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1、2022-2023学年中考英语模拟试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、Chinas first home-built aircraft carrier(航空母舰) hit the water in Dalian _ the morning of April 26, 2017.Ain Bon Cat Dto2、-Kate, a

2、re you only child in your family?-Yes, but new baby is on the way.Aa; theBan; theCthe; aDthe; the3、Boys and girls, why not read English aloud? Its _ to your pronunciation and reading skills.AharmfulBuselessChelpfulDthankful4、Ann, do you know what happened to Mike?He fell down when he _ the school bu

3、s this morning.Awent off Bturned off Ctook off Dgot off5、Jack, how was your summer vacation?Just so-so. I decided to go for my next vacation.Asomething wonderfulBwonderful somethingCsomewhere wonderfulDwonderful somewhere6、- Do you think English is very important?- Yes. English is _ language that al

4、l of the students should try to learn it well.Asuch a usefulBso usefulCsuch an useful7、 Would you mind my using your camera? Sorry, theres _ with it.Awrong somethingBwrong anythingCanything wrongDsomething wrong8、Ann, when do you plan to go for your ten-day holiday?Next month. Im going away on the a

5、nd coming back on the 12th.AfirstBsecondCthirdDfourth9、I think dragons are the _ of China. Do you think so?-I agree with you.AsymbolBsituationCpromiseDshape10、- Its getting dark. Could you please _ the light for me? - All right. Just a minute.Akeep onBturn onCtry onDput on. 完形填空11、These days, a new

6、kind of restaurant is becoming popular. People who go there can not only enjoy their 1 , they can also enjoy playing computer games and_with their family and friends on the Internet. UWink is the restaurants name. It is in Los Angeles, and its about fun and food. In UWink, there are _ waiters or wai

7、tresses around you. The screens have replaced (取代) them. You can order the food you want by touching the screen in front of you and runners will bring_ to the tables. You can 2 play video games with the people at the next table. The screens can show music videos, movies and so on, though mainly they

8、 3 show video games.Its an interactive (互动) restaurant _you will control your meal and your fun. The service is fast and the runners know clearly where to go. There will be no waiting for a waiter, and no misunderstandings (误解) in the 4 Different kinds of foods are 5 at any time of a day. UWink is a

9、 place which hosts “room games” too, where every table in the restaurant can have a video game competition at the same 6 . The owner of the restaurant hopes that UWink can make it easy for people to be interactive, have fun and enjoy a delicious meal.1AmusicBmealsCactivitiesDsmile2Aput offBcheer upC

10、set upDhave fun3AnoBenoughCsomeDfew4AthemBherChimDit5AonlyBhardlyCalsoDeither6Aused toBare used toCare used forDget used to7AwhichBwhereCwhatDthat8AshopBschoolCwindowDkitchen9AservedBcleanedCboughtDtaken10AyearBmoneyCtimeDfood. 语法填空12、While 1 (travel) abroad, Mr. Jackson Frank spent almost all the m

11、oney he took with him. So he wrote to his brother to send him $ 5000 by bank transfer(汇款) to the Fischer Bank. After a week he 2 (begin) calling at the Fischer Bank. He showed his passport. “Nothing has come for you,” he 3 told. This went on for two weeks, and Mr. Frank got very 4(worry). He sent an

12、 email to his brother, but there was no reply.In the fourth week Mr. Frank was arrested(拘留) for not 5 (be) able to pay his hotel bill(账单). He tried to explain the problem, but no one believed him. He stayed in prison(监狱) 6 sixty days.When he came out, he went immediately to the Fischer Bank. The cle

13、rk he spoke 7 was a new man. “Have you received $ 5000 for me?” he asked. “My name is Jackson Frank.”The clerk checked his books. “Yes, Mr. Jackson, its here. It came by bank transfer more than two months ago. We wondered where you were. ” He showed Mr. Frank the order(汇票).The order read, “Pay Mr. F

