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1、2022-2023学年高考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1-We want someone to design the new art museum for me.-_ the young fell

2、ow have a try?AShallBMayCWillDNeed2 Dimash appeared on the stage of Singer 2017,his voice instantly won hearts of Chinese audience.AAs long as BAs soon as CNow that DEver since3According to the bank rules released recently, you have to pay a 25% _ on each cheque you cash.AadmissionBpensionCallowance

3、Dcommission4The room _ 10 metres across is large enough for a single man to live inAmeasuringBmeasuresCto be measuredDmeasured5The manager is trying to find a man to recommend how the job .Ais doneBbe doneCshould doneDto do6Most of the money for the reconstruction of the quake-stricken town has been

4、 allocated by the government, the rest _ from the coming charity concerts.Ato be collectedBhaving been collectedCbeing collectedDto have been collected7Dont to spring-clean the whole house just because my mother is coming theres no need to do that.AundertakeBattemptCbotherDhesitate8If I can help , I

5、 dont like working late into the night.AsoBthatCthemDit9Advertising often functions as an indicator for _ society considers to be socially acceptable and desirable at the time.AwhatBwhetherChowDwhich10You ought to have made an apology to Tom yesterday eveningYes, I know I _ _Aought to haveBhave toCs

6、houldDmust have11Do you know our town at all?Surely, this is the third time I _ here.Acame Bcome Chave come Dam coming12I didnt see your sister at the meeting. If she , she would have met my brother.Ahas comeBdid comeCcameDhad come13According to the companys rule, ones payment is _ the work done, no

7、t to the time spent doing it.Ain proportion toBin addition toCin contrast toDin regard to14I wanted to give you some bread, but _ was left.AneitherBnothingCnoneDno one15Did you meet Mr. Smith?Yes. When I arrived, he _ for New York to attend a press conference.Awas just leavingBjust leftCjust leavesD

8、had just left16Lucia impressed her peer students with her musical talent, as well as several foreign languages _.Aon her ownBunder her controlCin her chargeDat her command17People who drink and drive are _ danger both to themselves and to others. They are in _ danger of losing their lives.Athe; theB

9、a; aCa; /D/; /18-They are quiet, arent they?-yes. They are accustomed _at meals.Ato talkingBto not talkingCto not talkDto talk19The people in the village are so _ that they are willing to help every visitor.AoptimisticBenergeticCenthusiasticDambitious20-My computer doesnt work!-Robert is a computer

10、expert. How I wish he_ with me.AcameBhad comeCis comingDhas come第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)The Detroit Symphony Orchestra will be performing works by Georges Bizet Friday morning. You might enjoy classical music and like to attend the performance, but live far away from A

11、mericas Motor City.On Saturday. the GoGo group Curtis Johnson is performing at the Kennedy Center in Washington. DCIf you live overseas. going to that show is probably out of the question.But there is a solution! These and other concerts are available “live” on the Internet. You can hear them in rea

12、l time with an electronic device.Both performances will be available on the World Wide Web. They are part of a growing number of concerts broadcast on computers, tablets and smart phones. These digital concerts are known as live-streaming.Technology expert Michael Antonoff says better and less costl

13、y equipment is making it easier for performers and theaters to offer music “live”online. The quality of the sound and video pictures are improving all the time, he says. Those online concerts now have as many as 40, 000 viewers per show. People in 100 nations are watching. It is a huge part of our i

14、ncreasing global reach.For international performers, Kennedy Center officials see a jump in online viewership from the home countries of the performer. There is hometown pride when an artist is performing in one of Americas best-known concerts, says the Kennedy Centers Garth Ross. At a recent Kenned

15、y Center concert, a performer said he was so happy that his disabled mother back in California could watch his performance.It is not just music being streamed on the web. On December 10, the producer of musical “ Daddy Long legs” put the show on the web free of charge. It was the first live webcast

