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1、国际建筑业管理体制和法制研究城市管理和发展Urban Managementand Development建筑业管理和发展Management and Developmentof Construction Industry建筑业的发展和对建筑业的管理Development and administration of construction industry投资效益的发挥Efficiency of investment项目建设的周期Cycle of construction project项目建设的质量Quality of construction products关系到Impact onCon

2、struction industry is the backbone of nation and urban economy建筑业是国民经济和城市经济的支柱产业总目录结束第三章第二章第一章2、国际建筑业管理体制、法制和机制2、 International Administration Systems of Construction Industry-organization system, law system and administration mechanism3、对我国建筑业管理改革的思考和建议3、 Proposals for Administration Reform of Chin

3、ese Construction Industry 1、研究的背景1、 Research Background1. 研究背景 1-3目录自1978年以来,我国建筑业实行了多项改革,制定了一系列新的法规和政策,推动了行业的发展,但是,该行业存在的问题还相当严重。Since1978,many reforms have taken place in Chinese Construction Industry. A series of new regulations and policies were enacted which promoted the development of this ind

4、ustry,but serious deficiency still exists even today.1、研究的背景1. Research Background当前,已暴露的、非常突出的矛盾是有些建筑产品的质量低下,近年来发生的重大质量事故已危及生产和国民生活的安全。At present, the most blatant problems exposed are the inferior quality of some construction products. Several severe accidents emerging in recent years have threate

5、ned the safety of production and peoples ordinary life.目录1.研究背景 2-3目录如何借鉴工业发达国家建筑业管理的成熟经验, 深化我国建筑业管理改革,使之逐渐与国际惯例接轨,适应当代国际建筑市场一体化发展的要求,已成当务之急。The urgent task now is how to borrow administration system for construction industry from successful experiences in developed countries to further construction

6、 industry reform in China. The ultimate goals of the reform are to make Chinese construction industry conform to international general rules and adapt to the integration of international construction market.1. 研究背景 3-3目录为我国建筑业管理制度的深化改革提供理论依据,同济大学建设监理研究所受建设部委托对美国、英国、德国、法国、日本、新加坡及香港特别行政区的建筑业管理的体制、法制和机

7、制进行了深入系统的研究分析。To assist the further reform of Chinese construction industry, the Research Institute of Project Administration and Management of Tongji University investigates and analyses administration systems of construction industry in British, France, Germany, Japan, Singapore, USA and Hong Kong

8、 thoroughly under the commission of the Ministry of Construction, Chinas.经国务院批准,建设部组织,由6个部委派代表组成的建筑市场管理考察代表团Approved by State Council, a delegation consisted of the representatives from 6 national ministries and committees was organized.时间:1999.5.31-1999.6.21Time :5.31.-6.21. 1999人数: 12人( 其中包括: 建设部、

9、经贸部、水利部、交通部、国家计委、国务院法制办)Members of the delegation:12 members from National Ministry of Construction, Economics & Trade, and communication, National Committee of Planning,and State Council Office of Legal Affairs.考察的国家:日本、德国、美国Countries visited:Japan, Germany, and U.S.A.访问的城市:东京、法兰克福、达姆斯塔特、波恩、科隆、柏林、华

10、盛顿、休斯顿、洛山矶9个城市Cities visited:9 cities : Tokyo, Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Bonn, Koeln, Berlin, Washington, Houston, and Los Angeles.访问的对象:政府、设计事务所、工程公司、咨询公司、大学、土地开发公司、学会和协会等23个单位Organizations visited:23 organizations: government bodies, design offices, contractors, consultants, universities, land develop

11、ers, and professional bodies.第二章目录第三章第一章结束2.1 国际建筑业管理体制2.1 Administration organization system of construction industry 2.2 建筑业管理法制2.2 Law systems in construction industry2.3 建筑业管理机制2.3 Mechanism of construction market;2、国际建筑业管理体制、法制和机制2、International Administration Systems of Construction Industry2.

