已阅读5页,还剩47页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 7 How much are these pants. Section A 【视野聚焦】重点短语 1. how much (价钱)多少 2. seven dollars 七美元 3. a red sweater 一件红色的毛衣 4. want a sweater 想要一件毛衣 经典句型1. How much is this T-shirt. 这件毛衣多少钱? It s seven dollars. 七美元;2. How much are these socks. dollars. 两美元;这些袜子多少钱? They are two 3. Can I help you. 要我帮忙吗?

2、/ 您要买什么?4. I want a sweater. 我想要一件毛衣;5. What color do you want. 6. Here you are. 给你;您想要什么颜色的?7. I ll take it. 我买了; / 我要了;学海拾贝】 1. How much are these pants. (1)how much在这里用来询问物体的价格, 回答时用 “ It s + 价1 钱”或 “ Theyre + 价钱” ; 例如:这块手表多少钱? 100 美元; How much is this watch. Its 100 dollars. 这些土豆多少钱?两美元; How muc

3、h are these potatoes. They are two dollars. 询问价钱时我们仍可以用到以下的句子:Whats the price of . How much do/ does . cost. 例如:这件红色的毛衣多少钱?Whats the price of this red sweater. =How much is this red sweater. 你的手表多少钱? How much does your watch cost. =How much is your watch. 2 思维拓展 How much 仍可以与不行数名词连用,用来提问量的多少; How mu

4、ch water is there in the bottle. 瓶子里有多少水? How much milk do you need. 你需要多少牛奶?询问数量的多少仍可以用 how many,how many用来提问可数名词的量,回答时可以用完整的句子,也可以用简洁的数字; How many apples do you have. 你有多少个苹果?I have two apples. 我有两个苹果; How many brothers do you have. Only one. 只有一个;你有几个兄弟?(2)pants 的意思是“ 裤子” ,是美式用法,英国人一般说“ trousers

5、” ;成双成对的东西一般用复数形式,be 动词也相应地用 are ,而不用 is ;类似的单词仍有 socks (袜子),shoes(鞋子),shorts(短裤),scissors (剪子)等; 例如:我的鞋子在床底下; My shoes are under the bed. 我可以用你的剪子吗? May I use your scissors. 这些成双成对的东西我们也可以用量词 副 )来表达; 例如:我宠爱这条裤子;pair (一双,一对,一 I like this pair of pants. 我想要一双新袜子; I want a pair of new socks. 2. Its se

6、ven dollars. dollar 的意思是“ 美元” ,是美国、加拿大等国的货币单位,符号为$,dollar 有复数形式 dollars;链接:中国的人民币单位是yuan,符号为¥, yuan 无复数形式; 例如:这顶帽子 5 美元; This hat is 5 dollars. 我的裙子 100元; My skirt is 100 yuan. 其他的仍有:英镑pound 法郎 FRF French Franc 马克 DM Mark 3. Can I help you. (1)这是询问别人是否需要服务时的常用语,在不同的场合有不同的翻译;在商店里:您想买什么?在饭店里:您想吃点什么?在图

7、书馆:您要借什么书?在公共场合观看别人有麻烦时:我可以帮你吗?/ 要我帮忙吗?4 另外供应帮忙的句子仍有:May I help you. What can I do for you. 不能说“What do you want. ” ,这样显得很没礼貌;回答时可以用以下的句子:Thank you. I want感谢,我想要 Yes, please. I d like是的,我想 No, thanks. I m just looking around. 不,多谢;我只想到处看看; 例如:您要买什么?我想买些香蕉; Can I help you. Yes, please. I d like some

8、bananas. 您买东西吗?我想买件毛衣; What can I do for you. Thank you. I want a sweater. 思维拓展当服务员问“Can I help you.” 或 “ What can I do for you.”时,顾客可以说: I am looking for a coat. 我想买一件上衣;I d like to have a pair of shoes.我要买双鞋子; Could I look at that blue bag. 的包吗?我可以看看那个蓝色 Could you show me that hat. 一下吗?可以把那顶帽子拿给我看

9、 No, thanks. I m just looking around. 不用了,谢I m just having a look. 谢;我只是到处看看; / 任凭逛逛;(2)help 在这里是动词 “ 帮忙, 救济” 的意思;常用短语有 help sb to do sth.帮忙某人做某事, help sb. with sth帮忙某人某事; 例如:我经常帮妈妈做家务; I often help my mum to do the housework. 杰克常帮我学英语; Jack often helps me with my English. 特殊提示help 仍可以当作名词“ 帮忙;救济” W

