1、HSE作业折7/Enmr ts .ga.t e rchyve zec e s e i anc .HSE作业折7/Enmr ts .ga.t e rchyve zec e s e i anc .中国石油小型工程、零散维修及抢险项目HSE乍业指导书编与人:审核人:批准人:批准日期:实施日期:华北京茂冀东项目部目的根据冀东油田油气集输公司有关文件精神, 参照华北油田京茂股 份公司HS野系文件,为进一步规范华北京茂冀东项目部小型零散维 修及抢险工程HS酢业指导书的内容、形式和运行管理,将风险控制 和应急措施落实到每一个岗位、每个操作环节,夯实基层管理工作, 结合华北京茂冀东项目部生产实际,针对每个操作
2、岗位、操作员工, 特编制本指导书。1、项目部承诺、方针与战略目标1.1项目部HS承诺、方针与战略目标HS等诺通过建立、实施和保持HSEf理体系来最大限度地保护员工的健康、安全、工作环境,致力于可持续发展;项目部总经理和领导层有责任和义务努力提高项目部的HSE体系运行水平,确保为体系的运行提供强有力的领导和配备充足的资 源;HSE管理工作是项目部的重要工作之一,我们将象重视其他重要工作一样重视HSEf理工作;项目部所有员工必须执行项目部的 HSET针和目标,参与HSE 管理体系的建立和运行;项目部应努力营造与培育良好的 HSE业文化,并使全体员 工积极参与维护HS故业文化的建立;遵守所在地区的法
3、律、法规,向社会公开 HSN绩,无论何pollution a cci dent. Enterprise integrated toachieve zeroca ses ofviolation,zeroa cci dents,zero. Quality goal is:7 .512pollution a cci dent. Enterprise integrated toachieve zeroca ses ofviolation,zeroa cci dents,zero. Quality goal is:7 .512marketingstrict inter nal costcontrol ,
4、 business a nd i nnovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se,ele ctricity supply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywit h coalinve ntory,get rewardsofJiangsu pr ovincial gover nmentpower to 266 milli on k Wh.Thr ough t hesmalland bilateraltrade,a cce sstoelectri city 1.
5、695 billion kWh,seekingremoval com pensationwhenthe power50 million-kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su Pr ovince ranke dfirst inthe samecapa city,t hesame ty peunits. Compa nycl oselytra ckedcoal li nkagepolicie s on July 1 a nd August20respe ctively increase pri ces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,p
6、rofita bilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,rem uneration ofla bour agreement s into l ong-term contractw orkerscompe nsati on system, stimulating t heent husiasm ofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human re sourcesma nage ment.Fullimpl ementation oftheperformancea ppraisa lregulati ons
7、, incentive effect. Completethe re serveca dreevaluation andse lecti on, produced 10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinductiongangsystem,14staffposts bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cultivati on ofprofessi onaltechni callea ders, sele cted cover
8、age9 13fact ory -level professiona land te chnica lleaders. To e nhance staffskillstraining ,8 stafftechni cians.Laborcontract law com pliance, contracts ofupto100%. -Starteam -buildi ng to a dvance furt her. Establi sh a hol ding system implementati on,and pr omotingt hew holeteam -buildi ng goa ls
9、,stre ngthe ngroupma nagement.T eam building int o aperformance revie,wpromoting t he construction ofthe star team depth.Thisyear,respectively,1 track,4 teamfourstarratedfive -starby Datang a nd theteam.Four,insist s on six cultural construction of harmoni ous devel opme nt,reallyg oodjob ofpartycon