16、of a New York musical. Over 150, 000 peoplefrom 135 nations watched, producer Ken Davenport said. In other words, it would take his musical 2.7 years of sold-out performances to draw that many people.1、Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase “out of the question” in Paragraph 2?AImp

17、ossible.BEasy.CExciting.DConcerning.2、What results from the improvement of equipment?AThe equipment is becoming more expensive.BFew people like watching performances at spot.CPeople can watch digital concerts free of charge.DMore and more people enjoy the performances online.3、How do the internation

18、al artists feel about their performances?AProud.BAnxious.CRelaxed.DStressed.4、What is the best title for the text?AA Solution to Live Concert ProblemsBDetroit Symphony Orchestra PerformanceCAmerican Concerts Available WorldwideDDevelopment of Music Electronic Device22(8分)AD1: April Fools PartyOn Fri

19、day, April 1, Inner Affair goes back to the days of funk! Classes Tunes from the 1970s and 1980s by DJS Den & Sion.9p.m till late.Tickets: Free entrance for those in costume, otherwise 50 yuan(US$6)Time/date: 9 a.m, April ,1Place: Inner Affair, 1/F, Qiankun Dasha, 6 Sanlitun Xiliujie, Chaoyang Distr

20、ictTel: (412)396-6321 Fax:(412)396-6890AD2:Sailing Club;Our Young Sailors Course leads to the Stage 1 Sailing qualificationYou11 learn how to sail safely and the course also covers sailing theory and first aidHave fun with other course member afterwards in the clubroomThere are 10 weekly twohour les

21、sons(Tuesdays 6 pm8 pm).Opening Hours:Tuesdays:6:00 pm一8。00 pmPhone:(412)3966644 Fax:(412)3966644AD3:The “worst” partyOrganized by ozone productions, the party is set to be “the worst ever”, with the lamest music from the 1960s,1970s and 1980s. Special prizes will be awarded to the worst dressed or

22、for bad fashion sense.Tickets :Free entranceTime/date: 9 a.m, April ,1Place: Pula Pula, Tianze Lu, Oriental Seven Colors Plaza, Chaoyang DistrictTel:(412) 396-6785 Fax: (412)396-6243AD4:Riding School: You can start horse-riding at any ageChoose private or group lessons any weekday be 9 am and 8:30 p

23、m(3:30 pm on Saturdays)There are 10 kilometres of tracks and paths for leisurely rides across farmland and open countryYou will need a riding hatOpening Hours:Monday through Friday:9:00 am一8。30 pmPhone:(412)3966754 Fax:(412)3966752AD5:Diving Centre:Our experienced instructors offer one-month courses

24、 in deep-sea diving for beginnersThere are two evening lessons a week,in which you learn to breathe underwater and use the equipment safelyYou only need a swimming costume and towel. Reduced rates for couples.Opening Hours:Monday and Friday:6:30pm一8:30pmPhone:(412)3966312 Fax:(412)39667061、Which of

25、the following is NOT true according to ADI and AD3?AThe two parties will be held in the same day.BThe two parties will be held at the same time.CSome old music will be played at the parties.DThe entrance fees of the two parties will not be charged.2、If you want to experience a new activity in the co

26、untryside in the mornings,you may faxA(412)396-6312 B(412)396-6706C(412)396-6752 D(412)39668763、You want to do an activity one evening a week and get a certificate in the end,you can go toAAD4:Riding School: BAD5: Diving centerCAD2:Sailing Club DAD3:The “worst” party23(8分) Flowers make people happy.