10、e must give them some help. 助;,是不行数名词;我们必需给他们一些帮 With teachers help, we solve the problem. 在老师的帮忙下,我们解决了这个难题; 4. I want a sweater. want 动词, 是“ 想要;需要;期望” 的意思;不用进行时态,后跟名词、代词或动词不定式等;主语是第三人称单数时,动词要用第三人称单数形式 wants;6 想要某物 want sth. 想要做某事 want to do sth. 想让某人做某事 want sb. to do sth. 例如:我想要件 T 恤衫; I want a T

11、-shirt. 我想要回家; I want to go home. 妈妈想让我多喝牛奶; My mother wants me to drink more milk. 5. What color do you want. 在讲英语的国家的商店里购物,服务员询问顾客想买的商品的特 征时可以说:What do you want. 或 What , please. 例如:您要多大尺寸的? What size do you want. / What size, please. 您要哪一种? What kind do you want. / What kind, please. 6. Here you

12、are. 这是一个习惯句型,用以向对方呈现所需要的东西, 意思是“ 给你” ;它是句型 You are here. 的倒装句,但两句的意思有很大差别;后者的意思是“ 你在这里”;类似的表达结构仍有:Here it is. Here they are. 例如:这是你的书吗?7 Is this your book. 是的; Yes, it is. 给你; Here you are. 感谢; Thank you very much. ll take it. 7. I 这句话的意思是“ 我买下了 / 我要了;” 这是购物时的一句常用语;当顾客选好商品时,经常说:I ll take it.或 I ll

13、have it. 而不经常说: I ll buy it. 【牛刀小试】单项选择 1. How much the salad. A. is B. are C. do D. does 2. - these socks. -Theyre ten dollars. How many is C. How much are A. How many are B. D. How much is 3. The T-shirt is seven and the pants are seventy . 8 A. dollars; yuans B. dollar; yuan C. dollars ; yuans D.

14、 dollars; yuan 4. -Can I help you. -Yes, please. I want . A. a skirt B. a skirts C. skirts D. skirt 5. Here some orange for you. A. is B. are C. be D. have 6. She wants shopping. A. to goes B. to go C. going D. goes 7. How much do you want. A. French fries B. tomatoes C. hamburgers D. chicken 8. The

15、 sock are very cheap(廉价) . I ll them. A. bring B. like C. take D. buys 9. -How much are these black shorts. - . A. It s ten yuan B. It s 10 yuans C. Theyre 10 yuan D. Theyre 10 yuans 10. -Can I help you. - . A. YouI re welcome B. Yes, please. C. m sorry D. Here you are. 9 用所给词的正确形式填空1. This green sh

16、irt is five dollar. 2. The old man want some bananas. 3. How much be those pants. 4. I want buy a yellow ruler. 5. This hat is six dollars. I ll take it . 6. this shorts are 10 dollars. 7. Lucy have a book in her hand. 8. How many pairs of shoe do you want. 9. I like these black pants. Do you like t

17、hey. 10. Please help me buy some vegetables. 规律排列将以下句子按正确次序排列成语句通顺的会话;A. Here you are. B. Can I help you. C. The green one. D. What color do you like. E. Twenty dollars. F. OK. I ll take it. Thank you. G. How much is it. H. Yes, I d like a sweater. I. You re welcome. 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 依据

18、汉语意思完成句子1. -红色的毛衣多少钱? -二十美元; the red sweater. Its . 2. 黑色的裤子十美元; The ten dollars. 3. 你想要什么颜色的? do you . 4. 我要买了; I it. 【超越自我】()1. -How much are these apples. (2022 哈尔滨) - . A. Five yuan a kilo B. They are dear C. They are red D. They are big ()2. - . (2022 四川) - I want a pair of sports shoes. A. May

19、 I help you, sir. B. What do you want to buy, sir. C. What do you do, sir. 11 3. 按词汇分类写出单词;服装:(2022 山西)4. 依据下面的情形内容, 从所给的选项中选出正确答案;(2022 青海)A: Good morning. 1 . B: Yes, please. I d like to buy a tie for my father. A: 2 . B: Blue. My father likes blue best. A: How about this one. B: Oh, its very nice

