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1、HyperMesh Introductory TrainingDay 1:Getting started with HyperMeshHyperMesh introductory trainingDay 1 Agenda:Introduction to the interfaceCreating an FEA modelpreparation / model organizationmeshing with shell elementscreating solid (hex) elementsapplying boundary conditionsanalysis and post proce

2、ssingGeometry cleanupSurface meshingauto-meshing basicschecking element qualityre-meshing selected elementsSolid meshing with tetrahedral elementsPre-Process(build model)in HyperMeshTranslate resultsto HM .res filePost-Process(view results)in HyperMeshThe CAE process with HyperMeshDesign in CAD soft

3、wareRun Analysisin FEA solverImport CADdataExport FEAmodelIntroduction to the HyperMesh interfaceHeader BarMacro MenuMain panel menuGraphics AreaPermanent MenuPage selection menuUsing the mouse in HyperMeshLeft mouse button:click to selecthold to pre-select (highlight)+CTRL for arc rotatemiddle mous

4、e button:abort function and return out of a panelre-define rotation center when in “r” or “a” rotate modes+CTRL for zoomRight mouse button:click to unselect entities+CTRL for drag pan Incremental rotationRotate the model in the direction of the indicated arrowVertically, about the horizontal screen

5、axisHorizontally, about the vertical screen axisRotate within the plane of the screenPermanent Menu FunctionsCircle ZoomMagnify the view of a specific area of the model by drawing a circle around it in the graphics areaScreen Refresh (re-paint)Redraw the graphics on the screenModel FitFit the active

6、 model to fill the graphics areaDynamic RotateRotate the model in the direction of the vector created between the rotation center and the mouse cursor. Rotation speed corresponds to the length of the vectorSlide ZoomZoom in to the center of the model by clicking and dragging the mouse vertically wit

7、hin the graphics areaPermanent Menu FunctionsPick CenterRedefine the model center by picking a new point in the graphics area. Can also be used to “translate” the modelTrue ViewDefine your view of the model based on a model vector of anglesArc RotateRotate the model by “grabbing” it at a point and d

8、ragging it in the direction of the mouse movementIncremental ZoomZoom in or out from the model by a set zoom factorToggle View (back to previous view)return to the last view, before the last zooming or rotation operation. Used to toggle back and forth between any two viewsNote: any of the above func

9、tions can be activated using the corresponding key on the keyboardPermanent Menu FunctionsView menuPop-up menu to set a predefined view or save and restore user-defined viewsOptions MenuSet modeling tolerances and defaults, select graphics modes, activate the macro menu, set the screen colors, posts

10、cript and spaceball optionsCard EditorPreview the model informatin in the solver-specific card image formatGlobal Settingssettings affecting model and element creation. Load template, results file, set active collector, set finite element default size and orderHelpLaunch the interactive on-line help

11、 system. If selected while in a panel, help for that panel will be displayed. If selected from the main page menu, the entire help book structure will be displayedDisplayTurn on or off the display of individual collectors. Model BrowserLaunch the model browser to control display and visibility optio

12、nsdetailsModel BrowserDisplay model component and assembly structure in a hierarchical treeSwitch graphics modesCreate new assemblies or componentsModify component attributes:display on or offcolorvisualization moderenameAdd components to assemblies by dragging and droppingModel Browser appears in a

13、n independent window over the top of the macro menu. Window can be resized and repositioned as neededPermanent Menu FunctionsVisability optionsWhen in performance graphics mode, control the visibility mode of individual componentsWireframeShaded, no linesShaded, mesh linesShaded, feature linesTransp

14、arentToggles and SwitchesToggles alternate between two optionsSwitches activate a pop up menupop-up will close once selection is mademove cursor outside of pop-up to abortExercise 1.2Displaying Elements and GeometryControl the display of geometry and elements using the display menu Use the Model Bro

15、wser to:set current componentcontrol the display of componentschange component colorrename componentcreate a new assemblyadd components to the assemblySecondary MenuJump to panels using the function keys F1 - F12 alone or in combination with the SHIFT or CTRL keyOriginal panel function is interrupte

