1、Unit 1: Business Letters学习目标了解商务信函的结构、格式、写作原则掌握商务信函的常用表达能够根据不同商务情境采用不同的格式撰写商务信函。ContentsSection 1: IntroductionSection 2 : The Structure of A Business Letter Section 3: The Formats of A Business LetterSection 4: Writing Principles of A Business LetterSection 1: Introduction 现代商务交流的主要方式及特征现代商务中信函交流的意
2、义Envelope Section 1: Introduction 现代商务交流的主要方式及特征 1. 信函 主要特点:意义重大、提升形象; 表达准确、格式规范; 最常用和最有效的方式之一。Section 1: Introduction 2. 电子邮件(E-mail) 特点:快捷便利、形式多样、成本低廉 3. 传真 (Fax) 特点:表达简单、内容清晰、快速便捷 现代商务交流的主要形式Section 1: Introduction 现代商务中信函交流的意义 1. 商务信函是国际商务交流的生命线 。 2. 随着国际互联网的普及以及企业应用信息技术水平的提高,E-mail, Fax是现代商务活动不
3、可分割的一部分。 3. 书面信函的正规与庄重任然使之成为现代国际商务交流之本。Section 2: The Structure of A Business Letter英语商务信函的基本结构:信头(Letterhead)日期(Date)封内地址(Inside Address)事由 (The subject heading)称呼(Salutation)信的正文(Body of the Letter)结尾敬语(Complimentary Close)签名(The Signature)附件(Enclosure )抄送 (Carbon Copy)Section 2: The Structure of
4、A Business Letter信头(Letterhead)内容:发信人的姓名、地址、邮编、电话号码、传真号码、电子邮件地址,有些甚至将注册商标和公司董事(监)事、总经理姓名等。位置:信纸首页的上方,可居中,也可齐头靠左对齐,或缩行靠右。目的:方便收件人了解信函来自何处,并为回复提供联系方式。 Section 2: The Structure of A Business Letter日期(Date) 1. 年份全写,不可省略。 2. 月份英语化,可缩写,不可用数字。 3. 日期可用阿拉伯数字,也可以用序数词。 通常是月/日/年或日/月/年。 例如:2nd October, 2010 Nove
5、mber 30th, 2010 月份和日期之间不需要任何标点符合,而 年份之前必须用逗号点开。 注意事项:信头可以用缩行式,每行向右至少让出2格或3格空位,也可以用齐头式,每行取齐。每行末用逗点,最后一行用句点,但也有人不用任何标点符号。门牌号与街名之间不用逗号点开,但城市名、国名之间必须用逗号。 P.O.Box 1752是Post Office Box 1752的缩写即第1752号信箱。 Section 2: The Structure of A Business Letter封内地址(Inside Address)收信人的姓名地址等一般列在信笺的左上方,在信头之下,沿左页边线写起。 对发信
6、人而言,发信时可与信封地址相互对照,避免地址差误,也便于发信后准确归档、日后查找。对收信人而言,在读信时,如果发现封内名称或地址与信封不符,则可知道是发信人放入信封时出错,需要将信返回;收信后如信封与信函分离,原信仍能保持完整,便于查阅。注意事项: 1.在公司名称的前面加 C/o(care of)意 思 是由其转交,说明本信是一封私人信件,必须由本人亲自拆封。 2.如果希望收信商号将信件迅速转交经办人处理,则可以在收信人名称住址下面或右边加Attention或Attention of 等字样 Section 2: The Structure of A Business Letter事由 (Th
7、e subject heading)即主题,直接说明来信的重点,让看信人一目了然来信的主要内容。事由可以是一句话或短语,要简明扼要。 Section 2: The Structure of A Business Letter称呼(Salutation) 称呼是写信人对收信人的称呼,其位置是在封内地址的下面空两行,与封内地址对齐。 常用的称呼: Dear Sirs (商业函件 ) Dear Sir (公事函件 ) Dear Mr. xxx, My Dear Mr. xxx (半公半私 ) 注意:称呼后面一般使用逗号(,)而不用冒号(:)或分号(;)。 Section 2: The Structu
8、re of A Business Letter信的正文(Body of the Letter)一般由以下几部分构成: 开头语(Opening Sentences) 具体内容(Details) 反馈 (Response/Action) 结尾语(Closing Sentences) 开头语(Opening Sentences) 开头语无统一格式。 a. 用客套语将对方来信的日期、编号、主题及主要内容加以概述,使对方一目了然来信是答复哪一封信件。 b.如果为首次通信,可以用开头语作必要的自我介绍,并表明来信目的或要求。 具体内容(Details) a.紧接开头语 b.根据中心思想分段落,每一中心思想
9、为一 段,眉目要清楚 c.文本很长,需两张或数张联页,应在承前页上端注明收信人名称、日期、页数,再继续打印正文。这是为了避免第一页、第二页和第三页在发信时误置。使用联页时不可用印有信头的信纸。 Page 3 the ABC Co., Ltd. Jan. 7, 2011 反馈 (Response/Action)预期的应答和可能的决定。 结尾语(Closing Sentences)总结本文所谈的事项,提示对收信人的要求。结尾语的位置在正文结束之后,另起一段。表达方法 :a.用分词短语开头 Looking forward to your early reply, we remainb. 用完整句子
10、We look forward to your shipping advice Section 2: The Structure of A Business Letter结尾敬语(Complimentary Close) 结束函件时的一种客套,应该与前面的称呼相 呼应。 e.g. Yours faithfully, Faithfully yours, Yours truly, Sincerely yours, 注意: 都是带-ly的副词,用Yours而不用Your Section 2: The Structure of A Business Letter签名(The Signature)在结尾
