68 72理工科普通文科完美分数正常分数保底分数AW54.54V160155150完美分数正常分数保底分数AW43.53V155150145Q170168165Section I 错题Sectio难度Sectio错题总分283283676914466146笔记机经:JoeG 神团队:个人邮箱:jo,(registration #):grediagnostic.ets.成绩词汇 1500GRE、GMAT 长难句GMAT, GRE, LSAT 阅读大全40 篇高频机经高频写作题目所有
3、 Argument 和 IArgument 范文e 题目分析Many cultural anthropologists have come to reject the scientific framework ofempiricismt dominated the field until the 1970s and now regard all scientificknowledge as solly constructed. They arguet information aboulturesduring the empiricist era typically came from anth
4、ropologists who brought withthem a prepackaged set of conscious and unconscious biases. Culturalanthropology, according to thet-1970s critique, is unavoidably subjective,and the anthropologist should be explicit in acknowledgingt fact.Q170165160Anthropology should stop striving tobuild a better data
5、base about culturalbehavior and should turn to develoa more humanisticreion ofcultures. The new framework holdst it may be more enlightening toinvestigate the biases of earr textsn to continue with empiricalmethodologies.7. The author imps which of the following about most cultural anthropologistswo
6、rking prior to the 1970s?A. They arguedt scientific knowledge was solly constructed.B. They were explicit in acknowledging the biases inherent in scientificinvestigation.C. They regarded scientific knowledge as consisting of empirical truths.D. They shared the same conscious and unconscious biases.E
7、. They acknowledged the need for a new scientific framework.8. According to the passage, “many cultural anthropologists” today would agreet anthropologists shouldA. build a better, lesbjective database aboultural behaviorB. strive to improve the empirical methodologies used until the 1970sC. reject
8、the notiont scientific knowledge is solly constructedD. turn to examining older anthropological texts for unacknowledged biasesE.egrate humanisticreions with empirical methodologiesOne reason researchers havelong bevedt Mars never enjoyed anextensive period of warm andwet climate ist much of the sur
9、face notcovered by wind-borne dust appear to be comed of unweathered material.If water flowed for an extended period, researchers reasoned, it should havealtered and weathered the volcanic minerals, creating clays or other oxidized,hydrated phases (mineralst incorporate water molecules in their crys
10、talstructure).It turns out, though,t the scientists were not looking closely enough. Newhigh-resolution mapdata and close-up surfatudies have revealed claysand other hydrated mineralsany regions. The clay deits are scattered allover, in ancient volcanic surfaand heavily cratered highland regions, so
11、meof which have apparently been exed by eroonly recently.7. According to the passage, scientists are able to discover weathered materialon the Martian surface because they have benefited from which of the following?A. A new method toyze volcanic craters created on the Martian surface.B. An improved
12、ability to detect hydrated materials on the Martian surfaceC. A more sophisticated understanding of the effect of wind-borne dust on theMartian surfaceD. A decito look for watrimarily in heavily cratered highland regions.E. A better understanding of how eromight affect clay deits.Consider each of th
13、e choiseparay and select allt apply.8. It can be inferred from the passaget the author would agree with whichof the following sements regarding the reasoning discussedhe highlightedsentence?A. It provides the basis for an explanation of why water on Mars has been difficultto find until recently.B. I
14、t correctly identifies a consequence of water flowing on the Martian surface.C. It depends on a false amption about how water and volcanic materialseract on Mars.For years, the leading theory for what caused the Younger Dryas (a dramaticreversal, about 12,900 years ago, in a global warming trend) wa
15、s a release ofwater from Glal Lake Agassiz. The theoryitedt this meltwater floodedo the North, lowering the salinity andensity of surface watersenough to prevent them from sinking. Ocean currents were changed in such awayt northward transport of heathe ocean diminished, and the Northregions pged bac
16、ko near-glal conditions. However, evidencehas emergedt the Younger Dryas began long before freshwater flooded theNortl. Additionally, the temperature changes included by a shutdownhe Nortlheat conveyor system are too small to explahe YoungerDryas.19. The author of the passage imps which of the follo