14、rank Jackson the sum of $5000”“But my name is Jackson Frank, not Frank Jackson.” “Oh, thats all right, sir. It was in our books under the letter J, but it s your money.” The clerk laughed. “A human mistake, sir! Were all human beings, arent we? And so we all make mistakes. A family name like Frank 8

15、 (sound) strange to me.”Mr. Frank was in 9 (silent). He really wanted to hit somebody. At last he said, “A human mistake is that what you call it? I think some humans need 10 (kick).”. 阅读理解A13、Leaving Her Mark。 Molly is a little hose. A few yeas ago,she was badly hurt by a dog. The dog bit all four

16、of Molly s legs and left a large cut in her face. Molly s owner,Kaye Harris,took her to an animal hospital. Doctors there tried their best to save Molly s life,but soon one of her legs became very infected(感染)The only way to save her life was to remove the leg.At fist,doctors thought Molly would die

17、. But Molly changed their minds. Doctors noticed that she shifted(转移)her weight, and rested her good leg from time to time. They knew that Molly had amazing cleverness and a strong will. She wanted to live. Several doctors operated on Molly,and removed her infected leg. A false(假的)leg was made for h

18、er and doctors gave Molly a special horseshoe at the bottom of her false leg. This horseshoe had a stamp of a smiling face in it! After the operation,Molly walked around on all four legs,as if nothing had ever happened to her!Now,with every step she takes,she stamps a smile in the dirt. Wherever she

19、 goes,Molly leaves her mark. Without saying a word,she speaks to people with her kind eyes. Even when she walks away,she leaves an impression. Molly leaves her mark in other ways,too. Kaye Harris takes Molly to schools,nursing homes, army bases and hospitals. Molly is famous because she makes people

20、 smile and gives them hope. A book is even written about Molly!Molly has become a symbol of hope for people of all ages. Her story leaves a smile on people s faces,just as clearly as her horseshoe leaves a mark in the sand.1A few years ago,Molly Afell off the hillBwas badly hurt by a dogCfell into t

21、he riverDwas hurt in a car accident2After the operation, AMollys leg became very infectedBMolly walked around on all four legsCthe doctors thought Molly would dieDthe doctors noticed Molly was clever3Molly is famous because Ashe gives people hopeBshe acts in a playCshe speaks to peopleDshe runs fast

22、est4What do you think of Molly?ADangerous. BImpolite.CHard-working. DStrong-willed.B14、Mrs. Jackson was a rich woman. She had many friends. She liked cooking very much and she often invited her friends to her big house.One day, she invited some of her friends to lunch. She wanted very much to try a

23、new way of cooking a fish, and she was very pleased with herself when the dish was ready. The fish was very hot, so she put it near the open window to make it cool. But five minutes later, when she came back for it, she was surprised to see her neighbors cat, Mike, eating the fish. She was in time t

24、o stop the cat before it was too late. That afternoon everything was good and all her friends liked the fish very much. They talked until four oclock. Then they said goodbye and left.At the end of that afternoon, when she was alone again, Mrs. Jackson was very tired but happy. She was sitting in the

25、 chair just near the window. Then through the window, she was surprised to see her neighbors cat dead in the garden! Why, the fish must be bad! What would happen to her friends? She telephoned her family doctor at once. The doctor told her to call each of her friends to see him at the hospital. At l

26、ast, the danger was over.Once again, Mrs. Jackson was alone in her chair in the sitting-room, still tired but no longer happy. Just then the telephone rang. It was her neighbor. “Oh, Mrs. Jackson, Mike is dead. He was killed by a car and put in your garden”.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。1(小题1)Why did Mr

27、s. Jackson put the fish near the open window?ABecause she didnt cook the fish.BBecause she wanted to give the fish to the cat.CBecause she wanted to cool the fish.DBecause she wanted to show how delicious the fish was.2(小题2)When did Mrs. Jacksons friends leave her house?AAt 4:00 a.m. BAt 4:00 p.m.CA

