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1、xinjiangLocated in the xinjiang uygur autonomous region, is located in Chinas central Eurasia northwest border, 166.49 square kilometers, the total area of Chinas total land, and one sixth of the surrounding with Russia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, Pakistan, Mongolia, India, Afghanistan and

2、eight countries bordering; Land over 5600 kilometers, accounting for Chinas land border in the quarter, is Chinas largest area, the land the longest boundary, neighboring countries most populous provincesDressFeatures: loose style, color contrast. Women like to dress, clothing is generally used in t

3、he famous Ed Rees silk. Male robe called Qiapan.eatXinjiang is the famous melons and fruits, variety, good quality.eatXinjiang mainly eat beef, lamb.新疆独特的面食-馕Nang contains moisture less, long store not bad, easy to carry, suitable for xinjiang dry climate, Together with KaoNang well-produced, dainty

4、 materials, tastes fragrant crisp delicious and nutritious。Uygur people seldom lost, because of the stomach Nang often eat 馕含水分少,久储不坏,便于携带,适宜于新疆干燥的气候;加之烤馕制作精细,用料讲究,吃起来香酥可口,富有营养。维族人很少有得胃病的,就是因为常吃馕。liveXinjiang housing colour is gorgeous, give priority to with Europe type style, colour diversity. Xinj

5、iang subashi新疆火焰山Located in turpan basin, xinjiang subashi graced. Ancient book called ChiShi mountain, Uighur says grams kirgiz le tower case (meaning is hongshan), by red sandstone constitute, from the main shanshan county, west to Abram shahe turpan peach son ditch, forming a red dragon, east-wes

6、t direction, and lies in turpan basin, the span 98 kilometers wide 9 km north and south. Average height 500 meters around the peak in shanshan county vomit yuzi near 831.7 meters, altitude ditch.火焰山位于新疆吐鲁番盆地的北缘。古书称之为“赤石山”,维吾尔语称“克孜勒塔格”意为红山,由红色砂岩构成,东起鄯善县兰干流沙河,西至吐鲁番桃儿沟,形成一条赤色巨龙,东西走向,横卧于吐鲁番盆地中,全长98公里,南北

7、宽9公里。一般高度500米左右,最高峰在鄯善县吐峪沟附近,海拔831.7米。 travel火焰山the Mountain of Flames吐鲁番火焰山是全国最热的地方,夏季最高气温高达摄氏47.8度,地表最高温度高达摄氏70度以上,沙窝里可烤熟鸡蛋。Turpan volcano is the hottest place across the country, the highest temperature in summer is as high as 47.8 degrees Celsius, the highest surface temperature as high as 70 de

8、grees Celsius above, ShaWo can be cooked in the egg.伊犁哈萨克自治州 赛里木湖 Sayram Lake赛里木湖(Sayram Lake)古称净海,位于中国新疆博尔塔拉州博乐市境内的北天山山脉中,紧邻伊犁州霍城县,是一个风光秀丽的高山湖泊。湖面海拔2071.9米,东西长30公里,南北宽25公里,面积453平方公里平均水深46.4米,最深处达106米,蓄水量达210亿立方米。昭苏ZHAOSUZhaosu Wusun an ancient country, leaving many vicissitudes monuments.Zhaosu due

9、 to production, Tang Kunlun, calendar west pole Pegasus, in 2003 was named the Ministry of Agriculture as China Tianma town, is the birthplace of Xinjiang Wusun culture, natural resources and tourism resources are very rich. Historic Changes legacy of grassland Shiren, princess Han Dynasty Xijun cem

10、etery, Sciatta tombs, Gordon Hill record merit monument, the largest Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Xinjiang - Divine Temple relics; Sciatta deer park, summer tower Spa, Chur Cooley Texas shuiliandong, Zhaosu prairie and other natural landscape昭苏ZHAOSU昭苏县古属乌孙国,历经沧桑留下许多古迹。昭苏因出产腾昆仑,历西极的天马,2003年被国家农业部命名

11、为中国天马之乡,是新疆乌孙文化的发源地之一,自然资源和旅游资源都很丰富。有历史变迁遗留下来的草原石人、汉室细君公主墓园、夏塔古墓群、格登山记功碑、新疆最大的藏传佛教寺庙-圣佑庙等文物古迹;夏塔鹿苑、夏塔温泉、库尔库勒德克水帘洞、昭苏大草原等自然景观。汗血宝马Akhal-teke horses汗血宝马本名阿哈尔捷金马。它外表英俊神武,体型优美、轻快灵活,具有无穷的持久力和耐力,可以长距离的骑乘。因其奔跑时脖颈部位流出的汗中有红色物质,鲜红似血,故被称之为“汗血宝马”,在中国历史文献中,被称为“天马”和“大宛良马”在古代文学著作中,汗血宝马能够“日行千里,夜行八百”。一般来说,马的极速是每天150

12、公里左右,最多也不过200多公里。汗血宝马的最快速度记录为,84天跑完43000公里。 经测算,汗血宝马在平地上跑1000米仅需要1分07秒。Wuerhe demon city乌尔禾魔鬼城 Xinjiang windy, the wind has blown hard to imagine corrosion energy. Can the original flat ground blow into various peculiar cavitation erosion platform, wind erosion residual Cupid, wind erosion column, e

