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1、PAGE 完形填空真题检测(一)2022年6月浙江高考Alia Baker is a librarian in Iraq. Her library used to be a _36_ place for all who loved books and liked to share knowledge. They _37_ various matters all over the world. When the war was near, Alia was _38_ that the fires of war would destroy the books, which are more _39

2、_ to her than mountains of gold. The books are in every language new books, ancient books, _40_ a book on the history of Iraq that is seven hundred years old.She had asked the government for _41_ to move the books to a _42_ place, but they refused. So Alia took matters into her own hands. _43_, she

3、brought books home every night, _44_ her car late after work. Her friends came to _45_ her when the war broke out. Anis who owned a restaurant _46_ to hide some books. All through the _47_, Alia, Anis, his brothers and neighbours took the books from the library, _48_ them over the sevenfoot wall and

4、 _49_ them in the restaurant. The books stayed hidden as the war _50_. Then nine days later, a fire burned the _51_ to the ground.One day, the bombing stopped and the _52_ left. But the war was not over yet. Alia knew that if the books were to be safe, they must be _53_ again while the city was _54_

5、. So she hired a truck to bring all the books to the houses of friends in the suburbs (郊区). Now Alia waited for the war to end and _55_ peace and a new library.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了在伊拉克战争中,Alia Baker和身边的人勇敢地保护图书馆书籍的故事。36A.meetingBworkingCpersonalDreligious解析:选A根据下文可知,爱书人士经常到Alia的图书馆看书、分享知识,对于这些人来说,该图书

6、馆是一个聚会处,应选meeting。37A.raisedBhandledCreportedDdiscussed解析:选D结合语境可知,他们在这里讨论全世界各种各样的事情,应选discussed,表示“讨论,议论。38A.worriedBangryCdoubtfulDcurious解析:选A根据上文提到的战争即将来临,以及下文提到的Alia和身边的人保护图书馆书籍的内容可知,此处指Alia很担忧书籍在战火中被毁掉,应选worried。39A.practicalBpreciousCreliableDexpensive解析:选B根据语境及下文的“mountains of gold可知,Alia认为这

7、些书比金山还要珍贵,应选precious,表示“珍贵的。40A.thenBstillCevenDrather解析:选C空处上下文在语义上表示递进,指甚至(even)还有700年前的有关伊拉克历史的书籍。41A.permissionBconfirmationCexplanationDinformation解析:选A根据语境可知,她希望得到政府允许把书搬到平安的(safe)地方,但他们拒绝了。ask sb.for permission表示“请求某人的许可,符合语境。42A.largeBpublicCdistantDsafe解析:选D参见上题解析。43A.FortunatelyBSurprising

8、lyCSeriouslyDSecretly解析:选D根据语境可知,每晚很晚下班后,Alia秘密地把书带回家。secretly“秘密地,偷偷地,符合语境。44A.startingBparkingCfillingDtesting解析:选C根据上下文语境及空后的“her car可知,Alia把书装到她的汽车里运回家。fill表示“装满。45A.stopBhelpCwarnDrescue解析:选B根据下文的内容可知,战争爆发后,她的朋友们也赶来帮助(help)她。46A.intendedBpretendedChappenedDagreed解析:选D根据下文可知,Anis同意把一些书藏在自己的餐馆里,a

9、gree to do . 表示“同意做。47A.warBnightCbuildingDway解析:选B根据语境可知,他们整个晚上都在从图书馆里搬书,这也照应了上文中的“every night。48A.putBopenedCpassedDthrew解析:选C根据上下文可知,他们要把书递过7英尺的高墙,并把它们藏在餐馆里。pass表示“传递。49A.hidBexchangedCburntDdistributed解析:选A参见上题解析。hide表示“隐藏。下文的hidden亦是提示。50A.approachedBeruptedCcontinuedDended解析:选C根据语境及上文中的“the wa

10、r broke out可知,战争还在继续(continued)。51A.restaurantBlibraryCcityDwall解析:选B根据语境及下文中的“a new library可知,图书馆被全部焚毁了,应选library。52A.neighboursBsoldiersCfriendsDcustomers解析:选B一天,轰炸停止了,士兵们也离开了,所以选soldiers。53.A.soldBreadCsavedDmoved解析:选D根据下文可知,Alia知道,尽管城市是安静的,如果要想这些书平安,他们必须把这些书再转移(moved)出去。54A. occupiedBbombedCquie

