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1、 PAGE 页码 10 / NUMPAGES 总页数 10课题句子类型教师姓名学生姓名上课日期2021-9-24学科英语适用年级六年级教材版本人教版学习目标1、能够简单地描述自然公园和村庄.There be +东西+地点2、 能够用一般疑问句询问自然公园及村庄的根本情况并作答.3、Bethere+东西+地点? Yes,thereare./No,therearent. 重难点1、There be 句型一般疑问句和否认句式及肯否认答复2、Why not表建议的用法Unit 6 In a nature park导入进入美妙的世界啦 同学们,你们热爱大自然吗?大自然是人类最珍贵的财富.我们一定要保护它

2、、保护它哦!知识 典例注意咯,下面可是黄金局部! 英汉互译填一填1、forest_ 2、_河;江 3、lake_4、mountain_ 5、_山丘 6、_树,树林7、_桥 8、building_ 9、_村庄;村镇10、_房屋;房子 11、tree_ 12、_高的单词辨析:1.Robin is at Mr Jones house.罗宾在琼斯先生家.House的意思是“房屋;房子;住宅其复数形式为houses.辨析The house is very small.那个房子很小. House,family 和home它们都和“家有关,但是意义有别.House表示 “房屋;房子;住宅,用来指居住的建筑物

3、.We live in a big houseFamily意为“家庭,家人与居住的房子无关.当作为“家庭这个整体讲时是单数,作家庭成员讲时是复数I have a big family.My family are very well.Home意为“家,家庭,指一个人出生或居住的地方.My home is far from here.辨析High和tallHigh 形容词,意为“高的其反义词为low,常用来形容黎地面较远的物体或地方.他也可用作副词,意为“高高地例句:the moutain is so high!The boy kicked the ball high into the air.T

4、all作形容词,也可表示“高大的其反义词为“short矮的.它与high的区别如下: 形容不与地面接触的事物High 形容质量、标准、水平等高的 形容建筑物的高度 Tall 形容人、动物、树木、植物和细长的事物例如:A high mountain 一座高山A high/tall building 一座高大的建筑物a tall tree 一棵高大的树 the park在公园里in 和at在表地点时的区别in 和at都可以用来表示地点,意为“在但用法不同.In常指较大的地点,后接范围较大的地方in Beijing 在北京in the park 在公园At常指较小的地点,后接范围较小的地方a

5、t the bus station在汽车站at school在学校3.share 动词分享,共享,和别人一起分享.其后直接接名词,表示分享某物 Share the cake 分享蛋糕 share the book 共享这本书 Share sth.with sb.表示“和某人分享某物 例:Tom often shares his toys with his friends.汤姆经常和他的朋友分享他的玩具.翻译:她和她的姐姐合住一间房._翻译:She shares a house with her sister.句式精讲:there arent many people.这里没有很多人.There

6、be 句型否认形式分为两种:在be 动词后面直接加“not如果be 动词后面的名词为复数形式且由any 修饰,需要把some 改成any. 肯定句 there is a book on the desk.单数 否认句 there is not a book on the desk 肯定句 there are some apples on the plate.复数 否认句 there are not any apples 用来修饰名词表示“一些时,some用于肯定句,any用于否认句或一般疑问句在be 动词后加no,此时无论be动词后面的名词是单数还是复数形式,都不加a/an或any. 肯定句

7、there is a book on the desk.单数 否认句 there is no book on the desk. 肯定句 there are some apples on the plate.复数 否认句 there are no apples on the plate.There be句型也可与否认词nothing没有什么,没有一件东西nobody没有人,谁也不等连用表示否认含义.例句:there is nothing in the box.盒子里什么也没有. There is nobody here.这儿一个人也没有.how many?有多少个湖?How many 常用来引

8、导询问棵树名词数量的特殊疑问句,意为“多少其后接可数名词复数形式,答复时可用句型“there be+数词或直接答复数词.例句-how many students are there in the classroom.教室里有多少个学生?-there are ten.有十个.How many 也可用来询问数量,但其后只能接不可数名词.他也可以用来询问价格,此时其后既可用可数名词,也可以用不可数名词.问数量 how much milk is there in the fridge?How much 问价格 how much is the milk/are the apples?lets go fi

9、shing.我们一起去划船把.解析:boating 作名词,意为“划船,指划船运动或消遣,是不可数名词,go boating 表示 “去划船例句:boating is very interesting for me. I want to go boating on the lake.我想到湖上去划船.与go boating 结构类似的常见短语Go fishing 去钓鱼Go skiing 去滑雪Go skating 去滑冰Go hiking 去远足Go shopping 去购物Go swimming 去游泳关于提建议句型的常用答语.肯定答复Good idea!好主意/all right好的/O