11、敬语的下面。手笔签字常常很潦草,可以打字注明。签名下面打印签名人的职位,如General manager(总经理)。 Section 2: The Structure of A Business Letter附件(Enclosure ) 信中有附件,应在左下角注明Encl. 或Enc., 例如:Encls: Price-list, payment termsEnc.: 2 Invoices Section 2: The Structure of A Business Letter抄送 (Carbon Copy)如果信件同时抄送其他人,可以用 C.C. (Carbon Copy)说明: 例如:C
12、.C. Manager Wang (此信同时抄送给王经理) Section 3: the Format of A Business Letter1. 信函格式2. 信封格式Section 3: the Format of A Business Letter1. 信函格式 (1) 缩行式(Indented Style) (2) 齐头式(Block Style) (3) 混合式(Semi-block style)缩行式 封内地址和其他需要分行的地方的后一行,都比前一行缩进2格或3格; 信的正文,每一段的开始的第一行都缩进若干格。 例如:Dear Sirs, Mr. James Green, pre
13、sident of our Corp. and Mr. Joseph Johnson, Marketing manager, would like to visit China to continue . Would you please let us know your opinion on this planned visit? If their visit is agreeable and is . Your early reply will be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Henry Smith 齐头式 齐头式,又叫平头式,是指每一行字(
14、包括日期、封内地址、事由和结尾敬语)都是从左边开始取齐。除了信头已经印制于公司专用信纸的中央顶端。目前,此格式因为方便打字而被普遍使用。Dear Sirs,We have made inquiry to the Liaison Office We are importers, packers and exporters of all We are interested to discuss with your Yours,为什么段与段之间要空一行 因为上一段的末尾恰恰是本行的末尾,则与下一段难以区分开来。隔行就会一目了然。? 混合式缩行式与齐头式的结合应用。信的正文部分采用平头式,写信人的地址
15、、日期、结尾敬语、签名采用缩行式。 M.D. Ewart & Co., Ltd., 36 Tower Street Toronto 4, Canada August 22, 2010 Our Ref.No.SWE/119Your Ref.No.M.306/0038China National Metals & Minerals Import & Export Corporation,P.O. Box No.65,Beijing, ChinaDear Sirs,Re: Heating SuppliesWe are wholesale distributors of plumbing and he
16、ating supplies and are interested in the products you show in the China Foreign Trade No.2 of 2010.We would like to hear from you with reference to importing merchandise from China. If we can work together to our mutual benefit, arrangements can be made for one of our representatives to make the tri
17、p to China and contact your office in person.We are here with enclosing our latest catalogue showing the items we carry at the present time.Please let us know whether you can manufacture items as per Canadian patterns.Kindly send us your complete catalogue and price list quoting the best discount fo
18、r quantity buying.Thanking you for your kind attention to the matter and trusting to hear from you in the near future.Yours truly,M.D. Ewart & Co., Ltd.(Signature)H. SmithManager三种方式的比较: 缩行式美观,但影响打字排版速度,齐头式 和混合式便于打字,又稍欠美观。现代商务信函追求便捷,人们更多倾向于齐头式或混合式。通过Fax和E-mail方式发送的商务交流函件,齐头式或改良混合式是首选。Section 3: the
19、Format of A Business Letter信封的格式: 姓名、通讯地址在信封的左上角,而收件人的姓名、地址等在信封的中间偏右下角。邮票在右上角。如果需要标注类似“密件”、“印刷品”等,可放在信封左下角位置 。Section 4:Writing Principles of A Business Letter 1.礼貌(Courtesy) 2. 完整(Completeness) 3.清楚(Clarity)4.简洁(Conciseness)5.具体(Concreteness)6.正确(Correctness) 礼貌(Courtesy)要用礼貌、客气的语言文字。在整个贸易磋商交流中尊重对方
20、的观点,为对方的处境考虑。当双方观点不一致时,首先要理解并尊重对方的观点,然后有礼貌地提出自己的观点和建议。避免用冒犯性的语言。 要站在对方的角度。完整(Completeness) 1.外贸信件要做到完整而有效(complete and effective) 2. 能很好地传达信息,表达观点。 3. 有助建立友善的贸易关系,达成“交易”。 完整性体现在两个方面: 其一是尽可能完整的表达信息 其二是尽量用完整的句式衡量一封信是否完整用5W:Who:买方或卖方What:买卖什么物品Where:货物发往何地When:何时发货Why:为何交易 清楚(Clarity) 1.尽量用简单、明了的语句来清晰地
