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2、道题都是给出一个描述情景的题干和一张真实语境的图片、表格、标识等信息,要求从三个选项中选取符合该情景的一个最佳答案;Part B部分则是给出一张真实语境的图片、表格、标识等信息和三个关于该信息的题干,形成3道题,每道题都要求从三个选项中选出符合题干的最佳答案。2)英语语言应用试题的能力要求 = 1 * GB3 具有根据图片和上下文提供的语境来确定选项的能力,主要考查考生阅读简短信息并加以逻辑判断的能力; = 2 * GB3 具有较强的快速阅读和通过关键词提取信息的理解能力,能根据图片和语境线索来完成任务; = 3 * GB3 具有根据语境和提供的图片、表格、背景信息等综合信息猜测大意的能力。2

3、. 对口高考英语语言应用的解题技巧1)抓住关键词、把握主要意思由于大多数选材来源于英语国家的语言素材,采用真实语境中的素材,可能在一个图片中出现很多地道但并不熟悉的生词。考生不要着急,仔细观察,从关键词寻找突破口。2)利用背景图片或场景,猜测主要意思从真实的图片中,可以先判断这是一个什么标识、软件、广告等语言材料,然后再通过这些提示猜测图片的主要意思。3)从题干的情景中,理解图片的主要意思大部分题干,都创设了一个真实的情景。通过读懂情景,选择正确的解决办法。4)注意真实语境中缩写的识别要注意积累和识别在真实语境中经常使用缩写形式,比如street,road,hours的缩写St,Ro,hrs等

4、。星期、月份、楼层等的缩写形式也要掌握。3. 对口高考英语语言应用的准备1)在日常生活中积累。在日常生活中注意收集各种含有英文的标识、广告、商品、应用、说明、图标等,既是对英语的学习,也是对英语的实用。2)教师可以根据大纲主题分类,给学生梳理常用的英文素材,在教学中活学活用。3)注意通过网络和境外旅游等收集真实材料。【例题详解】Part A例1:Mr. Smith is driving his car on the way home. When he sees the following sign, he has to _.A. slow downB. drive fastC. get off

5、 the car解析:答案为A。根据图标可知,这是此路段有学生出入的标志,应注意减速避让。例2:We can drink coffee _.A. in the afternoon B. any time a day C. at night解析:答案为B。根据上面的标志可知这里是全天开放,需注意hrs是hours的缩写。例3:The road is closed because of _.A. traffic jamB. high waterC. repairs解析:答案为B。通过图片和其中的文字提示可知这里是由于前方水位高涨而进行的道路封闭。例4:From the following ad w

6、e know that they are looking for _. A. horsesB. a friend with a horseC. a friend who loves horses解析:答案为C。通过图片中horse loving friend可知,这里要寻找的是一位爱马的朋友。例5:I am a package sorter. From the label I know that the goods are sent to _.A. New YorkB. Dayton, OhioC. Royal St.解析:答案为B。这是一个船运商标,从From,To可以判断运输的地址,商标显

7、示,货物的目的地是Dayton, Ohio。Part B例1: What is this? Its a _.A. bus ticketB. music ticketC. museum ticketWhat time does the show begin?A.7:00 in the morningB. Aug 21C. Fri. 7:00 P.M.How much is the ticket?A. $3.00B. $8.00C. $21解析:1. 答案为B。根据关键词Music Hall和BROADWAY(百老汇)推知选B。2. 答案为C。根据关键词FRI.7:00 P.M.或FRIDAY E

8、VENING7:00P.M.可知答案为C, 其中Fri是Friday的缩写。3. 答案为A。注意分清图中这几个数字的区别。8下面有SEAT,表明是座位号;21上面有AUG.,表明是日期;3.00前面有$美元标志,当然就是价格了。例2:Snoopy WorldGrown-up: $200Child: $100(over 10 persons20% off)Parking: car $50; motorcycle $20Opening hours: 9:00 am6:00 pm (closed on Tuesday)Mrs Green visited the Snoopy World with h

9、er 2 children. She paid _ for the tickets.A. $100B. $200C. $400The Greens couldnt go there on _.A. Tuesday B. ThursdayC. 9:00 am6:00 pmMrs Green drove her car to the Snoopy World. She should pay _ for the parking.A. $100B. $50C. $20解析:1. 答案为C。本题考查史努比乐园门票的信息。弄清成人票Grown-up: $200和儿童票Child: $100的票价后,这道题