17、wing about the releaseof water from glal Lake Agassiz?A. The notiont the release occurred has been challenged by more recentfindings.B. The release probably occurred much earrn scientists have generallyamed.C. The release would nove been sufficient to cause any temperature changehe Nortl.D. The timi
18、ng of the release icht it probably did not trigger the onset ofthe Younger Dryas.E. The release was probably unrelated to the global warming trendt wastaking place.20. The passage is primarily concerned withA. presenting evidencet undermines an explanationB. explaining the nature of a climatological
19、 phenomenonC. questioning the timing of a particular eventD. discussing a new explanation for a phenomenonE. suggesting revis to a popular theorySome archaeologists speculatet the Americas might have been initiallycolonized betn 40,000 and25,000 years ago. However, to support thistheory it is nesary
20、 to explahe absence of generally accepted habiionsites fort timeerval in what is now the United Ses. Australia, which hasa smaller land arean the United Se, has many such sites, supporting thegenerally accepted claimt the continent was colonized by humanseast40,000 years ago. Australia is less dense
21、ly populated (resulting in lower chanof discovering sites) and with its overall greater aridity would have presentedconditions less favorable forter-gatherer occupation. Proportionally,eastas much land area has been lost from the coastal regions of Australia becauseoftglal sea-level rise ashe United
22、 Ses, so any coastal archaeologicalrecord in Australia should have been depleted about as much as a coastal recordhe United Ses. Since there are so many resource-rich rivers leading inlandfrom the United Ses coastlines, it seems implausiblet a growing populationof humans would have confined itself t
23、o coasts for thousands of years. Ifinhabitants were present 25,000 years ago, the chanof their appearinghearchaeological record would seem to be greatern for Australia.18. The passage is primarily concerned withng which of the following?A. presenting an objection to a claimB. accounting for an appar
24、ent anomalyC. OutliningternativereionD. Correcting a particular misconceptionE. Questioning the validity of a comparison19. The author of the passage imps which of the following about 25,000 yearsago?A. The coastline of the regiont is now the United Ses is longern it was40,000 years ago.B. Rivers in
25、 what is now the United Ses were numerousn they are now.C. Australia was less densely populated att timen was the regiont isnow the United Ses.D. Australias climate was significantly driern it is now.E. Global sea level was lowern it is now.20. The author of the passage impst, in what is now the Uni
26、ted Ses,archaeological evidence of inhabiion in the period from 40,000 to 25,000years ago is lacking becauset region isA. had its oldesbiion sites inundated following atglal rise in sealevelB. has many resource-rich riverst facilied the dispersal of early inhabitantsfrom an initial concentration in
27、coastal areasC. was sparsely populated until about 25,000 years agoD. was colonized lessn 25,000 years agoE. was inhabited only byter-gatherers until 25,000 years agoSome historians questionthe widely held beft continually improvingeducation led to gradualAfrican American emerment in the southernUni
28、ted Ses from the late nineteenth centurythrough the mid-twentiethcentury. They notet the development of Blackeducational institutions inthe segregated South was never raor steady: disparities betn Black andWhite schools sometimes grewhe early decades of the twentieth century.And African Americans ed
29、ucational gains did not bring commensurateeconomic gains. Startinghe 1940s, even as Black and White schoolsheSouth moved steadily toward equality, Black southerners remained politicallymarginalized and experienced systematic job discrimination. Although Blackschools had achieved near parity with Whi
30、te schools in per capita spending andteachers salaries by 1965, African Americanse still lagged behindt ofWhites. Nonetheless, educational progress did contribute toward economic andpolitical emerment. African Americansns to support Black schoolsfostered a sense of community, nurtured political dete
31、rmination, and oftenincreased literacy. More significantly, politically outspoken Black newsprsachieved record circulation during the 1940s, just as the literacy rate amongAfrican Americans approached 90 percent. Finally, the leadership of the CivilRights movement of the 1960s was comed largely of g