11、tDbusy解析:选C参见上题解析。quiet表示“安静的。55A.dreamed ofBbelieved inCcared aboutDlooked for解析:选A根据语境可知,Alia等待着战争的结束,梦想着(拥有)和平和一个新的图书馆。dream of表示“梦想,期盼。完形填空真题检测(二)2022年10月浙江高考When my son Gene was about 12 years old, I started helping him learn to _36_. I bought twenty chickens and asked him to _37_ them. I told

12、him that they would be his own chickens and we would _38_ the eggs from him. However, he would have to buy chicken _39_ with the money he made from the eggs. Whatever money was _40_ would be his to keep. Gene was _41_, thinking he would make his first _42_.After several weeks successful work, I bega

13、n to _43_ that egg production was going down. I _44_ nothing about it. Then one night, Gene told me he didnt have _45_ money to buy the feed. He said the chickens had never _46_ a meal and he could not figure out why some of them had stopped _47_ eggs.Then I asked him if he had _48_ the amount of fe

14、ed he had given the chickens.He was _49_. It was like he did not think anyone would ever _50_ what he had done.After a long _51_, he said yes.He thought he would make more money if he gave them _52_ food.I asked him, “Did you fool the chickens?I was just astonished at the question in my own _53_. I

15、was dumbfounded (惊呆) at the _54_ of it. Yes, you can fool everyone else, but you cannot “fool the chickens, because _55_, you will find out, as the saying goes, “What goes around comes around.语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过教儿子养鸡的经历,反思生活中对待问题的态度,从而得出重要的人生启示:永远不要耍花招,因为有因就有果。36A.cookBshareCcountDwork解析:选D根据下文内容可知

16、,此处指作者开始帮助儿子学会做事,work“劳动,干活。37A.take care ofBobserveCtrainDplay with解析:选A根据下文作者让儿子自己喂养鸡可知,他买来这些鸡让儿子照顾。observe“观察,遵守,庆祝;train“训练;play with“与玩耍。38A.saveBborrowCbuy Dkeep解析:选C根据下文的“with the money he made from the eggs可知,这里表示“我们从他这里买走鸡蛋。39A.nestBsoupCmeatDfeed解析:选D根据第45空后边的“money to buy the feed可知,这里应用f

17、eed,表示“饲料。40A.given backBpicked upCleft overDbrought in解析:选Cbe left over“剩下,残留,此处指“剩下的钱由他保管。41A.thrilledBworriedCsatisfiedDdiscouraged解析:选A根据语境可知,此处表示“想到他要挣得人生第一桶金,他感到很冲动。thrilled“非常兴奋,极为冲动。42A.dealBcontributionCfortuneDchoice解析:选C参见上题解析。43A.hearBnoticeCpredictDimagine解析:选B此处表示“我注意到鸡蛋的产量下降了,应选B。44A.


19、hecked outCcut downDmeasured解析:选C根据上文可知,有些鸡停止下蛋了,所以此处表示“我问他是否减少了鸡的饲料量。balance“平衡;check out“检查;cut down“减少,削减;measure“测量,度量。49A.delightedBshockedCtiredDdisappointed解析:选B根据下文的“he did not think .what he had done可知,他没想到有人会知道他的所作所为,他感到震惊。50A.forgiveBallowCdiscussDknow解析:选D参见上题解析。51A.silenceBabsenceCnegot

20、iationDpreparation解析:选A此处表示“他沉默了一会儿,然后就成认了。silence“沉默;absence“缺席,不在;negotiation“谈判;preparation“准备。52A.heavyBfresherClessDsolid解析:选C根据上文可知,他给鸡喂的饲料比以前少了。53A.lifeBjobCcaseDmind解析:选Din my own mind在此意为“在我的脑海里。54A.explanationBsignificanceCtrickDexample解析:选B此处指“我想到了这个问题所揭示的意义。significance“意义,含义。55A.in this