27、 And while that might seem obvious, there hasnt been much research to prove the point until now.Some new studies by Rutgers University scientists support the idea strongly, and the experts go on to assume that flowers have flourished on this planet, with their beauty evolving in recent thousands of

28、years, partly because humans are so attached to them.In a test, bunches of flowers were sent by florists to 113 men and women in a retirement community. All 113 got flowers and a notebook, but some got them earlier and received a second bunch when the others got theirs. By now you can guess the outc

29、ome. The more flowers, the more smiles.The results of the studies got the scientists to thinking about how the flower industry of today has evolved into growing things that serve no other purpose than emotional (情感上的) satisfaction. Nature wont even pollinate (授粉) many of the domesticated flowers. Ju

30、st among roses, there are so many types created by humans that, clearly, flowers arent what they used to be. But its likely our collective hand has played a role longer than you might think.Geneticist (遗传学家) Terry McGuire suggests that natures prettier flowers got to survive and develop well because

31、 people didnt destroy them when they cleared for agriculture. Instead, they grew them and have been doing so for over 2,000 years. “Because theyre a source of pleasure, we take care of them. In that sense theyre like dogs. They are the pets of the plant world.” McGuire says.Here is one way that migh

32、t have worked:Many species of flowers that are now planted used to grow only when the ground was disturbed, McGuire explains. “As humans moved into agricultural settings, these flowers would have been weeds.” “These flowers might have been tolerated because of their beauty. The seeds would have been

33、 preserved and replanted. Over time, the best of these flowers might have been selected and the seeds more carefully preserved.”1、The underlined word “theirs” probably means _.AflowersBnotebooksCflowers and notebooksDa second bunch of flowers2、Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?AWe keep d

34、ogs because they make us happy.BPeople grow flowers for thousands of years.CThe more flowers people get, the happier they are.DPeople left all the flowers alive when clearing land.3、According to Terry McGuire, one possible way of flower evolution is _.a. the most beautiful flowers were chosenb. peop

35、le replanted the seeds of the flowersc. flowers were wild plants at the beginningd. people protected the prettier flowers while clearing landAc, d, b, a,Bc, b, d, aCc, d, a, bDc, b, a, d4、What is the best title of this passage?AMore Flowers, More SmilesBFlowers: Pets of Plant WorldCHumans Affection

36、& Flowers EvolutionDHumans Love Towards Flowers24(8分)The health of millions could be at risk because supplies of medicinal plants are being used up. These plants are used to make traditional medicine, including drugs to fight cancer. “The loss of medicinal plants is a quiet disaster,” says Sara Oldf

37、ield, secretary general of the NGO Botanic Gardens Conservation International.Most people worldwide rely on herbal (药草制的) medicines which are got mostly from wild plants. But some 15,000 of the 50,000 medicinal species are under threat of dying out, according to report from the international conserv

38、ation group Plantlife. Shortages have been reported in China, India, Kenya, Nepal, Tanzania and Uganda.Over-harvesting does the most harm, though pollution and competition from invasive species (入侵物种) and habitat destruction all contribute. Businessmen generally harvest medicinal plants, not caring

39、about sustainability (可持续性),” the Plantlife report says, “damage is serious partly because they have no idea about it, but it is mainly because such collection is unorganized”. Medicinal trees at risk include the Himalayan yew (紫衫) and the African cherry, which are used to treat some cancers.The sol

40、ution, says the reports author, Alan Hamilton, is to encourage local people to protect these plants. Ten projects studied by Plantlife in India, Pakistan, China, Nepal, Uganda and Kenya showed this method can succeed. In Uganda, the project has kept a sustainable supply of low-cost cancer treatments

41、, and in China a public-run medicinal plant project has been created for the first time.”“Improving health, earning an income and keeping cultural traditions are important in encouraging people to protect medicinal plants,” says Hamilton, “You have to pay attention to what people are interested in.”