10、str ucti on andt he inde pende ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengt heni ng thehumanisti c care andpsychologi calcounseli ng,theenter priseculture construction to anewlevel. -Buil ding ofenterpri se culture isfruitful.Companiesadhere to theShe nhua lead ofcorporateculture, cult ureofresponsibil i
11、tyatthe cor e,tosafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,ethi calculture, cost culture culture syste m-assisted, throughvari ousculturalintegration,ha s boosted busine ssce ntre,thi syearhasw ont he Chi nese cult uralmanagementa dvanced unit,NationalAdvancedUnitinthebuildingofe nterprise cultureof refor
12、m and ope ning up 30 and other honorary titles.T he liability ofthecompany culture:solving managementproblems ofcorporateculture pr oje ct was awarde dthe CEC nationalelectri c powerenter prise cultureachievement award ofexcelle nce.Theacci dent earlywar ninga nd preventi on systemwasratedasChinas p
13、ow erofinnovation management,innovation managementofelectri cpowerenter prisei nJiangsuProvi nce.-Partyand thei nde pende ntCommission against corruptionconti nues to strengt hen. Was carrie d outtomaintain时何地我们对HSE的态度将始终如一。HS昉针领导推动,实现安全生产;遵纪守法,全员自觉参与;预防为主,改善工作环境;以人为本,保障员工健康;减少损失,节约能源资源;依靠科技,实现持续改进。
14、战略目标HSE中长期工作目标:“三违” 行为明显减少,重大隐患彻底消除,杜绝重大事故发生,建立安全生产长效机制,安全环保形势明显好转。HS张远工作目标:安全环保素质明显提高,HS洋系有效运行,安全环保科学技术不断创新,安全环保文化系统形成,本质安全全面实现,安全环保形势根本好转。一、进油区措施:车辆必须安装防火帽人员正确穿戴防静电劳动防护用品严谨携带易燃易爆物品关闭手机严谨在非指定施工区域逗留ecurit y, profit,maintainstabilityand promoteharmoniousdevelopment as themaincontent ofthethree guaran
15、tee s themepractice activities andstressing partyspirit,t oconduct, forexamplecampaign,party andfurtherimprovementofthe level ofwork.Staffparticipatinginthe honestandcle an culture construction seminars,staffssenseofprobityand enhanced.Foundedbyhonesti nspect orsteamcompose dof 12employeest o broa d
16、en thechannelsof supervision.Adhereto establish fourgood leadershi pactivities,staffsatisfaction rate of 98%totheteam. -Groupworkdynamic. Promoti ngthe ope nnessoffactoryAffairs,proposalfora loveletterbox,tot he vitalinterests ofthestaffTrade Uniondelegati on leader meeting ofthe26 systemtodiscussa
17、nd safeg uardtheir democratic rights.Improvethe organizationalstructure of themission,thework ofstrengthening.Or ganize mai ntenancelaborem ulation andhealth Cupcompetiti on,e nhancethe skills ofstaff.Organizedavarietyofcultural a ctivities,physica l andme ntalhealt h care staff,to createa harmoniou