21、 respectBin the endCin contrastDin addition解析:选B此处表示“最终,你会发现,正如俗语所说,有因就有果,应选B。一完形填空考查动向完形填空要求考生不仅能理解文字的含义,而且还要结合上下文语境进行思考,主要考查考生根据上下文正确使用词语的综合能力。下面就2022年6月、2022年10月浙江高考以及2022年全国卷的完形填空试题做简单分析:卷别体裁题材考点分布动词(短语)名词形容词副词介词(短语)2022年6月浙江高考记叙文Alia Baker和身边的人在战火中勇敢地保护书籍1044202022年10月浙江高考夹叙夹议文因果报应1054012022年全国


23、)考查考生在阅读理解的根底上对词汇知识的掌握情况,突出在语篇中对词汇的综合运用能力。不涉及或极少涉及单纯的语法知识、习惯用法和句型结构。备考时考生应把握考查方向,加强语篇意识,从宏观和微观两个层面解读文章,理清文章脉络。平时考生还应注重对常考体裁、题材的训练。二完形填空解题的6个微技能1利用词语复现解题在完形填空题目中,语篇复现的信息包括原词复现、同义/近义词复现和同根词复现等。考生不需要做出推理判断,利用上下文的复现信息,就能轻松确定正确答案。(1)原词复现:在上下文中同一词汇反复出现典例(202210月浙江高考节选)When my son Gene was about 12 years o

24、ld, I started helping him learn to 36(work). I bought twenty chickens and asked him to 37(take_care_of) them. I told him that they would be his own chickens and we would 38(buy) the eggs from him. However, he would have to buy chicken _39_ with the money he made from the eggs. Whatever money was 40(

25、left_over) would be his to keep. Gene was 41(thrilled),_thinking he would make his first 42(fortune)After several weeks successful work, I began to 43(notice) that egg production was going down. I 44(said) nothing about it. Then one night, Gene told me he didnt have 45(enough) money to buy the feed.

26、39A.nestBsoupCmeatDfeed分析:此题可以利用原词复现解题。根据第45空后“to buy the feed,可知Gene卖鸡蛋挣的钱要用来买饲料,应选D。(2)同义/近义词复现:意思相同、相近的表达方式,或者解释性的语言复现典例(2022全国卷节选)While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life,college sets the stage for that exploration. I myself went through this _41_ pr

27、ocess and found something that has changed my 42(experience) at college for the better: I discovered ASL American Sign Language (美式手语)41A.searchingBplanningCnaturalDformal分析:此题可以利用近义词复现解题。第41空是上文“explore的近义词复现,应选A。(3)同根词复现:词形变化的词汇复现典例(2022北京高考节选)It was a cold January in 1925 in Nome, Alaska. The tow

28、n was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow.On the 20th of that month, Dr.Welch 36(examined) a sick boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious (传染的) disease mainly affecting children. The children of Nome would be 37(helpless) if it struck the town. Dr.Welch needed me

29、dicine as soon as possible to stop other kids from getting sick. 38(However),_the closest supply was over 1,000 miles away, in Anchorage.How could the medicine get to Nome? The towns 39(harbor) was already full of ice, so it couldnt come by ship. Cars and horses couldnt travel on the _40_ roads.40A.

30、narrowBsnowyCbusyDdirty分析:此题可以利用同根词复现解题。根据第一段可知,大雪覆盖了道路,汽车和马都不能通行,空处与首段最后一个单词snow是同根词复现,应选B。2利用词语同现解题某些语义相关联的词语在语篇中有同时出现的倾向性,叫词语同现。同现词之间有反义或相对关系,或者同类互补关系等。如ill, hospital, doctor, nurse, operation, medicine等一群相互关联的词语就有同时出现在一个语篇中的可能性。根据这种“同现关系可确定某一空格的答案。典例(2022全国卷节选)Larry works with Transport Drivers,

31、 Inc. One morning in 2022. Larry was _41_ along 165 north after delivering to one of his 42(customers). Suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on.41A.walkingBtouringCtravelingDrushing分析:此题属词语同现。最有可能与driver(司机),transport(运输),delivering(运载)等词同现的应当是“行驶(traveling),walking和rushing表示人行进,不是机动车行进,tou

