高考英语一轮 Unit 2 Poems指导活页作业 新人教版选修6_第1页
高考英语一轮 Unit 2 Poems指导活页作业 新人教版选修6_第2页
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高考英语一轮 Unit 2 Poems指导活页作业 新人教版选修6_第4页
高考英语一轮 Unit 2 Poems指导活页作业 新人教版选修6_第5页
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1、PAGE PAGE 9选修6 Unit 2 Poems一、单项填空1Xiamen is_most beautiful coastal city and I believe I will come for_second visit.Athe;aBa;aCthe;the Da;the解析:考查冠词用法。句意:厦门是一个很美丽的沿海城市,我想我还会再来的。第一个空形容词最高级前用不定冠词a表示“很,非常”;第二个空序数词前用不定冠词a表示“再一,又一”。答案:B2Moms gift?She _ have chosen a better one for me.She _ be very happy t

2、o know it.Ashould;must Bmight;wouldntCcouldnt;must Dmustnt;cant解析:考查情态动词表推测。第一个空couldnt.better“不可能再好了”;第二个空表示十分肯定的推测用must。答案:C3It is what you do rather than what you say _matters.Athat BwhatCwhich Dthis解析:考查强调句。强调主语部分。原句为:What you do rather than what you say matters.。答案:A4The soldiers soon reached _

3、 was once an old temple _ the villagers used as a school.Awhere;what Bwhat;whichCwhere;which Dwhat;where解析:第一个空what引导的名词性从句作reach的宾语,what表示地点,且在从句中作主语;第二个空which引导的定语从句修饰temple,which作use的宾语。答案:B5Are you glad that you came to Washington?Yes,indeed.I _ going to New York,but Ive never regretted my decis

4、ion.Aconsidered Bam consideringChad considered Dhave considered解析:考查动词的时态。由于动词consider发生在动词came之前,所以用过去完成时。答案:C6Do you mind my smoking here?_!ANo,thanks BNo.Good ideaCYes,please DYes.Better not解析:此处表示委婉的不同意。意思是“你最好不要抽”。(Youd better not smoke.)。另外表示不同意的用语有:No,I dont think so./ Im afraid not./ I dont

5、agree with you.等。答案:D7He is not a good student _,but he does well in maths.Aas such Bsuch asCso as Das so解析:as such是固定搭配“依其资格”。句意:按说他不是个好学生,但他数学很好。答案:A8_ by people who admire him made him proud,which could be seen from his satisfied facial expression.ASurrounded BSurroundingCHaving surrounded DBeing

6、 surrounded解析:考查非谓语动词的用法。being surrounded by people who admire him是ing短语作主语。答案:D9It is reported that four jewelry stores_in one night in that city.Awere held up Bwere broken upCwere called up Dwere made up解析:考查动词短语辨析。hold up此处表示“抢劫”。句意:据说那个城市在同一个晚上有四家银行遭抢劫。答案:A 10The wet weather will continue tomorr

7、ow when a cold front _ to arrive.Ais expected Bis expectingCexpects Dwill be expected解析:动词expect与其逻辑主语之间是被动关系,在时间状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来。答案:A11She didnt find it any use _ together with him.Ato live BlivingClive Dlived解析:句中的it是形式主语,any use是宾语补足语,又由于it is no use doing是固定句型,因此选用ing形式,作真正的宾语。答案:B12This photo of

8、 mine was taken _ stood the famous high tower.Awhich Bin whichCwhere Dthere解析:where引导的从句在句中作地点状语,并且where在状语从句的句首引起倒装。答案:C13She was upset,for at that time,it was _ her why her parents got divorced.Aover BbeyondCbeneath Daround解析:考查介词。be beyond sb.“对某人来说难以理解或想象”。句意:她很烦恼,因为当时她很难理解她父母为什么离婚。答案:B14The mom

9、ent they heard the news of the mudrock flow,the armed police began to _ the work of rescuing those who were trapped in the buildings.Aset about Bset asideCset down Dset off解析:考查动词短语辨析。set about“开始,着手做”符合语境。set aside“把放置一边,不理会”;set down“放下”;set off“出发,引爆,引起”。句意:武警一听到泥石流的消息就开始营救那些被困在建筑物里的人。答案:A15We mu