28、t 5:00 a.m. DAt 5:00 p.m.3(小题3)How did Mrs. Jackson feel when she saw the dead cat?AAngry. BFrightened.CSurprised. DHappy.4(小题4)Put the following events that happened in order.Mrs. Jackson called her doctor.Mrs. Jackson cooked the fish in a new way.Her friends saw the doctor.Mrs. Jackson saw the dea

29、d cat.A BC D5(小题5)Which is NOT true according to the passage?AMrs. Jackson had lots of friends.BOne of her friends killed the cat.CHer friends enjoyed the fish very much.DAll her friends were all right.C15、Different countries have different ideas about manners-how you behave when you are eating.In E

30、ngland,table manners are important.Good table manners in England are as follows:How to sit:You should sit up straight in your chair.It is not a good idea to lean(倾斜)forwards or backwards.When you eat, you should not lean towards the plate,but bring the knife,fork or spoon towards you.At the same tim

31、e,do not out your elbows on the table,nor reach over someones plate for something.Using your fingers:English people normally dont pick food up with their fingers when they are eating main courses.If you are not sure,the safest is to use your knife or fork.There are,however,some foods that are usuall

32、y eaten with fingers.They include sanwiches,burgers,crisps and fruit.Your mouth:It is not polite to talk with your mouth full of food,or to eat with your mouth open.And if possible,do not make any noises.Never lick(舔)your plate after eating.How much to eat:It is polite to eat the food that you have

33、been offered,so a clear plate is a good plate.It shows that you enjoyed the food.If you cant finish everything and need to leave a little,thats also okay.You could say something like“That was very nice,thank you,but Im just too full to eat another bite.”1How should you sit when you are eating in Eng

34、land?AYou should lean backwards.BYou should lean forwards.CYou should sit up straight in your chair.2What food do Englishmen eat with their fingers?ABeef.BPizza.CJuice.3What is the good table manners in England?AReach over someones plate for something.BLick your plate after eating.CEat an orange wit

35、h fingers.4What can we infer(推断)according to the passage?AEating with the mouth closed is a good manner.BWe mustnt leave anything on the plate any time.CSaying sorry means we are full.5What does the passage mainly talk about?AThe differences between England and China.BGood table manners in England.C

36、The importance of table manners.D16、 My name is Linda. I was cute, active and happyuntil that day when I was two years old. I had a bad fall and hurt one of my eyes. The doctor said that if the eye was taken out, my face would look worse, so my blind eye lives on with me.People often ask me uncomfor

37、table questions about my eye or even play jokes on me. When the kids played games, I was always the “bad guy”. Everyone looked down on me. Yet every time mom noticed I was unhappy, she would say to me, “Hold your head up high and face the world.” It helped me move on in life.As a child, I thought mo

38、m meant: Be careful or you will fall down or knock into something because you are not looking. As a teenager I always looked down to hide my shame, but I found that people liked me when I held my head up high. In high school I was even made monitor. All I really wanted was to look like everyone else

39、. When things got really bad, I would cry to my mom and she would look at me with loving eyes and say, “Hold your head up high and face the world. Let them see the love that is inside.”Moms love gave me confidence. Finally I was able to look people in the eye. I learned not only to appreciate (欣赏) m

40、yself but to have deep love for others.1What happened to the writer when she was two years old?AShe couldnt see anything.BShe broke her leg.CShe hurt one of her eyes. DShe fell off her bike. 2How did the writer feel before she had a bad fall?ASad.BHappy.CLucky.DNervous3What does the underlined word

41、looked down on mean in the passage?A鼓励B轻视C欣赏D培养4Which of the following about Linda is TRUE?AShe was not a monitor in high school.BShe held her head up high all the time.CShe often played games with her friends and was always the “good guy”.DHer mom gave her confidence and finally she could look othe

42、r people in the eye.5What can we learn from this passage?AWe should love our parents.BWe may feel sorry for what we did.CWe should learn to accept and appreciate ourselves.DWe always have a good time when we play with our friends.E17、 “The hound(猎犬)!” cries Holmes. “Come, Watson! Come.”We run quickl