42、Ghillean Prance, the former director of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew in London, agrees that medicinal plants are in need of protection. “Not nearly enough is being done,” he told New Scientist. “We are destroying the very plants that are of most use to us.”1、From the first two paragraphs, we can

43、 learn that _.Amillions of people are threatened with cancerBmost countries see a shortage of herbal medicinesCabout two thirds of medicinal species will disappearDa number of medicinal species are in danger of extinction2、The major factor that causes the decreasing of supplies of medicinal plants i

44、s _.Aover-harvesting Bhabitat destructionCpollution Dinvasive species3、The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refers to _.Apollution Bother species invasionCsustainability Dover-harvesting4、What can be inferred from the passage?AProtecting medicinal plants has a long way to go.BLocal people dont kn

45、ow how to protect medicinal plants.CGhillean Prance is optimistic about medicinal plants future.DChina has made great progress in protecting medicinal plants.25(10分) Americans are more stressed than ever, according to an American Psychological Association survey, and nearly one-third of the people s

46、ay stress impacts their physical or mental health. If you have any of these symptoms, your stress might be making you sick. Heres how to battle against them.If youve never suffered from headaches but suddenly your head is constantly striking, you might be too stressed. Stress releases chemicals that

47、 can cause changes to nerves and blood vessels(血管)in the brain, which brings on a headache. Stress can cause them or make them worse. Its also common for your muscles to tense up when youre stressed, which can also cause a headache.WHAT TO DO:If you dont want to take medicine, try spreading lavender

48、(薰衣草)oil on your temples(太阳穴)when a headache starts.Stress can make you mentally sick, too. Too much of the stress hormone cortisol(皮质醇)can make it harder to concentrate, causing memory problems as well as anxiety or depression says Dr. Levine.WHAT TO DO:Relax until you regain your concentration. Pr

49、actice closing your eyes and breathing in and out slowly, concentrating only on your breath.Losing a few strands of hair is normalold hair follicles(囊)are replaced by new ones over timebut stress can disturb that cycle.Significant stress pushes a large number of hair follicles into whats called a re

50、sting stage and then a few months later those hairs fall out, according to MayoClinic. org. Stress can also cause the bodys resistant system to attack your hair follicles, resulting in hair loss.WHAT TO DO:Be patient. Once your stress level returns to normal, your hair should start growing back.187、

51、If youre stressed, you might have one of the following symptoms EXCEPT that .Ayou keep getting headachesByou always have a coldCyour hair is falling outDyour brain feels confused1、Which of the following is suggested if your brain goes out of focus?ABreathing slowly with your eyes closed.BWaiting unt

52、il your brain returns to normal.CSpreading lavender oil on your temples.DRelaxing and attacking your brain softly.2、What will happen once we get over our stress according to the passage?AOur hair starts falling out and then grows back.BOur bodys resistant system attacks your hair follicles.COur hair

53、 starts growing again.DA serious headache starts.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分)完形填空阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。)I have forgotten the name of the old lady, who was a customer on my newspaper route. Yet it 1 in my memory that she t

54、aught me a lesson in _ 2 that I shall never forget.On a winter afternoon, a friend and I were _stones onto the roof of the old ladys house near her garden. The _was to observe how the stones changed to missiles(导弹) as they 3 to the roof s edge and fell into the yard like comets(彗星) falling from the

55、4 . I found myself a perfectly smooth rock and threw it. The stone was too 5 , however, so it slipped from my hand as I let it go and headed straight for a small 6 . At the sound of broken glass, we knew we were in 7 We ran faster than any of our stones flew off her roof.I was too 8 about getting ca

56、ught that first night to be 9 about the old lady with the broken window in winter. 10 , a few days later, when I was sure that I hadnt been discovered, I started to feel 11 for her trouble. She still greeted me with a smile each day when I gave her the newspaper, but I was no longer able to act 12 w

57、hen seeing her.I decided that I would save my paper delivery money, and in three weeks I had the seven dollars that I thought would 13 the cost of her window and sent it to her in an envelope.The next day, I 14 the old lady her paper. She thanked me for the paper and gave me a bag of biscuits she ha

58、d made herself. I thanked her and ate the biscuits 15 I continued my route.After several cookies, I felt an envelope and pulled it out of the 16 When I opened the envelope, I was 17 Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that 18 ,“Im proud of you.”1、AfailsBfadesCimpressesDremains2、Aforgivene




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