10、就迎刃而解了。2. 答案为A。这里的关键在于读懂closed on Tuesday。3. 答案为B。抓住关键词Parking: car $50; motorcycle $20也就抓住了解题的关键。【自我检测】Part AAny vehicle cant _ at any time while passing by this area.A. drive fastB. drive slowlyC. stopThere are many ways to _ this box.A. do the bedB. reuseC. do arts The supermarket can be really c

11、rowded, because _.A. it is black FridayB. all the goods are on saleC. Christmas is comingWe cant buy tickets from the machine by _.A. cashB. credit cardsC. debit cardsParents favorite extracurricular courses for their kindergarten children is _.A. ArtB. MathC. EnglishWe go to Chennai Park from Thiru

12、mayilai by train. We have to transfer the line at _.A. ChepaukB. ParktownC. Chennai CentralLast month Mrs. Blare spent the most money on _.A. vegetablesB. bakeryC. dairyTo buy the movie tickets, we have to pay _.A. $1 booking fee for eachB. $9 for eachC. $17 for each_ cant turn right from 5 a.m. to

13、9 a.m. on weekdays.A. CarsB. BusesC. ResidentsWhen we saw the sign, we cant _.A. take a short cutB. drive safeC. enjoy hot coffeeMrs. Linda had ordered a lot of foods. She should spend _ on them.A.17.5 EURB.18.5 EURC.46.5 EURIf you want to buy some Longquan peaches, you should enter the _ in the sho

14、pping list. A. FruitB. VeggiesC. FrozenHe spent the most money in _.A. JuneB. JulyC. AugustThe lecture will be held _. A. at week 1B. on ThursdayC. at 12:30-13:20 on 22This is a(n) _.A. cartoon pictureB. advertisementC. text messageFrom the airport display, we know that _.A. all the flights are on t

15、ime except FI643B. there are 5 flights from TorontoC. the latest flight is the flight to Toronto at 10:56 p.m.We have _ science lesson(s) every day.A. oneB. twoC. noYou should enter the field from _.A. GENB. JRRC. ADMAccording to the sign, we know that _.A. it is a dangerous district because of the

16、bicycle turning leftB. we should be careful while turning leftC. we should not ride on this sideI want to buy some _ grapes. A. blueB. purpleC. redMobile calls _ as the column chart shows.A. are increasingB. are decreasingC. develop steadilyThe passenger will _.A. board the flight to Los Angeles at

17、8:30B. board the flight to New York City at 8:30C. board the flight to Los Angeles at 9:00 Whats the weather like in Rome on Friday? It is _.A. cloudyB. cloudy to sunnyC. windyMr. Wang will attend the G20 SUMMIT, he will be there at the first session of the conference at _. A. half past eightB. ten

18、twentyC. half pass two in the afternoonBe careful, you cant _. Heres the speed cameras.A. drive too fastB. drive slowlyC. turn rightThe passenger should check in at Boarding Gate _.A. AC 889B.37C. 27Mr. Wood will attend a business meeting in Guangzhou for 3 days. He should _.A. take an umbrellaB. we

19、ar a shirtC. wear an overcoatAmy had spent _ today.A. $544B. $399C. $469When you drive here, you can only _.A. go straightB. turn rightC. turn leftThis product comes with warranty for _.A. lifetimeB. 10 yearsC. periodsWe cant pay the tickets _.A. by credit cardsB. by PayPal onlineC. by cashI have _

20、lessons on Wednesday.A. yoga and danceB. yoga and designC. dance and drink _ has the most active social network users by Mar, 2013.A. QzoneB. FacebookC. LineThis football game will begin between _.A. Germany and Saudi ArabiaB. Germany and UkraineC. Saudi Arabia and UkraineWhich food cant I buy in th

21、is supermarket? _A. appleB. medicineC. breadThe customer paid _ in all in this shop.A. $12.15 B. $13.15C. $15.00From the ticket we know that _.A. it is a concert ticket in Symphony HallB. Bach & Telemann will show at the concertC. the seat is on the 12th floorIn this situation, you should care for y

22、our _.A. footB. faceC. handsYou _ pay money for the Wi-Fi here.A. have toB. needntC. mustIf I want to go to Africa, I should _.A. go leftB. turn rightC. go straightFor the Marist teams fans, it is _ on the game day.A. rainyB. sunnyC. drizzlyWhen you see this sign, you should care for your _.A. foodB

23、. waterC. vegetableWhen it is 3 p.m., you _ in the zone. A. should drive faster than 40 milesB. cannot drive faster than 40 milesC. must drive at the speed of over 40 milesWhen you cross this area, you should care for the _.A. rockB. bearC. storm When you drive through the zone at 4 pm on Tuesday, y

