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1、 Unit 1 Greetings and IntroductionsTable 11. complain vi. 抱怨,投诉complain about sth/ to sb complaint n.I dont have any complaints about it.2. Hows everything/ it going? How are things? 一切顺利吗?3. How are you doing? 你好吗?4. heap 堆 a heap ofSection ITable 21. Would you please introduce. to me? Would you in

2、troduce me to ., please2. Id like to introduce . (my roommate) to you.3. - Its my pleasure to meet you. - The pleasure/ honor is all mine.4. committee kmti n.委员会;委员Section 2 Task 1Conversation 1A: Hello, Liz. Long time no see. B: Oh, morning, Carl, nice to see you here. You look great today.A: Thank

3、 you. Hows everything going?B: Its wonderful. I heard your father was ill?A: Yes, he had a bad cold last week. B: Has he been to the hospital? A: Yes, he has. Doctor said he should drink much water and do more exercises.B: Health comes first. I hope he will be fine soon. A: Thank you. He is much bet

4、ter now.B: Please give my regards to him.A: I will. Thanks.rg:d n. 问候Conversation 2A: Good morning, Mr. Brown. May I come in?B: Yes, come in, please. Whats the deal? A: Not too bad. Let me introduce my younger sister, Lily.B: Hi, Lily, nice to meet you.C: Nice to meet you too, Mr. Brown. Ive heard a

5、 lot about you. B: Thank you. C: Your works on economy are impressing.B: How do you like economics?C: I plan to choose it as my major. B: Im glad to hear that.C: Please give me some recommendation. Ill appreciate it.B: Sure, no problem. C: Thank you, Mr. Brown. knmi n. 经济 rekmenden n. 推荐; 建议 pri:iet

6、 vt. 感激 i:knmks n. 经济学Conversation 3A: Hello, Im Bob from General Motors.B: How do you do? Im Kim.A: Its a wonderful exhibition, isnt it?B: Yes, it is. Its the first time for me to be a booth designer. Im so proud of being a member. A: Which is your masterpiece?B: Its Porsche over there. A: Porsche

7、is my dream car. B: Welcome to take photos.A: Okay, I will when I have finished my work on hand. See you.B: See you around.denrl mutz n.通用汽车eksbn n. 陈列,展览bu: n. 展台,摊位m:stpi:s n. 杰作 pr n. 保时捷汽车 A: Good afternoon, sir. (1) _ (请问这里是克拉克先生的办公室吗)?B: Yes, boy. (2) _ (我是他的秘书). What can I do for you?A: (3) _

8、 (噢,我是戴卫布朗). Mr. Clark is the adviser of my thesis. Is he free now?B: Do you have an appointment?A: (4) _ _ (他叫我下午三点到他办公室见他). B: Wait a minute. Let me check whether hes available now.A: Okay, thank you.Task 3 Conversation 1Excuse me, is this Mr Clarks officeIm his secretary Oh, Im David BrownHe aske

9、d me to meet him at his office at 3 pm(After a few minutes, the secretary of Mr. Clark is coming back.)B: (5) _ (他现在很忙). Would you please come later? A: How about 3:30?B: I think he will be free then.A: Okay, thank you.B: You re welcome.Mr. Clark is busy now A: Excuse me. (1) _ _ (我是新生, 我叫罗拉贝肯). Im

10、looking for the office of Foreign Language Department.B: Hi, my name is John Wolff. (2) _ (我是外语系三年级学生). Im heading for the office. Come with me.A: Thats great. B: (3) _ (我能问下你学的是什么专业吗)?A: Of course, my major is Japanese.B: Kon ni qi wa. Good morning?A: (4) _ (是的,你会说日语)?B: Actually no. Just know the

11、greeting. Oh, heres the office.A: (5) _ (谢谢你,再见)!B: See you.Im a freshman. My name is Laura Bacon.Im a junior of English Department.May I ask what your major is ?Yes. Can you speak Japanese?Thank you. Bye!Conversation 2 A: Hello, (1) _ _ ?B: Yes, thats right. And you areA: Hello, Miss Brown. Welcome

12、 to Chengdu. (2) _ from Sichuan University.B: (3) _. A: Just call me Linda. May I help you with your luggage?B: No, thanks. I can handle it.(They are walking to the parking lot).A: (4) _. Jack, this is Kelly.C: Glad to meet you, Kelly.B: (5) _.C: You may call me Jack. Our car is over there. Let me g

