已阅读5页,还剩22页未读 继续免费阅读




1、电力系统专业英语词汇表AAccide nt con diti on事故状态Accuracy class准确等级Active power有功功率Alarm sig nal告警信号Alkali ne battery碱性电池An alogy/digital模拟的/数学的An gle tower转角塔An gles保护角An ti-accide nt tech ni cal measure反事故技术措施An ti-explosi on membra ne防爆膜(隔板)An ti-pollutio n in sulator防污型绝缘子An ti-polluti on capability耐污秽能力Arc

2、 que nching coil消弧线圈Arrester避雷器Artificial grounding device人工接地装置Asymmetric/symmetric不对称/对称Asyn chro no us/s yn chr onous非同期的/异步的/同步的Automatic close-up device ofsta ndby supply备用电源自动投入装置Automatic safety device安全自动装置Auxiliary protecti on辅助保护BBack flashover反击Backup protecti on后备保护basic tariff基本电价Black

3、start-up黑启动Block闭锁Brake制动Breakdow n击穿Breaker malfu ncti on protecti on断路器失灵保护Bumpi ng颠簸Bun died con ductor分裂导线Bus(bar)母线Bus sectio nalizi ng breaker母线分段断路器Bus tie circuit breaker母线断路器Bypass旁路CCable电缆Capacita nee电容Capacitive电容性的Capacitor电容器Cen tral sig nal system中央信号系统Ceramic in sulator瓷质绝缘子Chan geab

4、le cost变动成本Changing over切换Chan ge-of-state状态改变Channel of high freque ncy carrier高频载波通道Charg ing and discharg ing充放电Chromatographic an alysis色谱分析Circuit breaker断路器Closed loop/ope n loop闭环,合环/开环Clos ing surge curre nt闭合冲击流Coat ing涂料Communi cati on通信Compact GIS switchgear紧凑型GIS开关Compact ness紧凑Compe nsa

5、ti on补偿Comp onent protecti on元件保护Compo und in sulator合成绝缘子Capacitive bush ings电容性套管Con ductive电导的Con tact触点Con tactor(断路器)触头Con trol with line selecti on选线控制Converting valve换流阀Converting tra nsformer换流变压器Conv ertor stati on换流站Coordin ator con trol system协调控制系统Corner tower转角塔Corona loss电晕损耗Creepage d

6、ista nee爬电距离Creepage tower跨越塔Curre nt-carryi ng con ductor载流导体DDaily load curve日负荷曲线Data acquisiti on unit数据米集单兀Data base数据库Data han dli ng and loggi ng数据处理与记录Data process ing un it数据处理单元De-e nergized tap cha nger无载分接开关Deformati on变形Delay protecti on延时段保护Delta conn ecti on/star conn ecti on三角形/星接连接D

7、iameter expa nded con ductor扩径导线Dielectric dissipation factor介质损耗因数Dielectric stre ngth绝缘强度Diesel engine gen erator柴油发电机Differe ntial curre nt quick trip protectio n差动电流速断断保护Differe ntial protecti on差动保护Directio n protecti on方向保护Directi on impeda nee relay方向阻抗继电器Discharge curre nt recorder放电电流计数器Dis

8、charge gap放电间隙Dispatcher调度员Dispatcher cen ter调度中心Disconnecting switch (disconnector)隔离开关Dista nee protecti on距离保护Distributed capacita nee分布电容Distribution station配电站District voltage regulatio n区域调压Disturba nee扰动Domestic loads民用负荷Double busbar双母线Double con figuratio n双重化配置Double umbrella in sulator双伞绝

9、缘子Drawer type switch cab inet抽屉式开关柜Dry type tran sformer干扰变压器Dyn amic steady动稳定Dyn amic/static动态/静态EElectricity price电价Electricity tariff电价费率Electromag netic field电磁场Electromag netic tran sie nt process电磁暂态过程Electrostatic shield静电屏Emerge ncy con diti on紧急状态Emerge ncy light ing事故照明End tower终端塔En vir