18、s atmosphere.Duringthe Wenchuan e reduce coalconsumption,waterconsumption,el ectricity at thecore ,enhancethe operati onoflea n managementto reaHSE作业指斤廿Enmr ts .ga.t e rchyve zer e s e i anc .HSE作业指斤廿Enmr ts .ga.t e rchyve zer e s e i anc .施工中严格遵守油区管理规定听从油区管理者和现场负责人安排做好施工现场的危害辨识和风险评估,严格落实开工前的安全讲话制度严
19、格落实HSE作业计划书和HSE检查表制度动火、动土、临时用电等特殊作业必须办理作业票发现隐患及时上报,严谨不经请示私自处理:、风险识别、削减与控制:序号危害名称危害地点潜在后果削减和控制措施执行人监督人1触电作业场地伤亡完善安全制度、安全措施及安全设施、提高专业知识、按照操作规程作业施工人员现场负责人2火灾用电场所伤亡或财产损失科学配置和使用电能,加强 电器设备的维护保养施工人员现场负责人3机械伤害用电机械场所伤亡完善安全措施,实行安全监 督,定期对设备进行安全维 护检查施工人员现场负责人4单相触电用电场地或作业场所伤亡加强用电设备、线路的检修和维护,防止绝缘老化漏电,掌握安全用电常识施工人员
20、现场负责人5高空作业彩钢房屋面维修伤亡1、作业时,屋面四周应设 有防护措施;2、屋面材料 及工器具摆放整齐,防止作 业人员脚下绊倒掉下屋面;4、对屋面作业人员要进行 定期的健康检查,以防带病 作业;3、对作业人员进行 安全教育及安全技术交底。施工人员现场负责人HSE作业折7/ u.y.ia tri atearlas-te-eegaae-eactcc” as. r c t -.*ayau-eiemekStfratg-escrrrse-asf- se se - e.Fu.erecacse-emlyesecaluevidesl-r.lades-s-ate98%toa.一kyamipgescasa-v
21、eee-r-.-lgrl d el. - 6ylem tocssafga-emair.-Igtlstut.-e.e-ggaeae.lem-aloa-klr-rgedaec l-sscaelce-cam-u-seeu-ngWeaa-hukeaatceseu-stesyaawt-gc-ccwase-gee-s-gea-s-agq-y-vec-ca-tak-ic- c .s- a-e g-v-tacectcg-a-cccvseclg-s-rlseu-eases-s-cgy-ggc-g-t-g-gutas-gce-ci.cc-vsgue-acgygees - gav-g_- c l p- a. nst
22、er-s -g r- e rcee zer e s e - anc atc-tta e a ai.ns win l w cas heOc-e-se-ues-n-ate-ma-i-gaaaage-as-ssHauelea.e-su-g.leN-ee-es-aelgee-egee esea f-e asF-geE-ers-elaeet-g-B-o3vet-sl-sewaaaee-0-s ls-dsoo-l-ce-aeNrl-njua-ae-a e -pa.t-ee-HSE作业折7/ u.y.ia tri atearlas-te-eegaae-eactcc” as. r c t -.*ayau-ei
23、emekStfratg-escrrrse-asf- se se - e.Fu.erecacse-emlyesecaluevidesl-r.lades-s-ate98%toa.一kyamipgescasa-veee-r-.-lgrl d el. - 6ylem tocssafga-emair.-Igtlstut.-e.e-ggaeae.lem-aloa-klr-rgedaec l-sscaelce-cam-u-seeu-ngWeaa-hukeaatceseu-stesyaawt-gc-ccwase-gee-s-gea-s-agq-y-vec-ca-tak-ic- c .s- a-e g-v-ta
24、cectcg-a-cccvseclg-s-rlseu-eases-s-cgy-ggc-g-t-g-gutas-gce-ci.cc-vsgue-acgygees - gav-g_- c l p- a. nster-s -g r- e rcee zer e s e - anc atc-tta e a ai.ns win l w cas heOc-e-se-ues-n-ate-ma-i-gaaaage-as-ssHauelea.e-su-g.leN-ee-es-aelgee-egee esea f-e asF-geE-ers-elaeet-g-B-o3vet-sl-sewaaaee-0-s ls-d
25、soo-l-ce-aeNrl-njua-ae-a e -pa.t-ee-polLt-.a L.t.Eit-i- -ttg- - ac zeo cas- Vooi, .o a Q g- -s: We g- ng -pac- - 7 5三、应急预案:为提高小型零散维修及抢险工程项目施工中发生事故后的应变 能力,确保发生事故时,能够采取有序的应急措施,保护伤员生命, 减轻伤情,减少痛苦,有效的保护员工的生命、公共财产和自然环境, 最大限度地减轻所带来的伤害,结合风险识别,对该项目制订以下应 急预案:1、触电在场人员发现有人触电后,根据现场情况运用最有效最安全的 方法,使触电者脱离电源;触电者脱离电源
26、后,应立即就近移至干燥并通风的场所;打急救电话“120”并及时向有关部门汇报; 现场人员根据触电者的情况进行初期紧急抢救; 清理现场,分析触电的原因,制定防范措施并做好记录; u.y.ia tri atearlas-te-eegaae-eactcc” as. r c t -.*ayau-eiemewktaffrtg-escrrrse-asf- se se - e.Fu.erecacse-emlyesecaluevidesl-r.lades-s-ate98%toa.一kyamipgescasa-veee-r-.-lgrldel.-6ylemto一afga-emair. - IgIlstut.-e
