



1、公众#yasi1jia2练习步骤:第 1 步手写:用铅笔手写。不需要严格控制时间,主要是追求质量(基础好的同学可以自己写。基础不好的同学写作提示,有些写作提示比较详细,有些写作提示比较简单,可以根据写作提示练习思路扩展)。第 2 步自查:写完之后对照参考范文自查,看看是否犯有明显的错误,同时标注一下范文中值得学习的地方;第 3 步复盘:重新写一遍,仍然要求手写。(最好是等几天之后再做第 3 步,因为当时马上写的话,容易变成背诵),写完之后再对照原文。自己写过的文章一定要多复习几遍,因为悉的词汇和句子。的时候你一定会去写自己最熟学习范文的第一步是根据上课讲过的论证方法,去思考范文的论证结构和思路

2、。自己练习的时候不需要和范文写得一样,可以使用自己掌握的某些词汇句式,但是一定要准确。同时也可以学习范文中的词汇表达和句式。还有重要的一点:避免明显的语法错误。如果基础不好的同学,或者遇到某些比较难的题目,可以采取仿写的方法来练习。题: With the increasing use of mobile phones and大作文computers, feweople are writing letters. Some people thinktthe traditional skill of writing whatextentdoyouagree letter-writing is imp

3、ortant?letters will disappear compley. To thinkordisagree?Howdoyou写作提示在第 2 页参考范文在第 3 页1公众#yasi1jia2部分同意题目观点:电子邮件或者发确实比写信更方便、效率高。现在写信的人越来越少,但是并不意味着写信会完全。写信的重要性:1.表达情感更加。例如道歉信,父母给孩子的家书。2. 写信能够锻炼孩子的书写技能。用电脑打字容易忽视拼写错误和语法错误,因为电脑会自动纠错。发经常是口语化的风格,语言不够正式。2公众#yasi1jia2参考范文电子邮件与写信As a result of the populariza

4、tion of mobile phones and computers, writingletters is diminishing in our daily lives. There is no denyingt using mobilephones and sendings are muore convenient and efficientnwriting letters by hand. However, whether hand-written letters will disappear ornot is still a debatablee.Hand-written letter

5、s seem to be outdated because the modernmunication is safer and faster. If we send a text message via the cellphone or an we go to thes.via thet office andernet, others can receive it in a few seconds. But ifts, it takes several days to receive theHowever, it is too early to sayt this traditional me

6、ans of communication willdisappear compley. Sometimes, writing a letter by hand can achieveunusual effect. For exle, when we send a letter of apology to a friend or acnt, a hand-written letter appears to be muore sinceren anora text message. When parents write to their children, hand-written letters

7、 canbetter express their love and care to their children.In addition, writing letters is a good way of develowriting skills, whichshould be encouraged among children and young people. With the wide use ofs and theernet, childrens writing skills have declined. Whenwritings and text messages, they tend to make more spelling mistakesand use informal language. Writing by hand can help them avoid theseproblems and therefore it should be valued in our educ


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