10、K好的/certainly当然/Of course当然否认答复No,thanks.不,谢谢/I am afraid not.我恐怕不是这样./sorry, I cant.Over there.是一个固定短语,意为“那边例:there are two girls over there.My dad is over there.your card is broken.你的内存卡坏了.Broken 意为“坏的,不能使用的破碎的玻璃 broken glasses 坏了的桌子 broken deskwhy not?为什么不呢?用来赞同某一项决议.他还可以用于对某一否认的结果提出疑问.意为“为什么例:le

11、ts go boating on the lake.让我们去划船吧. why not?为什么不呢? I wont come to school tomorrow.我明天不来学校. why not?为什么?Why not +动词原形+其他?=why dont you/we +动词原形+其他?Why not go to the zoo?=why dont you go to the zoo?同学们,你们还记得我们以前学过的提建议的另外两种表达吗?一起来回忆一下吧! = 1 * GB3 lets +动词原形+其他how about/what about+动词ing+其他?误区警示试着翻译:两个高挑的

12、美国女孩F:Two American tall girls在英语中,有多个形容词来修饰名词的时候,其顺序为:描绘词+大小长短+形状+新旧+颜色+出处/国籍+材料质地+作用/类别+名词例:a dirty old brown shirt 一件又脏又旧的棕色衬衣a small round wood table 一张校园木桌the old Chinese stone bridge 这座古老的中国石桥我们可以通过口诀记忆:美小圆旧黄,法国木书房.强化练习 挑战一下自己吧河流花建筑物湖泊森林村庄桥房子房子高山树下雨的彩虹绘画等待雨说路生日星期一总是今天日子也许房子老鼠声音数数关于在周围怀特小姐,森林里有河

13、流吗?是的,有的; 不,没有.自然公园里有高楼吗?是的,有的.不,没有.词汇测试一.按要求完成以下各题:1.mountain(近义词)_ 2.village (复数) _复数)_ 4.high(近义词)_5. are not (缩写形式)_二. 英汉互译:6.自然公园 _7. in the sky _8. on the lake_9. 去划船_10.a big white bird_ 三.单项选择11. There are many ducks _ the lake. A. at B. to C.on 12. There _ some tall buildings in th

14、e nature park. A. is B.are C. no13. Are there _ pandas in the mountain? Yes, there are.A.some B.many C.any 14. The water _ very clean.A. is B. / C. are15._ there a river in the forest? No, there _.A. Is;is B. Is;isnt C.Are; arent 四. 按要求完成以下句子:16. There is a forest in the park. (变成否认句)_17. There is a

15、 flower. (变成复数句子) _18. 这里有一座桥吗?(译成英语)_19. Theres a nature park near the village.(译成汉语) _五、同步阅读There is a new park _my house. Its a fine day today. My family and I _ in the park now. _my left, there is a caf. On my right, there is a big lake. There are _ flowers _trees near the lake. There _a small h

16、ill near the lake there is a sign. it says, “_swim _the lake! There is a play ground in the middle of the park. There are _small shops near the gate. the park is so beautiful .we like _very much.22A.are C./23A.In B.At C.on 27A.No B.d回忆小结一日悟一理,日久而成学 方法小结:二、本节课我做的比拟好的地方是:三、我需要努力的地方是:课后作业Listening

17、 part(听力局部一. Listen and number听音,根据听到的内容给图片排序二. Listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的单词) ( ) 1. A. bridge B. village C. fridge ( ) 2. A. forest B. park C. lake ( ) 3. A. mouse B. house C. sound ( ) 4. A. wow B. count C. cow ( ) 5. A. down B. about C. around 三. Look, listen and write(看图,听录音,写单词补充句子)1. I see a

18、 big _.2. Look! There is a _in the _.3. Lets _one to ten. 4. _ many _ can you see? Writing Part(笔试局部)四. Read and choose(读一读,选择正确的答案) 1. There _ a big bird in the sky. A. am B. is C. are 2. There are _ ducks in the river.A. many B. any C. a 3. Is there a _ in the forest? A. rivers B. lakes C. river 4

19、. There _ some small boats in the lake. A. am B. is C. are 5. There _ many people in the park.A. arent B. not C. isnt 五. Look and write(看图,写出相应的单词或短语) _ _ _ _六. Read and write(连词成句) 1. is there in the forest a river _? 2. there small houses are many in the village _. 3. there small houses are any no

20、t in the village _? 4. there are yes _.there no isnt _. 七. Look, read and write(看图,并结合上下文的意思补充句子 1. Is there a_ in the park? _.(肯定答复) 2. _ a _ in the park? _. (否认答复) 3. Are there any _ in the _? _.(肯定答复) 4. _any _ in the village? _.(否认答复)八. Read and choose(阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案)Hi, I am Li Ping. I am from a small village. There are many houses and rivers in my village. The houses are very beauti


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