21、表达信息。 2. 避免使用生硬、陌生、拗口的语句。 3. 用“我”或“我们”作主语。 简洁(Conciseness) 1. 尽量用简洁朴实的语言。 2. 要用常见的单词、避免生僻或者拼写复杂的单词。 3. 能用单词表达,就不要用词组。 4. 多用短句。 5. 在同一封信里,不要使用多个相同含义的单词。 具体(Concreteness)关键信息表述要具体、确定,避免含糊不清。 产品规格 信用证信息 交付时间数量多少优惠条款 正确(Correctness) 1.提供的事实、数据、语言陈述、商业术语 要正确无误。 2. 而且要做到无语法、拼写错误。 3. 写完之后,一定要检查。 注意事项: 1. 函
22、电的回复一定要及时。 2. 尽量使用标题来提醒。 3.每封信函尽量使用事由(The subject heading)或标题,以便引起对方的注意。 4.标题要切题、简洁。 Section 5: Some Useful Expressions Question: how to express the following sentences in English 特此奉告 惠请告知 兹确认我公司某月某日函 敬悉你公司某月某日来函 敬复你公司某月某日函 本公司深感遗憾,必须奉告 ?特此奉告:a. We are pleased to inform you thatb. We have pleasure
23、in informing you thatc. We have the pleasure of apprising you ofd. We take the liberty of announcing to you thate. Please allow us to call you attention to惠请告知:a. Please inform me that (of )b. I will thank you for your informing me that (of )c. I should be glad if you would inform me that (of )兹确认我公
24、司某月某日函:a. We confirm our letter of theof this monthb. We confirm our last letter of the 10th June敬悉你公司某月某日来函:a. We have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your esteemed favour of the 3rd Mayb. We are in receipt of your letter of the 7th Julyc. We have duly received your favour of the 5th Marchd. W
25、e thank you for your letter of the 5th May敬复你公司某月某日函:a. In reply to your letter of the 5th of May,I have to inform you that (of )b. We are in receipt of yours of the 15th May, we are pleased to state that.c. In reply, we would like to say 本讲知识要点总结商务信件的结构一般包括:信头(Head)、日期(Date)、信内地址(Inside Address)、称呼
26、(Salutation)、正文(Body)、结尾敬语(Complimentary Close)、签名(Signature)等七大部分。商务信件的格式分为缩行式:(Indented Style)、齐头式(Block Style )和混合式(Semi-block Style)。其中齐头式在目前商务信函来往中最常用。商务信件应遵循:礼貌(Courtesy)、体谅 (Consideration)、完整(Completeness)、清楚(Clarity)、简洁(Conciseness)、正确性(Correctness)原则。HomeworkExercises Previewing Questions T
27、hanks!Establishing Business RelationsUnit 2:学习目标 了解建立贸易关系的重要性、获取信息的途径; 握建立贸易关系信函的主要内容、写作方法和常用表达; 能够根据不同情境熟练撰写建立国际贸易关系的信函。本讲内容Section 1: IntroductionSection 2: Specimen LettersSection 3: Some Useful ExpressionsSection 1: Introduction 没有顾客就没有市场,没有市场就谈不上 贸易。需要通过各种途径对潜在客户的相关信息及需求进行全面了解和沟通 。 1.获取信息的途径有许多
28、 :报刊、电视、 网络等。 2.意义:维持和扩展业务活动的重要措施, 而顾客则是业务扩展的基础。 3.涉及到以下几方面的内容 : Section 1: Introduction a.介绍得知对方情况的途径; b.来函的意图; c.自己公司情况简介; d.提供资信人。 e.若意欲从对方进口货物,可要求对方寄目录、价目表、样品等; f.若意欲向对方介绍推销自己的产品,同样应寄去目录、价目表等资料。 g.最后,还应表示愿与对方相互合作、互惠互利之类的真诚愿望。Section 1: Introduction “CPSIR”原则: C = companys name P = product S = se
29、rvice I = information source R = recommendation (either the name of a company or a person) Section 2: Specimen Letters Letter 1: A letter written by an export asking for establishing business relation Dear Sirs, Having learnt your name and address through the Commercial Counsellors Office of our Emb
30、assy, we avail ourselves of this golden opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations with you. Section 2: Specimen Lettersavail ourselves of this golden opportunity 我们利用此次宝贵的机会 e.g. 如果你抓住这次机会,你就会获得成功 If you avail yourself of this golden opportunity, you will succeed.Sec