20、. 3 . A: 50 yuan. B: Thats too expensive. I cant afford it. 4 . A: Yes. This light blue one only 30 yuan. B: Well, this one looks very good. And the price is OK. 5 . A. How much is it. B. I ll take it. C. What color do you want. D. Do you have a cheaper one. E. What about the yellow one. F. Can I he

21、lp you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 12 【创新全解】牛刀小试版块答案:单项选择 1-5 A C D A A 6-10 B D C C B 用所给词的正确形式填空1. dollars 2. wants 3. are 4. to buy 5. take 6. These 7. has 8. shoes 9. them 10. buy / to buy 规律排列1. B 2. H 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. G 7. E 8. F 9. I 依据汉语意思完成句子 1. How much is; twenty dollars 2. black pants are 3. What c

22、olor, want 4. will take 超越自我答案1.A(How much是用来询问价格或数量,只有A是回答了价格,而B是说“ 太贵” ,C是“ 红色” ,D是“ 大小” ,都不符合题意,故答 案为 A;)2. A (依据回答可判定对话发生在商店里,上文是服务员询问对方 买什么,在英语中服务员问顾客需要什么时,用较委婉的问法“ Can I help you. / May I help you. 或 What can I do for you.” ,而很少说: What do you want to buy.;而 C答案是问13 “ 你是做什么的” ,明显不符合题意,故精确答案为 A;

23、)3. 表示服装的词有很多:上衣 coat, 裙子 skirt, 裤子 pants/ trousers, 毛衣 sweater 等等;4. 1. F 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B 1)依据 B的回答我们可以判定出 A是服务员,B是顾客;B说“ Yes, please ” ,我们可判定 A在问“Can I help you. 您想要点什么” ;故 1 选 F; 2)依据 blue 我们可以知道上一句问颜色,故 2 选 C; 3)依据 A的回答 50yuan,可以判定 B在问价钱,应选 A; 4)B前一句说“I can t afford it. 我买不起” 可知他想要一个更廉价的,故 4

24、 选 D; 5)最终 B说对这一件很中意,价格也合适,应选 B选项: I ll take it 我买了;14 Section B 【视野聚焦】重点短语1. clothes store 服装店2. at Huaxings great sale 华兴服装大减价3. at a very good price 以合理的价格4. bags for sports 运动包5. see for yourself 亲自看一看经典句型1. Come and buy your clothes at Huaxings great sale. 快来买衣服,华兴服装大减价了!2. We have sweaters at

25、a very good priceonly ¥25. 我们有价格合理的毛衣,每件只卖 25 元;3. Do you need bags for sports.您需要运动包吗?4. For girls, we have T-shirts in red, green, and white for only ¥18. 我们有女孩子穿的红色、 绿色和白色的 T 恤衫,每件只售18 元;5. For boys, you can buy socks for only ¥5 each. 男孩子们,你们只需花 5 元钱就能买一双袜子;6. Anybody can afford our prices. 任何人都

26、能接受我们的价格;7. Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store. 快亲自到华兴服装店来看看吧!15 【学海拾贝】 1. Come and buy your clothes at Huaxings great sale. (1)clothes 名词,意思是“ 衣服;服装”,是衣服的总称,包括上衣、内衣、裤子等;它只有复数形式,没有单数形式,所以不能用 this, that来修饰,也不行以用a 和具体的数词修饰,但可以用 these, those, the , some, many, lots of 等词来修饰;clothes 作主语时

27、,谓语动词也要用复数形式; 例如:在我的商店里有很多漂亮衣服; There are many beautiful clothes in my store. 库尔服装店里的衣服都是红色的; The clothes in Mr. Cools Clothes Store are all red. ;at (2)at Huaxing s great sale意思是“ 华兴服装大减价”a great sale= on sale; 例如:我经常在大减价时买衣服; I often buy some clothes at the great sale. = I often buy some clothes o

28、n sale. 16 思维拓展sale 是名词,意思是“ 出售;廉售”意思是“ 出售;卖” ; We sell many children clothes. 服;其动词形式是 sell ,我们出售多种小孩衣 We sell pants for only ¥30. 我们的裤子每条仅售30 元; 2. We have sweaters at a very good priceonly ¥25. (1)at a very good price 意思是“ 以一个特殊合理的价格”;at the price of 表示“ 以 价格出售”; price 的意思是“ 价格” ,常与介词 of 连用,表示“ 的

