1、国际市场营销InternationalMarketingchapter7AheadProcter & Gamble (P&G) sells eight brands of laundry detergent in the United States (Tide, Cheer, Bold, Gain, Era, Oxydol, Dreft, and Ivory Snow). It also sells six brands each of hand soap and shampoo; four brands each of liquid dishwashing detergent, toothp
2、aste, and tissues and towels,.P&G has many additional brands in each category for different international markets. For example, it sells 16 different laundry product brands in Latin America and 19 in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.why would P&G introduce several brands in one category instead o
3、f concentrating its resources on a single leading brand? The answer lies in the fact that different people want different mixes of benefits from the products they buy. Marketing FrameworkChapter ObjectivesIn this chapter, we focus on the following questions:How can one firm segment the market?How ca
4、n the firm select the target markets?How can the firm choose an effective positioning in the market?Market Segmentation1. Identify bases for segmenting the market2. Develop segment profilesMarket Targeting3. Develop measure of segment attractiveness4. Select target segmentsMarket positioning5. Devel
5、op positioning for target segments6. Develop a marketing mix for each segmentMajor steps in target marketing1. Market SegmentationThrough market segmentation, companies divide large, heterogeneous(不同种类的,异质的) markets异质市场 into smaller segments that can be reached more efficiently and effectively with
6、products and services that match their unique needs. we discuss five important segmentation topics: Levels of market segmentationBases of segmenting consumer marketsBases of segmenting business marketsRequirements for effective segmentation.同质市场与异质市场 同质市场:消费者对某一产品的要求根本 一样或极为相似。如火柴、白糖等。异质市场:消费者对某一产品的
7、要求不尽一样。 绝大多数的产品市场都是异质市场。市场细分是对“异质市场进展细分,分为假设干个同质子市场。互动空间同质与异质市场 天然气市场和手机市场哪个 不必进展市场细分? 为什么?互动空间同质与异质市场 以下属于异质市场的是 白糖市场 食盐市场 服装市场 煤炭市场Why Segment?Consumers needs and preferences varyIt is impossible for firms to satisfy everyones needs with a single offeringDiscussion QuestionCan you think of a singl
8、e product that satisfies everyones needs/preferences?Consider the following:A 12 ounce can of PepsiMagic Kingdom at Disney WorldA Ritz Carlton HotelWhat is Segmentation?SegmentationBreaking the heterogeneous market into smaller, homogeneous markets SegmentA group of customers who share similar incli
9、nations toward a brand Groups of CustomersGroups of CustomersMass MarketingAll customers are treated the sameCustomer needs are not metButless expensive to implementOne-to-one MarketingEach customer serves as own segment More expensive to implementButcustomer needs are better metOne-to-one Marketing
10、MicromarketingProducts to suit the tastes of individuals and locations Local MarketingTailoring brands/ promotions to local customer groupsIndividual MarketingTailoring products and programs to the needs of individual customers, i.e. DellIndividual marketing has also been labeled one-to-one marketin
11、g, customized marketing, or markets-of-one marketing.Groups of CustomersMarketing SegmentationCustomers are broken into more homogeneous groupsGroups are small enough that customer needs are met Butlarge enough to be profitableNiche marketingA segment is broken into smaller customer groups with part
12、icular needs that the company can serve well Falls between segmenting and one-to one Niche MarketingDifferent products to subgroups within segmentsMarket segments are normally large, identifiable groups within a marketfor example, luxury car buyers, performance car buyers, utility car buyers, and ec
13、onomy car buyers. Niche marketing focuses on subgroups within these segments. A niche is a more narrowly defined group, usually identified by dividing a segment into subsegments or by defining a group with a distinctive set of traits who may seek a special combination of benefits.Example2001年9月21日,卫
14、生局部别以卫食健字2001第0271、0275、0276号,批准了珠海康奇、无锡健特药业申报的黄金伙伴儿童及青少年组合维生素片、黄金伙伴女士组合维生素片、黄金伙伴中老年组合维生素片三种产品:儿童及青少年组合的保健功能是:补充多种维生素及矿物质;女士组合的保健功能是:补充维生素a、-胡萝卜素、维生素b1 、维生素b2、维生素b6、维生素c、维生素e、叶酸及钙、铁、锌、硒;中老年组合的保健功能是:补充维生素b1 、维生素b2、维生素b6、维生素c、维生素d、维生素e、叶酸及钙、铁、锌、硒。 Segmentation BasesMarketers segment markets by identif