32、raduates of Blackcolleges.18. The passage suggests which of the following about the Civil Rights movement?A. It gave rise to a raincreasehe number of Black newsprs publishedhe South.B. Its political effectiveness was grey enhanced by the increased circulation ofBlack newsprs.C. Its leadership benefi
33、ted fromimprovements in education for AfricanAmericans.D. It was the force primarily responsible for increasing per capita spending inBlack schools.E. It was responsible for changing many historians view of the relation betneducation and African American emerment.19. The author of the passage refers
34、 to the factt “disparities betn Blackand White schools sometimes grewhe early decades of the twentieth century”most likely in order toA. support the argumentt the economic struggles of southern Blacks werelargely due to educational inequalitiesB. give an exle of the differenbetn Black schoolshe earl
35、y part ofthe twentieth century and Black schools startinghe 1940sC. illustrate the unevenness of the progress made by Black schools in thesouthern United SesD. help explain why Black remained politically marginalized and experiencedsystematic job discriminationhe segregated SouthE. provide evidencet
36、 educational progress was a precondition for economicprogresshe segregated South20. Which of the following best describes the pure of the highlightedsentence?A. It clarifies a poroducedhe preceding sentence.B. It reiterates a poroducedhesentence of the passage.C. It questions theaccuracy of some of
37、the evidence used to support theargument of the historians.D. Itroduat runs contrary to the view of those whoendorse the “bef.”E. It qualifies thereion made by the historians.逻辑单题Argument: A set of ssupported by the othersements in which one of the sements isThe supported sThe supporting s P(s)Cemen
38、t is called the.ements are called the Premises.A premise, evidence, reasonB sub-C,ermediary, claim, opinion, view题目类型一:Boldface(黑体字句子功能题)认为得非常帅,因为他说看到在大街上的回头率非常高;但是其实这个观点一点都不对,因为在大街上回头率高不是因为他帅,而是因为他特别娘,你看一个一米八的汉子整体翘着兰花指,穿着小裙子,那回头率一定高啊。he argument given, the two portions in boldface play which ofthe
39、following roles?Theses the evidence for a viewes the authors viewt the author opes; thesecond s5. At a certain period in Earths history, its atmosphere containedalmost no oxygen, although plants were producing vastties ofoxygen. As a way of reconciling these two facts, scientists havehypothesizedt n
40、early all of the oxygen being produced was takenup by iron on Earthrface. Clearly, however, this explanation isinadequate. New studies showt the amount of iron on Earthssurface was not sufficient to absorb anywhere near as much oxygenas was being produced. Therefore, something in addition to the iro
41、non Earths surface must have absorbed much of the oxygenproduced by plant life.he argument given, the two portions in boldface play which ofthe following roles?A. Theis a claim made by the argument in support of a certainition; the second istition.B. Theis a judgment made by the argument about a cer
42、tainexplanation; the second ist explanation.C. Theexpresses the arguments dismissal of an objection to theition it seeks to establish; the second istition.D. Thesums up the argumentsition with regard to a certainhypothesis; the second provides grounds fortition.E. Theof the presentsis a conby the ar
43、gumentt its initial formulationition it seeks to establish requires modification; the secondtition in a modified form.13. Rain-soaked soil contains less oxygenn does drier soil. Theroots of melon plants perform less efficiently under the low-oxygenconditions present in rain soaked soil. When the eff
44、iciency of melonroots is impaired, the roots do not supply sufficient amounts of the proper nutrients for the plants to perform photosynthesis at theirusual levels. It followst melon plants have a lower-n-usual rateof photosynthesis when their roots are in rain-soaked soil. When thephotosynthesis of
45、 the plants slows, sugar storedhe fruits is drawnoff to supply the plants with energy. Therefore, ripe melons harvestedafter a prolonged period of heavy rain should be less sother ripe melons.tnhe argument given, the two portions in boldface play which ofthe following roles?A. Theses thepport forof
