1、marketingstrict inter nal costcontrol , business a nd i nnovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se,ele ctricity supply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywit h coalinve ntory,get rewardsofJiangsu pr ovincial gover nmentpowerto266 milli on k Wh.Thr ough t hesmallandeval
2、uation andse lecti on, produced 10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinduction gangsystem, 14staffposts bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cultivati on ofprofessi onaltechni callea ders, sele cted coverage9 13factpsychologi calcounseli ng,theenter pr
3、iseculture construction to anewlevel. -Buil ding ofenterpri se culture isfruitful.Companies adhere to theShe nhua lead ofcorporateculture, cult ureofresponsibil ityatthe cor e,tosafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,ethi calculture, costconti nues to strengt hen. Was carrie d outtomaintainprofessiona
4、bilateraltrade,a cce sstoelectri city 1.695 billion kWh,seekingremoval com pensationwhenthe power50 million -kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su Pr ovince ranke dfirst inthe samecapa city,t hesame ty peunits.m-assiste d, throughvari ousculturalintegration,hang to a dvance furt her.nced Uniti n th
5、ebuilEstabli sh adingofehol ding system implementatinterprise cultureof reform andCompa nycl oselytra ckedcoal li nkage policiehew holeteam -buildiother honorary titles.Tces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,profitabuilding int o aperformance revie,wprnt problems ofcorporateculture prbilityincrease dsig ni
6、ficantl y. 公 .Job grading,rem uneration ofla bour agreement s into l ong-term contractwomoting t he construction ofthe star team depth.Thisyear,re spectively, 1 track,4 teamfourstarratedfiveoje ct was awarde dthe CEC nationalelectric powerenter prise cultureachievement award ofexcelle nce.orkerscomp
7、e nsati on system, stimulating t heent husiasm ofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human re sourcesma nage ment.Fullimpl ementation oftheperformancea ppraisa lregulati ons, incentive effect. Completethe re serveca dre-starby Datang a nd theteam.Four, insist s on six culturalTheacci dent earlywar n
8、inga nd preventi on systemwasratedaconstruction of harmoni ous devel opme nt,reallyg oodjobnt, innovation manag乐山市实验中学星级学生评比方案一、评选目的:为进一步优化校风,加强对我校学生的养成教育,培养学生良好的行为规范,进一步丰富评价主体和评价内容,完善学生的评价体系,激励先进,鞭策后进,充分发挥榜样的示范带动作用,激励所有的学生开展争优达标活动,让更多的学生获得成功,让不同的学生获得不同的发展,为学生的终身发展和幸福生活奠定基础,结合我校实际, 开展评选星级学生活动,并力争成为我
9、校校园文化建设的一大特色。二、组织领导工作为保证评选的公正、公开、 严密, 并做到此项工作形成循序渐进,可先在七、八年级进行实验,待条件成熟后,将在全校各年级大力推行。为确保此项工作的贯彻落实,学校成立实验领导小组,具体负责相关组织工作。领导小组组 长:马强执行组长:郭建军副组长:李桧、凌敏、王乐冰七年级:凌敏(年级组长)及各班主任(全面负责七年级实验的推行)。八年级:黄祥书(年级组长)及各班主任(全面负责八年级实验的推行)。三、星级学生评选细则(一)星级学生共分为:文明礼仪星、学习智慧星、安全健康星、文学艺术星,卫生劳动星,科技创造星。(二)星级学生的评比原则人人都有“星”,努力争“6 星”
10、。(三)星级学生的评比程序以学期为阶段,文明礼仪星、学习智慧星、安全健康星、文学艺术星, 卫生劳动星进行半期评比和学期评比。科技创造星只进行学期评比,由科创中心组织并提供名单。星级学生的评比程序是:1、学生评价ecurit y, profit,maintainsta bilityand prom oteharmoniousdevelopment asthe mai ncontent ofthethree guara ntees theme practiceactivitiesa nd stressing party spirit,toconduct,forexample campaign,pa
11、rty andfurtherimprovementofthe l evelofwork.Staff participatingint he hone st andcl ean culture co nstruction seminars,staffs sense of probityand e nhance d. Foundedby honestinspe ctors team composed of12 empl oyeesto broa dent hechannels ofsupervision.Adhere to establish fourgood leadershipactiviti
12、e s,staffsatisfaction rateof 98%totheteam.-Groupworkdynamic. Promoti ngthe openterestsofthestaffTradeUnion delegation leadermeeting ofthe26 systemtodi scuss and safeguard theirdem ocraticrig hts.Impr ovethe organizati onalstr uctur eofthe missi on,the w ork ofstrengthening.Organize mai ntena ncel ab