10、onment环境Equaliz ing ring均压环Error class误差等级Error correcti on ability纠错能力Excitatio n励磁Exter nal in sulati on外绝缘Exter nal malfu ncti on外部故障Extin guisher voltage灭弧电压False acti on误动False touchi ng误碰False tripp ing误跳Fault故障FFault oscilloscope故障示波器Fault preve nti on measure故障避免措施Fault tolera nt fun cti on容

11、错功能Feeder馈电线Final shield grounding末屏接地Fixed cost固定成本Floati ng charg ing浮充电Forced excitatio n强行励磁Forced oil circulati on air cooli ng强迫油循环风冷Forced oil circulation directed强迫油循环导向冷却cooli ngForced oil circulati on water强迫油循环水冷cooli ngForced oil cooli ng and forced aircooli ng强油强风冷却Fossil fuel矿物燃料Freque

12、 ncy deviati on频率偏差Freque ncy regulati on频率调整Fuse熔断器GGas chamber气隔室Gas relay气体继电器Gas-i nsulated substati on气体绝缘变电站Gas-sealed separatio n气密隔离Gen erati on dispatch con trol发电调度控制Gen erati on tariff上网电价Graded compe nsati on分级补偿Gree nhouse gases温室气体Ground sta nding pot type circuit breaker落地罐式段落器Groundi

13、ng接地Grounding device接地装置Grounding resista nee接地电阻Guideli ne导则HHardware硬件Harmo nic filter ing谐波滤波Heat stability热稳定性Hierarchical and district voltage regulation压分层分区调High-voltage switch cab inet咼压开关柜Hollow con ductor空芯导线Hydraulic operati ng mecha nism液压操动机构Hydro power水电IIce-covered regi ons覆冰地区Icing f

14、lashover覆冰闪络Impact clos ing test合闸冲击试验Impact force冲撞力Impeda nee阻抗Impulse voltage冲击电压In depe ndent pole operati on分相操作In ducta nee电感In ducti on motors异步(感应)电动机In ductive电感性的,感应的In ductor电感器In formati on receiver受信者Information source信息源In rush curre nt涌流In side area malfu ncti on区内故障In strume nt tran

15、sformer互感器In sulati ng resista nee绝缘电阻In sulati on绝缘In sulati on agi ng绝缘老化In sulati on coord in atio n绝缘配合Insulation monitoring device绝缘监察装置Insulation strings绝缘子串In sulator /con ductor绝缘子,绝缘体/导线,导体Integrated reclosing mode综合重合闸方式In terlock联锁n terface(硬件)接口,(软件)界面Internal in sulati on内绝缘In ter- netw

16、ork tariff互供电价Inv erter逆变器Iron core铁芯L(Lightning ) arrester避雷器Laggi ng phase operati on滞相运行Larger and smaller shed大小伞裙Lead-acid battery铅酸畜电池Leadi ng phase operati on进相运行Leakage泄露Leakage curre nt泄漏电流Light ning照明Light ningimpulsein sulati on雷电冲击绝缘水平Light ning overvoltage雷电过电压Light ning proof防雷Light ni

17、ngprotecti ongrounding防雷接地Light ning stroke雷击Light ning rod避雷针Lightning stroke outage rate雷击跳闸Line loss线损Line tran sformer group线路变压器组Lin ear/ non li near线性、非线性Li nk line联络线Load cutt ing off切负荷Local equilibrium就地平衡Local selective measure就地选测Logic comp onent逻辑兀件Longitudinal differential protecti on纵联

18、差动保护Longitudinal insulation纵向绝缘Loss of syn chr oni zati on失步Low battery voltage蓄电池欠电压Low-voltage distribution board低压配电屏Low-voltage lock ing低电压闭锁MMagn eticin ducti oninten sity磁感应强度Mai n in sulati on主绝缘Mai n n etwork frame主网架Malfu ncti on失灵Malfu ncti on log故障记录Manualoperat ingmecha nism手动操作机构Margin裕

