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1、Unit 8 When is your birthday?基数词变序数词顺口溜 二 三变字体,th /从四上起.怎么加? 真好记!八加h, 九减ef代替ve, ty变为tie将基数词转换成序数词one twothreefoureightninefivetwelvefortytwenty-onefirstsecond third fourtheighth ninthfifthtwelfthfortieth1st2nd3rd4th8th9th 5th12th40thtwenty first21stWhat are these? They are 12 months./mns/月份Januaryth

2、e first monthFebruarythe second monthMarchthe third month Aprilthe fourth monthMaythe fifth monthJunethe sixth month Julythe seventh month Augustthe eighth month Septemberthe ninth month October the tenth month Novemberthe eleventh month Decemberthe twelfth month 一月二月三月四月五月January February March Apr

3、il MayJan.Feb.Mar.Apr.May.the names of the months全称缩写/njur/februr/ma: /eprl/me/mns/ 六月 七月 八月 九月 十月十一月十二月 JulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJul.Aug.Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.JuneJun./u:n/ula/:gst/ /septemb/ktub/nuvemb/dsemb/firstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixthseventheighthninthtentheleventhtwelfthThe first

4、 month is January.Lets sing a month song日期: 月份 + 序数词January 1stJan. 1stJanuary the first写作读作1月1日For example:My birthday is Mar. 15th./b:de/生日birthdaybirthday/b:/de/出生日子My birthday is .Ask and answerWhen /wen/ is your birthday?A: When is your birthday, Mary?B: My birthday is November 1st.Sing a song:

5、Happy Birthday to you !Happy Birthday to you !Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday to you ! Listen and number the conversations 1-3A: When is your birthday, Vera ?B: My birthday is October tenth.A: When is your birthday, Mary ?B: My birthday is January fifteenth.A: When is your birthday, Jeff ?B: My birthday is June fourth.1 23/mn/month日期: 月份 + 序数词Writing (写法) Reading (读法)January the firstAugust the secondSeptember the tenthJanuary 1stAugust 2ndSeptember 10thA: When is your birthday?B: My birthday is December 14th. Ask and answerPeopleBirthdayfathermothergrandmother


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