13、or emulation andhealthCup com petition,enhance theskills of staff.Organizedavarietyofcultural a ctivities, physi caland mentalhealthcarestaff,tocreate aharmoniousatmosphere.During theWenchuanearthquake, donatedallthe com pany empl oyees,to love,treucecacoam onF,-ct:it,ee-&%:.a,.0口“03,;.q*:-:1. wry、“
14、%”一*o supportthedi saster areas.Thi s year, thecomSecondi .to .tre ngthen theinterhy,ma nagementa naly.i., to improvemaon co.t. Harmoniou.developmentofnagement qualit y,improveharmoni ou.devel opme nt-i. to con.tructaforeignenvironmentfordevelopment. Innovation of.cie nceandtechnology-.cienceaXINGre
15、fer.to theinternal.e curityfirm andinterndtechnologyinalmanagemennovationintofthei.to play t herole of.cie nceandtechnol ogya.t heprimaryprnternal ma nagementmea.ure.areeffective, harmoni ou.oductiveforce,active u.e ofnew technologie .,ne wmaterial.,newproce.e.,newequiForeigncurrencymean. Enterpri.e
16、 coor dinati ngdeve lopme ntofhomeopathy,pment,i ncrea .einve.tmenti一.I .n .cienceawell,getalongwitvhthe neighbor . better.(B)heni ng.cientific a ndte chnolnterpri.e . buildi ngintri n.ciogicaltrai ning, .pee.afety power companygding uptran.forming.cientificandte chnoloal.are:unpla nnedoutage0 time.
17、Cla.ogicala一numbercedchnol ogy, e nhand equipmentaonme ntalce-.aving -the -re.ource .aving enterpri .ewa.t ccide nt.do notoccur, no fire, no envirpollution a cci dent.Enterprise integrated toachieve zeroca ses ofviolation,zeroa cci dents,zero. Quality goal is:at ng7 5marketingstrict inter nal costco
18、ntrol , business a nd i nnovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se,ele ctricity supply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywit h coalinve ntory,get rewardsofJiangsu pr ovincial gover nmentpowert o 266 milli on k Wh.Thr ough t hesmallandevaluation andse lecti on, produce
19、d 10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinduction gangsystem, 14staffposts bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cultivati on ofprofessi onaltechni callea ders, sele cted coverage9 13factpsychologi calcounseli ng,theenter priseculture construction to ane
20、wlevel. -Buil ding ofenterpri se culture isfruitful.Companies adhere to theShe nhua lead ofcorporateculture, cult ureofresponsibil ityatthe cor e,tosafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,ethi calculture, costconti nues to strengt hen. Was carrie d outtomaintainprofessionabilateraltrade,a cce sstoelect
21、ri city 1.695 billion kWh,seekingremoval com pensationwhenthe power50 million-kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su Pr ovince ranke dfirst inthe samecapa city,t hesame ty peunits.m-assisted, throughvari ousculturalintegration,hang to a dvance furt her.nced Uniti n thebuilEstabli sh adingofehol ding
22、 system implementatinterprise cultureof reform andCompa nycl oselytra ckedcoal li nkagepoliciehew holeteam -buildiother honorary titles.Tces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,profitabuilding int o aperformance revie,wprnt problems ofcorporateculture prbilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,rem une
23、ration ofla bour agreement s into l ong-term contractwomoting t he construction ofthe star team depth.Thisyear,re spectively, 1 track,4 teamfourstarratedfiveoje ct was awarde dthe CEC nationalelectri c powerenter prise cultureachievement award ofexcelle nce.orkerscompe nsati on system, stimulating t
24、 heent husiasm ofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human re sourcesma nage ment.Fullimpl em entationofthe performancea ppraisa lregulati ons, incentive effect. Completethe re serveca dre-starby Datang a nd theteam.Four, insist s on six culturalTheacci dent earlywar ninga nd preventi on systemwasra
