1、一、客房部英语口语题1、汉译英:1)乐意为你服务。 I am at your service. 2)我马上就回来。 I will be back in a minute . 3)请您告诉我您的姓名和房号。May I have your name and room number, please?4)您的房号是731号,我领您去。Your room number is 731, let me show you up there. 5)请不要遗忘你的东西。Please dont leave anything behind6)感谢您在我们饭店下榻。Thank you for staying in ou
2、r hotel.7)有什么能为您效劳的吗?Is there anything I can do for you?8)请问您什么时候退房? Could you tell me when you will check out?9)有电话找您? You are want on the telephone?10)请问现在可以打扫卫生吗? May I clean your room now?2、英译汉What number are you calling?请问对方电话号码是多少?Glad to be of service.很高兴为您服务。3)Do you want morning call? 您需要叫早
3、服务吗?4)Here is your room key. 这是您的房间钥匙。5)May I make your bed now? 我可以做夜床吗?6)We hope to see you again! 希望能再见到您!7)May I show you to your room, sir ? 先生,我可以领你到房间吗?8) Laundry service,may I come in? 洗衣服务,我能进来吗?9) Who are you looking for? 请问你找谁?10) Sorry to have kept you waiting。对不起,让你久等了。二、中餐宴会摆台(汉译英)您一共有
4、几个人用餐?(How many persons in your dinner party?)请问您预订的用餐时间是什么时候?(May I know the time for your dinner reservation?)您愿意吃西餐还是中餐?(Would you like Western food or Chinese food?)这个餐桌的位置可以吗?(Will this table be all right for you?)抱歉让您等这么久。(Sorry to have kept you waiting.)您现在点菜吗?(May I take your order now?)对不起。
5、我马上去给你催一下你的菜。(Im very sorry. But Ill go to rush your order right now)您想喝什么酒? (What wine would you like to have?)这是菜单。服务员马上就来。(Here is the menu. The waitress will be with you in a moment.)您是用信用卡还是现金结算?(Will you pay by credit card or in cash?)中餐宴会摆台 (英译汉)The minimum charge for a private room is 200 Yu
6、an per person.(包间的最低人均消费是200元。)Here is your card and invoice.(这是您的信用卡和发票。)Would you like the table by the window? (您喜欢坐靠窗的位置吗?)What kind of cuisine do you serve in your restaurant? (你们都有些什么风味的菜?)Would you like to try our House Specialty? (您想尝尝我们的招牌菜吗?)It looks good, smells good and tastes good.(这道菜色
7、、香、味俱全。)Could you give us a brief description of the Chinese food? (能不能简单给我们介绍一下中国菜?)How long do you think we will have to wait? (我们要等多久?)Pork lungs sichuan style is one of the most famous dishes of sichuan. (夫妻肺片是四川最有名的菜肴之一。)Would you care for a drink before you order, sir? (先生,点菜前想喝点什么吗?)中餐宴会摆台(情景
8、对话)1. You are the waiter/waitress, and you want the guest to sign the bill, what should you say? (Would you please sign the bill, sir/madam?)你是服务员,并希望客人在账单上签字,你应该怎样对客人说?(您能在账单上签字吗?先生女士)2. What would you say to the guest if you want to confirm his/her reservation? (May I confirm your reservation, sir
9、/madam?)你会怎样确认保留客人的预定?(我能确认一下你的预定吗?先生女士)What would you say to confirm the guests order? (May I repeat your order now?)你怎样确认客人已点的菜单?(我可以重复一下你点的菜单吗?)What is “Mapo Tofu”?(Mapo Tofu is spicy bean curd, it is a classical Chinese dish.)什么是麻婆豆腐(麻婆豆腐是麻辣豆腐,这是一道精典的中国菜)When a guest calls to reserve a private r
10、oom for dinner, what information do you have to know? (I have to know the date and time for the reservation, how many persons, and if there is any special requirement)当客人要求预定晚餐包房,你知道要了解哪些信息吗?(我应该知道预定的日期和时间,有多少人和有无其他特殊要求)If the guest made a complaint about the dish, how would you do? (I would apologi
11、ze to the guest, find out the reason, and change the dish or give him discount according to the situation.)如果客人对菜品提出投诉,你将怎样处理?(我会向客人道歉。找出原因并更换菜品然后根据情况进行折扣处理) 酒店前台服务英语一、汉译英:1、早上好!总服务台,我能为您效劳吗?Good morning ,receotion.Can I help you?2、我想在你们酒店订一个房间。I would like to book a room in your hotel.3、您喜欢什么样的房间,单
12、人房还是双人房?What kind of room would you prefer? A single room or double room?4、请您拼一下您的名字好吗?Could you spell that for me,please? 5、我可以看一下你的护照吗? May I see your passport,please?6、请你保管好自己的钥匙,直至结帐离酒店Please keep your room key until you check out. 7、您请在这里签名,好吗?Could you sing your name here, please? 8、希望您住得愉快。Ho
13、pe you enjoy your stay.9、请出示你的护照Please show me your passport.10、很抱歉现在没有空房了,我们可将您列入等待预订,一旦有空房就给您安排Im sorry there isnt any room we can put you in awaiting list.二、英译汉: 1、If you leave after 6:00pm,well charge the full account. 晚上6点以后退房,按全天收费计算.2、Im afraid we do not know at what time he left the hotel. 很
14、抱歉,我们不知道他什么时候离开的酒店。3、Im afraid our lastest check-out time is 2:00pm,I must apologize for the inconvenience. 非常抱歉,恐怕要请你在下午2点以前搬出房间给你带来了不方便,表示歉意。4、Im afraid your room is not ready yet. Would you mimd waiting,please? 您的房间还没收拾好,请您在这里稍等一会。5、We are sorry for the inconvenience.给您带来的不便真对不起。6、Im sorry,but we
15、 are fully booked for next week.抱歉,下个星期的房间都被订完了。7、Im sorry ,he left yesterday.对不起,他昨天就离店了。8、Please pay the advance over there ,sir.请您先到收银台付押金。9、Sorry to keep you waiting,sir.对不起,先生,让您久等了。10、We have safty deposit boxes.我们有贵重物品保险箱。11、For laundry service,dial 5 and you will get the housekeeping. 若需要洗衣服
16、务,请拨5与客务中心联系。12、Here is the recerpt.Thank you.这是收据,谢谢。13、Hope you have a good trip.祝您旅途愉快。14、The restaurant serves breskfast from 6:30am till 10:00am. 餐厅从早上6点半至10点供应早餐。15、we hope you will come and stay with us again. 希望你能再次光临我们的酒店。16、could you repeat the room number,please? 请你重复一遍房号,好吗?17、could you
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