13、et your luggage into the car, Kelly.B: Thank you, Jack. Are you Kelly from Princeton UniversityIm Linda LiHello, Miss Li. Nice to eet you. Kelly, this is my friend, Jack Wang. Glad to meet you too, Mr. Wang Conversation 3Section 4/i:/ knee bee leaf tea breathe we she believe recieve receipt / trip b

14、ring dip renew return/e/ better let beg bet breakfast bread breath / add bad sad pad cat matter quack/p/ pubic pub pin paper pepper pond /b/ booth subway bring buy back by block /t/ total but butt take tip target task/d/ bound debt dot door date dash dayThankyouEnd Unit 2 Campus LifeHow do like your

15、 campus life as a freshman?registermilitary drilllife in dormWhat do you expect most for your campus life?How do you like the way they study?1. doze off 打瞌睡2. get along well with sb3. available velbl adj.可获得的; 有空的; 可购得的 e.g. Is the restroom available? Im sorry. Im not availble today. What about goin

16、g shopping tomorrow?4. major in Tourism / Animation Design5. administration dmnstren n.管理; 实行;6. dormitory d:mtri n.(学校等的)宿舍; 集体寝室;7. canteen knti:n n. 食堂,小饭馆;Section I Section II Task 1Conversation 1A: Hi, Im Lisa, an English major in Class 2. Very glad to be your roommate.B: Oh, nice to meet you.

17、Im Amy, majoring in Advertisement Design. A: Have you heard that there will be a welcome party for the freshmen tonight?B: Yes, Im looking forward to it. It is said that the teachers will sing a song to us.A: Really? Thats great!B: Wed better go there earlier to sit in the front.A: I cant agree more

18、.B: Whats the time now? A: Let me see. Oh, its nearly 6:00 P.M. Why not go now?B: Sure, lets go. dv:tsmnt dzan 广告设计fremn n.一年级学生Conversation 2A: Did you hear that Joe was caught cheating on the exam yesterday?B: Yes. Everybody is talking about it around the campus now. A: I heard that he took three

19、part-time jobs at the same time to make a living.B: Really? So he had no time to prepare for his exam. What a poor guy! A: I guess that his scholarship must be canceled.B: Yes. Is there any other punishment for him?A: I have no idea. The teachers are going to have a meeting to discuss about it. B: M

20、aybe their final decision will come out tomorrow. A: I really wish him good luck. Oh! Its the bell for class! I must go now.B: See you, and Im going to the library to renew my book.ti:t n.作弊kmps n.校园 sklp n. 奖学金 knsl vt.取消 pnmnt n. 惩罚rnju: vt. 使更新Conversation 3A: Excuse me, could you please tell me

21、where the number 5 teaching building is?B: Go straight ahead and then turn right. Then go along the road until you find a pond. Its near the pond.A: Is it very far from here? B: Not really, only about five minutes walk. Do you have classes there?A: No. I heard that the Student Union is interviewing

22、some new members there at 8:30 this morning, so Id like to have a try.B: Then you must be a freshman. A: Yes. They welcome new members there every year. B: I heard that too. Its on the second floor.A: Thank you very much and I really must go now.B: Wish you good luck. stret adj.直的pnd n.池塘ju:nin n.联盟

23、 ntvju: n./ vt. 面试Task 3 Conversation 1A: (1) _ _ (请问往男生宿舍3栋的路怎么走)?B: Just go straight this way about 200 yards, (2)_ _ (然后转右过桥). Its right over there, you cant miss it. A: (3) _ (谢谢,我是大一新生,请问这附近哪里有WIFI) ?B: (4)_ (你可以去图书馆).A: Where is the library then?B: (5)_ (图书馆在6号教学楼旁边,大概离这里500码左右).A: But where i

24、s No. 6 teaching building?B: (6)_ (沿这条路直走,第一个拐弯处左转).A: Thank you so much.B: My pleasure.How can I get to No. 3 Boys Dormitory, please?turn right and go across a bridge Thanks. Im a freshman. Where can I get Wifi nearbyYou may go to the library.Its next to No. 6 Teaching Building, about 500 yards fro

25、m here.Go along the road, and turn left on the first turning .Conversation 2A: Oh my God! (1)_ (明天就考试了,我都还没复习呢). B: Which subject?A: International Trade. (2) _ (我这段时间玩太多网游了).B: Then do something tonight, (3)_ (你至少得努力一下吧).A: (4)_ (看来我今晚是没法睡觉了).B: (5)_ (你自找的,兄弟).A: I cant help playing games. B: (6)_ (

26、下次你可以试试做运动或者阅读).A: Good idea. Ill try it. Thank you.B: Sure.Im having an exam tomorrow! But I havent reviewed yetIve been playing too many vedio games recentlyAt least youve got to give it a try.It seems I wont get any sleep tonightYou may try some sports or readingYou deserve it, manA: Hello Jenny!