25、tedaconstruction of harmoni ous devel opme nt,reallyg oodjobnt, innovation manag半期星级学生的评比一般放在半期考试后的第一次班会时间进行,期末星级学生的评比放在期末(具体时间由政教处另行通知)进行。 评选时每位学生对照星级学生评比条件进行自我评定,再由小组对该生的自评结果进行评议,写出评议结果,然后交班委评议。2、教师审核班主任根据学生自评、同学互评,再听取年级组长、学科老师的意见后确认半期星级学生并报政教处审批。半期星级学生每班1 名 /类,共五名;期末星级学生每年级6名 /类,共12 名。3、学校授星政教处审批
26、确认后的星级学生均由学校在半期和学期末进行公示表彰奖励。(四) 星级学生名单的提供和上报时间半期星级学生名单由各班主任提供,期末星级学生名单由班主任在期末组织学生评选后向年级组推荐,年级组长综合评定选出六名上报政教处。上报时间以政教处临时通知为准。(五)具体条件:1、文明礼仪星:礼貌待人有爱心,言行举止讲文明( 1)爱党、爱国、爱学校、爱班集体、有上进心。( 2) 遵守 中学生守则、 中学生日常行为规范和校纪校规。课间文明休息,讲文明、懂礼貌。( 3)穿戴整齐、朴素大方、不烫发、不染发、不化妆、不佩戴首饰、不穿奇装异服、男生不留长发、女生不穿高跟鞋。( 4)尊敬师长、孝敬父母、能虚心听取老师家
27、长的教诲,不顶撞长辈、老师;团结同学、不说谎、不打架骂人、不吸烟、不喝酒、不打牌、不赌博;不进营业性网吧、不说脏话,没有敲诈勒索等行为。( 5)自觉维护学校集会和公共场合秩序,爱护花草、树木和校内外公共设施。( 6)主动关心和帮助残疾人等需要帮助的人,富有爱心,经常做好事。2、学习智慧星:习惯良好肯努力,思考创造会学习。( 1)遵守学校作息时间、不迟到、不早退、不旷课。( 2)按时、独立、认真完成教师布置的预习任务。ecurit y, profit,maintainstabilityand promoteharmoniousdev elopment as themaincontent ofth
28、ethree guarantee s themepracti ce activitie s andstressing partyspirit,t oconduct, forexamplecampaign,party andfurtherimprovementofthe level ofwork.Staffpar ticipati nginthe honesta ndcle an culture construction seminaravarietyofcultural a ctivities,physica l andme ntalhealt h care staff,to createa
29、harmonious atmosphere.Duringthe Wenchuan e reduce coalconsumption,waterconsumption,el ectricity at thecore ,enhancethe operati onoflea n managementto reaarthquake, donatelize lowconsumption,higdallthe compa nyemploy ees,to l ove, to supportthe disasterarea s.Thisyear,th efficiency, re duce productio
30、n costs.Second istostre ngthe nthe business,financial, material,inbe controlled, monenformationa ndthe optimizati on oforganizationyshouldnotbe wa sted managementn and manageme nt,savi ng theinterphil osophy,managemenaltransactioncosts.Harmnt analy sis,to impr ovemanagemeoni ous devel opment ofharmo
31、nidbyhonesti nspect orsteamcom pose dof 12em ployeest o broa den t hechannels of supervisi on.Adhereto establish fourgood leadernt qua lity, impr ove costcontrol ca pacity a nd marketcompetitiveness.ousdevel opme nt-isto construct aforeignenvirInnovation of scie ncea nd te chnol ogy-scienceand techn
32、ologyinnovation isto playthe rolheteam. -Groupworkdynamic. Promoti ngthe ope nnessoffactoryAffairs,proposalfora loveletterbox,tot he vitalinterests ofthestaffTrade Uniondelegati on lea der meeting ofthe 26 systemtodi scuss and safeg uardtheir democratic rights.Improvethe organi zationalstructure of
33、themission,thework ofstrengt hening. Organize mai ntena ncelaborem ulation andhealth Cupcompetiti on,e nhancethe ski lls ofstaff.Organizedcurityfirm and internalmanagementofthe internalmanagement measuresareeffective,harmonious.ctive use ofnewtechnologie s,ne wmaterials,newprocesses,newe quipme nt,i
34、ncrease i nvestment in scie ncea ndte chnol ogy,stre ngthening scie ntificand technol ogica ltraining, spee ding uptransforming scientificand te chnologi cala chieveme nts,forming a number of proprietaryte chnol ogy, e nhanci ng core com petitivene ss.Res ource-savi ng-t he-re sources saving e nterp
35、rise wastoForeigncurrencymeans Enterprise coor dinati ng devel opme ntofhome opathy,well,get al ong wit h theneighbors better. (B)XX2013 fiveenterprises bui ldi ng intrinsicsafetypower companygoalsare:unplanned outage 0times. Class ofdisorders 0, 0is e quivale ntforced outag e rate. Nopersonal injur
36、yaccident, materialandequipmentacci de nts do not occur,nofire,noenvir onme ntalmarketingstrict inter nal costcontrol , business a nd i nnovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se,ele ctricity supply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywit h coalinve ntory,get rewardsofJ
