1、legal sstem fuhe sun pea1es at al eve s - des uingru e o aw h mg u e ofway dee i reom, 一p _-_nn a nd The o ve a nd cosany mpo、ou - 6. o idi of,- 1 s cut ue n。 A conr, a nlo -、a was pobd bycut ue ) sed, 1 i -eia ne and imt O cvizkr, wlolcut ue O ip pospe, e wi beno IK or O Ie d m of Iha.-,. , X 1,ela
2、y aond, r and pr S_iJ vles P Iha e_e- taiima cut ue y malbe _ sech on pes 7. pr e tie reom deee nt O医院库房管理制度为保证医院各级各项物资保管得当,调度与使用合理、及时、有 效,制定本制度。一、适用范围凡医院办公用品、劳保用品、卫生材料、药品等均由库房保管,并适用本制度。二、库房管理要求1、库存物品要建账建卡,做到入库有验收,出库有凭证,登记账目 及时,保证库存物品数字准确,帐、卡、物相符,做到逐日清点。2、各种物资按类存放,顺序编号建卡。凡经批准报残物品和帐外物 品,应登记明确,不得与其它物品
3、混杂存放。3、严格物品验收入库手续,验收人员须清点数量、验收质量后,方可签字办理入库手续。4、库内不得代存其它物品(除极特殊情况,经院领导特批外),其它 一律拒绝存放。5、保管人员应了解掌握各类物品的性能用途、使用方法,按领用单 限定的品名、数量单价分发各类物品,做到计划供应、满足需要、防 止浪费。6、各种物资不得外供和私用,特殊领用情况必须经院领导批准。7、库房要保持通风、干燥、清洁,注意安全,做到防火、防盗、防爆、防潮、防鼠,严谨烟火。三、出入库管理流程legal sstem fuhe sun pea1es at al eve s - des uingru e o aw h mg u e
4、ofway deei reorm, 一p _-_nn and The o ve and cosany mpo、ou- 6.o idi of,- 1 s cut ue n Cha A conr, a nlo -、a was pobd bycut ue ) sed, 1 i ela ne and imt O cvizkr, wlolcut ue O ip pospe, e wi beno IKonO Ie d m of Cha.-,. , X 1,elay aond, r and pr S_iJ vles P Cha e_b- tailma cut ue y malbe_ sech o tie p
5、es 7. pre tie reom deee nt O1、物资领用时必须持有院(科室)领导签批的领用申请单,库管员见单方能出货;2、物资出库前应先填写出库单,领用人应在出库单上签字,签字清晰完整;3、库管员收货入库前应认真核对采购清单,如发现数量不符、名称 不符、质量明显不合格的物品应拒收,并与采购员及时联系更换或退货事宜;四、安全管理要求1、闲杂人员及领料者未经同意不得进入库房。2、库房内严禁烟火,严禁在库房内吸烟,不得以任何理由秉烛入库。3、库房严谨私拉乱接电源及电器。4、库管员应爱护好库房内外消防设施,发现消防设施损坏应及时上 报。5、库房门窗应经常检查有无损坏,库房门应随开随关。6、
6、库管员下班离库前必须巡库一次,清查问题隐患。egassem fuhe peaiesafe- sca des-gru e oawh nkg - u ”way-epen rm一医院低值易耗品管理制度一、医院低值易耗品实行定额管理、定期核销、科室核算的原则。二、凡不够固定资产标准,又不属材料范围的用具设备(医用设备单位价值在1500元以下,通用设备单价在1000元以下,使用年限不够 一年的,均属低值易耗品范围),例如低值仪器、仪表、工具、玻璃 器皿、一般用具、脸盆、暖瓶,独立使用的元件、配件等,均属低值 易耗品。三、总务科根据医院各科室低值易耗品实际消耗的统计分析资料, 并 结合当年医院经费的可能和
7、库存情况, 在认真调查研究的基础上,作 出采购计划,报院领导审批后购买。四、低值易耗品入库前,必须及时认真组织验收,办理入库手续。验 收时必须注意质量的检查,验收中发现问题应立即根据有关规定向供 货或运输单位提出,及时办理退换或赔补手续。五、库房低值易耗品的管理应科学化,做到存放有序、零整分开、账 物对号、固定存放,便于收发和检查,严防损坏、变质、丢失。六、严格领退手续,在用的低值易耗品,应设立登记簿,登记其分布、 使用及消耗情况,定人保管。使用损耗后,及时办理手续,以旧换新。 七、建立清查盘点制度,坚持日清、月结、季盘点。盘点内容一般包 括收发有无错误、账物是否相符、物品有无变质及损坏情况。
8、八、清查盘点多年不用的积压、呆滞低值易耗品,对其应按有关规定, 积极进行修旧利废、改制利用、变价出售和调剂处理。使用部门对于 领取后多年不用的低值易耗品,应当办理退料手续。九、建立对账制度,仓库与财务保持金额账目相符。仓库保管应做到账、卡、物相符。十、对管理不善造成财产浪费、损失、私人挪作它用的部门或个人, 按有关规定进行相应处罚。legalsystem furthersound perfect, leaders atallleve lsca dresusingrul e of law thi nking and rul eoflawwaydeepening reform,and医院库房管理员
9、岗位职责卫生用品、办公用品是医院正常经营必须具备的物资,应坚持勤进少储的原则,防止积压和浪费,对于易霉烂、变质的物品要经常检查,要保持仓库的干燥通风,清洁卫生,并严格按以下规定执行。一、存货的入库1、仓库保管员根据采购员送来的货物,随货清单、发票(清单上必须有品名、规格、单位、单价、数量、金额)对货物数量、质量进行当面点验,对质量不懂无法验收可让使用部门协助验收。2、仓库保管员要严把质量关,对上述清单不清楚,质量不合格,保管人员有权拒绝验收,并通知财务科拒绝付款。3、验收后要及时的办理入库手续(24 小时内)。填写入库单,入库单上有后勤部门主管、保管员、采购经办人签字,方可生效。4、物资先到,
10、发票未到的先暂作登记,月内发票收到时作正常入库处理。 月末发票仍末收到, 作估价入库, 入库单要注明估价入库。一联留存,一联仓库记帐,一联交财务科作帐务处理,待发票收到以后开红入库单, 冲销原估价入库单, 开蓝入库单连同发票正式办理入库。仓库和财务同时要根据红、蓝入库单登记资物明细账。5、对发票先到,物资后到的先保留发票,待物资到达后,办理入库手续,与发票和货物同时收到的情况一样办理入库手续。promoted development,a nd T heabilityto resolveconflictsa nd constantly improve,our .6. onthebui lding