46、the argument as a whole; the.second providetB. Theprovidepport for theof the argument as at supports an objection towhole; the second provides evidencetC. Tvides supportforsanermediatetsupports a furthered in the argument; the second.sesD. The furtheritionE. Thetermediateserves as anermediatet
47、 supports asedin the argument; the second ses thet the argument as a whole opes.ses theitiont the argument as a whole opof the argument.es;the second supports the湿土 O + O 根(湿土 根)+ 根 光合湿土 光合 + 光合 糖湿土 糖题目类型二:归纳题 inference很帅,而帅哥都喜欢吃西瓜。以下哪一个可以从原文当中推出?喜欢吃西瓜4. A ten-year comparison betn the United Ses and
48、 the SovietUnion in terms of crop yields per acre revealedt when onlyplanted acreage is compared, Soviet yields were equal to 68 percentof United Ses yields. When total agricultural acreage (plantedacreage plus fallow acreage) is compared, however,Soviet yield was 114 percent of United Ses yield.Fro
49、m the information above, which of the following can be mostreliably inferred about United Sthe ten-year period?es and Soviet agriculture duringA. A highUnited Sercentage of total agricultural acreage was fallowheesnhe Soviet Union.B. The United Ses had more fallow acreagen planted acreage.C. Fewer t
50、otal acres of available agricultural land were fallowheSoviet Unionnhe United Ses.D. The Soviet Union had more planted acreagen fallow acreage.E. The Soviet Union produced a greater volume of cropsn theUnited Ses produced.题目类型三:解释题 Explanation文章类型:Paradox得很帅,但是他却从来没有过女朋友。Which of the following can b
51、est resolve the above paradox?答:gay从来都没有过女朋友,但其实他长得很帅。Which of the following can best resolve the above paradox?答:gay解释题的做题步骤:概括转折的两边 A, but B;判断解释哪一边;(在有因果关系的情况下,解释果)3. 找2. During the day in Lake Constance, the zooplton D. hyalinadeparts for the depths where food is scarce and the water cold. D.gal
52、eata remains near the warm surface where food is abundant. Eventhough D. galeata grows and reprodumuch faster, its population is often outnumbered by D. hyalina.Which of the following, if true, would help resolve the apparentparadox presented above?A. The number of species of zooplton living at the
53、bottom of thelake is twicet of species living at the surface.B. Predators of zooplton, such as whitefish and perch, live andfeed near the surface of the lake during the day.C. In order to make the most of scarce food resour, D. hyalinematures more slowlyn D. galeata .D. D. galelusters under vegeion
54、during the hottest part of theday to avoid the Suns rays.E. D. galeata produtwice as many offspring per individual in anygiven period of time as does D. hyalina.6.he past ten years, there have been several improvements inmountain-climbing equipment. These improvements have made thesport both safer a
55、nd more enjoyable for experienced climbers.Despitetheseimprovements,however,therateofmountain climbing injuries has doubled he past ten years.Which of the following, if true, best reconciles the apparentdiscrepancy presentedA. Many climbers, lulledhe passage?o a false sense of security, use the newe
56、quipment to attempt climbing feats of which they are not capable.B. Some mountain-climbing injuries are caused by unforeseeable weather conditions.C. Mountain climbing, although a dangerous sport, does notnormally result in injury to the experienced climber.D.he past ten years there have been improv
57、ementsountain-climbing techniques as well asountain-climbing equipment.9. Astronomers found a large body orbiting close to the star UpsilonAndromedae. The standard theory of planet formation holdst noplanett large could be formed so close to a star, leading to thesuggestiont the body is a companion
58、star. A subsequentdiscovery putst suggestion in doubt: two other large bodies werefound orbiting close to Upsilon Andromedae, and the standardtheory of companion stars allows for at most one companion star.Which of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the sus of theorbiting body withomentio
59、ned?asting doubt on the two standard theoriesThe smaller a planet orbiting a star is, and the farther away it isfrom the star, the less likely it is to be discovered.If a planets orbit is disturbed, the planet can be drawn by gravitytoward the star it is orbiting.The largest of the bodies orbiting U
60、psilon Andromedae is thefarthest away from the star, and the smallest is the nearest.D. It is likelyt there are many stars, in addition to UpsilonAndromedae and the Sun,body.t are orbited by moren one smallerE.faost cases of companion stars, the smaller companion is muchn the larger star.er14. Elect
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