12、 国际建筑业管理体制、法制和机制概述-体制目录政府建设主管部门对建筑业管理的任务与组织,Tasks and organization structures of government bodies in charge of construction industry建筑业管理体制是指建筑业的组织体系2.1 国际建筑业管理体制2.1 Administration organization system of construction industry 2. 国际建筑业管理体制、法制和机制概述-体制政府建设主管部门与建筑市场各主体方的关系,The relationship between the

13、government bodies and the organizations of construction industry以及建筑业各组成部分的组织。The organizations in construction industry政府建设主管部门对建筑市场的管理,Administration measures of government bodies in charge of construction market目录2. 国际建筑业管理体制、法制和机制概述-体制目录(1) 政府建设主管理部门对建筑业管理的任务(1) Tasks of government bodies in cha

14、rge of construction industry are:对建筑市场主体的管理The administration of organizations in construction market对建筑产品生产过程的管理The administration of production procedures of construction products对建筑市场交易的管理The administration of trade in construction markets(2) 政府建设主管理部门组织机构设置的发展趋势:(2) The trend of configuring gove

15、rnment bodies in charge of construction industry组建建筑、交通、环境一体化的政府建设主管部门 The government bodies will synthesize the administration of construction, communication and environment目录2. 国际建筑业管理体制、法制和机制概述-体制(3) 政府建设主管理部门与建筑市场各主体的关系:- 建筑市场各主体(除政府外)是独立的经济组织,与政府建设主管部门一般无行政隶属关系和经济利益关系- 各主体依法从事建筑产品的生产、经营及管理活动,-

16、政府建设主管部门依法对他们的建设行为进行监督管理,政府不干预企业的具体经营和生产活动。目录政府建设主管理部门与建筑市场各主体的关系(3) The relationship between the government bodies and the organizations in the construction industry- The main organizations in construction market(except for government bodies) are independent economic units which have no hierarchy o

17、r economic relationship with government bodies. - These organizations carry out the production, operation and management of construction products under the permission of laws. - Government bodies carry out the supervision and administration of the other organizations performance under the permission

18、 of laws too. Government bodies do not intervene the ordinary operation and production activities.目录2. 国际建筑业管理体制、法制和机制概述-体制目录(4) 政府建设主管理部门的管理方式:(4) Administration method of the government bodies :以依法管理为主,以政策引导、市场调节、行业自律及专业组织管理等为辅;Law system forms the basis for government administration. Guide of pol

19、icy, regulation of market mechanism, self-discipline and participation of professional bodies are the complementary measures.2. 国际建筑业管理体制、法制和机制概述-体制- 政府充分依靠专业人士组织实现对建筑产品生产过程的管理;- Professionals should support government bodies in administering the production procedure. - 重视发挥专业人士组织(学会)及行业协会在行业自律和建筑市场

20、管理中的重要作用。- Government bodies should pay enough attention to the role of professions in self-discipline, and regulation of construction market.目录2. 国际建筑业管理体制、法制和机制概述-法规目录建筑业管理法制是指建筑业管理的法律制度和法规体系等。Law system is consisted of the law, codes, regulations, and stipulations in construction industry.2.2 建筑业

21、管理法制2.2 Law system in construction industry2. 国际建筑业管理体制、法制和机制概述-法规法规体系Law system 法律、条例技术规范、标准细则Law and regulationsCodes, Standards and normsothers目录2. 国际建筑业管理体制、法制和机制概述-机制目录机制是指建筑市场的运行机制Market mechanism refers to how the construction market operates.2.3 建筑业管理机制2.3 Market Mechanism in Construction In

22、dustry2. 国际建筑业管理体制、法制和机制概述-机制市场主体各方之间的相互关系Relationship between organizations in construction market任务委托方式Purchase工程合同管理及风险管理Risk management and contract administration建筑产品生产的组织管理方式Organization model of production机制Market Mechanism2. 国际建筑业管理体制、法制和机制概述-机制建筑产品的质量及其控制Quality management of construction p

23、roduct建筑产品的投资/费用及其控制Cost control of construction product建筑生产和产品的安全Safety management建筑市场和建筑产品生产过程管理的信息系统Information system of construction market and production management第三章目录第二章第一章结束3.1关于我国政府建设主管部门的任务和组织3.1 Tasks and organization structure of the government bodies in charge of construction industry

24、 3.2 关于我国建筑业管理的法规3.2 Law system of Chinese construction industry3、对我国建筑业管理改革的思考和建议3、 Proposals for Reform of Chinese Construction Industry第三章目录3.3 关于我国建筑市场的运行机制3.3 Operation mechanism of Chinese construction market3.4 关于信息技术在我国建筑业管理中的应用3.4 Information Technology in Chinese construction industry.3.5

