



1、 欢乐颂英文版歌词好听的欣赏欢乐颂英文版歌词Come! Sing a song of joyfor peace shall come, my brother!Sing! Sing a song of joyfor men shall love each other!That day will dawn just as sureas hearts that are pure,are hearts set free.No man must stand alongwith outstretched hands before him.Reach out and take them in yourswi

2、th love that enduresforever more.Then sing a song of joyfor love and understanding.Come! Sing a song of joyof freedom! Tell the story!Sing! Sing a song of joyfor mankind in his glory!One mighty voice that will bringa sound that will ringforever more.Then sing a song of joyfor love and understanding.

3、Come! Sing a song of joyof freedom! Tell the story!Sing! Sing a song of joyfor mankind in his glory!One mighty voice that will bringa sound that will ringforever more.Then sing a song of joyfor love and understanding.Sing! Sing a song of joyfor mankind in his glory!经典英文诗歌:破晓Tis true, tis day; what t

4、hough it be对,天亮了:可这有何关系O wilt thou therefore rise from me哦,就为这你要离我而起Why should we rise because tis light为什么天亮我们该起床Did we lie down because twas night昨晚因天黑我们才上床Love, which in spite of darkness brought us hither,天黑时我们来这儿既是为了爱,Should in despite of light keep us together.那么天亮了我们该仍守在一块。Light hath no tongu

5、e, but is all eye;光线没舌头却长满了眼;If it could speak as well as spy,它要是能说话又能细看,This were the worst that it could say,这是它能说的最糟的话,That being well, I Pain would stay,既然很不错,我宁愿留下,And that I loved my heart and honor so而既然我对心和贞操这样珍爱,That I would not from him, that had them, go.就不愿同占有这二者的他分开。must business thee f

6、rom hence remove你有事,非得要离开这里O,thats the worst disease of love.哦,这可是爱情中的恶疾。The poor, the foul, the false, love can爱情对无情无义和穷困Admit, but not the busied man.都能容忍,却容不下忙人。He which bath business, and makes love, doth do既有事要办,那做爱就很不应该,Such wrong, as when a married man doth woo.这就像结了婚的男人还在求爱。经典英文诗歌:致阿玛莲莎That

7、She Would Dishevel Her Hair请她让她的金发散乱Amarantba, sweet and fair,美丽可爱的阿玛莲莎,Ah, braid no more that shining hair:别再编你光亮的金发吧!As my curious hand or eye既然我好奇的手和眼Hovering round thee, let it 11y!围着你打转,请任其飘散!Let it fly as unconfined任其无拘无束地飘扬,As its calm ravisher the wind像被其迷住的和风那样;Who hath left his darling East它已离开心爱的东面,To wanton oer that spicy nest.来这香喷喷的窝上游玩。Every tress must be contest,每绺金发须展现出来,But neatly tangled at the best;但是得绝美地绞在一块;Like a clue of golden thread就像金色的线一大团,Most excellently revelled.虽然有点乱却妙得非凡Do not, then,wind up that light所以,可别用缎带束起In riban


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