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1、 Unit2 How do you come to school?Story time Daisy1Hows your winter holiday? 节日My winter holiday is colorful/ I play/ visit/ buy/ go 2Lets enjoy a song!3Listen and guess what transportation it is.a taxia traina planea ship听一听是什么交通工具4on footI come to school on foot.How do you come to school?5by bikeSo

2、metimes I come to school by bike.6by metroby busby taxiI come to school by bus.注意by和交通工具之间没有the/a7by planeby shipby car by train8A: How do you come to school? 如何B: I come to school. by plane by ship by metro by train by bus by bike on footAsk and answer.9Who are they?Look and guess.2. Guess: How do

3、they come to school? 猜猜他们如何去学校。 Im I come to school by bus/taxi/car/metro.10Watch and match.How do they come to school?11How does Yang Ling come to school? How does he/she come to school?He/she comes to school_ Yang Ling comes to school on foot. Work in pairs and check the answers. 小组合作核对答案。12Read a

4、nd circle.自读课文,圈画出关键词。远离13near 靠近far from 远离14Yang Ling: Do you like your new home, Su Hai?Su Hai: Yes! Its very big. I like it very much, but its far from school.Yang Ling: Where do you live now?Su Hai: I live on Moon Street, near City Library.Yang Ling: How do you come to school?Su Hai: Su Yang an

5、d I come to school by bus.Listen and repeat.15Mike: Where do you live, Yang Ling? How do you come to school?Yang Ling: I live near school. I come to school on foot. Where do you live?Mike: I live in Sunshine Town. I come to school by metro. What about you, Liu Tao?Liu Tao: I live on Park Street. I come to school by taxi. My father is a taxi driver.Listen and repeat.16 以两人为一组,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。Read after one(跟一个学生读)1Read together(齐读)3Read in roles(分角色读)2. .17Role reading(分角色朗读)18Su Hai livesschool, she lives,she comes to schoolYang Ling liv


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