32、ring表示“旅行,应选C。3利用逻辑关系解题(1)利用逻辑关系语解题逻辑关系语指表示各种逻辑意义的连接成分,主要有:词(包括连词、副词和少数介词),如and, but, or, because, though, however, yet, therefore, otherwise, despite等。短语,如in other words, in addition, as a result, on the contrary, instead of 等。分句和独立结构,如that is to say, what is more, generally speaking等。在解题时要充分利用这些逻辑

33、关系语,找到与文中某些词、短语有密切关系的选项。典例(20226月浙江高考节选)Alia knew that if the books were to be safe, they must be _53_ again while the city was 54_(quiet). So she hired a truck to bring all the books to the houses of friends in the suburbs (郊区)53A.soldBreadCsavedDmoved分析:根据后面的逻辑关系语“So和“she hired a truck to bring al

34、l the books to the houses of friends in the suburbs可知,她决定趁城市平静的时候,再次转移这些图书,应选D。(2)利用上下文暗示解题在完形填空选项的设置上多考查考生通过上下文的前后提示或暗示,对整体文意进行把握的能力。因此,在做题时要有全局观念,进行连贯性思维,要把每个空白处的含义与前后句的意思联系起来理解,进行符合逻辑的推理判断。开头的题目需要从下文查找信息;中间或最后的题目需要从上下文查找信息,信息常见的有单个的词、短语、句子,但有时是语境暗示。典例(20226月浙江高考节选)Anis who owned a restaurant _46_

35、 to hide some books.All through the 47_(night),_Alia, Anis, his brothers and neighbours took the books from the library, 48(passed) them over the sevenfoot wall and 49(hid) them in the restaurant.46A.intendedBpretendedChappenedDagreed分析:根据下文语境可知, 他们在夜里转移图书,由此可知,Alia的朋友Anis同意把图书藏在他的饭店里,应选D。4利用背景常识解题完

36、形填空题所选的文章大都贴近考生生活。考生在解题时,可以将相关信息和我们原有的生活经验、文化背景知识,以及科普常识等结合起来,进行简单推理,从而得出正确答案。事实上,该技巧与“逻辑推断常常交织在一起,因为虽有背景常识,但仍需简单推理;逻辑推理离不开背景常识。典例(2022全国卷节选)Once fire and emergency people arrived, Larry and the other man _56_ and let them go to work. Then, Larry asked the 57(police) if he was needed or 58(free) to

37、go. They let him and the other man go.56A.stepped forwardBbacked offCmoved onDset out分析:消防人员和救援人员一到,Larry和那位司机就退到后边让他们工作了起来。根据常识,紧急救援需要专业人员处理其他人员应该退后。step forward“往前走;back off“往后退;move on“继续往前;set out“出发,动身。应选B。5利用首尾照应关系解题记叙文类的完形填空在很多情况下不仅仅是在讲一个故事,而是要通过故事来升华主题,而升华的内容往往在文章结尾处,与首段内容形成首尾照应关系。因此,我们做题不是只

38、看到最后一空,而是要看到最后一个词,而且要学会“回头看(重点看首段)。不要因我们过早地放松,忽略了首尾照应关系,在最后一两道题上留下遗憾。典例(2022北京高考节选)Hannah Taylor is a schoolgirl from Manitoba, Canada.One day, when she was five years old, she was walking with her mother in downtown Winnipeg.They saw a man 36(eating) out of a garbage can.She asked her mother why he

39、 did that, and her mother said that the man was homeless and hungry.Hannah was very 37(upset)She couldnt understand why some people had to live their lives without shelter or enough food.Hannah started to think about how she could 38(help),_but, of course, there is not a lot one fiveyearold can do t

40、o solve (解决) the problem of homelessness.Hannah is one of many examples of young people who are making a _55_ in the world.You can, too!55A.choiceBprofitCjudgementDdifference分析:此题可以利用首尾照应关系解题。文章首段讲到汉纳在五岁时看到无家可归的人在垃圾箱里捡东西吃,她很难过。通过首段尾句“Hannah started to . to solve (解决) the problem of homelessness.可知她很