24、ou should _. drive less than 30 yards per hour go through at least 30 yards per hour not pass byThe destination of this plane is _.A. AmsterdamB. VancouverC. CanadaYou can get a half price if you buy the Mocha Light _ in Starbucks.A. only at 3-5 p.m. from May 7 to May 16B. at any time except 3-5 p.m

25、. from May 7 to May 16C. at any time besides 3-5 p.m. from May 7 to May 16Lily wants to buy the running shoes whose original price is $480. According to the advertisement, she should pay _. A. $480B. $288C. $192The name of the movie is _.A. Rileys 7th BirthdayB. The DawnsHouseC. FEBRUARY 1stAccordin

26、g to the advertisement, the brand of the car is _. A. HondaB. McDonaldsC. StarCashOnly _ passenger(s) can take the train by the ticket. A. oneB. twoC. threeOn Sunday, you should take _ when you get out.A. umbrellaB. sunglassesC. bootsIn the Northeast of Australia, you should _ if you go outside.A. t

27、ake an umbrellaB. wear sunglassesC. put on sunscreenIf we buy something on this website, we _ until May 29.A. need to pay for the shipmentB. have to pay for the shipmentC. should ship the goods by ourselvesThe color of the product is _.A. 41B. blackC. $40When you drive here, you should _.A. sing a s

28、ongB. sound your hornC. drive fastBe careful when you drive through the area, because _.A. the road is slippingB. there is a traffic accident aheadC. the camels cross the road sometimesWe are shopping in the gift shop. We _ inside.A. cant choose giftsB. can eat food C. cant take photosHow much is a

29、white basic T-shirt? Its _.A. $52B. $11.00C. $13.75Mary has _ English lessons a week.A. twoB. threeC. fourThis picture warns people not to _ when they drink beer.A. driveB. playC. buy a carThis ad means that you may get a _ if you drink the cola.A. prizeB. corkC. bottleThis phone doesnt have _functi

30、ons.A. online surfingB. locate a missing phoneC. fingerprint identification If you want to buy a ticket, you should log in_.A. NBAB. thunder.okcC. ticketmasterThis transportation tool is _.A. undergroundB. in the air C. on the waterThe passenger paid _.A. $70 with advanced reservationB. $70 without

31、any bookingC. another $70 except rail fareThis is a receipt from a _.A. parking lotB. bankC. shopIf you order a small cup and deluxe cookiewich, you have to pay _.A. $10.25B. $8.25C. $9.25You can look for _ by using the online search.A. picturesB. words meaningC. a dictionaryAlice is searching for s

32、omething on the website, the pop-up window reminds that she has to _ first before searching.apply for a membershipB. pay for the membershipC. do nothing for the membershipPart BThe ticket was for _.A. a fashion showB. a concertC. a birthday party_ will get this ticket.A. A person who likes drinkingB

33、. JennyC. Jennys friendsThe party was held on _.A. 29th SeptemberB. the Cocktail BarC. 30th SeptemberI want to buy a portable HDD, _ is bigger.A. Hitachi X-Drive 500GbB.1TB Western Digital HDDC. HP PC_ is cheapest as we can see from the ads above.A. 16MP HD webcamB. Wireless keyboardC. Mini USB dong

34、leFrom the ads above, _ is most expensive except HP PC.A. Hitachi X-Drive 500GbB.1TB Western Digital HDDC. blue ray combo driveYou can take No. 201 tube every _ minutes.A. 8B. 15C. 28You can take the next tube in _ minutes if you are in the station.A. 8B. 15C. 23You can take the tube at _ if you get

35、 the station in 1 hour.A. 10:56 PMB. 11:11 PMC. 11:26 PMIt is convenient to do list on a _ as the picture above shows.A. paperB. mobile phoneC. bulletinMr. Thomas paid cable bill on _.A. August 3B. August 4C. August 11There are _ titles to do in all on August 3.A. 3B. 2C. 1The destination of the DL1

36、813 is _.A. AtlantaB. HoustonC. New York The number of the flight to Miami is _.A. NW2836B. CO2569C. DL6110 The airline company of DL1813 is _.A. DeltaB. UnitedC. Continental For the two digital cameras above, _.A. Cannon PowerShot sells better than Kodak EasyshareB. Kodak Easyshare sells better than Cannon PowerShotC. Cannon PowerShot sells as well as Kodak EasyshareYou may pay _ more to buy a new PowerShot camera than buy an used one.A. $154B. $21C. $5From the picture, we know that _.A.


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