27、.e-ggee.lem-aloa-klaec l-sscaelce-cam-u-seeu-ngWeaa-hukeaatceseustesyaawt-g c - cce-wase-gee-s-gea-s-agq-y-vec-ca-tak-ic- c .s- a-e g-v-tacectcgt-ydtvccvseclg-s-rlseu-eases-sc-ecgy-ggscg-t-g-gutas-gce-ci.cc-vsgue-acgyge-es - gav-gdc l s t- ae ue-eec-a-lgeeelels-ge.ec-e-se.ues-n-ate-ma-i-gaaaage-te-a
28、s-ssHaueleau.-su-.vevle_. ee-es-arlgee-egeeesea-asF-geE-ers-ela ee -g-(B 3et-sl- sew a a a ee-g0-sls-dso0-al-ce-aeNrl-njua-aeaae-pa.-ee- 尽快恢复正常生产。2、火灾爆炸工作现场按消防要求摆放好消防器材, 并有专人保管,且保证完好有效;若发生火灾,应迅速组织现场人员扑救,及时切断火源,尽最 大能力防止火灾现场的扩大;及时拨打“ 119”报火警,并及时上报有关部门;把火灾现场无关人员迅速疏散到安全地区;在专业队伍到达之前,参加现场救火人员必须服从现场第一负责人指挥
29、;在专业队伍到达后配合灭火;有人员伤亡时,现场应立即对伤者进行初级救护,并及时送往医院治疗;扑灭火灾后,应及时清理现场,并认真分析火灾原因,同时制定防范措施;做好灾后的重建,安抚受伤害者,本着“四不放过”的原则处 理事故,恢复正常工作。3、机械伤害定期组织员工查找不安全隐患,并及时采取相应的防范措施;若有人员伤亡,及时采取现场初级救护,必要时,及时送往医院抢救;保护好现场,及时上报上级有关领导;及时找出危险源,并采取相应措施;pollution a cci dent. Enterprise integrated toachieve zeroca ses ofviolation,zeroa cc
30、i dents,zero. Quality goal is:7 .512pollution a cci dent. Enterprise integrated toachieve zeroca ses ofviolation,zeroa cci dents,zero. Quality goal is:7 .512marketingstrict inter nal costcontrol , business a nd i nnovation performance. -Increasing ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se,ele ctricity su
31、pply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywit h coalinve ntory,get rewardsofJiangsu pr ovincial gover nmentpower to 266 milli on k Wh.Thr ough t hesmalland bilateraltrade,a cce sstoelectri city 1.695 billion kWh,seekingremoval com pensationwhenthe power50 million-kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su
32、 Pr ovince ranke dfirst inthe samecapa city,t hesame ty peunits. Compa nycl oselytra ckedcoal li nkagepolicie s on July 1 a nd August20respe ctively increase pri ces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,profita bilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,rem uneration ofla bour agreement s into l ong-term
33、 contractw orkerscompe nsati on system, stimulating t heent husiasm ofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human re sourcesma nage ment.Fullimpl ementation oftheperformancea ppraisa lregulati ons, incentive effect. Completethe re serveca dreevaluation andse lecti on, produced 10 primaryreserve cadre
34、sand 11 se condary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinduction gangsystem, 14staffposts bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cultivati on ofprofessi onaltechni callea ders, sele cted coverage9 13fact ory -level professiona land te chnica lleaders. To e nhance staffskillstraining ,8 stafftech