29、价格” ; 例如:这只表多少钱? What s the price of this watch. =How much is this watch. 这家商店出售的运动包每个售价 10 美元; This stores sells the bags for sports at the price of $10 each. (2)25 是数词,读作 twenty-five; 数词有两种:表示数目多少的数词叫做“ 基数词”,如: one, two, ten等;表示次序先后的数词叫做“ 序数词” ,如: first 主要先学习基数词:第一, second 其次等;我们这个单元 1-12 的拼写与读音各不

30、相同,无规律可循,要逐一记忆;17 13-19 表示“ 十几” ,一般在个位数后加词缀 teen ,读作 ti:n, 需留意几个特殊的数字的变化: one-eleven two-twelve three-thirteen four-fourteen five-fifteen six-sixteen seven-seventeen eight-eighteen nine-nineteen 20-90 表示“ 几十” ,它们的拼写一般在个位数后加词缀 ty ,读作ti,其变化为: two-twenty three-thirty four-forty five-fifty six-sixty sev

31、en-seventy eight-eighty nine-ninety 有关“ 几十几” 的表达:用整十位数加个位数,中间用连字符“ - ” 连接;如:21 twenty-one 48 forty-eight “ 百” 用 hundred, 表示“ 几百” 就用具体数字加 hundred;如:100 one hundred 500 five hundred 特殊提示 如在“ 百、千” 这些单位前有具体数字既表示精确数量时, hundred, thousand等不需要用复数形式;如:三百 three hundred 六百 six hundred 18 如在 hundred, thousand等单

32、位前没有具体数字时,既没有具体说是“ 几百、几千” 时,要用其复数形式,后面仍要加of ,这时的 hundred, thousand 等并非表示具体数字,而是强调数量之多;如:hundreds of students 百计的同学 3. Do you need bags for sports. 大量的同学,数以bags for sports“ 运动包” ,for 是介词,表示“ 限制”,意思是“ 给 ;为 ;适合于 ;供”; 例如:我们专卖儿童服装; We only sell clothes for children. 给你的明信片; Here s the postcard for you. 4

33、. For girls , we have T-shirt in red, green, and white for only ¥18. (1)介词 in+ 颜色,表示“ 什么颜色的”在名词后面; 例如:穿红毛衣的女孩是我的妹妹; The girl in red is my sister. 我想买一件绿色的 T 恤衫; I want a T-shirt in green. =I want a green T-shirt. ,作定语修饰名词,放(2)for only ¥18 意思是“ 只需 18 元” ,相当于 at the price of ¥18; 例如:你可以只花50 元就能买一双鞋子;

34、You can get a pair of shoes for only ¥50. =You can get a pair of shoes at the price of ¥50. 5. For boys, you can buy socks for only ¥5 each. (1)buy 动词,意思是“ 买” ,其反义词是 sell “ 卖,出售” ;常用搭配: buy sth from 从 买来某物 sell sth to 把某物卖给 例如:你可以从水果店买一些苹果; You can buy some apples from the fruit store. 布莱克先生将电脑卖给各个国

35、家的人们; Mr. Black sells the computers to the people in different countries. (2)each 的意思是“ 每一;各”置比较灵敏;,用来加以强调;它在句中的位 例如:他们每人都有一本词典; They have a dictionary each. =They each have a dictionary. =Each of them has a dictionary. 例如:这些书中的每一本都很好玩;20 Each of these books is interesting. 6. Anybody can afford our

36、 prices. afford 动词,意思是“ 负担得起;付得起,买得起”,常与 can, cant, could, couldnt 连用,后直接跟名词;也可跟动词,跟动词时用动词的不定式形式:afford to do; 例如:我们能买得起一辆小汽车; We can afford a car. 我们买不起那样的房子; We cant afford to buy that house. 7. Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store. see for yourself意思是“ (你自己)亲自看一看”; 例如: - 神话这部电影怎么样?

