



1、NOVATION AGREEMENT转让协议THIS NOVATION AGREEMENT is made on XX 2021.本转让协议于2021年XX订立。BETWEEN:各方:XXX, a citizen of the Peoples Republic of China (“PRC”)with ID number ; XXX,中华人民共和国(以下简称“中国”)公民,身份证号为123456789;YYY, a citizen of the PRC with ID number 123456789 (XXX and YYY hereinafter referred to as the “L

2、andlords);YYY,中国公民,身份证号为;(XXX和YYY以下合称为“出租方”);ABC Limited Foshan Representative Office (ABC 佛山代表处),a representative office established under the laws of the PRC having its registered office at XXX, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, PRC (the Original Tenant); and ABC佛山代表处,一家根据中华国法律成立的代表处,其注册地址为中 国广东省佛山

3、市XXX (以下简称“原承租方”);和DEF Furniture (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. (DEF 家具(东莞),a company established under the laws of the PRC having its principal office at XXX, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, PRC, (the New Tenant9).DEF家具(东莞),一家根据中国法律成立的公司,其注册地址为中国广 东省东莞市XXX (以下简称“新承租方” )oThe New Tenant, together with the L

4、andlords and the Original Tenant, collectively referred to as the “Parties.新承租方、出租方、原承租方以下合称为“各方”。WHEREAS:鉴于:Pursuant to a lease agreement (Original Lease Agreement5) dated December 1, 2015 and made between the Landlords and the Original Tenant, the Landlords have agreed to lease to the Original Ten

5、ant, and the Original Tenant has agreed to rent from the Landlords Unit X, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, PRC (Lease Properties)upon the terms and conditions set out therein; and根据出租方和原承租方于201X年12月1日签订的房产租赁协议(以下简称为 “原租赁协议”),出租方同意将位于中国广东省佛山市XX单元的房产(以下 简称为“租赁房产”)在约定的条款和条件出租给原承租方,原承租方同意承租 该租赁房产;以及The

6、 Parties have agreed to novate the Original Lease Agreement upon the terms and subject to the conditions set out herein to the effect that with effect on and from the day hereof, the Original Tenant shall be replaced as tenant under the Original Lease Agreement by the New Tenant.各方同意将原租赁协议按照本协议规定的条款

7、和条件进行转让,使得新承租方自 本协议签署之日起替代原承租方成为原租赁协议的承租方。NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows:现各方达成协议如下:Upon and with effect on and from the day hereof:自本协议签署之日起:the Original Tenant, the New Tenant and the Landlords hereby agree that the New Tenant shall be and is hereby substituted in place of the Original Tenant a

8、s a party to the Original Lease Agreement and that the Original Lease Agreement shall henceforth be construed and treated in all respects as if the New Tenant was named therein instead of the Original Tenant;原承租方、新承租方和出租方同意新承租方应替代原承租方成为原租赁协议 的一方,此后解释和履行原租赁协议时,应视同新承租方自始替代原承租 方;the New Tenant hereby a

9、grees with the Landlords that the New Tenant shall duly and punctually perform and discharge all liabilities and obligations whatsoever from time to time to be performed or discharged by them or by virtue of the Original Lease Agreement in all respects as if the New Tenant was named therein instead

10、of the Original Tenant;新承租方向出租方承诺,其将及时全面履行原租赁协议项下所有的义务与责 任,视同新承租方自始替代原承租方成为原租赁协议的一方。the Landlords hereby agree with the New Tenant that the Landlords shall be bound by the Original Lease Agreement in all respects as if the New Tenant was named therein instead of the Original Tenant; and出租方向新承租方承诺,其将

11、全面履行原租赁协议项下的所有义务与责任, 视同新承租方自始替代原承租方成为原租赁协议的一方;以及the Landlords and the Original Tenant hereby mutually release and discharge each other from all liabilities, obligations, claims and demands whatsoever touching or concerning the Original Lease Agreement.出租方和原承租方在此互相放弃主张或要求对方承当因原租赁协议产生的所 有责任和义务。Subject

12、 to this Novation Agreement, all other terms and conditions contained in the Original Lease Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and unchanged.根据本转让协议,原租赁协议所有其他的条款和条件均无变更,且继续有效。This Novation Agreement is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the PRC and any dis

13、putes hereunder shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with Article 13 of the Original Lease Agreement.本转让协议适用中国法律,并应按其进行解释。凡因本转让协议引起的任何争议 应根据原租赁协议第13条的规定提交仲裁解决。This Novation Agreement is written in English and Chinese. In the event of a discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.本转让协议以中英文书就。中英文版本如有出入,以中文版本为准。Below on this page is left blank intentionally.本页以下无正文IN WITNESS whereof the Parties have caused this Novation Agreement to be executed as


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