16、d to carry out the new functionReturning from the new function takes you back to the original function, in the same stateKeyboard templates are available that list the functionsMenu Items:Entity SelectorChoose the entities to which a function is appliedUse switch to change entity type (ie nodes or e

17、lements)Select individual entitiesorClick yellow entity type button to bring up the extended selection menuBlue halo around entity type box indicates which selector is activeMenu ItemsDirection selectorDefine a direction by specifying a vector or planeUse switch to select between the global axis vec

18、tors, a user defined vector or a user defined planeUse N1 N2 N3 option to define a custom vector or planeVector fromnode N1 to N2Plane defined using nodes N1 N2 and N3Direction is normal to plane at N1 or other base nodeMenu ItemsInput fieldsEnter text or numeric informationin floating point number

19、fields, double click to bring up a RPN calculatorto edit an entry, click once to highlight, then use the right or left arrow key to activate the cursor within the fieldDoubleClickExercise 1.3Translating ElementsUse the translate panel on the tools page to translate elementsset the model orientation

20、using the view paneluse the extended selection menu to pick elementsuse the direction selector to define translation directionjump to the distance panel to measure the modelNote: HyperMesh panels are set up to work in a left - right orderMacro menuCustomizable tools and shortcuts organized onto page

21、sActivate using the menu config panel within the options menuDefined in the hm.mac file located in the HyperMesh ./bin directoryCreate your own macros using the HyperMesh command fileSee the online help under HyperMesh / Macro Menu and Tcl/Tk for more detailsHyperMesh database and model organization

22、Collector - a database entity that collects other entitiesRelationships defined between collectors are extended to the entities within that collectorComponentscontain elements, lines, surfaces, pointsLoad Collectorsorganize boundary conditions (forces, pressures, moments, constraints)Property Collec

23、torselement property information for 1-D elementsMaterial Collectorsmaterial database informationSystem Collectorslocal coordinate systemsGroupsrestricted component collector used to support advanced solver featuresAssembliesorganize components into logical unitsHyperMesh database and model organiza

24、tionCollectors are used to define relationships between entities within the modelPointers between collectors must be established at time of creationnodeelementcomponentmaterial*NODE 1, 843.25 , 25.0 , 349.0 2, 843.5 , 50.0 , 349.0 3, 843.5 , 50.0 , 376.25 4, 843.25 , 25.0 , 376.25 *ELEMENT,TYPE=S4,E

25、LSET=end1 1, 3, 4, 1, 2*SHELL SECTION, ELSET=end1, MATERIAL=steel2.0 ,*HMCOLOR COMP 1 14*MATERIAL, NAME=steel*ELASTIC, TYPE = ISOTROPIC200000.0 ,0.3 ,0.0 Node to element referenceExample of Collector relationship withinan ABAQUS input deckHyperMesh componentHyperMesh materialElement to component ref

26、erenceHyperMesh elementHyperMesh nodeComponent to material referenceExercise 1.4Using the Card Image panelUse the card image preview to review the model properties and relationships within the bumper modelload the Abaqus templateReview the element, component and material informationFiles used by Hyp

27、erMeshhm.cfgconfiguration file allowing you to customize aspects such as menu fonts, color map, default output templates etclocated in the hm/bin directory or hm working directorycommand.cmfcommand history file used to automate work and create macroswritten to the hm working directoryhmmenu.setbinar

28、y configuration file that stores global parameters such as tolerances and element size written to the hm working directory.hmx file (when using fe import)ascii file containing any cards or information that is not supported by the import readerwritten to the hm working directory.msg file (when using

29、fe import)message and summary file created during import of fe datawritten to the hm working directory Chapter 2:Creating, solving and analyzing an fea modelModel a spring with hex elements and subject it to loads in two different directions at one end, while fully constraining the opposite endSolve

30、 using Altairs OptiStruct linear static solver and post process in HyperMesh Step 1: Model set-upRetrieve the model file with the geometry and load the OptiStruct feoutput templateCreate the material and component collectors required for the modelto correctly establish the relationship between mater