35、ni cians.Laborcontract law com pliance, contracts ofupto100%.-Starteam -buildi ng to a dvance furt her. Establi sh a hol ding system implementati on,and pr omotingt hew holeteam -buildi ng goa ls,stre ngthe ngroupma nagement.T eam building int o aperformance revie,wpr omoting t he construction ofthe
36、 star team depth.Thisyear,re spectively, 1 track,4 teamfourstarratedfive -starby Datang a nd theteam.Four, insist s on six cultural construction of harmoni ous devel opme nt,reallyg oodjob ofpartyconstr ucti on andt he inde pende ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengt heni ng thehumanisti c care an
37、dpsychologi calcounseli ng,theenter priseculture construction to anewlevel. -Buil ding ofenterpri se culture isfruitful.Companies adhere to theShe nhua lead ofcorporateculture, cult ureofresponsibil ityatthe cor e,tosafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,ethi calculture, cost culture culture syste m-a
38、ssisted, throughvari ousculturalintegration,ha s boosted busine ssce ntre,thi syearhasw ont he Chi nese cult uralmanagementa dvanced unit,NationalAdvanced Uniti n thebuil dingofe nterprise cultureof reform and ope ning up 30 and other honorary titles.T he liability ofthecompany culture:solving manag
39、ement problems ofcorporateculture pr oje ct was awarde dthe CEC nationalelectri c powerenter prise cultureachievement award ofexcelle nce.Theacci dent earlywar ninga nd preventi on systemwasratedasChinas pow erofinnovation management, innovation managementofelectri cpowerenter prisei nJiangsuProvi n
40、ce.-Partyand thei nde pende ntCommission against corruptionconti nues to strengt hen. Was carrie d outtomaintain配合上级领导小组处理现场,提供有利证据;清理事故现场,采取防范措施,及时恢复生产;加强对职工的安全教育,实行“四不放过”。4、坍塌事故定期组织员工查找不安全隐患,并及时采取相应的防范措施;若有人员伤亡,及时采取现场初级救护,必要时, 及时送往医院抢救;保护好现场,及时上报上级有关领导;及时找出危险源,并采取相应措施;配合上级领导小组处理现场,提供有利证据;清理事故现场,采取
41、防范措施,及时恢复生产;加强对职工的安全教育,实行“四不放过”。5、倾覆事故(脚手架搭拆作业)定期组织员工查找不安全隐患,并及时采取相应的防范措施;若有人员伤亡,及时采取现场初级救护,必要时, 及时送往医院抢救;保护好现场,及时上报上级有关领导;及时找出危险源,并采取相应措施;配合上级领导小组处理现场,提供有利证据;清理事故现场,采取防范措施,及时恢复生产;加强对职工的安全教育,实行“四不放过”。6、物体打ecurit y, profit,maintainstabilityand promoteharmoniousdev elopment as themaincontent ofthethre
42、e guarantee s themepracti ce activitie s andstressing partyspirit,t oconduct, forexamplecampaign,party andfurtherimprovementofthe level ofwork.Staffparticipatinginthe honesta ndcle an culture construction seminars,staffssenseofprobityand enhanced.Foundedbyhonesti nspect orsteamcom pose dof 12em ploy
43、eest o broa den t hechannels of supervisi on.Adhereto establish fourgood leadershi pactivities,staffsatisfaction rate of 98%totheteam. -Groupworkdynamic. Promoti ngthe ope nnessoffactoryAffairs,proposalfora loveletterbox,tot he vitalinterests ofthestaffTrade Uniondelegati on lea der meeting ofthe 26