11、 ofSociali st cult urein Chnia.A country,anation str ong,alwayssupported bycult ureflouri shed,thei nherita ncea nd developmentof civilization,withoutcult ure todevelop and prosper,there willbeno realizati on ofthedreamofChina.18big yilai ,XIGeneralSe cretaryaroundfosterand pr omoteSocialist coreval
12、ues promote China excellenttraditional cult urefirmly masterideologyworkled rightand discourseright,aspectsdohas seriesimportant speech,maini ncl udi ng putpubl icity thoughtw orkdo have better for achieved China dream conde nse d powerfulmoralsupportimprovenationalculturesoft strength fosterand pro
13、mote Socialistcore valuesyouthtoconsciouslypracti celine Soci alist core valuesChildhoodactive lycultivateand pra ctice t he core value sofsocialismandt hepartys importantspeech onthepress conference.7. promotethe reform and developme ntoflegal sstem fuhe sun pea1es at al eve s - des uingru e o aw h
14、 mg u e ofway deei reorm, 一p _-_nn a nd The o ve a nd cosany mpo、ou - 6. o idi of,- 1 s cut ue n Cha A conr, a nlo -、a was pobd bycut ue ) sed, 1 i ela ne and imt O cvizkr, wlolcut ue O ip pospe, e wi beno IK on O Ie d m of Cha.18 . XI G a Se lay aond, r and pr S_iJ - -les P Cha e_b- taiima cut ue y
15、 malbe _ sech o tie pes 7. pr e tie reom deee nt O二、办公用品、卫生用品的出库1、仓库保管员给各科室领取卫生用品、办公用品时必须有各科 室经办人填写的出库单(出库单上面写明品名、单位、数量)并经领 用部门科主任或负责人签字、同时在院办规定的领用定额内方可办理 出库。三、仓库保管员的记账、采购申请、报账、盘点1、仓库保管员根据购入和领用的办公用品、卫生用品的数量、 金额进行逐日登记入账,日清月结(所记账本为数量金额明细账)。2、仓库保管员在每月28日以部门或科室为单位做当月“出库汇 总表”附上出库单(财务联)报财务科,28日报当月的进销存报表。3
16、、当月25日仓库保管员进行实物盘点,做盘点表上报财务科, 如账实不符,必须查明原因,并将盘盈盘亏原因上报财务科审核,经 有关领导审批后进行帐务处理,确保账实相符。4、财务科每个季度对库房进行一次监盘及不定期的抽查盘点。5、仓库保管员每月根据仓库库存情况及领用定额,对必备卫生 用品、办公用品做购物申请单报部门负责人审核、 有关领导审批后送 采购员进行采购,购物申请单必须符合“以销定购”的原则,做到适 销、适用,确保医院工作的正常运行。eaders atallleve lsca dresusingrul e of law thinking and rul eoflawwaydeepening re
17、form,andupgrade, Chi naeconomicshowoutm,andhuge ofsw ing room andcult ure system,andsocialsystem, a heavyofdome stic reform devel -I opme ntbroa d of devel opment prospe cts.nd disci pline checksystem,and partyofconstructionsystem reform solid ae ntstable task, XIGe neralSe cretarymade China e conom
18、i c devel ocretary ofspe ech mainincluding eThisaspects XIGeneralSedvance,tax,and financial,and price,a ndnti nto ne w normalofsciencejudge ,proposed iconomicgr owth mustisrealandnowaterofgrowth imprael opmentind State-ow nedeon,and gre en,a ndede nterprises,and ecologicalciv ia nd open,and shared f
19、ive bigdev_of handand seev ilization,important field and keylink reform elopmentconcept,implementation macrohavesee of handaretowith goodspeede majorprogress,market inresourcesconpoli cy tostabil ity,andindustrypoli cyto associd up fromeleme nts drive,a ndi nvestmentscaledriveuration i n the of deci
20、 siverolesig nifica ntlyenhanced,Unprecate,andmicro poli cytolive,and reform policyto real,a nd socialdevel opmentmai nly totoinnovationdrivedevelopmentmaicedented burstofmomel poli cyto backi ng fivnly ofcha ngeactiveeng five bingtupimllaarnsedxvitalityof ec promote d Chi na eyof economipoli cy,vig