10、st find a dictionary._ will do.ASome BAnyCEvery DEach解析:any表示“任何”一本都行。句意:我们必须找到一本词典,任何一本都行。答案:B二、完形填空I had a bad experience that happened last year.My wife and I_1_a landscape design company to plant grass and flowers and put in a stone walkway in our backyard.After they did the work,my wife looked

11、over the_2_and realized they had charged us a lot of money for plants that were_3_planted.When we brought the_4_up to the owners of the company,the first thing 1A.ordered BpermittedCbegged Dhired解析:根据后文提到的纠纷可知,作者和妻子雇用了一家公司。答案:D2A.plan BbillCcndition Dmaterial解析:根据句中charged us a lot of money可知,这里指账单。

12、答案:B3A.ever BsometimesCnever Doften解析:根据第二段中my wife and I could have removed the plants可知,作者的妻子发现,有些植物没有种植,却被收了钱。答案:C4A.matter BhistoryCreply Dresult解析:作者和妻子向公司经营者提出这个问题。答案:A5A.explain BacknowledgeCshare Dbalance解析:根据后句They said they were innocent可知,他们拒绝承认问题。答案:B6A.confused BdisappointedCresponsible

13、 Dcurious解析:根据句中my wife and I could have removed the plants可知,他们认为自己没有责任。答案:C7A.blame BcreditCcost Dattitude解析:根据下文there was no way we could have moved away the plants可知,他们就是尽力把责任推给客户。答案:A8A.picked BwalkedCemployed Dpulled解析:根据句中through the backyard可知,作者和妻子带着他们查看情况。答案:B9A.accepted BaffordedCoffered

14、Drequired解析:根据句中pay us back可知,他们提出赔偿。答案:C10A.ordinary BunfairCessential Dreasonable解析:根据前句中only 75% of what they owed us和本句中but可知,作者和妻子认为不公平。答案:B11A.turned up Bcaught fireCmade progress Dbroke down解析:根据后文More cracks showed up可推断,走道坏了。答案:D12A.repair BplaceCproduce Dadd解析:根据后文内容可知,作者让他们来修理一下。答案:A13A.a

15、lthough BsoCbut Dbecause解析:根据句中they still hadnt done it可知,这里表示转折。答案:C14A.Probably BFortunatelyCSimilarly DObviously解析:通过作者遇到的问题可知,显而易见,他再也不会和这家公司有往来了。答案:D15A.service BattitudeCprice Dmethod解析:根据前文内容可知,这个公司为他们提供了最差的服务。答案:A16A.imagine BpredictCwonder Dstudy解析:根据句中It made me shake my head,get frustrate

16、d可推断,作者想知道这样的公司怎么会发展。答案:C17A.fool BreachCfollow Dcount解析:根据句中through Facebook,Twitter and online review sites可得到答案。答案:B18A.future BreasonCexperience Dimpact解析:根据句中negative和语境可知,这里指影响。答案:D19A.visit BignoreCappreciate Dleave解析:根据前句内容可知,公司不能忽略客户。答案:B20A.wrong BequallyChard Dspecially解析:根据句中expect to th

17、rive可推断,公司不能错误地对待客户。答案:A三、根据短文内容从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2013沈阳四校联考)Why have you been so successful in reaching some of your goals,but not others?If you arent sure,you are far from being alone in your confusion.In fact,decades of research on achievement suggests that successful people reac

18、h their goals not simply because of who they are,but more often because of what they do._1_AWait for opportunities to appearBSeize the moment to act on your goalsCHere are things successful people do differently.DNext Ill talk about my own experience on how to achieve success.EYou dont need to becom

19、e a different person to become a more successful one.FCheck your progress frequentlyweekly,or even daily,depending on the goal.GKnowing exactly what you want to achieve keeps you motivated until you get there.答案:CGBFE四、短文改错假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:

20、在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Last year I fall behind with my work because I was ill and away from school.I tried to catch up with something in all the subjects.One teacher who helped me a lot was Mrs Simpkins.She went

21、 over everything in his subject(English)and she helped me look for some texts for history in the library,too.That was fine and I put off the work for science.I just didnt do them.Again,Mrs Simpkins helped me.She said we could get together after school every Monday and I could show her my work.In the end I finished the science I missed.I dont think Ill ever take up science for a hobby or do it at university but Im afraid of it now.And this thanks to Mrs Simpkins.答案:Last year I eq o(fall,sdo4(fell) behind with my work because I was ill and away from school.I tried


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