43、y over the moor(荒野). We hear one last cry. A man is lying on the ground. As we approach(靠近) we see the dead body of Sir Henry Baskerville. He is wearing his brown suit.“Oh, no!” says Holmes, “This man has a beard!”Indeed Selden is dead instead of Sir Henry.“So it is all clear to me. I remember that

44、Sir Henry gave his old suit to Barrymore, and Barrymore probably gave it to Seldenhis wifes brother.”“Then Selden is dead because of this suit,” says Holmes.“Think, Watson! Someone gives the hound some of Sir Henrys clothesprobably the boot from the hotel in London. The hound picks up Sir Henrys sce

45、nt and runs after this poor man.”Suddenly we see Stapleton walking towards us. He says, “There was a strange noise. I was worried about Sir Henry. I wanted to check if he was all right.”“Really?” asks Holmes.Stapleton looks at Holmes. “Why, it is Mr Sherlock Holmes, the famous detective! Can you sol

46、ve the mystery of the Hound of the Baskervilles?”Holmes shrugs his shoulders,“We cannot solve every mystery. Anyway I will return to London tomorrow.”“Oh, will you return to London tomorrow?”“Yes.”So Holmes and I walk off to Baskerville Hall and Stapleton walk to his home.Holmes thinks Stapleton is

47、dangerous. But we have no proof that Stapleton is the murderer. “There are no marks on Sir Charless body. We know that he died of fright, but we cant prove anything.”“Things are becoming clear to me,” Holmes says to Sir Henry. “Its a very difficult case. And you must help me to catch this hound.”We

48、are surprised to see one portrait(画像) of a thin man is Sir Hugo, the first victim of the Hound of the Baskervilles. And hes like both Sir Henry and Stapleton. “Stapleton is a Baskerville,” replies Holmes. “So he wants to inherit(继承) the Baskerville fortune, and he,” I say. Its an important clue.1The

49、 underlined word “scent” in Paragraph 7 probably means “”.AtasteBbootCsuitDsmell.2We can infer(推断) from the passage that .ASir Henry tells Holmes that Stapleton is a BaskervilleBStapleton wants to murder Sir Henry indeedCWatson finds out that Selden is Mrs Stapletons brotherDStapleton kills Selden b

50、y frightening him with the hound3Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AHolmes and Watson think Mr Barrymore murders Selden.BHolmes doesnt catch Stapleton because he has no proof.CHolmes and Watson find the dead body of Stapleton on the moor one night.DHolmes tells Stapleton that h

51、e and Watson are going back to London.F18、Energy is everywhere. We use energy every day.Electricity is a form of energy and this is what powers the TV, hairdryer, phone, fridge, electric toothbrush and more! Our growing need for energy is one of the problems facing the world today, because producing

52、 electricity also produces pollution.Here are some simple ways to make a big difference when using electricity.On or off? Leaving televisions and computers on with the little red light showing still uses electricity, even though they might look like theyre turned off. To stop this you can turn them

53、off.Lights out! Turning lights off when youre not in the room can save a lot of energy.Fridge door closed. The fridge is an important part of the kitchen, because it keeps food fresh, cool and healthy! But it takes a lot of energy to keep cool, so try not to leave the fridge door open or put hot thi

54、ngs inside.Use the suns energy. An increasing number of people are fitting solar panels(太阳能电池板) to their houses. They create electricity from sun-light, which can then be used to power our homes. Solar heating panels make hot water, reducing the need for electricity or gas.1The underlined word “powe

55、rs” means “ ” in Chinese.A动力 B权利 C驱动 D散发2What can save energy according to the passage?ATurn the lights off when youre not in the room.BUse gas to create electricity.CLeave the fridge door open or put hot things inside.DLeave televisions and computers on.3There are ways to save electricity in the passage.Athree Bfour Cfive Dsix4Whic


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