31、tion 2: Specimen LettersWe are a state-owned import and export textile company specializing in cotton products such as curtains, table cloth, and in the position to accept orders according to customers samples, specifying designs, specifications and packing requirements.We are also prepared to accep
32、t orders for goods with customers own trademarks or brand names.Section 2: Specimen Letters1. State-owned 国有的 Private-owned 私有的 Joint venture 合资企业2. be specialized in 专门经营于 e.g. Our company is specialized in iron and steel products.3. in a position to (=be able to ) 可以做 e.g. We are in a position to
33、offer prompt shipment.Section 2: Specimen Letters4. according to customers samples, specifying designs, specifications and packing requirements. 依据顾客的样品、专门的设计、具体规格和包装要求5. with customers own trademarks or brand names. 拥有自己的商标和品牌Section 2:Specimen LettersIn order to give a general idea of our various
34、cotton made products, we are airmailing you under separate cover a catalogue of our items. We shall be glad to send quotations and samples upon receipt of your concrete enquire.Looking forward to hearing from you!Yours faithfully, John Li Section 2: Specimen Lettersunder separate cover(=by separate
35、mail) 另函,另邮under plain cover (信件,包裹等) 没有注明寄发人姓名、地址及内容 e.g. The invoice will arrive here under separate cover. 发票将另邮到达。Section 2: Specimen Letters思考?信函一是一封典型的齐头式的信件。通过该例来了解齐头式的写法,注意格式的人性化。Section 2: Specimen LettersLetter 2: An export writes to a potential customer to express wish of cooperation Dear
36、 Sirs,We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselors office the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who has informed us that you are in the market for textiles.Section 2:Specimen Lettersowe(1) vt. a. 该把归功于,认为是靠的力量(后接介词to) We owe your name and address to. 承蒙告知你公司的名称和地址。b.欠(债等),该向支付 owe sb a large s
37、um = owe a large sum to sb 欠某人一大笔钱(2) vi. 欠款,欠钱They have paid up all that was owing. 他们已全部付清欠款。There is still a balance of $1 000 owing (to) our company. 仍欠我方余数1 000美元。Section 2: Specimen LettersCommercial Counselors office商务参赞处Embassy 大使馆Section 2: Specimen Lettersinform v. 通知,告诉,报告(1) inform sb. o
38、f sth. Please inform us of the sales situation on your products. 请告知我方,你方产品的销售情况。We shall inform you of the date of shipment, name of steamer. 我们会将装运日期和船名通知你方。(2) inform sb. that/what/whichWe wish to inform you that business has been done at 200 per metric ton. 我们已以每公吨200英镑的价格成交,特此告知。Please inform u
39、s what quantity you can purchase per year. 请告知每年可购买的数量。Section 2: Specimen Letters(3) Please be informed thatPlease be informed that we have already delivered the goods you ordered.兹通知你方,我方已将你方所订货物发出。(4) keep sb. informed of /that随时告知类似的, keep sb. advised of /that , keep sb. posted of /that We expec
40、t you will keep us informed the sales condition on your side. 我期望随时报道你方的销售情况。Section 2:Specimen Lettersmarket(1) n. 市场,销路 a. in the market for 要买We are in the market for silk. 我们要买丝绸。 b. come to (into) the market 上市We will keep in touch with you when the new model comes to the market. 只要 新品上市,我们就和你方
