1、国家开放大学电大本科【人文英语3】期末试题及答案试卷号:1379 2022盗传必究交际用增共计1。分,电小18 2分 151:堆择正折的阔旬完成下面M话并将答 8序号写在答1!岖上Where in John I couldnfI find himA. She vrfy Imrty working on hln projrchH. I nm *urry hul Km n(r;nd I vnn*f iigur with you.(I HUppoic hr amid hnvr umu Id ihr HiciUng roonuDo yon hnvr itny idt A hIhjiji hnw t(i
2、 di liver 5pein h?At Molly# Arc you ready fnt the wr k n1 sjiecch?H. The point of speech im nut totally dcprndiriR on ilw conu ni.C. Firni you should remrmher tn krrp cyr cuntari with your HHtlirnrr.That Knidt I ill ptvlcr trMlilionnl hnnml rducAtion J poiwibkaA. I hi you do any online hoppin or Irn
3、rninp?It Yrnlu thi ir nr tnnfiy Hlvwnhyn?I. iMvhL nrr you OK7 You look “ tu r v(us.A. You ttti try to br itiicmriive with your niidirrieu.H. Du I? Im ( dchver fny Rprcch lotnorrowC Huf I hnv! no idru to mnkr it intrreHtHbg unrl (untiy.How d pnrt ri ihr rrw%an h thf inilucntr of Intrrnet violenceIL a
4、 hrithhy internet nnrfing environrne nr in nerdi d( ihr opcrnting compnnirM donft fihrr ihr content nnlinr二词汇itA4+al分.8小182分 fi-的句于从三个选项中选出一个!】入空白处的JB佳选单,并将答言序号可在答B6帐上.Thoblurrrd.A. dyenIL boundnrieB( ( tvchnologv IhxihIhI thi |in u| our Iks ed rnpnii 时 tnIrrnvvrry iky |iMt to May CMrrrni in rlw wur
5、kpUce.A. MimrihuiK newIl nrw Mirnrfhmg(:.rvcry new thitiR& lb rr niirwkd tharir mtlwi thvir hotnm rtmid he mii open invitAtion (oAf trnnionH. Aticntiofit lirrtdancc9. W nil tend to dunk that wc nrr wife hi out hamca. but nol - tafc they nrc nup|u)ird tu Lr,A. bupt lully niatiy hurno areC. lurktlyK.
6、unfurtun/itrlyI。,II血 will not unly mukc tbrm (rcl R“od hut niwy aUu gMtit you ihrir rrjwpectC. by KixidmiII liplr cihrn work overtime hrm心 uf tou murh workin t|iicur4A. o hr wjiitvdH. WAIt(:. wnning12. Hr atked In* nriKhbor toh botiAC.爪 krrp an ryr onH. keep their ryrt on13. Jain a locitl hupport gr
7、oup if you are hnving trouble undrrt h(,w edtnciplinc9A. performB. exerrueC. practiceWith the cob1 of livinnlonger eonildrrcd n praciic/il ophoruhigher evrry single ysr. hiiving a bin fnniily i noR, Retting15. You may try “me,u play with your Wee bur remember th. game.ahouldn*! be ooA. cnmplrteilBr
8、conf lined.briwrrn Gice tcnrhlny nnH. look atC. look up17. On September 13. 2013. the Stole Councd issued n 心仙港血drvclopmcnl ol Chinn eMrrly 顷e 眠rvim A. to peed up也小*咛叩C by Bpeodinit upIS.The impact of technology on modern Mt i immrourtblr.A. hZEB- won,tUc. mmyou know the personA. Better* higherQ The
9、 betterthe higher20. The Advancement of Mg ho 心血 the RCe g 蝴,血吧岫倾 |ern something new every d )um i。myin 皿 wgkplMe.A. apparentC applkabtcihr qiinhty n( airr you ion pvulr. H. Ihc brtthe hifiheMcurrentinv l三qt解供计仲分小 I分)2I25牡:阅域短灭,从AJh build un lhe loundaiion of the hort term ganls. fhry mU:ht dl w,h,r
10、nn o( mbool or the ennrr school yrnr. or ihcy could rven extend (ar 心 endyw Any time you move a step nt . lirnr. you should never nllow yqurwelf to heronw diicaurrtRcd ir wrrwhelmed. As you complex each mp you will eniorcr the belief in your bilky to grow and succted. And yuur list u( com pkt ion 血心
11、 grow, your motivation and deiirtt will tncrrnnr.l.ong term gwiln may be rrhicd Co our drrntnn n( fhr luturr4 Thry miMht cover ( yrar. or mon Ufe In tint . wtutic thing. We should never nllow ,,|onH term 顽 t |gh or our cuumc of n(!tionl21. Our lung term hohU rnron n lot.A. il wr ennnof rcftch woliil
12、 nhnrt tenn 肿mH. If we rumplvtc ihr shcirMcm uunln 6rutC il wr Iiavi- drrnmn n( the (uiiirr2.Nvw nhor( tniplrtrd B. yuur Achirvvmrnt in A WCrkC. current nrsiviticsi23. When we complctr ench * ol gojiln in life.Which of thr following btAtcrnciits in wrong iicrordinR to thr paawunrYA. I ifr i a 5tntM
13、fhiriR. th nevr alluwing a lotiu rm nl tu limit uw.It Thr loHKerm xcrnl* rAiimut /UHOiinl fti very much without nchinving nhnrt trrrn(Thr tnirrrriMiatr 申wig buihl nn rht |iin(hticH of the short irrm26-30 :文内容rmtft出的儡旬是否正S .正的写*广.住顿的写“F弁箱答需其在 答u峨上.Pnisgr 2卜:nhwh in ii)Kkrn ar n ninivir Inn日uRr by aro
14、und 37V million proplct hl * *rcruk it . r.i IniiMUuxr Afound 750 million praplr nrr brlirvrd U prak Enlih nn m foreignEnglish Iinh oflinftl or a penrtltniut tn 75 countricM with a tolol populntion of nvrr ? billion.The domhution of the English InngUAKc globally it a ure thing# Kngliah ihr Innguiige
15、 ol intrrnnfionnl ctimmunu hIiod hHMt fouriiim cdurHnone riefuv , computer (crhnolagy. mctlia and the hncrncLHntish colnnmliam in thr 19th century and American capitalUm And technologicfll|irogrrB in I hr 20th Ctfniury wrrr undoubtrdly thr rnnin cauiei for the nprend of EnH*h throughout the worlit F
16、rom rhr fifternth centwryf the Britlah begun to MiiJ all over the world and brcnnie explorer*, coluniflt* and impffinliMtw. Fhry took thr Enllh 曲甲3&。to tnany places, For rhe lost hundred years* the USA has pkyed a leading rule in mont parlH of the world. 1 hr Hollywood film industry alno altracted m
17、any foreign anmts in quest of fame and lortunr and thfl number of American films produced every year soon flooded the market.Howrvcr the future of English os a global lanHuagc will depend very largely un thr pulibraL ecunomirt demographic and cultural trends in thr wcirid.English is spoken as a seco
18、nd language by around 377 million people in the worldsSprakrnt of EnxIiMh a second language are more than those who spsk it as a first languflRet:?8. Il ih not surprising that 70% of all tnlormation atured in the iniernet is in EngliaLThe preod of English throughout the world resulted from British cnloninlixm in thr 19th century and Amrncan cApttaiism nnd technological progress in the 20th century.h in definitely predicted that English will still act as a rIoLmI language m thr f
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