25、关于促进我国建筑业的市场化3.5 Fostering market mechanism in Chinese construction industry目录3、对跨入21世纪我国建筑业管理改革的几点思考和建议-关于我国政府建设主管部门目录(1)政府应树立为建筑业服务的指导思想(1) The guideline of the government body is to serve the entire construction industry3.1关于我国政府建设主管部门的任务和组织3.1Tasks and organization structure of the government bo

26、dies in charge of construction industry 3、对跨入21世纪我国建筑业管理改革的几点思考和建议-关于我国政府建设主管部门(2) 政府建设主管部门的首要任务是促进行业的整体发展(2) The predominant tasks of the government bodies are to improve the development of the entire construction industry(3) 政府工作的重点是立法和依据法律进行行业管理(3) The law system forms the basis of government adm

27、inistration目录3、对跨入21世纪我国建筑业管理改革的几点思考和建议-关于我国政府建设主管部门目录(5) 政府职能向民营机构转移是精简机构的有效方式(5) Out-sourcing the official tasks to the nonofficial bodies is a good way to slim the government body(4) 环境、交通、建筑的集成化管理是政府建设主管部门组织改革的方向(4) Integrated administration on environment, transportation, and construction is th

28、e trend of re-organization of government bodies(7) 开拓国际市场是政府的重要职责(7) To explore the international market is a very important task of the government body(6) 在公共工程管理中体现建设主管部门的核心地位(6) The government body is critical in implementing public works目录(8) 信息技术的应用是提高政府管理效率和管理透明度的重要手段(8) Information Technology

29、 will enhance the efficiency and improve the transparency of the government administration(9) 政府建设主管部门要加强对安全的管理(9) Safety management is a permanent task of the government body目录3、对跨入21世纪我国建筑业管理改革的几点思考和建议-关于我国建筑业管理法规目录3.2 关于我国建筑业管理的法规3.2 Law system of Chinese construction industry (1) 立法程序需要改进(1) Imp

30、rovement on legislation procedure should be made(2) 加强建筑法规的理论研究(2) Theoretical research on law should be furthered3、对跨入21世纪我国建筑业管理改革的几点思考和建议-关于我国建筑业管理法规(3) 发挥专业人士组织(学会)和行业协会在法规制定中作用(3) Professional organizations and associations should play a more active role in the legislation work(4) 培养建筑管理方面的专业法规

31、编制人员(4) Fostering experts in drafting out professional regulations of construction industry administration目录3、对跨入21世纪我国建筑业管理改革的几点思考和建议-关于我国建筑业管理法规(5) 定期进行建筑管理法规的修订(5) Laws and regulations in construction industry administration should be revised regularly.(6) 应由专业机构进行技术规范和标准的制定(6) Professional bodie

32、s should be in charge of code, technical standards and norms目录3、对跨入21世纪我国建筑业管理改革的几点思考和建议-关于我国建筑市场运行机制目录(1) 政府建设主管部门对建筑市场的管理(1) Government bodies administration of construction market(2) 对业主的管理(2) Administration & regulation of the owners3.3 关于我国建筑市场的运行机制3.3 Operation of the market mechanism of Chine

33、se construction industry3、对跨入21世纪我国建筑业管理改革的几点思考和建议-关于我国建筑市场运行机制(3) 对专业人士组织(学会)及行业协会的管理(3) Administration & regulation of the professional organizations(4) 对工程咨询单位的管理(4) Administration & regulation of the consultants目录3、对跨入21世纪我国建筑业管理改革的几点思考和建议-关于我国建筑市场运行机制目录(6) 工程咨询的委托(6) commission of consulting wo

34、rk(7) 施工任务的发包与承包(7) Bidding and tender(5) 对施工单位的管理(5) Administration & regulation of the contractors(8) 物资采购(8) Material and equipment procurement(9) 合同管理和风险管理(9) Contract administration and risk management(10)建筑产品的质量控制(10) Quality control of construction product.目录3、对跨入21世纪我国建筑业管理改革的几点思考和建议-关于我国建筑业管理的信息化目录最高建设主管部门的重视Recognition from the highest government body(1) 建立信息系统的组织保证(1) Organization precondition:3.4 关于信息技术在我国建筑业管理中的应用3.4 Information Technology in Chinese construction industry3、对跨入21世纪我国建筑业管理改革的几点思考和建议-关于我国建筑业管理的信息化建筑行业研究机构的参与Participation of research organizations in


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