41、联系。 c. find a market 找销路We are trying to find a market for this project. 我们正在努力为此项计划找门路。Section 2: Specimen Letters d. good (poor, no) market 畅销(滞销,无销路)There is a good (a poor, no) market for these products. 这些商品畅销(滞销,无销路) e. in the market 要买或要卖Please tell us as soon as you are in the market. 一旦你方要买
42、(卖)时,请告知。(2) v. 销售,推销We will try to market this product at our end if you allow us a 25% commission. 如你方给佣金25,我方愿在我地设法推销这一商品。 Section 2:Specimen LettersWe avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you.We are a state-operated corporation. Handli
43、ng both the import and export of textiles. In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items suppliable at present.Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let us know. We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon r
44、eceipt of your detailed requirements. Section 2: Specimen Lettersapproach.(1) vt.a. 同接洽,同联系。We shall approach the department concerned on this matter. 我们将同有关部门联系此事。One of our clients approaches us with an order for 100 tons White Sugar. 我方一客户向我洽订100吨白糖。b. 接近,近似,向靠近As the manufacture of your order is
45、 approaching completion, you are requested to open your L/C without any further delay. 你方订货即将制造完毕,请立即开证。Section 2: Specimen Letters(2) vi. 临近,靠近,接近The date of delivery is approaching, but we have not yet received your L/C up to now. 交货日期日益逼近,而有关信用证至今仍未收到 Section 2: Specimen Lettersexport & import 既可
46、以做动词,也可以作名词,也是一对反义词,其变换方式也是一样的。 exporter importer 出口商/进口商 exportation importation 出口/进口其前缀也是相反的。ex out of exclude 把 排除在外im in include 把 包括在内Section 2: Specimen Lettersacquaint v. 使熟悉,使了解,使认识(1) acquaint sb with /of sth, acquaint sb thatYou will have to acquaint us with your new friend. 你们必须让我们了解你的新朋
47、友。(2) be/get acquainted withWe are well acquainted with whom you are.我们很了解你是什么样的人。Section 2: Specimen Lettersline (1) n. a. 短函;行业;(一类)货色Just a line (a few lines) to inform you that we have today opened an L/C to cover our purchase of Surgical Instruments. 兹通知,我们所购买的外科医疗器械的信用证已于今日开出。Section 2:Specime
48、n Lettersb. along (on) these lines 关于这件事,用这种方式We will write to you again along (on) these line. 关于这件事我们将再给你写信。c. fall in line with 同意,符合We do not think we can fall in line with your views. 我们认为我们不能同意你的意见。d. in line (out of line) 相合(不相合)Your price is quite in line, but the time of shipment is too ext
49、ended. 你的价格尚可,但船期太迟。Section 2: Specimen Letterse. in line with 按照In line with faxes exchanged, we confirm having sold you the following. 按照往来函电,我们确认售给你们以下商品。on sound lines 用正确的方法on the wrong lines 用错误的方法(2) v. 安排(与副词up连用)We are trying to line up an offer for you and will cable you as soon as possibl
50、e. 我们正努力为你准备报盘,并将尽快去电。We may be able to line up 50 tons for you in the next few days. 几天后我们可能给你安排50吨货。 Section 2: Specimen LettersIn our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. It is our hope to promote, by joint efforts, both trad