15、ying variables(s) that help them determine whether or not customers will like their productSegmentation basesFactors that are utilized to group customers(2)Bases for segmenting consumer marketsThere is no single way to segment a market. A marketer has to try different segmentation variables, alone a
16、nd in combination, to find the best way to view the market structure. we look at the major geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral variables.第二节、市场细分及有效市场细分条件细分标准 具 体 变 量地理环境国别、城乡、气候、交通、地理位置等人口因素年龄、性别、职业、收入、教育程度等心理因素个性、兴趣、爱好、生活方式等购买行为购买动机、追求利益、使用频率、品牌与商标的信赖程度等一、市场细分标准Bases for Consume
17、r SegmentationDemographicEasy to identify and commonly used But be certain that variable helps determine customer needs/preferencesExamples:genderagehousehold compositionlifestyle cycleeducationincome, etc.Bases for Consumer SegmentationGeographicEasy to identify and commonly used But be certain tha
18、t variable helps determine customer needs/preferencesExamplescountryarea of countryclimateurban vs. rural, etc.Bases for Consumer SegmentationPsychologicalHarder to identify but maybe more insightful in determining customer needs/preferencesExamplesattitudesknowledge and awarenesswants and needs aff
19、iliations, e.g., political partytraits, e.g., extraversion expertise and involvement, e.g., hobbiesbrand attributes sought, etc.Bases for Consumer SegmentationPsychological, cont.VALSSystem based on the idea that self-expression, ideals & achievement determine customers product/brand orientation str
20、ivers, achievers, etc.Bases for Consumer SegmentationBehavioralCannot directly observe customers psychology but can observe their behaviorsgrocery scanner data, etc.Examplesproducts purchaseduser status media habitsloyaltyfrequency of usage, etc. 80/20: 80% of sales come from 20% of customers互动空间 划分
21、城镇市场和农村市场,其划分标准是 1人口因素 2地理环境 3心理因素 4购置行为互动空间 使用者情况属于 1人口因素 2地理环境 3心理因素 4购置行为互动空间以下是根据什么标准进展市场细分的?交通不兴隆地区,人们对日用品的保质日期特别留意。 学生一族买衣服讲究休闲时尚;上班族买衣服偏向端庄高贵。 保洁公司推出海飞丝去头屑洗发水 SK-以稳重自信的女性为对象,而美宝莲那么专为追求潮流的女性定做。 Size, purchasing power, profiles of segments can be measured. Segments can be effectivelyreached and
22、 served. Segments are large or profitable enough to serve. MeasurableAccessibleSubstantialDifferentialActionable Segments must respond differently to different marketing mix elements & programs. Effective programs can be designed to attract and serve the segments.Requirements for Effective Segmentat
23、ion二、有效市场细分的条件可衡量性反响差异可进入性实效性子市场的购置力等有关数据可以被大致测量。所选择的子市场有足够的开展潜力。细分市场应该是企业经营活动可以到达。细分市场对营销组合中各要素的变动做差异性反响。Effective SegmentationUtilizes Appropriate DataCan you identify meaningful data?Can you obtain/afford access to the data?Allows Access to CustomersCan you access the customers that meet your dat
24、a specifications directly?Is there a database?Can you access the customers indirectly?Are there activities they participate in, media they frequently use, etc.?Effective SegmentationHas Profitability PotentialIs the profitability potential sufficient?How frequently do customers purchase?How price se
25、nsitive are they?How deep ($) is their purchase?How much growth potential exists?Segments do not have to be large to be profitableBe careful to not too narrowly define segments Always askIs the segmentation criteria meaningful?Effective SegmentationFits with Corporate GoalsDoes the segment align wit
26、h the firms strengths, market image, etc.? Is there limited competition for segment?Is ActionableCan you develop an actionable plan to effectively target the segment?Can you visualize who the segment is, where they are, what they do, etc.? 市场细分要注意的问题一市场细分有可能增大消费本钱和推销费用二有些市场不必细分三防止多数错误四抵不住外围市场一时走俏的诱惑
27、五对已确定的目的市场缺乏精细的理解六对目的市场的变化没有足够的把握三、市场细分要注意的问题一市场细分有可能增大消费本钱和推销费用二有些市场不必细分三防止多数错误四抵不住外围市场一时走俏的诱惑五对已确定的目的市场缺乏精细的理解六对目的市场的变化没有足够的把握StrategiesBreadth StrategyReaching multiple segments with a single productStrategiesDepth StrategyServing one segment with multiple productsStrategiesTailored StrategyCusto
28、mizing products for each segment Market TargetingSegment Size and GrowthAnalyze current sales, growth rates and expected profitability for various segments.Segment Structural AttractivenessConsider effects of: competitors, availability of substitute products and, the power of buyers & suppliers.Comp