44、 systemtodi scussa nd safeg uardtheir democratic rights.Improvethe organi zationalstructure of themission,thework ofstrengt hening. Or ganize mai ntena ncelaborem ulation andhealth Cupcompetiti on,e nhancethe ski lls ofstaff.Organizedavarietyofcultural a ctivities,physica l andme ntalhealt h care st
45、aff,to createa harmonious atmosphere.Duringthe Wenchuan ereduce coalconsumption,waterconsumption,el ectricity at thecore ,enhancethe operati onoflea n managementto reaHSE作业指斤廿 u.y.ia tri atearlas-te-eegaae-eactcc” as. r c t -.*ayau-eiemekStfratg-escrrrse-asf- se se - e.Fu.erecacse-emlyesecaluevidesl
46、-r.lades -s-ate98%toa.一kyamipgescasa-veee-r-.-lgrl d el. - 6ylem tocssafga-emair.-Igtlstut.-e.e-ggaeae.lem-aloa-klstfaec l-sscaelce-cam-u-seeu-ngWeaa-hukeaatceseustesyaawt-gc-ccwase-gee-s-gea-s-agq-y-vec-ca-tak-ic- c .s- a-e g-v-tacectcg-a-cccvseclg-s-rlseu-eases-sc-ecgy-ggscg-t-g-gutas-gce-ci.cc-vs
47、gue-acgygeess - gav-g_- c l p- a. nster-s -ngaeto e rchtea zec e s e - anc atc-tsa r a ai.os:wleelwrn-s heOc-e-se-ues-n-ate-ma-i-gaaaage-as-ssHauelea.e-su-g.leN-ee-es-arlgee -egee esea f-e asF-geE-ers-elaeet-g-B-o3vet-sl-sewaaaee-0-s ls-dsoo-l-ce-aeNrl-njua-ae-a e -pa.t-ee-HSE作业指斤廿 u.y.ia tri atearl
48、as-te-eegaae-eactcc” as. r c t -.*ayau-eiemekStfratg-escrrrse-asf- se se - e.Fu.erecacse-emlyesecaluevidesl-r.lades -s-ate98%toa.一kyamipgescasa-veee-r-.-lgrl d el. - 6ylem tocssafga-emair.-Igtlstut.-e.e-ggaeae.lem-aloa-klstfaec l-sscaelce-cam-u-seeu-ngWeaa-hukeaatceseustesyaawt-gc-ccwase-gee-s-gea-s
49、-agq-y-vec-ca-tak-ic- c .s- a-e g-v-tacectcg-a-cccvseclg-s-rlseu-eases-sc-ecgy-ggscg-t-g-gutas-gce-ci.cc-vsgue-acgygeess - gav-g_- c l p- a. nster-s -ngaeto e rchtea zec e s e - anc atc-tsa r a ai.os:wleelwrn-s heOc-e-se-ues-n-ate-ma-i-gaaaage-as-ssHauelea.e-su-g.leN-ee-es-arlgee -egee esea f-e asF-
50、geE-ers-elaeet-g-B-o3vet-sl-sewaaaee-0-s ls-dsoo-l-ce-aeNrl-njua-ae-a e -pa.t-ee-定期组织员工查找不安全隐患,并及时采取相应的防范措施;若有人员伤亡,及时采取现场初级救护,必要时,及时送往医院抢救;保护好现场,及时上报上级有关领导;及时找出危险源,并采取相应措施;配合上级领导小组处理现场,提供有利证据;清理事故现场,采取防范措施,及时恢复生产;加强对职工的安全教育,实行“四不放过”。7、环境污染事故定期组织员工查找不安全隐患,并及时采取相应的防范措施;保护好现场,防止污染源扩大,及时上报上级有关领导;及时找出危险源
51、,并采取相应措施;配合上级领导小组处理现场,提供有利证据;清理事故现场,采取防范措施,及时恢复正常环境;加强对职工的安全教育,实行“四不放过”。8、高空坠落事故定期组织员工查找不安全隐患,并及时采取相应的防范措施;若有人员伤亡,及时采取现场初级救护,必要时,及时送往医院抢救;保护好现场,及时上报上级有关领导;及时找出危险源,并采取相应措施;配合上级领导小组处理现场,提供有利证据;poluina ccidetEnt-rie ittg- t ac zeoca-s of viain, . a ci dets z-. Q gas:8poluina ccidetEnt-rie ittg- t ac ze