19、度Maximummodeoperati on最大运行方式Meter panel仪表屏Maximum sen sitive an gle最大灵敏角Microcomputer-based protecti on微机保护Microcomputer type relayi ng微机型继电保护Microprocessor微处理器Mimic panel模拟屏Mixed in sulati on混合绝缘Monitoring and controlling system监控系统Monitoring and measuring with line选线检测selectio nMonitoring password

20、监护口令NNatural grounding device自然接地装置Natural power自然功率No-load空载Nonconven ti onalin strume nt非传统传感器tran sformersNon-all-phase cutoff非全相断开Non-full-phase operati on非全相运行Non-uni form/u niform不均匀/均匀Normal/ab no rmal正常/异常Normal operati on mode正常运行方式No-trouble trip无故障跳闸Nuclear fissi on en ergy核裂变能Nuclear pow

21、er核电OOff-li ne/on-li ne离线的/在线的Oil immersed tran sformer油浸变压器Oil level alarm protecti on油位报警保护Oil level gauge油位计Oil minimum circuit breaker少油断路器Oil pillow油枕On load tap cha nger有载分接开关Open delta开口三角形Operat ing mecha nism操动机构Operati ng speed运算速度Operatio n panel操作屏Operati on password操作口令Optical fiber com

22、 muni cati on光纤通信电路Origi nal data原始数据Oscillati on振荡Oscillati on-decoupli ng device振荡解列装置Outage停电/短电Outlet in termediate relay出口中间继电器Outside area fault区外故障Overexcitatio n过励磁Overvoltage过电压Overcurre nt protecti on过电流保护Overhaul period大修周期Overhead line架空线路Overload过负荷Over-temperature过热Packaged power distr

23、ibution equipme nt成套配电装置Parallel operati on并列运行Partial discharge局部放电Passive compe nsatio n equipme nt无源补偿设备Peak load regulati on峰负荷调节Peak value峰值Peterse n coil消弧线圈Phase相,相位Phase-to-phase short circuit fault相间电路故障Phasing verification核相Pla nt service power厂用电Pn eumatic operat ing mecha nism气动操作机构Pollu

24、tion flashover淫秽闪络Porcela in bush ing瓷套管Porcelai n colu mn type SF6 circuit breaker瓷柱式SF6断路器ositive /regative /zero seque nee正序/负序/零序Post-accide nt con diti on事故后状态Potential profile电位分布Potential transformer电压互感器Power an gle功率因素角Power com muni cati on电力通信Power distributi on配电Power factor功率因素Power flo

25、w distributio n潮流分布Power frequency electric field工频电场Power gen erati on发电Power griddispatchi ngautomati on电网调动自动化Power market电力市场Power n etwork电力网Power n etwork/power grid电网Power stati on发电站Power system电力系统Power tran sformati on变电Power tran smissi on输电Power utilizati on用电Power frequency following cu

26、rre nt工频续流Power line carrier电力线载波Pressure release protecti on压力释放保护Preve nt icing flashover防冰闪络Price of kWh电镀电价Primary circuit一次回路Primary equipme nt一次设备Primary relay ing主(继电)保护Primary widdi ng一次绕组program ming编程Protecti on class保护等级Protecti on grounding保护接地Protection setting保护整定Protective relay ing继电

27、保护Public power grid公用电网RRadio in terfere nee无线电干扰Rapid auto-reclosi ng快速自动重合闸Ratedvalue(voltage,curre nt,power,capacity)额定值(电压,电流,功率, 容量)Ratio differe ntial protecti on比率差动保护Reactive power无功功率Reactive power compe nsati on device无功补偿装置Reactive power optimiz ing con trol无功优化控制Reactive/voltage optimiza

28、ti on无功/电压优化Reactor电抗器Reactor in tertur n protect ion电抗器匝间保护Real-time实时Real-time regulati on实时调节Recovery repair恢复性检修Rectifier type protectire relayi ng流程型继电保护Regular in specti on定期检查Remote com muni cati on遥信Remote con trol遥控Remote load-reduct ion device远方减负荷装置Remote measureme nt遥测Remote regulati on遥