29、any Objectives and ResourcesCompany skills & resources needed to succeed in that segment(s).Look for Competitive Advantages.(1)Evaluating Market Segments(2)Selecting the market segmentsHaving evaluated different segments, the company can consider five patterns of target market selection.二、企业占领目的市场的方
30、式p64产品市场集中化产品专业化市场专业化选择性专业化全面涵盖Five Patterns of Target Market SelectionSingle-segmentconcentrationProductspecializationM1 M2 M3 P1P2P3SelectivespecializationM1 M2 M3 P1P2P3M1 M2 M3 Full marketcoverageP1P2P3MarketspecializationM1 M2 M3 P1P2P3P1P2P3M1 M2 M3 P = ProductM = Market Choosing a Positioning
31、 Strategy(1)Definition of positioningPositioning is the act of designing the companys offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the target market s mind.Marketers must:Plan positions to give their products the greatest advantage in selected target markets,Then, design marketing mixes to cr
32、eate these planned positions.The end result of positioning is the successful creation of a market-focused value proposition, a cogent(令人信服的) reason why the target market should buy the product.Examples of Value PropositionsDemand States and Marketing TasksCompany and ProductTarget CustomersBenefitsP
33、riceValue PropositionPerdue (chicken)Quality-conscious consumers of chickenTenderness10% premiumMore tender golden chicken at a moderate premium priceVolvo(station wagon)Safety-conscious “upscale” familiesDurability and safety20% premiumThe safest, most durable wagon in which your family can rideDom
34、inos (pizza)Convenience-minded pizza loversDelivery speed and good quality15% premiumA good hot pizza, delivered to your door door within 30 minutes of ordering, at a moderate price(2) Base for positioning- the company try to differentiate its offering to achieve competitive advantages.Differentiati
35、on is the act of designing a set of meaningful differences to distinguish the companys offering from competitors offerings.A difference is worth establishing to the extent that it satisfies the following criteria:二、目的市场营销战略1、无差异营销企业不考虑顾客需要的差异,以单一的产品,用一样的营销手法,应对所有顾客。如:原可口可乐60年代前的可口可乐、麦当劳优点:不需市场细分,节约本
36、钱。缺点:不能使所有顾客满意。A产品2、差异性营销对细分出来的市场,选择两个或以上,推出不同的产品及营销方案。如:现可口可乐、本田汽车、宝洁优点:到达较高销量。缺点:本钱高适用:实力、资源雄厚的大公司FABCDEF3、集中性营销指企业集中力量,进入一个细分市场,争取在这个市场中占较大份额。如法拉利赛车。优点:能提供较佳的产品和效劳,在其占领的市场中有较强的地位,并且节约本钱。缺点:选择的细分市场一旦需求变化,会出现经营危机。适用:资源有限的企业。A互动空间对于同质产品或需求上共性较大的产品,一般宜实行1无差异营销 2差异性营销3集中性营销互动空间经营差异性大、市场变化快的产品的企业,以及有一定
37、资源才能应付市场变化的企业,可以采用策略无差异性营销差异性营销 集中性营销可乐公司早期只消费5美分一瓶可乐,后 来发现小孩喝不完一瓶,又消费了3美分一瓶的可乐。 互动空间他们采用了那些目的市场策略?无差异策略差异性策略捷而达公司消费的自行车专门满足女青年 的需要。 产品具有同质性,应采用 目的市场策略。集中性策略无差异性三、选择目的市场营销策略考虑因素企业状况产品特点市场特点产品生命周期竞争者的策略三、市场定位的方式特色定位成效定位质量定位利益定位使用者定位竞争定位价格定位A difference is worth establishing to the extent that it sati
38、sfies the following criteria:Important: The difference delivers a highly valued benefit to target buyers.Distinctive: Competitors do not offer the difference, or the company can offer it in a more distinctive way.Superior: The difference is superior to other ways that customers might obtain the same
39、 benefit.Communicable: The difference is communicable and visible to buyers.Preemptive(优先的, 先买占): Competitors cannot easily copy the difference.Affordable: Buyers can afford to pay for the difference.Profitable: The company can introduce the difference profitably. ServicesDifferentiationi.e. Deliver
40、y, Installation, Repair Services, Customer Training ServicesProduct Differentiationi.e. Features, Performance, Style & Design, or AttributesImageDifferentiationi.e. Symbols, Atmospheres, EventsPersonnel Differentiationi.e. Hiring, Training Better People Than Competitors DoThe ways to differentiate t
41、he offerings (3) How many differences to promoteMany marketers advocate to promoting only one central benefit.Rosser Reeves said a company should develop a unique selling proposition(USP) for each brand and stick to it.Number one positioning including:Best quality;best service,lowest price,safest, e
42、tc.Double-benefit positioning.Example:Volvo positions its automobiles as “safest and “most durable.Triple or more benefit positioning(4)Four major positioning errorsUnderpositioningOverpositioningConfused positioningDoubtful positioning(5) Positioning strategyAttribute positioning: BMWBenefits positioning : Example: save your time.Use or application or usage occasion positioning : Chocolate fo
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