51、e and friendship to our mutual advantage.We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon. Sincerely yours,(Signature)Encl.Section 2: Specimen Letterstrade.(1) n. 贸易,行业In recent days, there has been a slow down in our trade with you. 最近我方和你方的贸易有所减少。(2) v. 从事贸易,做生意,经营(和某人做贸易,后接介词with;经营某项商品后接介词in)We
52、do not trade with them. 我们不和他们进行贸易。They trade mainly in cotton piece goods. 他们主要经营棉布业。trade relations = trading relations = relations. Section 2:Specimen Letterslook forward to 期待(to是介词,后接名词或动名词)We are looking forward to your early reply. 盼早日回复。We look forward to receiving your early reply. 盼收到你们的早日
53、答复。Section 2: Specimen LettersLetter 3 Asking for the senders credit statusGentlemen:The under-mentioned company, of Lagos, Nigeria, has recently approached us, hoping to establish business relations with us and push the sale of Chinese Drawn Works in their country. West African Trading Co. Ltd. 221
54、, Lary Rd. Lagos, NigeriaWe would therefore greatly appreciate it if you could furnish us with the necessary information about the financial standing of the above firm.Section 2:Specimen LettersWe promise that any information you may give will be treated in absolute confidence. Yours faithfully, Jac
55、ky ChenSection 2: Specimen Lettersunder-mentioned company 下列所提及的公司above-mentioned goods 上述货物The under-mentioned company is reliable.下列提到的公司是可靠的。push the sale (= promote the sale) 促进销售This international conference not only pushes the sale, but also friendship.这次国际会议不仅促进了销售,也加强了友谊。appreciate v. 感激,理解W
56、e fully appreciate your anxiety that the shipment should be made as soon as possible. 我方完全理解你方急切希望货物尽早装运。Section 2: Specimen Lettersfurnish sb. with sth. (=supply/provide sb. with sth.)This company furnishes a variety of silk products.该公司提供各种各样的丝质产品。standing n. 状况,时期the credit standing 信用状况Owing to
57、the long-standing friendly business relations between us, we offer you the mostfavorable terms. 鉴于你我之间的长期友好关系,现提供给你最优惠的条 款。in absolute confidence (=absolutely confidential) 绝密The banks information offered to us will be kept in absolute confidence.银行提供给我方的信息将被视为绝密保存。 Section 2: Specimen LettersLetter
58、 4: A importer writes a letter to a potential exporterDear Sirs,The Bank of China in Chicago recommended your corporation as being interested in establishing business relations with Chinese corporation for the purpose of selling light industrial products of your country.We invite you to send us deta
59、ils and prices of your products, and we shall gladly study the sales possibilities in our market.We shall always be very happy to hear from you and will carefully consider any proposals likely to lead to business between us. Yours truly,(Signature)Section 2: Specimen Lettersrecommend (1) v. 推荐,劝告,建议
60、a. 可以有双宾语They request you to recommend them some material that suits the African market.他们请你方推荐一些适合非洲市场的商品。b. recommend可直接跟名词作为宾语。We strongly recommend concentration of offer. 我们极力建议集中报盘。c. recommend可跟动名词We recommend buying a small quantity for trial. 我们劝你买少量试用。Section 2: Specimen Letters d. recomme
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