



1、国开理工英语2形考任务单元自测2答案题目 1 :- What do you think of your new teacher? CA、He came to teach us last week.He teaches us English.He is very nice.题目 2: - Do you like my new jacket?C It goes beautifully with your hat.Yes, but it doesn, t suit you.Yes, and I like your hat.Yes, I like it very much.题目 3:- How did

2、 you like yesterday s play?一 AGenerally speaking , it was quite good.That, s all right.C、It doesn, t matter.题目 4:- How do you like my new dress, dear?C You ve never been more beautiful.When did you buy it?You call it new?It looks terrific on you!题目 5:- What do you think of this novel?一 BF ve read it

3、.It s very good.C、1 bought it yesterday. /z题目 6:A good boss is the one who can A his employees to work harder and harderA、 MotivateB、movemanage题目 7:After the class, students went out of the classroom one by one, but only MaryLeftwas lefthas left”题目 8:Bean is C in the northeastern part of Chinato gro

4、w vastlyvast grownvastly grown题目 9:Couriers can usually deliver an item faster than it would have taken if sent. C :by other waysby other meanby other means题目 10:He is hard to get along B if you don t agree with him.A、Forwithabout题目 11:How many shoes A this year?have been producedwere producedproduc

5、ed题目 12: I had to go to the cinema on my A because all the other boys werebusyA、OwnB、wayC、 feet题目 13: If the dolphin is B, it will be as clever as human perly to trainproperly trainedto train properly题目 14: In many cases, without delivery confirmation, the sender knows that something was s

6、ent, but there is no confirmation B whether was received or when it was received.in terms ofas toin this regard”题目 15:We can C the goods on time after you buy them on the internet.StoreTakedeliver二、翻译:从以下A、B、C三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。After some initial problems, the kind of delicious biscuits was successf

7、ully produced in quantity. A; B; C)A.紧跟在最早的一些问题后面的是,这种美味的饼干被成功地大量地生产了。B.解决了最初的一些问题之后,终于成功地生产出了大量美味的饼干。C.解决了最初的一些问题之后,终于成功地生产出了高质量的美味饼干。Postal services generally are not as efficient in this regard. A;B;CA.通常说来,邮递服务被视作不是一般的高效。B.邮递服务在这方面通常就没有这么高效。C.邮局的服务被认为不怎么高效。Before, when I was assigned a task, I w

8、as totally on my own but here we work in teams. A; B; CA.以前,当我被分配了工作,我只关心我自己的事,而在这,我们相互体谅对方。B.之前,分配工作后,就我一个人干活,但现在大家都在干活。C.以前,我分配到的任务只能独立完成,而在这,我们是团队合作。The cost of living is increasing dramatically these days. lalways spend more money thanearn. A; B; CA.到那个时候,生活代价会增加很多,我现在就已经不够花了。B.这些天,生活的成本有了戏剧性的增长

9、,我花的比挣的都多。C.这段时间生活成本一直快速上涨,我总入不敷出。Although the pilot was badly hurt, he was able to explain what had happened. A;B; CA.虽然飞行员受伤很严重,但他还是能够解释发生的一切。B.虽然飞行员飞行技术很差,但他还是能够解释发生的事情。C.虽然飞行员能够解释发生的一切,但他受伤很严重。二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳 选项。Peter, s iob was to examine cars when they crossed the fron

10、tier to make sure that thev were not smuaalina (走私)anvthina into thecountry. Every evening he would see a factory worker coming up the hill towards the frontier, pushing a bike with a pile of goods of old straw on it. When the bike reached the frontier Peter would ston the man and A. ask: B. order:

11、C. make: D. call! him take the strawoff and untie it. Then he would examine the straw very carefully to see A. that; B. whether; C. how; D. where he could find anything, after which he would look in all the man s pockets before he let him tie the straw again. The man would then put it on his bike an

12、d go off down the hill with it. Although Peter was always hoping to find gold or other valuable things hidden in the straw, he neverfound A. nothina: B. somethina: C. everythina;D. anythinal. He was sure the man was smuaalina something, but he was not able to think out what it could be.Then one even

13、ina. after he had looked throuah the straw and emptied the worker, s pockets A, as: B. more: C. then: D. like usual, he said to him. 1 isten. i know you are smuaalina thinas across this frontier Won t you tell me what it is? i m an old man. andtoday, s my last day on the job. Tomorrow 1 m going to r

14、etire, promise 1 shall not tell anyone if you tell me what you ve been smuggling. /zThe worker did not say anything for A. moment; B some time; C. sometime; D. long time. Then he smiled, turned to Peter and said quietly, “Bikes.二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为“T,错误为“F”。 I AM A COURIERI am a courier. Ma

15、ny people today are glad to see us, because they expect to receive what they have bought on the Internet. When 1 see their eaaer faces, feel that my iob is valuable, am proud of my iob. Why did choose to be a courier? The first benefit is. think, couriers can usually deliver anitem faster than it wo

16、uld have taken if sent by other means. For example, a person may need to send a document to someone else. He could do this by sending it through the mail. If the two parties are in the same city, this transaction is likely to take at least one day. Couriers, however, usually can make it happen withi

17、n hours.Secondly, couriers aenerally offer a receipt for the delivery and that can make their clients feel more secure. Postal services aenerallv are not as efficient in this reaard. Even text messaaes and e-mails may not be comparable, in many cases, without delivery confirmation, the sender knows

18、that somethina was sent, but there is no confirmation as to whether it was received or when it was received. Most importantly, the Internet has chanaed people, s shoppina habits. More and more people tend to shop on the Internet. The goods bought on the Internet have to be delivered by couriers. So

19、a courier can make more money if he wants to work longer hours.That s why I have chosen to work as a courier. Well, that s about my job. Time is money. I have to send packages to the next place now. Talk to you later.People are alad to see couriers because they can brina people good luckT: F!Courier

20、s can deliver items faster than other means only in the same cityfT: F!Postal services generally are not as efficient because there isn t delivery confirmation. Tj_ FYIf working longer hours, couriers can earn more money. T;FThe courier who is talking likes his job. t; F二,阅读理解:阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整

21、,DO YOU LIKE YOUR JOB?Mary and Linda are employees of a logistics company. They are talking about the salary levels in the company.MARY: Do you like your job?LINDA:1, A. and they have to deliver the aoods in all weather conditions: B don t really like it: C. Your iob is not difficult: D. The cost of

22、 living is increasing dramatically these days; E. It is said that couriers of our company can earn more than 6,000 yuan a month).MARY: Why not?LINDA: Because the salary is low. 2. A, and they have to deliver the goods in all weather conditions; B. I don t really like it; C. Your job is not difficult

23、; D, The cost of living is increasing dramatically these days;E. It is said that couriers of our company can earn more than6, 000 yuan a month). I always spend more money than learn.MARY: Don t complain too much. I thought you got a good salary. Your salary is much higher than the white-collar average income of this city.LINDA: Just 4, 000 yuan a month. 3, A, and they have to deliver the goods in all weather conditions; B. I don t really like it; C. Your job is not difficult; D. The cost of living is increasing dramatically these days; E. It is said that couriers of our compan


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