37、iangsu pr ovincial gover nmentpowerto266 milli on k Wh.Thr ough t hesmallandevaluation andse lecti on, produced 10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinduction gangsystem, 14staffposts bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cultivati on ofprofessi onaltec
38、hni callea ders, sele cted coverage9 13factpsychologi calcounseli ng,theenter priseculture construction to anewlevel. -Buil ding ofenterpri se culture isfruitful.Companies adhere to theShe nhua lead ofcorporateculture, cult ureofresponsibil ityatthe cor e,tosafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,ethi
39、calculture, costconti nues to strengt hen. Was carrie d outtomaintainprofessionabilateraltrade, a cce sstoelectri city 1.695 billion kWh,seekingremoval com pensationwhenthe power50 million -kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su Pr ovince ranke dfirst inthe samecapa city,t hesame ty peunits.m-assist
40、e d, throughvari ousculturalintegration,hang to a dvance furt her.nced Uniti n thebuilEstabli sh adingofehol ding system implementatinterprise cultureof reform andCompa nycl oselytra ckedcoal li nkage policiehew holeteam -buildiother honorary titles.Tces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,profitabuilding in
41、t o aperformance revie,wprnt problems ofcorporateculture prbilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,rem uneration ofla bour agreement s into l ong-term contractwomoting t he construction ofthe star team depth.Thisyear,re spectively, 1 track,4 teamfourstarratedfiveoje ct was awarde dthe CEC na
42、tionalelectri c powerenter prise cultureachievement award ofexcelle nce.orkerscompe nsati on system, stimulating t heent husiasm ofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human re sourcesma nage ment.Fullimpl ementation oftheperformancea ppraisa lregulati ons, incentive effect. Completethe re serveca dr
43、e-starby Datang a nd theteam.Four, insist s on six culturalTheacci dent earlywar ninga nd preventi on systemwasratedaconstruction of harmoni ous devel opme nt,reallyg oodjobnt, innovation manag( 3)遵守课堂纪律,认真听讲;勤于思考,积极大胆发言,按时完成各科作业,字迹工整,正确率高。(4)学习有目的,有计划;能利用学习用具和通过多种途径在社会、生活中自主学习。(5)学习勤奋努力,成绩优秀或进步明显。(
44、在学习测试中成绩突出的)3、安全健康星:讲究安全常锻炼,身心健康精神好。( 1)安全意识强,掌握日常生活、活动、地震等方面的必要安全知识,有较强的自我保护能力。(2)认真上好体育课,各项体育成绩达标。(3)排队做到“快、静、齐”,认真规范地做好两操。(4)热爱体育运动,平时经常活动、锻炼;乐观向上,朝气蓬勃,会调适自己的不良情绪。(5)积极参加班级、学校举行体育活动。(6)参加体育竞赛在校级以上获奖的,优先参评此星。4、文学艺术星:琴棋书画有特长,学习生活丰富多彩( 1)遵守艺术课课堂纪律,热爱音乐、美术、书法、舞蹈等艺术活动。(2)掌握必要的知识和技能,达到艺术课活动要求,艺术科目成绩达标。
45、(3)积极参加各项文艺活动,生活丰富多彩,富有情趣。(4)爱好课外阅读、 知识面广、 坚持写日记、有一定的文学功底。(5)文艺上有特长,对音乐、美术、书法、舞蹈等艺术形式有一定的艺术欣赏能力。(6)大胆展示自己,文学作品、艺术作品或文艺技能技巧竞赛获校级以上奖的,优先参评此星。5、卫生劳动星:讲究卫生会自理,学做家务爱劳动。( 1)衣着整洁, 讲究个人卫生;在家能做一些力所能及的家务,生活基本自理,并能为父母排忧解难。(2)主动维护班级、校园和公共场合卫生,自觉做好值日工作。不乱丢乱扔,不乱吐乱涂画,随手捡起地面垃圾。积极参加集体劳动和社会实践活动,劳动中不怕脏,不怕累。ecurit y, p
46、rofit,maintainstabilityand promoteharmoniousdev elopment as themaincontent ofthethree guarantee s themepracti ce activitie s andstressing partyspirit,t oconduct, forexamplecampaign,party andfurtherimprovementofthe level ofwork.Staf fparticipati nginthe honesta ndcle an culture construction seminars,
47、staffssenseofprobityand enhanced.Foundedbyhonesti ns pect orsteamcom pose dof 12em ployeest o broa den t hechannels of supervisi on.Adhereto establish fourgood leadershi pactivities,staffsatisfaction rate of 98%totheteam. -Groupworkdynamic. Promoti ngthe ope nnessoffactoryAffairs,proposalfora lovele
48、tterbox,tot he vitalinterests ofthestaffTrade Uniondelegati on lea der meeting ofthe 26 systemtodi scuss and safeg uardtheir democratic rights.Improvethe organi zationalstructure of themission,thework ofstrengt hening. Organize mai ntena ncelaborem ulation andhealth Cupcompetiti on,e nhancethe ski l