27、 You look good today.B: Thanks. (1) _? A: Good. I found myself a part-time job.B: Oh, really? (2) _ ?A: Its a job as a waiter in a teahouse outside the school.B: (3) _ ?A: Well, 200 bucks per week, but I only have to work three hours every day, maximum four, and I can get some extra tips.B: Sounds n

28、ot bad, (4) _?A: I just have to go there every evening after dinner, so itll be no problem. B: Sounds great. I think I should try to find a part-time job next month.What kind of job is itHow much can you earn, if I may ask Part 2then how about your studyHow are things Section 4/3:/ fir stir further

29、burn blur worm worth serve/k/ kind kick kite kid close cake can school scholarship/g/ google good glass glance glass gate green/ better matter sister doctor scholar/eI/ cake bake shape make say stay pray prey /AI/ bike kite hi high white blind spy why fry/f/ fun friend flight flow physices phone /v/

30、 van vice vegetable very vacation ThankyouEnd Unit 3 Weather and Environment/we(r)/nvarnmnt/springsummerautumn/ fallwinterWhat kind of weather do you like best?Lead-in In most places of the world, there are four seasons. Spring is warm and flowers begin to bloom. Summer is hot and we can do all kind

31、s of water sports. Autumn is cool and winter is cold. Which is your favorite season? What kind of weather do you like best?1. bloom /blum/vi. 开花2. do water sports 进行/做水上运动 3. all kinds of各种各样Section IPart 1temperature temprt(r) n. 温度2. zero zr n. 零度, 零点3. forecast f:k:st n./ v. 预报,预测 weather forecas

32、t = weather report4. tornado t:ned n. 龙卷风 typhoon tafu:n n.台风5. humid hju:md adj. 潮湿的;湿气重的6. autumn :tm n. 秋天Part 21) clear up (天空)放晴; 解释4) catch- caught /k:t/ get caught in the rain 被雨淋6)predict /prdkt/ vt. 预言,预测 unpredictable /nprdktbl/ adj. 不可预知的;不定的; n. 不可预言的事 change /ten(d)/ n. 变化;找回的零钱 vt. 改变;

33、交换 changeable /nten(d)b()l/ adj. 不变的;不能改变的11) disaster /dz:st(r)/ n.灾难; 彻底的失败Conversation 1A: Hello, Lucy! Nice day, isnt it?B: Yes, it is.A: Do you often have sunny days in Chengdu?B: Well, its always sunny in summer. Sometimes it rains, too. In the middle of June, it becomes muggy. A: Its called p

34、lum season, isnt it?B:Yes, it is. Its uncomfortable for foreigners. How do you like the weather in Chengdu?A: Its wet and humid. I dont like it very much. B: What kind of weather do you like best?A: I love mild days. So my favorite season is spring. B: You are right. Spring is the best season of the

35、 year.Section 2 Task 1muggy /mgi/ adj.闷热而潮湿的 /plm/ n.梅花 mild /mald/ adj. 温柔的Culture Tips 1Para.1 L2 bear fruit 结果实Para.2 L2 last /lst/ v. 持续 extremely /kstriml/ adv. 非常,极其;极端地 L3 therefore /ef/ adv. 因此 whereas/werz/ conj. 然而;鉴于;反之 L4 serious /srs/ adj. 严重的 L5 drought / n. 干旱Para.3 L1 normal /nm()l/

36、通常的,正常的 some : about L2 rainfall / / n. 降雨;降雨量 saying 比如说,例如; old saying 俗话;谚语 L3 mildewed /mldud/ adj. 陈腐的;发了霉的Culture Tips 2 Page 19 L1 plough /pla/ the ground 犁地 plant seeds 种种子L2 feed the soil 保持土地肥力 make sure 确保 harvest /hvst/ 丰收Page 20L1 mackerel /mk()r()l/ n. 鲭(产于北大西洋);马鲛鱼L3 rainbow /renb/ n.