21、nergyproduction and consumption revolXIGe newution,.5.witneralSecretarys spee ch in this regar dincludethe reform onlywheconce pt, achieved has 2013to 2015during,Domesticn Chi na. 18big yilai,h regard to building the r ule oflaw in therei no complete,t he notes onthe 18sessionof ideas i nto theofann
22、ualgrowt h,onworl d economi c growt h ofcontributionover25%,tertiaryiup,i nsisted lawruli ng,and lawruli ng,aing orga nic unifiednd lawa dministrativecommonamoredifficulttomoveforward,the increasifordomesti cproduction totalsharedvance,insistedr uleoflawnati onal,ang useofthe Socialist system wit e
23、over50%,ev entually consumption on- J,nd rule oflaw Government,andruleoflawh Chinesecharacteristicssuchas the a bility to runthe country.4.with regardto pr omotingsustainedand healthyeconomicdevelopment.Facecompl exconomi cgrowth ofcontribution ratereached66%,economic structureadjustme ntmade import
24、ant progress,developmentofqualityand benefits signifi cantlysocialoneconstr uction,fulla dvancesci nce legi slation,andstrictlylaw enforceme nt,andjustjudi cial,a nd universallaw -abidi ng,Chinafeaturessocialisteconomdvancescince legi slation,andstrictlylaw enforceme6、仓库的商品明细账每月要和财务的帐务相核并要和实物相核 , 做到
25、帐帐相符 , 帐物相符。promoteddevelopment,and T heabilityto resolvsocia lundertaking sandsocialmanagement. 18econflictsa nd constantly improve,big yilai, Centralinsi sted put guaranteIIour .6. ontheguaranteesa ndsupplysystem constructi onalways put people life security put inauthoritativeseriousness increasin
26、g,forthe history ofwinni ng ha s alot ofnewfeaturenteesandimprovenfirstbitefforts put Chinaes provi dea strongpbui lding ofSocialid liveli hoodas rst cult urein Chnia.A country,anation str ong,alion beofstarting pointandfoothold,Xia_LI- 1ork powerinsisted generalnatiwayssupported bybig pneumatic ona
27、lsecurityviews, gocult ureflouri shed,thei nherita ncea nd developmentof civsol utionmasses mostcaremostChi nafeaturesnatidirectly mostrealityilization,withoutcult ure todevelonal securityroadeffectivemainteofint erests pr oblem,3years. Inancenati ona lsecurityandsoop and prosper,there willbeulative
28、 reduction pover-.一tle d,.8.w ith regarno realizatity morethan50milli_I on ofthedreamofChina.d tocom prehe nsive strion people,e quivale ttri ctlyadmini steringthe party.18big yilaintto a medium,XIGeneralSenationalpopulationParty of 18big yilaicretaryaroundfosteraoftotal,annualaI,Centralstatind pr o
29、moteSocialist corevaluedde dtown employmeoni n partyand nationalsurvivalof heignt morethas promote China excellenttraditin 10 million pe_LIht,firmly graspstrengtheopl e,startsconstr- 一onal cult ure firmucti onsupportaning party ofrulingcapaly master ideologyworklebilityhousi ng engicityconstr uction,a nneeri ngnear 4millid rightand discourseright,aspendadva nce dpurity consch,muniversa lofbasiougcmedicalguarantees netwg h,to dev elopedintr odd China dreork and pe nsi on guara ntees network, urba- . , 一一 oduce d eightitemsprov
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