



1、anel moderator:with the development of science and technology, the education requirement e higher and higher. Now , to meet the requirement of the industry, the education dividedo Liberal Arts, Science and Engineering. As we all know, East China university of science andtechnology is a famous Engine

2、ering university, so, you all study or work or recruit news here.Would you pleasel us what is the feature(s) of engineering universities in your mind?How should engineering students be preparedheir university education?Student:1 for me, I think as an engineering student, the most distinctive feature

3、s is there are toomany boys around me, this just for fun. Tol you the truth, I think the schoolwork is heavy andvery difficult to learn. And most of us may have a poor English for we may did not put our focuson English. Or some may be Only pay attention to study, dont care about any other things aro

4、und,and this may resulthey do not know the current event.2 About study, I think we should pay more attention to the practice of the theory, sot we canimmediay put ourselveso product upon we graduate from school. To myself, now, I amlearning programming language, such as C、C+、C#、JAVA and so on. Also,

5、 I think we shouldtake some project, so we can learn some working experience through the project.Professor : For our major is to cultivate students knowledge of the science and industry, so we Engineering university can transport to the society with the talents full of science knowledge and industry

6、 knowledge, so they can adapted themselves to the working environment more quickly. They might not be good at communication, but they all full of the diligence、 elligent andresponsibility characters.2 They should have a goodthrough practice, change the sped of the spelized courses knowledge, they al

7、so shouldlized knowledge to their own ability. At the same time oflearning ,they also should keep a good physical and psychological quality, so then can throwthemselveso work and study.Manger: As a manager, we would like to seek the engineering students, to be honest ,they arecapable, not complain,

8、full of pas, teamwork ability, punctuality and most important, they canadapted themselves to the work environment more quickly, and they can create more value. But now , the engineering university may be a little impetuous(浮躁), for some students cannotition themselves appropriay.2. We managrefer the

9、 students who not only full of spelized knowledge, but also have theeducation?shouldengineeringstudentsbepreparedintheiruniversityTopic: What is/are the feature(s) of engineering universities? Howentrise19 Roles: panel moderator; a professor; a student; a manager of anwork experience, at least the p

10、roject experience. I think they should pay more attention to thedevelopment trends of the modern industry, allow for their own profesal, learn the latest skills,so as to meet the requirements of modern entrises.panel moderator:As is known to all, now the number of college graduates increased year by

11、year, the university enrollment expaneventually lead to the employment premay lead to the quality of graduates decreased.tre bigger and bigger. Today, about this problem, weinvited an ECUST professor, an ECUST graduate student, and an ECUST principle (校长).1, What are studentshe university to learn?2

12、, What is the ultimate goal of university education?Principle:1, Profesal knowledge is important, but the more important is the ability of thought and theability to learn new things. With the radevelopment of contemporary science and technology,so proficient in old knowledge not good as have the abi

13、lity of learning new knowledge.2, In college, the most important thing is to lay a solid foundation, learn how to learn, the opportunity to cultivate independent thinking, the opportunity to leave the family to beindependent, and the opportunity to practice theersonal skills, which also is an opport

14、unityto focus on learning in life.( 在大学里,最重要的事情是打好基础、学习如何学习、培养独立思考学习、离开家庭独立的机会、练习与人相处的技巧,这也是人生一次专注学习的机会)Professor :1, As a college professor, I think the most important is the profesal knowledge. Studentsshould digested those knowledge and put themo practice.Learn how to learn; IndependentExpand one

15、s horizonpractice theersonal skills21. Roles: panel moderator; a parent;a university teacher;a sol scientistTopic: Many students and parents think going to university is the only way for high schoolgraduates. What is your opinion about it?panel moderator:As is known to all, now the number of college

16、 graduates increased year byyear, the university enrollment expanmay lead to the quality of graduates decreased.teventually lead to the employment prere bigger and bigger for colleges. Which caused athought-provoking debate, whether going to university is the only way for high school graduates.About

17、 this question, today, we inviteda parent, a university teacher and a sol scientist.Parent :20. Roles: panel moderator; a university principle; a professor; a graduate studentTopic: What are students in the university to learn? What is the ultimate goal of university education?As a rural students pa

18、rent, I think university is the only way for our rural students. Only acceptthe higher education, can widen their thoughts and. It is the only way to out of thecountryside, to see the big word outside. To go college, can give them a big change, though thecollege career, they cnow what want on earth,