41、想帮助这些人。而末段“Hannah is . who are making a _55_ in the world. You can, too!这句话与首段照应。根据文章可知,汉纳的做法是众多年轻人中的一个例子,通过她的努力对这个世界有不小的影响。make a difference 为固定短语,意思是“有影响,起作用,应选D项。6利用文章开展脉络解题我们主张在做完形填空的时候要合理想象,其实就是合理思考和推理,不能“胡思乱想,应“随文应变,不可“一意孤行,要随着文段开展脉络,调整预测偏差。典例(2022全国卷节选)The 46(story) began during my first week

42、 at college.I watched as the ASL Club 47(performed) their translation of a song.Both the hand movements and the very 48(idea) of communicating without speaking 49(attracted) me.What I saw was completely unlike anything I had experienced in the 50(past)This newness just left me 51(wanting) more.After

43、 that, feeling the need to _52_further, I decided to drop in on one of ASL clubs meetings.I only learned how to 53(sign) the alphabet that day.Yet instead of being discouraged by my 54(slow) progress, I was excited.I then made it a point to 55(attend) those meetings and learn all I could.52A.exercis

44、eBexploreCexpressDexplain分析:此题可以利用文章开展脉络解题。所节选局部文章开展脉络为:大学第一周我观看了美式手语俱乐部的表演我被表演所吸引我想进一步学习更多手语方面的知识我参加俱乐部的会议。根据文章开展脉络可知,第52题是在作者观看了美式手语俱乐部的表演后感受到了进一步“探索(explore)的必要,故答案为B项。分文体训练,更有利于学生掌握不同文体的行文结构和布局,从而快速读懂文章、精准解题。完形填空模拟检测(一)记叙文(一)(共3篇,限时50分钟)A(2022浙江宁波高三期末)One evening last fall, Marcos Ugarte was doi

45、ng his homework in his room.His father, Eduardo, a _1_, was busy with his work.Then they heard someone yelling _2_.Eduardo, 47, and Marcos, 15, found the yelling was from one of their neighbors homes, the Ma family.“I didnt think there was something _3_. Eduardo said.He headed back inside to prepare

46、 lesson plans, _4_ Marcos eye was caught by something from Mas house.“Dad, the house is _5_! Marcos cried.Then the barefoot teen _6_ to Mas home with his dad.Grandmother Yim Ma, mother Suzanne Ma, and son Nathan Ma were in the front yard, yelling for _7_.When the Ugartes got there, they saw through

47、the open front door that father Alex Ma was running down from the stairs, _8_.“Is _9_ in the house? Eduardo asked.“My son! Alex _10_ to say, pointing to the second floor.Eduardo ran up the stairs, but thick smoke and great heat _11_ him to his knees.He crawled (爬行) upstairs where Alex said hed find

48、Cody, eight, who had _12_ himself in a bedroom.“Id never seen _13_ like that, said Eduardo.“My glasses _14_ turned black. Eduardo hit his body on the bedroom door, but Cody didnt _15_.Eduardo made his way back downstairs.At the same time, Marcos saw Yim and Suzanne took a _16_ out of the garage.Cody

49、 was _17_ at the window.Marcos seized it, positioned it near the _18_, climbed toward the boy and got Cody out.The day after the fire, Alex _19_ Marcos.“Thank you for saving my son, Alex said.“You are his _20_ forever.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。邻居家着火后,15岁的Marcos勇敢地救出了被困的8岁的孩子Cody。1A.journalistBteacherCwriterDlaw

50、yer解析:选B根据第4空前的“He headed back inside to prepare lesson plans可知,Eduardo是一位老师。2A.outsideBupstairsCagainDinstead解析:选A根据该空后的“found the yelling was from one of their neighbors homes, the Ma family可知,叫喊声是从外面传来的。3A.attractiveBcommonCpuzzlingDwrong解析:选D根据该空后的“He headed back inside to prepare lesson plans可知