37、 彩虹 shepherd /epd/ n. 牧羊人L4 warning /wn/ n. 警告;预兆Conversation 2A: Hi, John. Have you read the headlines?B: Do you mean the haze? Yes, Ive read something about it.A: Many big cities have suffered a lot from it. B: Ive heard of it.A: Traffic, transportation, and health are all influenced.B: You are ri

38、ght. It is said that haze is mainly caused by PM 2.5.A: What is PM 2.5?B: PM 2.5 is a kind of particulate matter. It will affect air quality and cause illness. A: I see.B: In haze days, people get ill easily. So when we are out, wed better wear anti-dust mask.A: Its terrible. Lets surf online and fi

39、nd more information about it. B: OK! hedlan n. 头条新闻 hez n.烟雾;霾 trnsp:ten n. 交通 p:tkjlt adj.微粒的 m:sk n. 面具 Conversation 3A: Whats the temperature tomorrow?B: Its forty degrees.A: The scorching weather is killing me.B: It will climb to forty-two this weekend.A: Why is it so hot these years?B: Green-ho

40、use effects lead to global warming.A: I see. Climate change has brought in much trouble. B: And air pollution makes things even worse.A: We should work hard to improve the worsening weather.B: I agree. If we dont take any action, things will get worse.scorching /sk:t/ adj. 极热的 Task 3Conversation 1A:

41、 (1) (今天天气怎么样) ?B: Well, according to the weather forecast, its cold. The highest temperature during the day is five below zero. (2) (你最好多穿点衣服).A: I hope it will get warm soon. Im frozen.B: (3) (广东的天气怎么样)?A: Much better than that in Sichuan.B: (4) (广东下雪吗)?A: Of course not. It seldom drops below four

42、 degrees in winter. B: Well, you have warm winter. (5) (夏天最高气温是多少)? A: Im not sure. But its very, very hot.B: So I like Kunming most. Its neither too hot nor too cold.Whats the weather like todayYoud better put on more clothesWhats the weather like in Guangdong Does it snow in Guangdong Whats the hi

43、ghest temperature in summer? Conversation 2Conversation 2A: Hello, Professor Brown.(1) (你在中国住了多长时间呢)?B: I have been living here for over five years.A: (2) (你觉得中国的天气怎么样)?B: (3) (这儿的天气很多变). And its always foggy. A few days ago, when driving my friend to the airport, I almost lost my direction. Its rea

44、lly hard to make out the way in foggy days.A: I think so. Thats maybe the air is polluted.B: (4) (空气污染将会带来很多问题). Such as droughts, floods, climate change and so on.A: Yes. Its lucky that people have realized it. We are trying to plant more trees and reduce exhaust emission.B: (5) (我希望中国能有一个更好的环境).Ho

45、w long have you been living in China?How do you like the weather in China?Its changeableI hope there will be a better environment in ChinaAir pollution will bring in many problems.Part IIA: Look at the river!B: (1) ?A: All the fishes have died.B: The river must have been (2ed) .A: We have done too m

46、uch harm to the environment.B: Yes, so (3) than ever before, such as sandstorms, smoke fogs, high-powered hurricanes and so on.A: If nothing is done, (4) .B: Youre right. Lets try to do something for the (5) .A: Maybe we can reduce the use of plastic bags and try to save resources by driving economi

47、cal cars. B: Good idea.everything will be destroyedpollutedWhats the matter/ wrong the weather is getting worseenvironment protectionSection 4: law short shore thought sought core cough fox blog cough watch what s six sick case please nice piece peace z zoo zero zigzag close lose says think thick th

48、ought path breath through thread those there breathe then though shore show shine wash attention garage closure leisure measure visionThankyouEnd Unit 4 HealthFood Pyramid 食物金字塔ExercisingNew Words in Lead-in1. desire /dza/ n. 欲望;要求 vt. 想要 desire for 渴望2. universal /junvs()l/ adj. 普遍的3. possession /p

49、ze()n/ n. 拥有4. regard as /rgd/ vt. 把看作5. essential /sen()l/ adj. 基本的;必要的6. fundamental principles 基本/根本原则7. keep in mind 记住;牢记8. balanced /bl()nst/ diet 均衡饮食9. maintain/menten/ vt. 维/保持10.regular /regjl/ adj.;有规律的; 定期的11.sugar/g/ n. 糖;食糖12.in the process of 在过程中 13.digestion /dadest()n/ n. 消化;领悟 14.