31、ial and component, create the material first. for the material, use a MAT1 card image with2.0e5 for E0.3 for NUuse PSOLID card image for hex element component, referring to the material already createdExercises 2.1 - 2.3Step 2: MeshingUse spline function (on 2D page) to create a shell mesh on the en

32、d of the springset active component collector using global paneladjust element density using density sub panelforce all quad elements using type subpanelUse line drag function (on 2D or 3D page) to drag shell elements along helical lineset active component to hex element componentuse default vector

33、option so hex elements follow curvaturecreate 120 layers of hex elementsClean up the model by deleting the geometry and shell componentsExercises 2.4 - 2.6Step 3: Applying boundary conditionsCreate three load collectors to organize BCsApply constraints to one end of the springset active load collect

34、or to “constraints”pick nodes by window or on planeconstrain degrees of freedom 1, 2 and 3 (X,Y and Z translations)Apply force loads to opposite end of springset active load collectors as neededsave node selection to create second set of loadscompression load = 25 N in +Y directionlateral load = 25

35、N normal to end face (use N1, N2, N3)Create 2 loadsteps to define output requestsconstraints + compressionconstraints + lateralExercises 2.7 - 2.10Step 4: Analysis and post processingUse the optistruct panel to solve the model model will be written out as an OptiStruct feinput deck with a .fem exten

36、sionsolver will runresults will be written to a HyperMesh binary .res fileresults file will be loaded into HyperMeshIf using an external solverwrite file using the files/export panelsubmit to solvertranslate results using HyperMesh results translatorload results file using files/results panelUse the

37、 contour and deformed panels to post-processExercises 2.11 - 2.13Chapter 3Geometry cleanup and tetrameshingPrepare imported geometry for meshing, then generate tetrahedral elements (solid elements with four triangular faces) on a universal joint modelTetrahedral meshing in HyperMeshPrepare geometry

38、for surface meshing (geometry cleanup)stitch adjacent surfaces together (create shared edges)fill larger gaps with filler surfacescombine mis-matched surface verticesGenerate surface mesh of tria shell elementsCheck quality and connectivity of surface elementssize and quality of surface mesh will di

39、rectly affect tetrahedral mesh qualitysize elements for at least two layers through thicknesssmooth, gradual size transitionsno “sliver” elementscompletely enclosed volume (no free edges)Generate tetrahedral meshTopology display of surfacesSurface edges colored according to how they relate to neighb

40、orsFree edgesEdges belonging to a single surfacecan result in mesh discontinuity if interior to model Shared edgesedges common to two adjacent surfacesnodes on shared edges common to both surfacesSuppressed edgesshared edges that will be ignored by the automeshernodes will not be seeded along suppre

41、ssed edges Non-manifold edgesedges common to three or more surfacesindicate a Tee connection or overlapping surfaces Geometry cleanup toolsedges subpaneltoggle from free shared suppressed with left mouse clicksfrom suppressed shared free with right mouse clicksreplacecombine pairs of free edges whil

42、e specifying which edge to retain(un)suppressselect a series of lines to suppress or unsuppress in a single operationextended selection menu may be useduseful for suppressing seams equivalencesearch selected surfaces for any pairs of free edges and combine into shared edgesGeometry cleanup toolssurf

43、aces subpanelfind duplicatesidentify and delete duplicate surfacesorganize by featureautomatically suppress surface edges based on a number of criteriasee the online help for more detailsmovecombine two or more surface faces into a single surfaceGeometry cleanup toolsfixed points subpaneladdadd addi

44、tional fixed points at a node or free point locationreplacecombine two or more fixed points togetheruseful for correcting slight misalignments in cad datasuppressremove fixed points, except surface vertices or those required by connectivityreleaserelease all edges that meet at the selected point Pre

45、paring the model for meshingObserve the model looking for problemsred edgesmultiple fixed pointsmissing surfacesduplicated surfacesFind and measure the smallest feature to be modeledin general, create at least two elements across any featureset the global element size accordinglyKeep in mind:CTRL + mouse buttons to rotate, zoom or translate the modelviolet vis opts button on geom cleanup panel to turn on / off edg


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