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1、主讲师:In this unit, youll learn how toUse my, your, his, her, our, and their.Use the word be in information questions.Talk about your favorite celebrities, friends, and family.Show interest in a conversation.Use Really? to show interest or surprise.Purpose First impressionWhats first impression?Judge

2、a person on how they look, can guessAgeOccupationEducationHealthBased on how they look, try to judge their personality and characterFree talkFirst impression vocabularyPersonalityKindIntensePowerfulImportantConsiderateWarm / ColdFriendlyDeepOccupationWriterArtistPoliticianCar SalesmanFarmerWaitressE

3、ngineerPhilosopherVocabularyHow to PlayI will show you a picture of a personYou describe your first impression of that person to meUse new vocabulary and words you already know“He looks like”“Hes probably a ”Choose from the list of occupations on the board each persons correct job based on your impr

4、ession!PracticeLesson A - CelebritiesGetting StartedP22Class activityWrite three sentences with opinions about new movies, CDs, etc., using very good, great, amazing and exciting.Go around the classroom and say the sentences.The other Ss say whether they agree or disagree.Lesson APair work_ is amazi

5、ng. _ is good- looking._ is exciting.Take turns supplying names of famous people to fill in the blanks.Partners say whether they agree or not. Pair workGroup work-My favorite celebritiesChain gameGroup members name your favorite singers.My favorite singer isYour favorite singer isHis favorite singer

6、 isGrammar Be in statements; possessive adjectivesP23GrammarPair work- Talk about their favorite celebritiesA: So Susan, who is your favorite actor?B: Well, my favorite actor is Jet Lee. His films are always great. And his kungfu is amazing. So what about you? A: Um, my favorite actor is.Pair workLe

7、sson B People We Know1. Building VocabularyExtra vocabularyLearn more words to describe celebrities.Appearance and personalityLesson BDescriptionsHes not very tall.Hes tall.Shes a bit heavy.Shes thin/slim.Shes very pretty.Hes handsome.Theyre good-looking.tallshortthin/slimheavyhandsomebeautifulprett

8、ygood-looking.funnyfunshyquietsmartnicelazyseriousfriendlyoutgoingtalkativeinterestingAppearancePersonalityGrammar FocusP25-Whats your sister like?(This question ask about bothappearance and personality)-She is pretty, and she is very smart .-What does your bother look like?-He is pretty tall, but h

9、e is a little heavy.GrammarEmotional workersHappyExcitedSurprisedSillyPeacefulCuriousMischievousDeterminedProudSadAngryFrustratedGrouchyBoredScaredNervousConfusedEmbarrassedVocabularyVocabulary - OccupationsDoctorLawyerPolicemanFiremanMailmanNurseZookeeperVeterinarianTeacherPlumberBanker / Accountan

10、tConstruction WorkerEtc!VocabularyHow to PlayEach person will get a piece of paperWrite down one emotion and one occupationGive to your teacherEach student will draw a piece of paperCome to the front of the class and describe in English the emotion and occupation without using those wordsThe rest of

11、 class has to guess what you are!Practice3. Grammar Yes-No Questions and Answers; NegativesPair workTake several minutes to look through all the lessons to review topics and vocabulary.Close your books.You have three minutes to make a list of as many yes- no questions as you can.GrammarLesson B Peop

12、le We Know4. Speaking Naturally Is He? Or Is She?Pair Work Find out about your partners best friends. Ask and answer questions like the ones above.P25Speaking NatruallyLesson C - Family1. Building VocabularyC. Pair Work Student A: Tell your partner the names and ages of your family members. Student

13、B: Write the information you hear. Then check the information with your partner.VocabularyPair workGive clues your grandparents son.Write the family wordPair workLesson C - Family3. Grammar Information Questions with beA. Write at least six questions to ask your classmates about their families.B. Cl

14、ass Activity Ask three classmates your questions.GrammarLesson D This Is a Friend of Mine2. Strategy Plus Really?Pair Work -Practice the conversations. Then ask the questions again. Give your own answers.Strategy plusLesson D This Is a Friend of Mine3. Listening and Speaking FriendsB. Pair Work Write the names of three people you know on a piece of paper. Exchange lists. Ask questions about the people on your partners list.Listening and speakingLesson D This Is a Friend of MineP


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