50、get rid of 摆脱15.physical checkup 体检/健康检查Section 1 Vocabulary in Part 1 2) mental mentl adj.精神的,心理的3) diet dat n.饮食4) nutritious njutrs adj.有营养的,滋养的5) aid ed n.帮助; 助手6) physician fzn n.医生,内科医生 surgeon s:dn n.外科医生 dentist dentst n.牙科医生7) temperature temprt(r) n.温度; 体温 pressure pre(r) n.压(力)8) ray re n

51、.射线,光线10) shot t 注射;发射 injection ndekn n.注射; 注射剂12) insomnia nsmni n.医失眠,失眠症14)vegetarian vedterin n.素食者3) regular regjl(r) adj.有规律的,整齐的 physical fzkl adj.身体的; 物质的 benefit benft n.利益,好处5) fit - keep fit - fitness freak fri:k n. 狂热爱好者,怪人Vocabulary in Part 2 7) combine kmban v.使结合 combine A with B los

52、e weight wet 9) fiber fab n.纤维,光纤 11) alcohol lkhl n.酒精13) appointment pntmnt n.约会 have/ make an appointment with date with15) symptom smptm n.症状; 征兆Section 2 Task 1Conversation 1A: Hello, is that Doctor Smiths office?B: Yes, is there anything I can do for you?A: Can I see him on Sunday morning?B: L

53、et me seeOK, no problem. And what time?A: Is 9 oclock OK?B: OK. And whats the matter with you?A: Id like to have a medical check-up.B: All right. Ill arrange an appointment for you with him.A: Thank you very much.B: Youre welcome.medkl tekp 体格检查 rend vt. 安排 pntmnt n.约会 Conversation 2A: So, Doctor Sm

54、ith, whats the result of my check-up?B: Well, John, overall the results are good. A: Is there anything wrong?B: Yes. Youre in a sub-health condition.A: Sub-health condition? What can I do for that?B: What did you do for your health?A: I dont smoke. I dont drink too much. I dont stay up late.B: Good,

55、 John. You can take some other active measures to keep fit. Avoid rich food. And you need to do some exercises.A: OK, thank you for your advice, Doctor Smith. Ill try my best.B: Youre welcome. Its good for you to take an active attitude.vr:l adv.总的说来 ktv adj.积极的me(r) n. 措施ttju:d n.态度; 看法 New Words i

56、n Culture Tips1. in consideration of 考虑到;鉴于2. emerge /md/ vi. 出现,浮现 3.acronym /krnm/ n. 首字母缩略词4.temperance /temp()r()ns/ adj. 温暖的;有节制的Conversation 3gn:(r) vt.忽视,不顾endetk adj.精力充沛的 A: Hello, nice to see you here at the fitness center again.B: Me too. You look so fit. I wish I were just like you. A: I

57、ts a good start to join a fitness center. Is today only your second visit?B: Yes, it is. Ill be coming here regularly. What kind of sports do you do?A: I like swimming, even in winter. It keeps me in shape.B: Do you like jogging?A: Yes. I like jogging in the early morning. It makes me energetic for

58、the whole day.B: Im too busy with work. So, I ignored my health. However Ill stick to regular exercise from now on. Is there any other good advice?A: Good for you. Nutritious food and enough sleep are both important for good health as well.B: Thanks. Ill try to follow your advice. 健身中心regjlli adv.有规

59、律地Task 3Conversation 1A: You dont look well. (1) (你哪儿不舒服)?B: I feel terrible. I (2) (没胃口).A: (3) (这种感觉有多久了)?B: For about three weeks. A: You had a blood test. Please give me the test report.B: (4) (情况严重吗)?A: Nothing serious. It shows that you have a zinc deficiency.B: What can I do about that?A: You

60、d better add more zinc-rich food to your diet, such as meat, especially lean meat 瘦肉, nut, and leafy green vegetables.B: Thank you for your advice.Whats wrong with youI have no appetite for anythingHow long have you been feeling like thisIs it seriousConversation 2A: Whats the matter with you?B: I c


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