13、ven the wall, castle and attic, halls and pavilions shape of wind erosion and wonders that is demon city. In xinjiang, hami and shanshan, shows have demon city, and especially in kelamayis northern wuerhe demon citys most spectacular. Wuerhe demon city fangyuan dozens of miles. Here, the wind of the

14、 sculptor has level bedding sand mudstone stand into thin grotesque, odd shape. All kinds of overlapping overlap strewn at random, ZhiBiLinCi, some resembles a castle, and the gates thereof, and the wall, some resembles a castle in sung, some resembles a street, standing on high overview, like a bui

15、lding is exquisite and grand old city. City tangible, more invisible devil, this is wind. Here fengyun unpredicatable, whenever blustery, city, a chaos, inside and outside FeiShaZouShi castle inside and outside send all scary and shrill voice, gruesome, demon city therefore also reputation big noise

16、. Demon city not only have strange scenery, under it also flow of rich oil. City inside and outside drilling frame cloud-kissing, it has become a kelamayi oilfield component parts.Wuerhe demon city乌尔禾魔鬼城 新疆多风,大风具有难以想象的吹蚀能量。能把原先平坦的地面吹蚀成各种奇特的风蚀台、风蚀残丘、风蚀柱,甚至城墙、城堡以及阁楼、亭台状的风蚀奇观这就是魔鬼城。乌尔禾魔鬼城方圆数十公里。在这里,狂风这

17、位雕塑家把具有水平层理的沙泥岩雕凿成一个个奇形怪状、光怪陆离的模样。各式各样的峰峦重叠错落,栉比鳞次,有的像城堡、城门、城墙,有的像楼阁亭台,有的像街巷,站在高处纵览,就像一座建筑精巧而规模宏大的古老城市。城有形,更有无形的魔鬼,这就是风。这里风云变幻莫测,每当狂风大作,城内外飞沙走石,一片混沌,“城堡”内外发出各种可怕而凄厉的声音,令人毛骨悚然,“魔鬼城”因此也名声大噪。魔鬼城Ghost CityTIANCHI 天池Tianchi is a natural alpine lake, is a glacial lake. 1980 m above sea level, the deepest

18、water at up to 105 meters, an area of 4.9 square kilometers. According to legend, King Mu of the ancient myth of the West Queen Mother meeting place, which is also called Wonderland. 天池是一座高山天然湖泊,属冰碛堰塞湖。海拔米,最深水处达米,面积平方公里。相传为我国古代神话中穆天子会见西王母的地方,因而又名为“瑶池”。Tianshan snowdrop天山雪莲Tianshan mountain snow lotu

19、s, also known as the snow lotus, local uygur and called it the tower case in accordance with the force si. The compositae chicken grains, belong to the perennial herbs. It is xinjiang characteristic of exotic precious Chinese herbs, Growth YuTianShan mountains around an altitude of 4,000 meters abov

20、e the cliff steep cliffs, ice stains YanFeng discourse; There climate frigid waters, permanent snow dont turn, general plant cannot survive, and snow lotus but can dozens of degree below zero chill and thin air of oxygen environment resists snow, strong growth. This unique living habits and unique g

21、rowth environment make its days however rare, and contributed to its unique pharmacological functions and magical medicinal value, people in snow lotus as the king of 100 grass, medicine acura.Tianshan snowdrop天山雪莲天山雪莲,又名“雪荷花”,当地维吾尔语称其为“塔格依力斯”。属菊科凤毛菊,属多年生草本植物。它是新疆特有的珍奇名贵中草药;生长于天山山脉海拔4000米左右的悬崖陡壁之上、冰

22、渍岩缝之中;那里气候奇寒、终年积雪不化,一般植物根本无法生存,而雪莲却能在零下几十度的严寒中和空气稀薄的缺氧环境中傲霜斗雪、顽强生长。这种独有的生存习性和独特的生长环境使其天然而稀有,并造就了它独特的药理作用和神奇的药用价值,人们奉雪莲为“百草之王”、“药中极品”。 Kanas Lake喀纳斯Kanas Kanas Lake, national 5A-class tourist attractions, is the northern part of China Xinjiang Altay region Burqin County a famous freshwater lake, an a

23、rea of 45.75 square kilometers, an average depth of 120 meters, the deepest reaches 188.5 meters, water storage capacity of 5.38 billion cubic meters . A crescent shape, is presumed to be a strong movement of the ancient glaciers blocking water from the valley. Kanas Lake lake monster legend big red

24、fish haunt the alleged length can reach 10 meters, scientists have speculated that large freshwater carnivorous fish salmon Hucho, has not been supported by actual observation. Kanas Lake scenic, surrounded by lush forests, mainly residents of Tuva.Kanas Lake喀纳斯喀纳斯 Kanas Lake,国家5A级旅游景区,是中国新疆阿勒泰地区布尔津

25、县北部一著名淡水湖,面积45.75平方公里,平均水深120米,最深处达到188.5米,蓄水量达53.8亿立方米。外形呈月牙,被推测为古冰川强烈运动阻塞山谷积水而成。喀纳斯湖湖中传说有湖怪“大红鱼”出没,据称身长可达到10米,有科学家推测为大型淡水食肉鱼类哲罗鲑,未得到实际观测支持。喀纳斯湖风景优美,四周林木茂盛,主要居民为图瓦人。喀纳斯的秘密Kanas secretKanas Lake is located in northwestern Altai canyon, about 24 kilometers north of Hunan, east-west width of 2 km, a maximum depth of 188 meters, is Chinas deepest alpin


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