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1、 AD8361 是用于低频到 2.5GHZ 的功率检测器一:Features(特性):Calibrated RMS Response(标准化的均方根响应)Excellent temperature stability(极好的温度稳定性)UP to 30db input range at 2.5GHZ(高达 30DB 的输入范围在 2.5GHZ)700 mv RMS,10dbm re 50 maximum input(0.25dB linear response up to 2.5GHZ(正负 0.25db 线性响应)Single supply operation: 2.7v to 5.5v(单

2、工作电压)Low power:3.3mw at 3v supply(低功耗)Rapid power-down to less than 1UA(快速掉电到小于 1UA)二:Applications(应用)1:Measurement of CDMA,W-CDMA,QAM,(CDMA,W-CDMA,QAM,的测量)2:other complex modulation waveforms(其他复杂的波形调整)3:RF transmitter or receiver power measurement (射频发射器或接收器的功率测量)三:PRODUCT DESCRIPTION(产品描述)The AD8

3、361 is a mean-responding power detector for use inhigh-frequency receiver and transmitter signal chains, up to 2.5GHz.(AD8361 是一个平均响应的功率检测器当被用于高频接收器和发射器信号链,高达 2.5GHZ)It is very easy to apply. It requires only a single supply between 2.7 V and 5.5 V, power supply decoupling capacitor(去耦电容) and an inp

4、utcoupling capacitor(耦合电容) in most applications. The output is alinear-responding dc voltage with a conversion gain(转换增益) of 7.5V/Vrms.(他应用方便,仅要求一个 2.7V 到 5.5V 的单电源,电源的去耦电容和输入的耦合电容,在大多数应用中,输出是一个线性响应直流电压,转换增益为:7.5V/Vrms.)An external lter capacitor(滤波电容) can be added to increase theaveraging time cons

5、tant.(一个外接的滤波电容能有利于提高平均时间常数)CW(continuous wave,连续波)The AD8361 is intended for true power measurement of simple andcomplex waveforms.(AD8361 被用于简单的和复杂的波形的功率测量)The device is particularly useful for measuring high crest-factor(highpeak-to-rms ratio) signals,such as CDMA,W-CDMA.(这个器件特别的被用于高波峰因数 crest-fa

6、ctor 信号的测量,例如 CDMA,W-CDMA)四:工作模式The AD8361 has three operating modes to accommodate(适应)a varietyof analog-to-digital requirement(: 有 3 中工作模式以适应各种各样的模数转换的需求)1.ground referenced mode, in witch the origin is 0; (接地参考模式下,无信号时输出为 0v) 参考模式IREFV接电源 五:输入耦合,匹配,驻波比 角频率。)a number of options exist for input mat

7、ching.(输入匹配存在多种选择)for operation at multiple frequency,a 75 shunt to ground,as shownin figure 39a,will provide the best overall match.(在多频操作下,ruth39a 所示,1 个 75 欧分流到地的电阻Rsh,将提供最好的整体匹配)for use at a single frequency, a resistive or a reactive match can be used.(单一频率使用时,一个电阻或1 个失配都可以使用)by plotting theinp

8、ut impedance on a smith chart(测绘出输入阻抗在史密斯原图上)the best value for a resistive match can be calculated(. 最佳匹配电阻值可以被计算出)the VSWR can be held below 1.5 at frequencies up to1GHZ,even as the input impedance varies from part to part. at very high frequencies(1.9GHZ to 2.5GHZ),a shunt resistor will notbe suf

9、ficient to reduce the VSWR below 1.5.(在非常搞的频率1.8GHZ到 2.5GHZ,1 个分流电阻将不足以降低驻波比到1.5 下)where VSWR is critical,remove shunt component and insert an inductorin series with the coupling capacitor as shown in figure 39b。(在驻波比是关键的情况下,移除分流电阻Rsh,并插入1 个电感Lm 和耦合电容串联Cc,如图39b 所示) 低电平输入(小于 100MV),当一个逻辑高电平被提供时,此期间将关

10、掉,并且电源电流变为 0)此脚一般情况是接地。5.COMM;device ground pin,(电源地)6.FLTR:By placing capacitor between this pin and VPOS,the cornerfrequency(角频率)of the modulation filter(调制滤波器)is lowered,(在此脚和电源脚之间加电容,调制滤波器的角频率被降低)7.VRMS:output pin,near rial to rial voltage output with limited currentdrive capabilities,expected load10k 欧 to ground.(输出脚,接近轨到轨电压输出,电流驱动能力被限制,期望的对地负载为大于 10K 欧)8.SREF: supply reference


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