19、 know how to learn, know what ability shouldbe own, eventually, they can give their descendant a better life and education.University teacher: Going to university is not the only way for high school graduates. Nowadays,it is wrongand their origt the more you learn, the better you will be. Every walk

20、 of life have its own talentsay be not all the same, some may be college students, some may be PHD, andsome may be not students at all, but they have the same feature, they can handle their job, and allof them make contributions all the time.Sol scientist:I am agree with the teachers option. Nowaday

21、s, every walk of life need different people, aslong as you have the ability, so you can find a job. All roads lead to Rome. So, you can read thehigher vocational college, Learn skills, or self-employed and so on. In a word, going to college isnot the only way to sucs. The university enrollment expan

22、has decrease the quality ofstudents, some studentshe ordinary colleges may do nove any advantages over those whohave the profesal education. There are many ways for talents to cultivation and grow, highereducation is one of the way, not the only way. Nowadays, the employment mechanism has beendevelo

23、ped from the past “academic diplomas only”o “ability”.22. Stress is everywhere in our everyday life. Can you list some of the important reasons of stressand ways to manage it?Please give details to illustrate your pos.panel moderator: As we all know, stress is everywhere in our daily life. Psycholog

24、ical prerein general come from three aspects: society, life and competition. Too much stress can damage ourhealth, and the prere of modern life , like air squeezing people all the time. There manydifferent reasons of stress, and different people may have different ways to handle pre this problem, to

25、day, we invited a student, a white-collar worker, a teacher.22Can you list some of the important reasons of stress and ways to manage it?re. AboutStudent: As an engineering masters, I think the most prere is from work and study course. In acertain extent, the academic achievements decided our gradua

26、tion and employmenthe future.Many school demand the masters to published prs, we start change our learning ms toadapted the new middle-night isemployment prestudy. Our learning strength is greatere ordinary.n ever, now, stay up lateore is the biggest prere of every masters, enrollment expanlead thep

27、rere bigger and bigger, entrise recruitment more and more emphasis on skills andexperience, academic diplomas is only a kind of reference. Which redu employment competition.Graduate student lifestyle monotonous, boring and busy.we mastersWays to manage: for me , I always releasing the prere through

28、sport, such as basketball,pang, boxing and so on. Always, I would like call some friends to have a drink, go tocinema. Or stay alone to listening music.white-collar worker: As a worker, we are probably dealing with ies such as work stress,finanl challenges, relationship problems or family discord. W

29、ork stress is the biggest stress,such as:“too many things to do in too short time”,“Forced ourselves to keep up with newtechnology or the development of this field”, whats more, Worry about the future of work orperformance is also a big stress. In order to be in an impregnableitionhe increasingly fi

30、ercecompetition, Well have to force yourself to keeplearning new skills, so as to adapt to the development of the society.Ways to manage: go to the gym. Regularly communicate with friends. More reasonably distributethe time of work and study. Keep a good se of mind. Change the way to work, sot we ca

31、ncontinued grownd increase in work.Teacher : Like the students, I have the course prere, I also have to published prs to get thees such asprofesal evaluation. Like the white-collar worker, Iprobably dealing with ifinanl challenges, relationship problems or family discord. We should finish our own ta

32、sk, butalso shoulder the sol responsibilities. The comprehensive quality of students is the assessmentof our one indicator, so when something happened, our prere wille bigger and bigger.Ways to manage: spend more time with my family,and pain with my family and my friends.Go shopl them my difficultie

33、s,share happinessmovie,ktv23.As a student, do you often feel stressed? What are the common warning signs andsymptoms (e.g. sweat, cry easily, feel hot, etc.)? Do you have any healthy ways to cope withstress?panel moderator: As we all know, stress is everywhere in our daily life. Psychological prerei

34、n general come from three aspects: society, life and competition. Too much stress can damage ourhealth, and the prethe enrollment expanre of modern life , like air squeezing people all the time. Now , because of(扩招) and the reform of education system, the students prere isbigger. They have been faced the Family prere, Entrance prere, employment prere and soon. About the students prestudent,re, today, we invited a master, a college student, a senior high schoolAs a student, do you often feel stressed ?What are the common warning signs and symptoms? Do you have any healthy w


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