



1、 PAGE 页码 5 / NUMPAGES 总页数 5五年级人教新起点英语上册单词拼写专项易考题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图片根据提示填写单词。 f_ h_ r_ l_ m_2. 根据情景写短语。Tom是个好学生,每天六点就(起床) (1) _。(按时) (2) _校不(迟到) (3) _放学之后(做作业) (4) _九点之前(上床睡觉) (5) _,早睡早起身体好。3. 根据句意,选词填空。1._(我的)mathsteacherisMr.Zhang.Hesyoungandtall.2._(她的)Englishteacher,Mr.Black,iskindandfunny.3._(他的)PEt

2、eacherisMr.Wu.Hestallandstrong.4._(我们的)artteacherisMissLiu.Shesoldandkind.4. 首写字母填空。1. My uncle is a teacher. He works at a s_.2. My aunt is a d_. She works at a hospital.3. They have one child-Tom. Tom is my c_.5. 根据单词的首字母及汉语提示补全单词.1.My sister often w_TV on the weekend.2.What does Tom have on M_?3.

3、What do you do on the w_(周末)?4.He often helps her mom w_clothes.5.Do you have English on T_(星期四)?6. 根据图示,将下列单词丢失的字母补充完整。7. 单词默写。兽医_ 动物园_ 老师_学校_ 父亲_ 母亲_警察_ 护士_ 家庭_祖父_ 叔叔_ 阿姨_8. 看图片根据提示写出相应的单词。 h_ m_ s_ c_9. 填空。1.Tom was_(three) in the race.2.Yesterday was school_(sport) day.3.Did Mocky_(win) the high

4、 jump?4.Ann didnt_(go) to the park yesterday.5.What_your friend_(do)yesterday?6.She_(put) her prize on her desk.10. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.There are _ (four) books on the desk.2.Mothers Day is on the _ (two)Sunday in May.3.This is my pen.Thatpen is _ (you).4.I am _ (eat)lunchnow.5.Welcome to _ (we) school.1

5、1. 单词拼写。1. The_(高山) is so high.2.Lets go to the_(森林).Yeah!3. The_(小山) looks like an old man.4. The water in the_(河流) is clean.5. There is a_(湖泊) in the park.12. 根据所给图片与首字母,在横线上填出正确单词。(1)Shedancesb_.(2)HedoesntlikePE.Hecannotjumpveryh_.(3)Heplaysbasketballw_.(4)ShelikesA_verymuch.(5)Amylikessitq_atho

6、meonSundays.13. 根据首字母提示填空。Some students talk a_their hobbies. Mike likes p_basketball and football. He l_drawing too. He usually d_pictures w_his brother Tim. Liu Tao is g_at football. He a_likes p_table tennis. Yang Ling likes r_books. She h_many books. W_about the twins? They b_likes s_.14. 根据读音规律

7、补全单词。1.houseA.m_seB.s_ndC.c_nt2.cowA.d_nB.t_nC.h_3.aboutA.ar_ndB.h_seC.l_d4.yellowA.gr_B.l_C.kn_15. 阅读下面的对话,根据上下文内容填入所缺的单词, 使对话意思合理、完整,每空只填一词,注意字母大小写的规范要求。(1)A:_doyoueatdinner?B:Iusuallyeatdinnerat7:20.(2)A:_seasondoyoulikebest?B:Ilikefallbest.(3)A:doyoulikewinter?B:BecauseIcansleepalongtime.(4)A:_i


9、写出单词。1. Your cousin usually _(finish) his homework before dinner.2. Kitty, the cat is _(sleep) under the chair.3. He _(get) up late and didnt need to go to school.4. My father _( know) me well.5. He does well at school,and he a_ does well at home.17. 根据首字母提示完成下列句子。1. Can you w_the clothes?2. I can h

10、_you.3.Can you do any kung fu?No, I c_.4. Can you s_a birthday song?5. Lets go to play b_after lunch.6. Jack Chen is a famous k_movie star.18. 补全单词。Yang Mei is a good p_.Chen Hai is an English t_.Sam studied very h_in our class.What did they s_yesterday morning?19. 请你按要求写单词。1. good(比较级)_ 2. fast(最高级)_3. potato(复数形式)_ 4.


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