51、,Eduardo认为外边没什么事。4A.orBforCbutDso解析:选CMarcos的动作与父亲的动作构成转折,故用but。5A.under repairBin sightCon saleDon fire解析:选D根据第11空前的“thick smoke and great heat可知,那所房子着火了。6A.wavedBpointedCrushedDrode解析:选C从上句情况得出,看到邻居的房子着火了,Marcos光着脚冲向了那儿。7A.supportBhelpCadviceDfreedom解析:选B发生了火灾,那些人在那儿呼救。8A.coughingBsingingCthinking

52、Dsmiling解析:选A根据第11空前的“thick smoke and great heat可知,Alex Ma咳嗽着从楼梯上跑下来。9A.everyoneBanyoneCheDit解析:选B根据第8空前Marcos和爸爸看到了Alex Ma从楼梯上跑下来可知,Eduardo问楼上是否还有人。10A.managedBdecidedCcontinuedDstopped解析:选AAlex Ma被烟呛得直咳嗽,所以他说话很困难。11A.guidedBpulledCforcedDpressed解析:选C根据本空前的“thick smoke and great heat可知,他上了楼梯,但是浓烟和热

53、浪迫使他在地上爬行。12A.hiddenBcaughtCenjoyedDlocked解析:选D根据第15空前的“Eduardo hit his body on the bedroom door可知,Cody把自己反锁在了屋子里。13A.behaviourBsilenceCsmokeDdamage解析:选C根据第14空后的“turned black可知,Eduardo说他从来没有见过这么浓的烟。14A.frequentlyBfinallyCusuallyDimmediately解析:选D由上文的火势判断,火很大,烟很浓,他的眼镜一下子就被熏黑了。15A.struggleBrespondCagre

54、eDappear解析:选B根据“Eduardo made his way back downstairs.可知,他撞门,但Cody没有反响。16A.ladderBchairCbikeDbox解析:选A根据18空前后的一系列动作可知,Yim和Suzanne从车库中拿出了一把梯子。17A.playingBwalkingCscreamingDhesitating解析:选CEduardo撞门时,Cody没有反响,由此可知,Cody正在窗户那儿大声呼救。18A.treeBgarageCdoorDwindow解析:选D上句中的window有提示。Marcos一把抓过梯子,把它靠在窗户那儿,然后爬了上去。1

55、9A.visitedBencouragedCrecognizedDmissed解析:选AMarcos家和Alex家是邻居,所以第二天,Alex去拜访了Marcos并表达了谢意。20A.leaderBheroCfriendDfan解析:选B根据上文Marcos勇救Cody可知,Marcos将永远是Cody心中的英雄。B(2022浙江瑞安四校联考)Jim entered my firstgrade classroom in August.He could not speak in sentences, did not know the _1_, could not write, and appea

56、red misplaced in a grade level too advanced for his _2_.After classroom placement testing, Jim and I began with _3_ to write his name, then playing kindergarten alphabet games.I had taught in a kindergarten previously for 13 years.Being a(n)_4_ teacher, I knew where I needed to _5_.His seating in th

57、e class was right at the end of my finger.Everything we did in the whole class, he did with me _6_.Then around Christmas, Jim _7_ a role model in the class Jack, the _8_ boy I had in the class.Jack also took an interest in him._9_, Jims seating changed, next to Jack.Jack became his playmate.When we

58、did classroom tasks, Jack _10_ Jim.In March, I was _11_ to receive a student teacher.With her help, I became a tutor to Jim, and to my surprise, he began to read.He _12_ 10 words, and could read books with those words.Then he began to _13_ those words.While everyone else was learning about kilometer

59、s in math, Jim and I worked on _14_ shoes.He did not even know how to cross the strings.May arrived.It was time for _15_.Jim could not read firstgrade words, _16_ he could read 17 preprimary words.He read them with only 3 _17_.In addition to this, he _18_ to write numbers 1 to 100.The president call

60、ed him “a little _19_ storyJim has been a(n) _20_ to us.And now he talks, nonstop, fluently in sentences.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。班上一名叫吉姆的学生有学习障碍,但是在作者和同学杰克及其他人的帮助下,他取得了明显的进步。1A.alphabetBclassroomCteacherDchange解析:选A根据本空前后的“could not speak和“could not write可知,他认读有障碍,说不出整句子,认不全字母表,更不会写。2A.memoriesBneedsCgoalsDgr


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