37、What about the movie the myth. 你最好自己去看一看; Youd better see for yourself. for oneself 亲自, oneself 叫做“ 反身代词” ,反身代词常与以下动词及动词短语连用:dress oneself 自己穿衣 , help oneself to 任凭吃 , look after/ take care of 照管自己等,仍有 by oneself 独立,自己;其他反身代词仍有:我自己 你自己 他自己 她自己 它自己 我们自己 你们自己 他们自myself yourself himself herself itself

38、ourselves yourselves themse 例如:这个孩子太小了不能自己穿衣服;21 The baby is too young to dress himself. 孩子们,任凭吃些鱼吧; Help yourselves to some fish, children. 我们不在时你要照管好自己 Please look after yourself when we are away. 【牛刀小试】单项选择 1. The car isnt . I cant buy it. A. difficult B. interesting C. cheap D. boring 2. We only

39、 have clothes old people. A. at B. of C. for D. on 3. has ¥100. What do you want to buy. Them of each D. A. Each them B. They each C. Each of them 4. The green shoes are sale $30. A. onon B. for; for C. on; for D. for; on 5. We have shirts all colors $20 each. A. for; on B. in; for C. for; in D. at;

40、 for 6. Come down to the shop and see for . A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself 7. The boy the blue shorts is my brother. 22 A. on B. in C. of D. over 8. There are trees on each side of the road. A. two hundreds B. two hundred of C. hundreds of D. hundred of 9. - are those socks. -They are ¥10. How

41、much D. How A. How many B. What color C. 10. Helens are blue. A. skirt B. pants C. sweater D. shoe 句型转换1. The shirts are only ten dollars. the shirts. (对划线部分提问)2. My shoes are black. (对划线部分提问) your shoes. 3. How much is this soccer. (同义句改写) of this soccer. 4. - the tomatoes. 出问题) -Theyre two yuan a

42、kilo. (依据答语写*5. We don t have enough money to buy a car. (同义句转换) We a car. *6. Mrs Smith often sells vegetables to me at a good price. (同23 义句转换) I often vegetables Mrs Smith at a good price. *7. The T-shirts for girls are on sale. The T-shirts for girls are . 翻译句子 1. 你能帮我学英语吗?(同义句转换) Can you to lea

43、rn English. 2. 这家店里卖童装; They sell in this shop. 3. 没有人能负担得起他们的价格; No one their . 4. 他独立完成了这项工作; He finishes this work . 5. 她以合理的价格买了这架钢琴; She buys the piano . 阅读短文,完成后面的问题 Hello, everyone.Welcome to Huaxing Clothes Store. We have sweaters in all colors. They are very cheap. Please have a look at thi

44、s red one. It s only ten dollars. We also have T-shirts in five colors for $5 each, rd, blue, black, green and white. 24 Do you need bags for school. We have great bags for just $2. And that s not all. Thank you. 1. What does the store sell. It sells , and . 2. How much is the red sweater. It s . 3.

45、 How much is the T-shirt. It s . 4. How much is the bag. I t s . 5. Do they have green and yellow sweaters. , they . 【超越自我】1. 补全对话;(2022 大 连) A: What can I do for you, sir. B: I m looking for a white T-shirt. A: 1 . B: Size L. A: Sorry. 2 . B: Have you got any other color. A: Yes. 3 It is very popul

46、ar this year. 25 B: Well, it looks nice. 4 . A: Sure .Look. It fists you well. B: I think so. 5 . A: 128 yuan. B: I really like it. Though it is a bit expensive, I ll take it. A. May I help you. B. How much is it. C. Thank you very much. D. Can I try it on, please. E. What about the yellow one. F. W

47、hat size do you want, please. G. The white ones in your size are sold out. 2. 依据对话或短文情形用恰当的短语或句子填空,使之意思完整;(2022 厦门) A: What can I do for you. B: I am looking 1 . A: What size do you want. B: Size XL. A: I m afraid we havent got any black shirts of that size at the moment. B: Let me 2 the brown one,

48、OK. 26 A: Sure Hmm, it looks nice and just right on you. B: 3 A: Its one hundred and fifty yuan. ll take it. B: All right. I【创新全解】牛刀小试版块答案:单项选择 1-5 C C D C B 6-10 D B C C B 句型转换1. How much are 2. What color are 3. What s the price 4. How much are 5. cant afford 6. buy, from 7. at a great sale 翻译句子 1

49、. help me 2. children clothes 3. can afford, price 4. by himself 5. at a good price 阅读短文,完成后面的问题 1. sweaters, T-shirts and bags 2. ten dollars 3. five dollars 4. two dollars 5. No, don t 27 超越自我答案1. 补全对话 1 )答语是 Size L,可知问句是对尺寸提问的,用 F. What size do you want, please. 2 )前一句说“ 很愧疚” ,说明没有这一尺寸了, 用 G. The