29、调Remote tripp ing protectio n远方跳闸保护Remote un it-off device远方切机装置Reset复归Residual charge残余电荷Resista nee电阻(R)Resistor电阻器Resonance谐振Rotary conden ser调相机SSaturati on饱和Scree n operati on lock ing屏蔽操作闭锁Sec on dary arc curre nt潜供电流Secon dary circuit二次回路Secon dary equipme nt二次设备Secti on alized sin gle(double

30、) busbar with bypass单(双)母线分段加旁路Selective con trol选控Self detect ion自检Self dia gno sis自诊断Self-excitati on自励磁Selling tariff销售电价Separate operati on分列运行Seque nce-of-eve nt record事件顺序记录Seque nce-of-eve nts事件顺序Serious accide nt重大事故Sett ing整定Sheath(电缆)护套Shield屏蔽Shieldi ng an gles保护角Short circuit/ope n circu

31、it短路/开始Shun t/series并联/串联Silico n carbide碳化硅Silico n con trolled rectifier晶闸管整流器Simulate仿真Simulati on panel模拟屏Sine wave distorti on rate正弦波畸变率Smoothi ng reactor滤波电抗器Software软件Software package软件包Soil resistivity土壤电阻率Sparkover火花放电Specific creepage dista nee爬电比距Spinning reserve capacity旋转备用电量Split con

32、ductors分裂导线Split-phase breaker malfu nctio n protecti on分列式断路器失灵保护Stability稳定,稳定性Stabilizer of power system电力系统稳疋器Stable operati on稳定运行Start mode起动方式Static compe nsati on静止补偿Statistical li ne loss统计线损Steep voltage陡波电压Step-up/step-dow n升压/降压(storage battery蓄电池Storage capacity存储容量Strai n tower耐张塔Stray

33、 loss杂散损耗Submari ne cable海底电缆Substatio n变电站Substation integrated automation变电站综合自动化Supply dema nd bala nee供需平衡Switch cab inet开关柜Switchboards配电屏Switchi ng投切Switchi ng overvoltage操作过电压Switch ing stati on开关站Symmetric short circuit对称短路电流Power electr onics电力电子TTap cha nger分接头开关Telec on trol equipme nt运动装

34、置Temperature rise升温Ten ti on tower耐张塔Termi nal block端子排Tertiary wi ndings第三绕组Thermal stability热稳定Three-w inding tran sformer三绕组变压器Thyristor晶闸管Topology拓扑Tran sie nt process暂态过程Tran smitter panel变送器柜Tran spositi on tower换位塔Trip跳闸Tri-umbrella type in sulator三伞型绝缘子Turn-to-tur n short circuit匝间短路Two part

35、 tariff两部制电价Two-wi nding tra nsformer双绕组变压器Uun atte nded substati on无人值班变电站Un bala need不平衡的VValve type arrestor阀型避雷器Vibratio n振动Voltage classes电压等级Voltage distributio n电压分布Voltage pivot point电压中枢点Voltage quality电压质量Voltage/reactivepowerautomati on con trol电压/无功功率自动控制WWater cooler水冷却器Water film水膜Weak

36、 electrificati on弱电化Wholesale tariff售电价Winding connection group of变压器绕组的接线组别the tran sformerWin di ng绕组Wire breakage locki ng断线闭锁Withsta nd耐受Work ing grounding工作接触ZZero value in sulator零值绝缘子Zinc oxide氧化锌3/2 circuit breaker conn ecti on3/2断路器接线或一个半断路器接线“ O clock ” expressi on of tran sformer wiri ng group变压器接线组别的“时钟表示法”6 degree principle of insulation life time绝缘寿命6 C法则10% error curve10%误差术语缩写:ACalter nati ng curre nt/diret curre nt交流/直流AGCautomatic gen erati on con trol自动发电控制ANaudible no ise可听噪声BILbasic impulse in sulati on level基本冲击绝缘水平CBcircuit breaker断路器GIGERConference


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