52、oca-s of viain, . a ci dets z-. Q gas:8marketing S inter n- g - ”., a - - - cea -, eecrciy -pply s g ua-nt- d. I ay h cal ive nty, getrewads of -gove to .6 m. on kW. Thr ouggt he ma ad biatea trade a toeecri ciy 1615 b.nkW, - eking removal cm pe_in-We Ie powe 50 mil in ki t, 111% make Sae i n J-g su
53、 Pr ov- ranked fist ithe sme caacy t he sme y o-y ta cked c-li nkage polce s onJuy 1 and - r-e ctiv- ice- pri - 208 miutes a nd 25 point s prof. b bc d sg mc.tl y * . Jb gradng, r_ u.e-n of a bour agreement cntrct w okes a on , skuabg t he et I Furt I- ss ma nage met. Ful a ppr_al r.gU.1 on* .cent-
54、.一t C.mp.e the e e - dde一 .ona.se 0prmay e- caddes a cnday r_e-e ca drs. .p_e nt id_J. n gang sys-,4 sal .on. tchni -lea -s, see ctd cove_ 913 fac orye- profes es nesal sistasaltchni c-sLaor cnt - t aw cm .e contrcs ,I 01%.arte. vanebut he. oldig on ade,ede nt C.mms.n a - i ns c.uin, ccaeandpscolgi
55、-l cunnelng feer prie -.re wetepri - 3e s Companes -he .f crporae -.re _l u. of eto s-y - a -,re of dcuue, cs cuutuueculuue sse m as_e_ trough vai .us _lual bu_e ss cente, ti s - g- is:10poluina -id”Ent. if- t aC zeo ca-s of ina . Qu- g- is:10HSE作业指导B根据情况打急救电话或就近送医院对故障设备、管线泄露物进行抢险抢修2)应急通讯为了保证紧急情况下的通
56、讯畅通, 项目组成立应急小组,并编制 应急联络电话。项目组应急电话表人员职务办公电话手机备注杜建同组长荆琪副组长杨春雷组员(员工代表)项目部应急电话冀东油田医院0315-河北省唐海县新 城人街唐海县人民医院0315-河北省唐海县唐 海镇迎宾路3号唐山市人民医院0315-唐山市路南区胜 利路65号高尚堡消防队值班电话队长黑沿子消防队值班电话队长唐海消防队值班电话119Enmr ts .ga.t e rchyve zec e s e i anc .人员职务办公电话手机备注队长唐海交通队值班电话事故科(122)五、常用工(机)具安全使用规程管理内容意事项工具应保持清洁、整齐,用完后应擦净放回原处。有
57、木把的工具使用前, 要检查木把柄装置是否牢固。电动手工具应经常检查,防止漏电、使用前拉线应注意,勿放在尖楞的 工件上和通道上,防止磨断电线或车轧、绊人,用完后不得用力拉扯下电源插头。1. 3手提电钻,砂轮机应禁止在易燃易爆环境中使用,工作负载持续率为 40%,工作周期为10分钟,机件升温异常,应停机冷却。用操作1起子:使用时起子必须适合螺钉的槽口,以防滑脱,用于电气时应装有 绝缘把,用力时不要对着自己和别人,以防滑脱伤人。2扳手:a)选择适当螺丝尺寸的扳手,活动扳手调整好开口。扳手要搭平卡紧螺丝 后,向扳手方向用力,防止滑脱伤人,两人上下同时工作时,勿使工具掉下伤人cb)使用电动或气动扳手时,
58、或用加力管加力扳手,必需符合螺丝的扭力、 防止扭断螺丝。c)重要部位的螺丝应使用扭力扳手,按规定扭紧螺丝。3手锤:a)手锤把柄,必需装紧牢固,防止脱柄,锤面保持光滑清洁免崩伤。b)使用手锤、扁铲铲工件时,要戴上眼镜,应注视工件。打锤要稳。落锤 要准,两人工作,要协调配合以防打伤或铲下的铁渣飞溅伤人。不准锤击扁黎, 折装螺丝。c)锤打精密零件和有色金属、应用铜锤、或在式件上垫有铜棒或木板,方 可击打。HSE作业折7/ u.y.ia tri atearlas-te-eegaae- -e act c c” as. r c t - .*ayau-eiemekStfratg - - escrrrse-a
59、sf- se se - e.Fu.erecacse-emlyesecaluevidesl-r.lades-s-ate98%toa.一kyamipgescasa-veee-r-.-lgr l d el. - 6ylem tocssafga-emair.- Igt l stut.-e.e-ggaeae.lem-aloa-aec l-sscaelce-cam-u t see u-ng We aateaatceseustesyaawt-gctccwase-gee-s-gea-s-agq-y-vec-ca-tak -ict c .s- a-e g-v-tacectcg-a-cccvseclg-s-rls
60、eu-eases-sc-ecgy-ggsct-a-g-t-g-gutas-gceftclgcc-vsgue-acgygeessRs -ds- gc_- c l p- a. nsterrs -ngaeto e rch zec e s e - anc atc-tsa r a ai.os:wH_ l w _-s n-_- t he-Oc-e -se -jes-n-ate-ma-i-gaaaage-as-ssHauelea.e-su-g.leN-ee-est-arlgee-egrersraf-rrasF-geE-ers-telaeet-gb-o-vet-sl-sewaaaee-0-s ls-dsoo-
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