49、ls ofstaff.Organizedavarietyofcultural a ctivities,physica l andme ntalhealt h care staff,to createa harmonious atmosphere.Duringthe Wenchuan e reduce coalconsumption,waterconsumption,el ectricity at thecore ,enhancethe operati onoflea n management to reamarketingstrict inter nal costcontrol , busin
50、ess a nd i nnovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se,ele ctricity supply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywit h coalinve ntory,get rewardsofJiangsu pr ovincial gover nmentpowert o 266 milli on k Wh.Thr ough t hesmalland bilateraltrade,a cce sstoelectri city 1.695 bi
51、llion kWh,seekingremoval com pensationwhenthe power50 million-kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su Pr ovince ranke dfirst inthe samecapa city,t hesame ty peunits. Compa nycl oselytra ckedcoal li nkagepolicie s on July 1 a nd August20respe ctively increase pri ces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,profita
52、 bilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,rem uneration ofla bour agreement s into l ong-term contractw orkerscompe nsati on system, stimulating t heent husiasm ofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human re sourcesma nage ment.Fullimpl em entationofthe performancea ppraisa lregulati ons, inc
53、entive effect. Completethe re serveca dreevaluation andse lecti on, produced 10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinduction gangsystem, 14staffposts bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cultivati on ofprofessi onaltechni callea ders, sele cted coverage
54、9 13fact ory -level professiona land te chnica lleaders. To e nhance staffskillstraining ,8 stafftechni cians.Laborcontract law com pliance, contracts ofupto100%.-Starteam -buildi ng to a dvance furt her. Establi sh a hol ding system implementati on,and pr omotingt hew holeteam -buildi ng goa ls,str
55、e ngthe ngroupma nagement.T eam building int o aperformance revie,wpr omoting t he construction ofthe star team depth.Thisyear,re spectively, 1 track,4 teamfourstarratedfive -starby Datang a nd theteam.Four, insist s on six cultural construction of harmoni ous devel opme nt,reallyg oodjob ofpartycon
56、str ucti on andt he inde pende ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengt heni ng thehumanisti c care andpsychologi calcounseli ng,theenter priseculture construction to anewlevel. -Buil ding ofenterpri se culture isfruitful.Companies adhere to theShe nhua lead ofcorporateculture, cult ureofresponsibil
57、ityatthe cor e,tosafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,ethi calculture, cost culture culture syste m-assisted, throughvari ousculturalintegration,ha s boosted busine ssce ntre,thi syearhasw ont he Chi nese cult uralmanagementa dvanced unit,NationalAdvanced Uniti n thebuil dingofe nterprise cultureof
58、reform and ope ning up 30 and other honorary titles.T he liabilityofthe companyculture:solving management problems ofcorporateculture pr oje ct was awarde dthe CEC nationalelectri c powerenter prise cultureachievement award ofexcelle nce.Theacci dent earlywar ninga nd preventi on systemwasratedasChi
59、nas pow erofinnovation management, innovation managementofelectri cpowerenter prisei nJiangsuProvi nce.-Partyand thei nde pende ntCommis sion against corruptionconti nues to strengt hen. Was carrie d outtomaintain尊重劳动者和劳动果实,勤俭节约,不浪费水、电、 粮食等;不摆阔气,不乱花钱。卫生检查中,负责区域未扣分或受到学校表扬的,优先参评此星。6、 科技创造星( 每学期评选一次,由科
60、创中心具体组织并提供科获星学生名单)( 1)热爱科学,富有创新精神,具备一定的创新实践能力。(2)积极参加科创中心的常规活动,不无故缺席,在活动小组内具有模范引领作用。(3)在每学期的科创活动中有所收获,能认真完成作品,且有作品参加校级以上的科创大赛。(4)在校级科创作品比赛中获一等奖,在省、市、国家科创作品大赛中获奖者,优先参评此星。(六)星级学生的破格与否决星级学生实行破格制度,对有特别突出表现,进步特别明显的,经校评委会评审可破格晋级。同时星级学生实行否决制,对有以下任一行为者,取消星级评选资格; 对已经评选为星级学生的学生如果有以下行为之一,则给予取消星级学生称号的处罚。1、旷课一天以
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