50、 white ones in your size are sold out. 3 )问句是“ 你仍有别的颜色的吗?”E. What about the yellow one. 4 )答语是“ 当然;看,它很适合你”,故回答也是与颜色有关,用,可知上一句顾客问“ 我能试一下吗?” ,用 D. Can I try it on, please. 5 )答语是“128 元” ,可知上一句是问价钱,用B. How much is it. 2. 依据对话或短文情形用恰当的短语或句子填空,使之意思完整; 1 )由下句“ we havent got any black shirts 可知此句是“ 查找一件黑色

51、的衬衫”,故答案为 for a black shirt. 2 )此句应是“ 让我看看这件棕色的, 好吗?” , 因此应填 have a look at ; 3 )由答语是价钱可知,此句是对价格提问,用 How much is it.或 Whats the price of it. Self Check 【视野聚焦】重点短语28 1. have a look at 看一看2. on sale 正在销售的;减价的经典句型1. Have a look at Zig Zags Clothes Store. 快到 Zig Zag 服装店来看一看;2. The green shorts are on sa

52、le for $25. 中,只售 25 美元;【学海拾贝】绿色的短裤正在热卖 1. Have a look at Zig Zags Clothes Store. have a look at 意思是“ 看一看;看一下”;也可以直接说“look at ” ; 例如:我可以看看你的新钢笔吗? Can I have a look at your new pen. 我们去看看美美服装店的裙子吧; Let s go and have a look at the skirts in MeimeiClothes Store. 2. The green shorts are on sale for $25.

53、on sale 出售;上市;热卖;有时仍可译为“ 特价的;减价的”; 例如:新疆葡萄上市了; The grapes from Xinjiang are on sale. 思维拓展sale 仍可以与介词 for 连用,意思是“ 待售”;29 I make some chairs for sale. 要卖;我制做了一些椅子 3. sorry形容词,意思是“ 愧疚的;遗憾的;难过的”; 例如:很愧疚,你不能进来; Sorry, you cant come in. - 我妈妈病了; - 听到这个我很难过; -My mother is ill. -Im sorry to hear that. 【牛刀小试

54、】用划线词的反义词填空1. Bring your math book here and _ away your exercise books. 2. I like short hair. I dont like _ hair. 3. My shoes are too old. I want to buy _ ones. 4. The store sells school things. pencils there. You can _ some coloured 5. I think this book is very easy and that book is very _. 6. Watc

55、hing TV is too boring. But playing sports is very _. 7. His first name is John and his _ name is Green. 8. The shirt is too big for me. Give me a _ one, please. 9. The blackboard is black. The words on it are _. 30 10. I come to school at 7 oclock in the morning and home at 5 o clock in the afternoo

56、n. 补全对话 A: Wath can I 1 for you. B: I want 2 3 a sweater. A: Do you like the white 4 . B: No, I dont like this 5 . I think that yellow one 6 nice. A: Yes, please try7 on. B: Oh, it s too long 8 me. Could you give me a 9 one. A: Certainly. 10 you are. B: Good. I 11 this one very 12 . How much14 it. A

57、: 70 yuan. B: I ll 14 it. 阅读短文,判定对()错()New Year is coming. We have something fantastic on sale. Welcome. Come and have a taste. There are fresh(新颖的)vegetables and nice fruits here. Green cabbages are ¥2.00 a kolo (千克) ;red apples are ¥3.00 two kolos. Whats the price of the eggs. Do you like tehm. Ou

58、r eggs are big and we sell them 31 just for ¥0.5 each. Do you need hamburgers for new year picnic. We have all tastes for you, and for just ¥5.00. We still have more. Do come and have a look by yourself. 1. Childrens Day is coming. 2. The ad(广告) is for a clothing store. 3. They have apples for ¥1.5

59、a kilo. 4. You can buy tow eggs for ¥1.00. 5. They also have salad. 【创新全解】牛刀小试版块答案:用划线词的反义词填空1. take 2. long 3. new 4. buy 5. hard / difficult 6. interesting 7. last 8. small 9. white 10. go 补全对话1. do 2. to 3. buy 4. one 5. color 6. is 7. it 8. for 9. another 10. Here 11. like 12. much 13. is 14. ta

60、ke 阅读短文,判定对()错()1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 32 综合测评 一、依据句意和首字母提示完成单词(10 分)1. -How m are these socks. -They are two dollars. 2. Don t worry. I can h you. 3. -What c do you want. -Blue. 4. The pants are not long. They are s . 5. E me. Are these pencils yours. 6. -Wha t s the p of the shoes. -50 dollars.


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